
时间:2022-06-20 14:00:07 | 来源:语文通



When mentioning idols, most people think of being able to sing and dance, have a beautiful skin, make everyone worship the most high stars.But they have a few athletes like the Olympic Games. They have a strong breakthrough in many difficulties, and they have burned the fighting spirit.Just to win the gold medal, just for the country.In the Chinese Olympic team, there is an Olympic champion, which is impressive and worships me even more.Although his arms tendon was broken and injured in the World Championships, he was reluctant to withdraw from the final.But still did not give up. At the Tokyo Olympics this year, he broke through himself, won the gold medal, and won the glory for the country.He is the weightlifting athlete-Xun Lijun.


I think the Li Lijun is a fighter and bloody athlete. The previous few times, the status of Li Lijun was not good, and behind the opponent 11 kg, but he did not give up.He aggravated 12 kilograms. You must know that the number he added has never arrived, but he let go and firmly believe that he can reach.In just a few minutes, he roared in one go, with a roar, and raised his 187 kg barbells with both hands. He took the 6th gold medal for the Chinese team.His total score was 332 kg, and his opponent was 332 kg. In order to get this gold medal, in order to make up for the regrets 5 years ago, he cheered for him and jumped.But what everyone doesn't know is how much sweat and hardships behind him.


Xun Lijun was born in a poor family. There is an uncle and an elderly grandma in the family. Family expenses are maintained by his parents. At the age of 11, his father had a sudden cerebral palsy and could not work. This family only relies on her mother to make money to raise money. This made the family that was originally difficult to worsen, and the debt was exhausted. The ignorance of the teenager Xili Jun was distressed by his mother. In order to make his mother less burden, he gave up his weight. Stealing back to his hometown to assist his mother to support her home. Later, the coach learned that he went to his house many times to do ideological work for his mother. The coach firmly believed that Li Lijun was a good seedling. He also promised to give him free tuition, and even paid for the living expenses of Li Li military, just to stay for training. It can be said that he is an excellent person. The coach rushed to ask him, but helplessly born in a poor family. Later, his mother was moved. She clenched her fists and clenched her teeth. No matter how difficult the house was, she had to let her son chase dreams. In order to maintain her livelihood, her mother worked three jobs, gritted her teeth and supported the whole family. And Li Lijun also lived up to expectations and won one world championship. Although he had heavy difficulties on the road of this championship, Li Lijun had a courageous struggle and helped him get today's good results.


I want to learn the spirit of never giving up. As long as I have a dream in my heart, I go forward bravely, and I am finally waiting for victory.I admire him and admire him, he is an idol in my heart.



My idol is the 33rd gold of the Chinese Olympic Games in 2021, and a women's ten-meter diving champion.


She is the youngest athlete of the Tokyo Olympics delegation. She is only 14 years old. Such a 14 -year -old girl has a full score at the last jump, with a total score of 466. 2 won the championship.But by this point, it is not the real reason for me to make her an idol.


The conditions of Quanhong's family are more difficult. Her parents are ordinary farmers and support the family by a few acres of small orchards.Because of the car accident, her mother was not very good. The entire family relied on her father to support it, and her efforts to train to improve her performance is to help her family reduce part of the burden.


It was such a mother who was in a bad body because of a car accident, and only relied on a few acres of small orchards to support their family.She still won the championship.


At the press conference, a reporter asked Quanhong Zen to get full scores and secrets to press the water. Quanhong Zen replied: "Practice it, and keep practicing!" The reporter would smile at the scene, and the atmosphere at the scene was relaxed and happy.


But then, Quanhong Zen's sentence caught the atmosphere of the scene.She said: "My mother is sick, but I don't know how to read that word. I can't tell what kind of disease she has, and then I want to make money and go back to treat her."


The 14 -year -old Quanhong Zen is a very simple little girl. She may not be able to say that if she is fighting for the country, she thinks the most in her heart to treat her mother.


Talent+hard work, the rest of the luck, on the day of the night, more than 400 training results a day.At the moment of the Olympic Games, Quan Hongzheng succeeded.Two jumps, full marks, four jumps, full marks, five jumps, full marks!


So there is no so -called talent, but they work hard behind the unknown.



People may have many idols in their lives, can be a singer, or an actor ... Of course, I also have my idol.


In December 2006, Su Bingtian first participated in the adult competition and won the fifth place at 100 meters at the National Urban Games.The men's 100 -meter championship, and broke the national record created by Zhou Wei 13 years ago in 10 seconds 16 years ago.Su Bingtian became China's first men's 100 -meter semi -final sprint player in China.On March 8, 2014, Su Bingtian became the first Chinese player in China to enter the world -class short -running finals in China.


In 2018, Su Bingtian won the Asian record with 6 seconds 43. By August 1, 2021, he ran 9 seconds 83 in the men's 100m semifinals in the Tokyo Olympic Games.Olympic men's 100 -meter final athlete.


After reading Su Bingtian's story made me bloody, he was trying hard every day, breaking the Asian record again and again.Su Bingtian is always my idol. Although I am not as powerful as Su Bingtian, I will progress step by step through my efforts. He is not only an excellent athlete, but also my idol and role model.Essence



Everyone has an idol in the hearts of everyone, and I am no exception, and my idol is the national table tennis team, Malone.


Malone was born on October 10, 1988.Malone studied table tennis in Anshan, Liaoning since he was 5 years old. In 2001, coach Guan Hua'an was discovered and brought to Beijing to continue his studies.team.In 2004, he won the singles championship of the World Youth Championship.In the 2004 National Championship, Liu Guozheng, Wang Hao, and Li Ping entered the finals all the way, and lost to the national star Wang Liqin in the finals.At this time, Malone was only 16 years old. In 2005, the National Games won the bronze medal. In the semi -finals, Wang Liqin was defeated. The bronze medal defeated Ma Lin during the battle at the age of 17.Malone gradually entered the list of coaches and gradually entered the main layer. Among his peers, Malone took the lead.In 2006, Malone also fought with the team to win the Baimei World Table Tennis Championship and won the team championship. This is also his first world champion.Since then, Malone has become a key target for national table tennis.


Malone is 33 years old this year, and normal athletes have retired, but this year he also represented the National Table Tennis Team to the Tokyo Olympic Games. Every game about Malone, I have been in front of the TVGive my idols. From the preliminaries and quarter -finals, watched him fight with famous generals all the way, and over five levels.Especially in the Sino -Japanese confrontation, I am particularly nervous, because only the Japanese team can compete with us at present.My idol is really the best. I defeated the Japanese team stubbornly, and finally won the championship of men's singles and groups. Malone's spirit of fighting for the country and hard work is worth our learning.


I want to take him as an example to learn more hard, more seriously, and strive to improve their academic performance.



There is such a little girl at the Tokyo Olympics. She has a bad appearance, thin and weak, but her whole body is full of energy and has achieved hard-to-come gold medals.But there is a sad story behind this gold medal: her name is Quan Hongyu, her mother is seriously ill, and her family has no money to treat her.Regardless of the severe cold and heat, she finally stood on the stage of the Olympic Games from the school team to the three championships of Guangdong Province. She was full of diving three times. Finally, she won the gold medal. Someone asked her why she participated in the Olympic Games. You were only 14 years old. She said:"In order to get the gold medal, I gave me the mother who was seriously ill in my mother. I had no money at home, so I had to do so!" She was a sensible child! She bears the stress and responsibility of ordinary people, and she paid unimaginable sweat.With today's glory.


This is our idol. This is the person we should learn. She is not only the first to dive, but she also respect her mother. I also want to learn from her.The current living conditions are good enough. If you worry about food and clothing, you should work harder.


Quan Hongyi is the role model for me to learn, and she is also my idol. This is the star we should chase, not the star. Quan Hongyu let me know that if I have a dream, I need to work hard. FromI also have to work hard to learn today, so that in the future, I can be like her in the future.come on!



The Olympic Games in 2021 passed again. This time, our Chinese sports athletes have made good results.


Many of the athletes this time are post -00s, but they have won gold medals behind these glorious age, behind these glorious agents.


What I was embarrassed for them was that we lost a gold medal that should have belonged to us, and then we have to start from the story of the Japanese referee's "body disability".The Japanese gymnast player Hashimoto Dahui came out of the border when he landed, but got 14.7, and the Chinese team's players perfectly completed the gymnastics action, but only 14.5, although I was meIt is a foreigner, but I know that if I go out of the world, I will definitely deduct points, which will be more wrong than other details.But they didn't do that, this made me very angry.


My favorite is Sister Yang Qian. I think she is very powerful and she took two gold medals.And she looks very good -looking, and people are very gentle. It can be said that it is beautiful and intelligent.I hope that I can become a person like her in the future, both flattering and many skills.When she saw her gun, I felt that she was very handsome. There was an indescribable temperament. This temperament seemed to be able to suppress the audience. The calmness and calmness could not be learned, and it must be learned.


Sister Yang Qian is my idol. I must work very hard in the future, and then I can fight for the country like Sister Yang Qian.



The 2021 Olympic Games opened in Tokyo, which is really exciting.


From July 23rd to August 8th, 2021 Olympic Games.What impressed me was that in the fifty -meter competition of the women's butterfly, Zhang Yuzhang of the Chinese team achieved the first place in the game. During the game, Zhang Yuzheng was much stronger than other countries at the beginning, and with other countries, and other countries, and other countries, with other countries, and other countries, with other countries, and other countriesThe player opened a long distance, and he had to travel back and forth three times. In the last time, she tried to do his strength, and finally won the first place. She was the pride of our Chinese.


In the Olympic Games, in the women's weightlifting competition, Li Wenwen weighed 147 kg for the first time, the second weightlifting of 173 kg, and a total of 320 kg.Won the championship. During the game, when she picked up, she raised her strength. She gritted her teeth, raised up, and tried her best to stand up. In the three moves, she insisted onAnd the first place in the game has achieved the first place.


At the Olympic Games in Tokyo, we see the heroic and intelligent spirit and intelligence of the Chinese. We should shout to them, and you are our pride.


My idol is all red. She is the youngest athlete in the diving competition. She is only 14 years old. She broke the world record with a score of 466.2 and won a gold medal.She has never been to the playground or the zoo, because she was born in a poor family. The mother of the whole red cicada had a car accident and lived several times.Mom treats illness.She was studying swimming in Zhejiang Primary School. She felt that swimming was fun. She also wanted to get a gold medal in 2020. The teacher who taught her said that she was a rare genius for 30 years.


From the beginning of the Olympic Games to the present, we have won 38 gold medals in China. At the Olympic Games, we can sports athletes. Every drop of sweat and footprints in your Olympic Games is left in the Olympic Games. You are the pride of our Chinese people., Your strong body and steel -like will deeply moved me.Let me understand that the success and failure on the battlefield is very helpful for our growth, and we should also learn from you.



1、偶像:偶像读音为ǒu xiàng,是指用土、木制的供人敬奉的人像。比喻极为崇拜的对象。偶像 ǒu xiàng词语解释:用土、木制的供人敬奉的人像。比喻极为崇拜的对象。(1) [idol]∶一种为人所崇拜、供奉的雕塑品,比喻人心目中具有某种神秘力量的象征物(2) [icon]∶一种不加批判而盲目加以崇拜的对象。特指一种传统的信仰或理想当局对博士学位这个偶像的热心分词解释:崇拜:尊崇敬拜:对英雄人物非常崇拜|个人崇拜|无限崇拜。人像:1.在照相材料上产生的人体的任何照片。 2.人的形体的表现(如在素描、油画、模型、雕塑、刺绣中),特指人体形象,尤指裸体人像的表现。极为:副词,表示程度达到极点:极为勇敢ㄧ极为不满ㄧ极为贫困。敬奉:①虔诚地供奉(神佛)。②恭敬地献上:敬奉锦缎一匹。...偶像怎么造句,用偶像造句»

2、奥运:奥运读音为ào yùn,是指“奥林匹克运动会”的简称。 “奥林匹克运动会”的简称奥运 ào yùn词语解释:“奥林匹克运动会”的简称。[the Olympic Games] “奥林匹克运动会”的简称分词解释:奥林匹克运动会:简称“奥运会”。国际奥林匹克委员会主办的世界性综合运动会。因起源于古希腊奥林匹亚而得名。每四年举行一次。古代奥运会从公元前776年到公元393年,共历经二百九十三届,后被罗马皇帝狄奥多西以异教活动罪名而废止。1894年在巴黎召开的国际体育会议,根据顾拜旦倡议成立国际奥委会,并决定恢复奥运会。现代第一届奥运会于1896年在希腊雅典举行,此后在世界各地轮流举行,每届会期十六天。比赛项目共有三十多个大项。1924年开始举办冬季项目的奥运会。习惯上将非冬季项目的奥运会称为“夏季奥运会”或“奥运会”。简称:①较复杂的名称的简化形式。如中专(中等专业学校)、奥运会(奥林匹克运动会)。②简单地称呼:化学肥料简称化肥。● 奥 ào ㄠˋ◎ 含义深,不易理解:深奥。奥妙。奥秘。奥旨。◎ 室内的西南角,泛指房屋及其他深处隐蔽的地方:堂奥。经堂入奥。◎ 姓。● 奥 yù ㄩˋ◎ 浊。◎ 古同“燠”,暧。● 运(運) yùn ㄩㄣˋ◎ 循序移动:运行。运动。运转(zhuàn )。◎ 搬送:运输。运载。运营(交通工具的运行和营业)。运力。运销。空运。海运。◎ 使用:运用。运算。运笔。运筹(制定策略)。◎ 人的遭遇,亦特指迷信的人所说的遭遇:运气。命运。幸运。国运。◎ 南北距离:广运百里。◎ 姓。...奥运怎么造句,用奥运造句»