I am a child who grew up in the city, and I am used to the high-rise buildings and reinforced concrete.After a year of long fake parents who took me to the countryside in Jiangxi for a few days, everything from then on made my soul dream.
Remember that it was a village located on the mountain.When we went to the old house, a thick wooden building was up.The ancient tiles full of moss are evenly paved on the roof; the stairs made of wood will squeak when you step on it;
In the morning, open the doors and windows, and a grassy fragrance is mixed in the humid air, and it is shining in the nose, which makes people refreshing.Entering the vegetable garden, the garden is vibrant.The big green eggplant was hanging on the branches. I touched it with my hands.! Pepper hiding behind the eggplant, the shy face red, from a distance, thought that the peppers were on fire! The golden orange on the tree stroked under the naughty sun and giggled. Their round body became more golden.It's dazzling, at first glance, I thought it was a small sun ... The vegetable garden was really lively.
At noon, somehow, the sky changed.The black clouds crushed the ground layer by layer, the grass bent down, the leaves lowered their heads, and the bird seemed to be scared to fly high.After a while, Lei Gonggong took his "war drum" and desperately knocked in the sky. The lightning mother -in -law also shook the dazzling fluorescent stick, and the rainy girl was late.Duo Shui Lotus ...
In the evening, the rain stopped, and the afterglow of the setting sun was sprinkled on the ancient house, making it look more old and mysterious. Ancient paintings were lifelike on the earth wall, and it seemed to be telling the vicissitudes of hundreds of years.
天渐渐地黑了下来,不知不觉到了晚饭时间,乡下人习惯把桌子搬到门外在廊檐下吃饭 。我们也不例外,坐在廊檐下,乘着夏风的清凉,听着蛐蛐儿的叫声,痛痛快快地吃着农家小菜,好不惬意!
The sky gradually darkened, and unknowingly, the dinner time, the rural people were used to moving the table to the eaves of the door to eat.We are no exception, sitting under the eaves of the gallery, taking the coolness of the summer wind, listening to the cry of the child, and eating farmhouses quickly, so pleasant!
After dinner, we took the flashlight and walked on the countryside without street lights.Looking up at the dark night sky, there are shining stars in the night sky, as if on our heads.The grass was suddenly faint, what was it? Oh, it was fireflies.I was so happy that I jumped up. Before I came here, I never met it.
农村没有 壮观的高楼大厦,没有繁华的步行街,也没有宽阔的广场,但它的这种朴素和恬静,带给了我们别样的美丽。虽然已经过去了很久,但它 还常常到我的梦里来……
There are no spectacular high -rise buildings in the countryside, no prosperous pedestrian streets, and no wide squares, but this simplicity and tranquility brings us a different kind of beauty.Although it has passed for a long time, it often comes to my dream ...
1、亲近:亲近读音为qīn jìn,是指1.亲密接近。 2.亲近的人。 3.近旁。指皇帝周围。 4.亲抚近邻。亲近 qīn jìn词语解释:1.亲密接近。 2.亲近的人。 3.近旁。指皇帝周围。 4.亲抚近邻。分词解释:近邻:挨得较近的邻居:远亲不如近邻。皇帝:最高封建统治者的称号。在我国皇帝的称号始于秦始皇。接近:靠近;相距不远:接近群众ㄧ时间已接近半夜ㄧ这项技术已接近世界先进水平ㄧ大家的意见已经很接近,没有多大分歧了。周围:1.环绕着中心的部分。 2.周匝,围绕一周。 3.指圆形物之周边。近旁:附近;旁边:屋子近旁种着许多竹子。...亲近怎么造句,用亲近造句»
2、农村:农村读音为nóng cūn,是指以从事农业生产为主的劳动者聚居的地方。 不同于城市、城镇而从事农业的农民聚居地在农村散步农村 nóng cūn词语解释:以从事农业生产为主的劳动者聚居的地方。[rural area;countryside;village] 不同于城市、城镇而从事农业的农民聚居地在农村散步分词解释:聚居:集中地居住在某一区域:少数民族聚居的地方。地方:①中央以下各级行政区域的统称:地方政府。②处所;部位;领域:学校在什么地方|什么地方疼|桀、纣贵为天子,富有四海,地方甚大,战卒甚众,而身死国亡。③部分;方面:这话有对的地方|有些地方你欠考虑。④地保:令他们报个“暴病身亡”,合族中及地方共递一张保呈。⑤本地;当地:地方上的老百姓个个拥护李书记。从事:①做某事;参与某种事业:告养回籍,从事农耕|从事教育工作。②处置;处理:依法从事。劳动者:参加劳动并以自己的劳动收入为生活资料主要来源的人,有时专指参加体力劳动的人。...农村怎么造句,用农村造句»
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