There are two types of books at their own expense, one is "official type". These people serve in the government. They can use their own power to sponsor or allocate funds to the company.The benefits are considerable, and it also increases its own influence.The other is the "civilian type". For the hobbies and pursuits of literature, these people use the money that they save money and save money to publish the book. Their book sales are very difficult.Friends.
In today's transformation, this phenomenon is not surprising.From a scientific perspective, the development of things has its own laws.Any kind of product cannot become a commodity without the field of circulation, so there is no value and production value.The publishing industry is no exception, and it must also follow the economic law of input and output.After a book was published, no one bought it, it lost the value of publishing.Of course, the publishing of the book at their own expense has no effect on the publisher. Their principles are to ensure their profits first, and they will not take into account the waste of society.
Throughout the history of Chinese and foreign literature, the writers who left the preparation work are all accumulated.Roman Roland, the author of the novel "John Klisdov", is a great French writer. He has been brewing the novel from 1890. It has completed the last volume in 1912 and spent more than 20 years.What makes people even more sigh is that Cao Xueqin only wrote a "Dream of Red Mansions" throughout his life.The famous writer Lu Yao, who died early, has only one "Ordinary World".But it is a boutique, becoming a must -read book for teenagers.
We often see such news now. A few "online writers" can write four or five ministers a year. As a result, we can make plagiarism.Even if there are media stir -fry, they can't escape the fate of the average.The market is ruthless and fair.Our writers, including amateur authors, cannot face this reality, and nothing with utilitarian colors cannot stand firmly in the market.The reason why the famous writer Ba Jin became a generation of masters was because he "took out his heart" to communicate with readers.In the face of Pakistan, we should ask ourselves, are we too impetuous?
Perhaps the number of works can expand the popularity of the writer, but the excellent writers are not pursuing the quantity, but the boutique that readers like.Yu Hua, a writer of the literary world with the novel "Living", once went to the United States for half a year. After returning, he felt deeply.He said that the biggest feeling of this trip to the United States was "ashamed."Before going to the United States, I felt that I had not written 2 million words so far, and was a "low -yield writer" among Chinese writers.However, after arriving in the United States, the worshipers who saw the worship in Langdon Book House had fewer works than him.Yu Hua said: "I was even ashamed at that time. It turned out that European and American writers wrote a book with the energy of writing five books, and our writer wrote five books with the energy of a book. He didn't publish a long article a year.It's almost impossible, how can this be the same? "Yu Hua's emotions can at least touch our hearts.
Du Fu said: "Eternal things, gains and losses know." Thinking about the book, you should dedicate the exquisite text that you really flow from the bottom of your heart to the reader.
2、厚积薄发:厚积薄发读音为hòu jī bó fā,是指厚积:指大量地、充分地积蓄;薄发:指少量地、慢慢地放出。多多积蓄,慢慢放出。形容只有准备充分才能办好事情。厚积薄发 hòu jī bó fā词语解释:厚积:指大量地、充分地积蓄;薄发:指少量地、慢慢地放出。多多积蓄,慢慢放出。形容只有准备充分才能办好事情。分词解释:积蓄:①积存:积蓄力量。②积存的钱:月月都有积蓄。办好:按照惯例办理并了结。如:迅速办好需要料理的那几件事。...厚积薄发怎么造句,用厚积薄发造句»
3、发话:发话读音为fā huà,是指①给予口头指示;口头上提出警告或要求:到底该怎么办,你发话吧ㄧ人家早发话啦,不许咱再到这里来。②气冲冲地说出话。发话 fā huà词语解释:①给予口头指示;口头上提出警告或要求:到底该怎么办,你发话吧ㄧ人家早发话啦,不许咱再到这里来。②气冲冲地说出话。分词解释:给予:〈书〉给(gěi):给予帮助ㄧ给予同情。也作给与。提出:1.揭示;提请考虑、讨论、接受或采纳。2.提取。如:他从银行存款中提出一千元。警告:①提醒,使警惕。②对有错误或不正当行为的个人、团体、国家提出告诫,使认识所应负的责任。③对犯错误者的一种处分。指示:①指给人看:指示牌|指示代词。②指点;指引:指示一二|予以指示。③指示下级、晚辈的文件、意见:长辈的指示|按上级指示办。要求:1.提出具体事项或愿望﹐希做到或实现。 2.所提出的具体愿望或条件。...
4、心情:心情读音为xīn qíng,是指情绪;感情状态:心情不好|心情舒畅。心情 xīn qíng词语意思:情绪;感情状态:心情不好|心情舒畅。分词解释:心情舒畅:无忧无虑的,无所恐惧的。感情:①对外界刺激的比较强烈的心理反应:动感情ㄧ感情流露。②对人或事物关切、喜爱的心情:联络感情ㄧ他对农村产生了深厚的感情。不好:1.不美;不善。 2.不舒服,指生病。 3.不便。 4.不能。...心情怎么造句,用心情造句»
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