
时间:2022-10-11 13:18:16 | 来源:语文通


我最熟悉的人作文 篇1我最熟悉的人 篇2我最熟悉的人 篇3我最熟悉的人作文 篇4我最熟悉的人作文 篇5

我最熟悉的人作文 篇1


For me, the people I know most are my lovely sister, my strict mother, my beloved teacher, and my amiable grandfather. But what I want to introduce to you today is my math fan - my friend.


My friend's tall, dark hair, thin and long eyebrows, water clever eyes flickering, and her delicate nose and cherry like mouth are simply too beautiful. They are the legendary beauty fairy. Everyone must think she is a gentle "girl", but he is a clever boy. I like this friend very much because he is willing to help others. One day, Mr. Wang copied more than 200 questions for us! I can't finish writing. I only wrote more than 80 questions at noon! I found a classmate who was quick at mental arithmetic, but he didn't teach me. When I was sad, my friend came and said, "Let me teach you!" I said yes excitedly, thank you. He is really great!


My friend has a good hobby, which is to study mathematical problems. So he has a nickname called "Math Master". He has taught me many times. After class, I was playing in the classroom. I said to him, "Don't study math problems!"! Come and play with me. But he played with me for one minute and then went to study math problems.


This is my friend. Seeing my memory, I forgot to tell you his name. Let me tell you. His name is Zhang Longjing.

我最熟悉的人 篇2


Today, the teacher assigned us a composition with the topic of the most familiar person. Seeing this topic, I thought of him! Who is he? He is a good-looking person when he smiles. When he smiles, eight regular teeth show up at the same time! The teeth are white and shiny! Why is it white? Because his skin is black, he has a nickname "Xiao Hei".


And he writes his homework very fast. He is a good writer! Whenever he mentioned black, he would be unhappy because he hated being black. He often asked his mother if she had eaten too much chocolate when she was pregnant, which made him so dark.


Every time when he is unhappy, I will comfort him and say: "Don't be sad. You see, Gutianle is also black, and Bao Qingguan is also black. These are celebrities, hey, aren't they their characteristics? So you can regard shortcomings as advantages, which is your highest level."


Since Xiao Heihei heard what I said, his confidence suddenly soared! Every time someone says that he is black, he will say: "This is a healthy complexion, but not everyone can have it."


This most familiar deskmate has accompanied me for two years. His name is "Xie Mingfei". I hope he won't be called black in the new school.

我最熟悉的人 篇3


She is tall and has big bright eyes. She has purple and pink glasses on her ruddy face. She was dressed in an ordinary school uniform and a pair of sports shoes.


She is very good at both Chinese and English, except that mathematics is the best in one year, and in the second and third grades, she can neither be the top nor the bottom.


She played happily after class and studied hard in class. Therefore, in the first grade, she is the group leader of Chinese and mathematics; The second grade is also the group leader of Chinese; In the third grade, she is the group leader of English; She became a group leader in every grade. Do you think she's great?


Guess who she is? Don't tell me you don't know, cough, she is your classmate, and she is also the person I know most - Zhang Junci. what? You said you remembered it. Oh, it's so bad! It seems that I am not famous in the class! No, I'm Zhang Junci! Well, I have to admit that you won. But don't be proud! I will study hard and try to tell you all about it next time. Ok, stop talking. Next time I will introduce myself to you. Bye!

我最熟悉的人作文 篇4


It was she who gave me life. It was she who made me feel uncomfortable with her. It was she who told me the truth of life. She was also the person I knew most. She is my mother.


The person I know most is my mother, because he is with me every day. My mother can cook good dishes, no matter for children or seniors. Once, my brother was crying and didn't eat. My mother was very upset, so she remembered the cute little animal food she had learned on the Internet and began to cook it. I saw my mother put the rice into a round mold, pressed the rice tightly, then poured the rice into my brother's bowl, carved a small eye, a small nose and a small mouth on the rice with black seaweed, and then cut two pieces of carrots to make a red blush. It looked very cute, and I swallowed water, and then cut the white radish cooked with hot water into pieces and inserted them on the rice, Do you know what it is? It was a very cute little rabbit, and then it cooked rice porridge. In my brother's bowl, white rabbits made of rice balls and seaweed are smiling, and butterflies made of egg rolls and tomatoes are flying. The younger brother saw the beautiful and lovely food in the bowl and ate it greedily.

我最熟悉的人作文 篇5


The most familiar person to me is the monitor of our class, Yuan Zhuo. Especially his mouth is like a "long spear".


It's OK for a girl to nag. He is a boy, and he likes to nag. Alas, it's unbearable! If anyone makes a little mistake in front of him, he will make a long speech in front of you, from dawn to evening. What he said is eloquent, which can make you feel gloomy and dizzy.


However, his mouth was against a hundred, which brought him a lot of benefits when he was a squad leader.


In order to reduce the number of students loitering in the surrounding stores, the headmaster assigned monitors from two different departments to take charge of the management. One of them is our level department. On his first day in office, he was looked down upon by others, and even some people secretly "lurked" in, but they all escaped from Yuanzhuo. He waged a lot of "war of words" with many people. In the end, he drove everyone away with his three inch tongue. His "long spear" is worthy of "one man is in charge of ten thousand people"!


In a debate held in the school, Yuan Zhuo also used the "long spear" to argue that the other side was speechless and tongue tied.


Yuanzhuo, I admire your eloquent mouth!