
时间:2022-09-27 13:27:08 | 来源:语文通



描写梅花的作文 篇1描写梅花的作文 篇2描写梅花的作文 篇3描写梅花作文 篇4描写梅花的作文 篇5描写梅花的作文 篇6描写梅花的作文 篇7描写梅花作文 篇8描写梅花的作文 篇9

描写梅花的作文 篇1


Everyone has their favorite flowers, some people like bright peach blossoms, some people like the mud and unintelusive lotus, and some people like graceful chrysanthemums, but I like the tough plum blossoms the most.


Plum blossoms are open in winter and the first open flower in the year.Plum blossoms have a variety of colors, with light green, dark pink, white ... The leaves of plum blossoms are pure and green, with fine serrated on the edges.The dried plum blossoms are brown -purple, and there are many stripes on the dry.The dryness of plums contains a sense of vicissitudes, and it seems like a long dragon from a distance.The buds to be placed in the buds are particularly eye -catching, like a big and sweet peach, so that I drool, I really want to bite a big mouth.One or two plum blossoms are open on each section of the branches. The blooming plum blossoms are very beautiful. There are five petals. The stacked layer of the layer is composed of a red plum.When it is open, it is like a brilliant smile on the children.The plum blossoms are yellow, and the shirts are more beautiful.


Plum blossoms and orchids, bamboo, and chrysanthemums are also called "four gentlemen in the flowers".Together with pine trees and bamboo are called "three friends of the cold".


I not only appreciate the beauty of plum blossoms, but also appreciate the spiritual power contained in plum blossoms.In winter, plum blossoms can endure the whistling north wind and can stand the test of ruthless ice and snow.No matter how big the snow is, the wind is a big wind, the plum blossoms still bloom proudly, and the plum blossoms in winter are a beautiful landscape."Bao Jianfeng emerged from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms."The spirit of perseverance, perseverance, and self -improving the spirit of plum blossoms is exactly the role model we are going to learn.


This is my favorite flower -the plum blossoms who are always optimistic.

描写梅花的作文 篇2


Do you know how the "plum blossoms" on the sika deer came from?If you don't know yet, go to it a hundred years ago!


On a grassland, there are a lot of cute deer and seven kindness and brave fairy. They get along in harmony and live very happily. However, one day, a monster invaded their territory and tried to drive them out of the grassland.In order to protect the sentient beings, the seven gods fought bravely with the monster.


In a blink of an eye, ten years have passed, and those gods finally defeated the monsters, but they also paid the price for this: the same as the monster, together became poisonous mushrooms on the grassland.However, the gods still maintain a sense of justice, and stop the monster's conspiracy at any time, but the monster still does not know how to repent, and still has no evil.Be careful to eat poisonous mushrooms.


One day, a little deer came to eat grass, "Wow! So many grass, just let me eat enough." The deer ate it with taste, and did not notice that the poisonous mushrooms had been eaten in my stomach.Just after eating this "rich" lunch, the tail of the deer disappeared.The deer was very anxious. At this moment of the moment, the demon pretended to be a fairy pretending to save the deer, saying, "As long as you lick the tail where the tail disappears, the tail will grow." The little deer was very happy and started to lick.However, how could his mouth get his tail? The deer licking a mess, where his tongue was full of tails.The little deer cried sadly. At this time, the real god came to save him. When he saw the little deer, he said nothing and quickly changed the lost tail of the deer and flattened his extra tail.As a result, there were circles on the little deer.


These circles are the "plum blossoms" on the deer. You know the origin of the sika deer this time?

描写梅花的作文 篇3


Some people like noble ginger, some people like beautiful Jennifer, and I like plum blossoms.I like plum blossoms because it is not afraid of cold and strong.Her calmness, transcendence, and her habit of walking in her own way.


Plum blossoms have always been habitual.She is not suitable for the crowd.You can't find her when blooming.She doesn't like to participate in entertainment activities.When the flowers faded, the snowflakes were flying, and the plum blossoms came to the snow quickly.The other flowers are afraid of cold, only she is a friend of winter.Look at it.The iron of the iron is horizontal and tilted, and the silver flowers are numbered.The more the cold wind blows, the more froze the snow and the snow, and the branches are more fragrant.


Every early spring is a good time to appreciate plum blossoms.At this time, Bai Mei bloomed like snow.Bai Mei has five petals, white and indifferent, giving people a pure and noble feeling.


As far as I can remember, there is a Song Mei outside my grandfather's house, surrounded by stone railings.This ancient plum was full of wind cream, the bark had become iron -black, the branches were hard and curved, and there were many dead branches.However, there are some plum blossoms on the branches.She does not seem to be satisfied with her elderly life, but wants to show her indomitable eternal will.


I prefer Hongmei than these.How do you feel when you see the red plum blossoms like fire?I am very emotional.


This is a beautiful and powerful flower.See, twisted branches, bright red petals and clusters of yellow stamens form exquisite plum blossoms.From the perspective of which angle, this is a beautiful picture.Facing the cold wind, it was proud of it.It is full of vitality and brings vitality to the tragic white world.This is a flower that dares to challenge the cold, a flower that gives people, deep thoughts and courage, and a respectable flower.


Seeing the plum blossoms, would you think of the "plum blossoms" soldiers who were physical and mental disabled?They are the strong and warriors of life!Isn't their beautiful heart, unyielding personality, and forging ahead full of vitality and fragrance?


I like plum blossoms and even appreciate it.Plum Blossom "unyielding soldiers.

描写梅花作文 篇4


I have seen a Chinese ink painting, with a plum, countless plum blossoms hanging on the branches.The warm red dispels the coldness of the winter, making people feel a little warm.


today.The exam has ended, and I started to sort out the test papers of this semester to re -arrange the knowledge in the brain.Suddenly, I found that many test papers were also like Chinese ink painting, and a plum blossom jumped between the dark test paper.It was a small red circle, only the accurate positions of the wrong questions were marked.These little red circles were painted under the wrong question when I checked my homework for me, and condensed my father's care and care.


Since I stepped into the first day, every night, my dad carefully checked the homework for me, found every error in it, and painted a small red circle below.In this small red circle, there was no teacher when the teacher changed his homework, and he just reminded me silently so that I would not make similar mistakes in the future.


I remember a night with a lot of homework. In the face of the dense mathematical practice volume of printed land, I wrote it at the fastest speed. I almost got the answer to each question almost "without thinking". After writing, I couldn't wait to walk into my "Xanadu" -n a small laboratory, and I started my new "journey" in electrical science. When I was about to test success, my dad came back. After he greeted me, he walked into the study quietly, picked up the test papers I just did, and checked it carefully. Suddenly, my father told me to pass. The tone is no longer as gentle as usual, but with a trace of anxiety and anger. I walked up uneasily to the study. Under the bright lights, Dad's face burst straight, without the usual smile, the wrinkles engraved on his face became clearer. He quickly picked up the test paper and pointed at the countless little red circles above with a slightly trembling finger, and said, "You ... how can you be so wrong!", I glanced at the test papers with my eyes, and the small red circle took advantage of it. Zhang Test paper, this surprised me, is this the consequence of thinking when doing the problem? Dad seemed to use his strength to restrain his inner anger, and told me "calmness and". I calmed down, picked up the test paper, and checked according to the position of the little red circle ...


After this day, the little red circle is getting less and less in homework, and maybe they will completely disappear in the future.This means that I grew up, and there are fewer and less errors in my homework.But on the road of life, isn't it like this?Parents use their love to make mistakes in our lives, so that we do not deviate from life.

描写梅花的作文 篇5


The first time I appreciated the plum in Orange Island, I couldn't tell.Smell the faint plum incense, and look at the red flowers overlap, as if it is not in the world, but in a fairyland.


The plum in the first month is gorgeous.The plum blossoms in the garden do not feel tedious when they look at it.The plum blossoms in front of me are like stars in the sky, which are brilliant and beautiful.In love, enchanting and charming.In such a huge orange landscape, Meiyuan seems to be a noble queen, and it exudes the aroma and its unique quality all attracts every tourist.


The snow -white plum is as white as a fairy who does not dye, like a fairy who does not eat the fireworks on earth, and is like a beauty who does not apply any rouge gouache. It is pure and elegant.In the plum blossoms that are thousands of red and red, a unique effect shows.Although there is no beauty of gorgeous crowns, it also gives people a simple and natural beauty.


Standing in the sea of flowers, the breeze came, accompanied by the small and exquisite petals fell down, as if there was a rain of flowers under the flowers, but also like a beautiful girl about Mei's feelings.Stretch out with good friends, from time to time, petals fall into our hands.Soft, itchy, unable to say.Looking at the delicate pale pink petals lying quietly in our palms, closed eyes, feeling the freshest air.The breeze danced lightly, and it drifted away along the gentle spring breeze, floating into the distance.


Plum blossoms are not afraid of cold, and the more heavy weather, the more gorgeous and dazzling it will be.As the so -called "Bao Jianfeng came out of sharpening, the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from bitter cold", plum blossoms are so, why is it not like this?The beautiful plum blossoms bloom alone in the cold winter, and it will be eye -catching.As long as people work hard and study hard, they will gain the appreciation of others and become people who have.


Meilan bamboo chrysanthemum, and called the four gentlemen.I prefer high -definition, beautiful plums.


There are several plums in the corner, and Ling Han opens alone.Knowing that it is not snow, it is a dark fragrance.

描写梅花的作文 篇6


There are a few plum trees downstairs, and they are not so leafy, forming a sharp contrast to several high sycamore trees next to the corridor.


At the end of the year, it is when the snow is integrated, plum blossoms?These little angels in snow will always bloom as scheduled.They will always inspire people to be strong, go forward bravely, and not be oppressed by snow.Whenever I stand in the cold wind and look at these messengers that are not afraid of the cold, I always think of an ancient poem, "Bao Jianfeng comes from sharpening, the fragrance of plum blossoms comes by bitter cold." Yes, the fragrance of plum blossoms is exactly what they are not afraidThe bullying of the cold winter grew up unremittingly, and made everywhere we could exude fragrance in order to make us feel the aroma of the winter elves.


I approached a plum tree tree, and the pink and tender flower stir up a burst of seductive fragrance, making people forget all the unhappiness.The cold wind screamed, but the plum elves lifted their heads strongly in the cold wind, and they straightened their bodies one by one, as if the ladies with severe layout were so charming.Under the blowout of the north wind, they gently swaying the graceful body, dedicating the aroma in their bodies to people who are still working hard in the cold winter.The west and north winds are added, and the "rustling" of plum blossoms.However, these winter elves were relied on the damage to the wind and rain, and they refused to shrink back.


In heavy snow, I gently folded a blooming plum blossom.She is so kind and kind to humans. She just disappeared just now. What is ubiquitous is her strong feelings for people: no matter how big the snow and snow can be dropped, and in the face of human beingsComplaints, willing to offer your life without compensation.After being picked, she was still strong. Although her soft body became the decoration in the vase, it still persisted and wanted people to see the last scenery of her life ... This is all their ancestors returned to human beings to create them.A kind of gratitude!

描写梅花的作文 篇7


"Go home in the wind and rain, and the spring of snow and winter is coming. It is already a cliff with hundreds of feet thick ice, and there are still beautiful flowers and branches. Joe does not fight for spring, only spring. When the mountain flowers bloom, when the mountain flowers bloom,She laughed in the bushes. "


Small petals, thin and powerful branches, pale pink and white, the aroma wraps the whole body.This is a flower that is only open in winter, a flower that looks more white in the snow, and a flower that will not be squeezed by snowflakes.That's plum blossom.Huaer stood proudly on the snowy snow.


In winter, the cold brings snowflakes to the earth.The bare mountain is white, the bare trees are white, and the road in front of the door is white.Only on the cold mountains in the distance can we see the plum trees vaguely. They bloom one by one with bones, waiting for the cold wind.The snow was still down, and the wind was still blowing.In this season, when the ice of thousands of miles was frozen, thousands of miles of snow floated, only plum blossoms bloomed proudly.The colorful flowers, white like snow, red like fire, pink like Xia...... It is proud in the cold wind.A faint fragrance came to the face, a fragrance could not help but come to the face, the fragrance, elegant and fresh, and instantly made people feel refreshed.


"The fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the severe cold. Blowing plum blossoms is a bit of wind; the sun is shining in the sun that falls in winter. The plum blossoms are wet by the rain. But the plum blossoms standing on the top of the mountain are so fragrant and beautiful.There is no smell of osmanthus. It is not as high as pine trees, so green. It always blooms quietly in the cold winter, withering quietly in the warm spring.


Since ancient times, it has been known as "three friends in the cold age in the cold age. In the snow and ice, when all the flowers wither and wither, it will bloom quietly, with a smile, and face the cold.. This fully reflects the strong vitality of plum blossoms that are not afraid of difficulties and dangers. Isn't the quality of plum blossoms be learning?


In life, we will encounter various difficulties. At this time, we should show the quality of plum blossoms: perseverance, perseverance, and self -improvement.This quality will make us break through difficulties and usher in a warm spring.


Thinking about it, my worship of plum blossoms came into being.

描写梅花作文 篇8


As a young master in Nanjing, do you know what the national flower of Nanjing is?Answer right!Yes, the country flower of Nanjing is the elegant and handsome plum blossom.


The ancients had a saying good: "Bao Jianfeng comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes by bitterness." Everyone will feel cold in winter and do not want to go out.Plum blossoms, such as plum blossoms, bloom in winter, and the white petals stand proudly against the cold wind, showing a different posture as any flower.There are many heroes of the Chinese nation. They have all experienced storms, without shrinking, no fear!It is also a plum blossom to become Chinese national flowers and Blizzard step by step.


There is a poem, the author is Wang Anshi, who wrote in the poem: "Several plums in the corner, Ling Han opened alone. It is known that it is not snow, but only a dark fragrance." This poem writes that there are many branches and flowers of the plum trees and flowers.There are too many, not afraid of cold, open alone.


There is also a plum tree in my family. It was planted by my grandfather.Every winter, when almost all the flowers in my yard are thanked, the plum blossoms are open.My plum blossoms are light yellow and elegant.As soon as the wind blown, the petals danced in the air; as soon as the wind stopped, the petals "landed one after another."The fragrant plum blossoms are like little angels of fragrant fragrant.The New Year's New Year's Eve in my family boasting plum blossoms, saying that the fragrance of plum blossoms and plum blossoms


The weather was cold after the beginning of the spring, and it was almost like winter. Everyone complained that the weather was when they met, but I was so happy because the plum blossoms had a longer time.Every morning, when I get up early, I want to see the plum blossoms.There are a few birds next to the plum tree. This is called, the jump, happy like a small elf.They often hook my footsteps so that I always want to stay by the tree for a while.


Summer is here, the weather is hot, and the plum tree grows green leaves. As soon as the wind blows, the leaves will tremble.The leaves of the plum tree are like a robot, and the wind is like a owner who controls the robot."Wind control" once blowing, "the robot" moved "" moved; "the wind control" stopped, "the robot" stopped immediately, without moving, like a nail.Whenever this time, I scream excitedly, "Cousin, cousin, come and see!"


Autumn is here, the weather is much cooler, and the leaves of the plum trees are not as more as summer.As soon as the wind blows, the leaves fall from time to time, just sweeping it, and after a while, you can see a few pieces scattered to the ground.Winter is here, plum blossom branches slowly turn bare, ugly


Look, you can't think of the ugly plum tree that blooms so beautiful.


Now, the plum tree is transplanted by my father to the side of the vegetable field. I open the garden door every day to see the plum trees.

描写梅花的作文 篇9


I love plum blossoms, love its strength, and love it, my family is in the holy place of plum blossoms.


In the three seasons of spring, summer and autumn, plum blossoms are not outstanding. Only by the frozen winter of thousands of miles, can we stand proudly in the snow and snow, strongly greet the challenge of snow.


Plum blossoms are divided into three varieties: white plum, plum, red plum.


Plum blossoms bloom around December in winter. Every time the plum blossoms are in full bloom, there are endless streams of tourists from various places who come to Meiyuan to watch the plum blossoms. As soon as they enter the plum garden, a burst of fragrance comes, making people feel refreshed, tourists are happy, tourists are happy, tourists are happy, tourists are happy, tourists are happy, tourists are happy, tourists are happy, tourists are happy, tourists are happy, tourists are happy, tourists are happy, tourists are happy, and tourists are happy.They all praised.This is Hou's white plum blossoms mostly.Some plum blossoms fall down, just like snow, which looks delicate and cute.No wonder so many tourists have left their love!


At the end of the winter of last year, the thick clouds were densely clouded, and the wind whistled the wind.I looked out through the window, ah, a good plum blossom!There are both buds and blooming flowers on the branches.The fiery red petals, the light yellow flower core, the snow films falling on the petals, the red in the red, the white in white, I seemed to smell a refreshing fragrance, and I couldn't help but suddenly enlightened.Meitu!


At night, the snow films fluttered, and the hazy moonlight sprinkled on the tip of the plum blossom, adding a few cleansing high.Lu You wrote a "Bing Character" of Yongmei, including such a sentence: "Unintentionally fighting for spring, a group of groups of jealousy." Li Qingzhao's "Fisheries Ao" also has similar sentences: "Mo Ci drunk, this flower is not related toGroup flowers. "Yes, in the spring of all flowers, you will not notice his figure; in this ice and snow, when all other flowers and plants are withered and withered, he blooms bright flowers!Plum blossoms are a symbol of clearness in my heart. It is not willing to spread with the waves, blooming with hundreds of flowers in spring, and rather stand up in the wind and snow.


The ancients said such a sentence: "The fragrance of plums comes from bitter cold," plum blossoms, Aoi frost fighting snow, after the cold winter and snowy exercise, the flowers are more gorgeous and more fragrant.Ao Xue's Hanmei, struggling, tempering, and not being used by parents, elders, only in this way, in the future, entered the society to accept and depict a glorious page for the construction of the motherland!


I am willing to make a proud snow!