
时间:2022-10-12 12:54:13 | 来源:语文通



中秋节的小学生作文 篇1中秋节的小学生作文 篇2中秋节的小学生作文 篇3中秋节小学生作文300字 篇4《中秋节》小学作文 篇5中秋节小学生作文 篇6中秋节小学生作文 篇7

中秋节的小学生作文 篇1


You must have heard the story of Chang'e. Have you eaten sweet moon cakes? Every August 15 of the lunar calendar is a full moon day - the Mid Autumn Festival.


On this day, I have been looking forward to the arrival of the night to see the full moon. Finally, the dark night covered the earth, and I hurried to the balcony. In the sky, the moon moves up one by one, as if dancing briskly. After a while, he jumped into the night sky. The moon rose very high. It was so bright and bright that it emitted silver moonlight. I was so happy that I sat on the sofa and watched the Mid Autumn Festival party with my parents. According to the TV, the moon tonight is the brightest one since 1987. I took the sweet moon cake and once again went to the balcony to watch the moon. It seems to be more charming. I looked at it, as if I saw Chang'e holding a rabbit in her arms, looking sadly at the earth and missing her family at home. Facing the scene in front of me, I thought of a word written by Su Shi: I hope people will live a long time and share the beauty of the moon. The moonlight illuminates half the sky. Only in the distant sky can two or three stars be seen vaguely, and the light is slowly fading.


Perhaps, for some people, the Mid Autumn Festival means delicious food and sweet moon cakes. But for others, the Mid Autumn Festival means family reunion and happiness. No matter which kind you belong to, the Mid Autumn Festival is happy.


I stared at the moon, and with its bright light, I sent my blessing to my family in the distance.

中秋节的小学生作文 篇2


Today is the annual Mid Autumn Festival.


After writing my diary yesterday afternoon, I went to Trust Mart again to see the situation of the Mid Autumn Festival in the supermarket. When I came to the entrance of the mall, I saw a huge crowd of people. I managed to squeeze to the side of the steps, and suddenly I saw a large moon cake model, engraved with the scene of children grabbing moon cakes. Many customers (seeing this model) gathered around to enjoy it, as if they were admiring its (beauty) delicacy. I couldn't look at these slowly, so I hurried up the steps. "Oh, how can I get in here? It's killing me!" I bumped left and right, and finally squeezed into the supermarket with the crowd. As expected, the shopping mall has really changed! In the past, supermarkets (only selling some) were used to promote daily necessities, candy and other places, but now they are selling "mid-autumn products"! Look, where is the product not about the Mid Autumn Festival? Go straight ahead and you will find a place to sell mooncakes.


The Mid Autumn Festival is a symbol of reunion. You must buy some boxes of moon cakes to taste during the Mid Autumn Festival. Well, those uncles and aunts are happily shopping for moon cakes around the shelves! Lanterns and lanterns are sold on the right. The Mid Autumn Festival is not good without lanterns. That's the traditional custom of the Mid Autumn Festival. The Mid Autumn Festival is also one of the three Lantern Festivals in China. You must play with lights during the festival. Adults pull children to buy their favorite lanterns. Those children are happy at the sight of lanterns and play with them without paying for them.

中秋节的小学生作文 篇3


Mid Autumn Festival is a time for family reunion.


In the morning, we got up early and went to the shop to buy some snacks like mooncakes. After coming back, my parents were busy killing chickens and ducks at home! At home, I am also busy sweating!


That night, I saw the round moon hanging in the sky like a big disk. My family is under the moon, enjoying the moon while eating moon cakes!


The ancient people said that the moon rose in the east and fell in the west, and the moon at 15 was round and round.

中秋节小学生作文300字 篇4


People say that our generation is lucky: born in the new millennium, it is called Millennium Baby, so like most Millennium Baby, I enjoy the love of six parents at the same time from birth


It is said that children of our generation have only themselves in their hearts: selfish, stubborn, narrow-minded... But on our way of growth, we also learned the traditional virtue of having others in mind and being willing to help others.


Let's start with the Mid Autumn Festival this year! Grandma always leaves delicious food for our younger generation, and she hates to eat it. Grandma likes to see us enjoy our food. As a rule, we go to Grandma's house to get together every Mid Autumn Festival. That day, my parents and I came to Grandma's house with exquisite mooncakes. After we got there, I put the mooncakes away and quietly ran to the kitchen and said to Grandma, "Grandma, the mooncakes I brought today are very delicious. You must eat them yourself! Don't give them away again! Because there is only one Mid Autumn Festival a year." To my surprise, Grandma put her arms around me and said, "OK, OK."


Later, Grandma told her family about it at the Mid Autumn Festival party, and everyone gave me a satisfied look. I think they are happy for my growth!

《中秋节》小学作文 篇5


This year_ Month__ The Mid Autumn Festival is really lively. No one in our family is idle. They are all busy.


After dinner, our family came to the balcony and quietly waited for the moon to come out. After a long time, a pale yellow cloud appeared in the sky, and the surrounding of the cloud was dyed light gray. I opened my eyes wide, as if the beautiful scenery disappeared in a blink of an eye. The light finally became brighter and brighter, and even the pale gray clouds beside her were dyed purple. After a while, the moon showed half of its face, and a piece of red cloud floated warm and blocked the moon. The moon was like a shy little girl. After a while, it seemed that the red cloud did not want to be a quilt for the moon, and it floated away quietly. At this time, the moon was struggling in the clouds, and she was rising bit by bit. After a few minutes, the moon finally made a great effort to break through the clouds, Up into the sky. Look, how she looks like a round gold plate! At that moment, the cheering voice of the whole city fluctuated with each other. At that time, my mother took out the prepared moon cakes. We ate the moon cakes while watching the moon, which was really enjoyable. After a long time, the moon quietly pulled the clouds over and continued to sleep. At this time, the city became much darker.


This Mid Autumn Festival, I not only ate moon cakes, but also played a moon game with my friends. The game is called "Jumping Moonlight". The rules of the game are: jump to ten places with moonlight in one minute, and the person who jumps first is the winner. The game started. In the first round, the little partners jumped around like flies, and Manman won; In the second round, my toy gun sounded, and the kids jumped out like arrows. Maybe it was because Manman won a round, so many people kept watching others, but they slowed down. So Manman won the second round. She won the championship, and I gave her a mooncake as a prize.


We recited the poems related to the moon, listened to the stories and legends of the moon, and made cookies for the moon.


This Mid Autumn Festival is really unforgettable!

中秋节小学生作文 篇6


Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. After dinner, my father, mother and sister were in the yard, tasting moon cakes while chatting and admiring the moon.


The night was quiet. In the dark blue sky, the moon looks like a disk, which is no longer the usual curved boat. It sprinkles pieces of bright light on the earth. It is not as dazzling and dazzling as the sunlight, but gently sprinkles its own light to every corner of the yard. I feel fresh and pleasant with the gentle breeze. The family talk and laugh, making people feel very warm.


I looked at the bright moon like a disk and felt the deep affection. My heart seemed to have a pair of wings flying to the boundless sky.

中秋节小学生作文 篇7


Unforgettable Mid Autumn Festival


Today is August 15, the traditional day of our Chinese nation - the Mid Autumn Festival. Today we are going to grandma's house to have a reunion dinner. I am so happy.


In the afternoon, the weather is very sunny, with white clouds floating in the sky. Our family was driving to Grandma's house. The grass on the roadside was waved by the wind, as if to say hello to me! The flowers beside the road straightened up and were blooming in the wind! One after another, one after another, one after another, the corn in the field has matured, bending the branches and leaves. There is a scene of bumper harvest everywhere. When we arrived at Grandma's house, it happened that my uncle and his family were also there. The whole family finally arrived. Everyone began to get busy. Some peeled onions, some washed vegetables, and some fried vegetables. In a moment, a sumptuous dinner was presented to me. There are spicy chicken, braised fish, and braised pork chops... My mouth watering. The whole family sat at the table. Everyone filled their glasses and raised their glasses to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival. I filled my grandparents' glasses and toasted them to wish them good health and good luck! Grandpa and grandma also wished me progress in my studies.


After dinner, the whole family went to the yard to watch the moon. There was a bright moon hanging in the sky. It was so round and bright, like a big disk. The Mid Autumn Festival is a time of reunion. Days, I silently made a wish in my heart to wish our motherland prosperity, and I wish my academic achievements can continue to progress.