
时间:2022-11-30 12:46:22 | 来源:语文通




Four, [phrase sentence]

  1. 酒精能削弱人的抑制力。

1. Alcohol can weaken people's suppression.

  2. 伤风削弱了他的抵抗力。

2. The wind weakened his resistance.

  3. 应变片的稳定性将被严重削弱。

3. The stability of the strain film will be severely weakened.

  4. 削弱强者不能使弱者变得强壮。

4. Weaken the strong and cannot make the weak.

  5. 他饥饿与疾病交加,体质已削弱。

5. He is hungry and illness, and his physique has weakened.

  6. 他的缺席使这支球队的实力削弱。

6. The absence of his team weakened the strength of this team.

  7. 海浪的力量会受到各方面的削弱。

7. The power of the waves will be weakened in all aspects.

  8. 文辞不当削弱了她演讲的渲染力。

8. Improper rhetoric has weakened the rendering of her speech.

  9. 他开始削弱他所未能控制的一切政府权力。

9. He began to weaken all government power he failed to control.

  10. 从战争消息看,德国确实没有削弱的迹象。

10. From the perspective of war news, Germany did not show signs of weakening.


Three, [English translation]

  1.weaken; cripple; relax; relaxation; put a brake on; deadened; abate

1.weaken; Cripple; Relax; Relaxation; Put a Brake on; DEADENED; Abate


2. [Basic Explanation]

  ◎ 削弱 xuēruò

◎ Weaken xuēruò

  [weaken;cripple;impair] 力量、势力减弱;使变弱

[Weaken; Cripple; IMPAIR] Weak power and power; weakened


Weaken the power of the enemy


1. [Antonym]


Strengthen, strengthen, strengthen, and consolidate


Five, [Detailed Explanation]

  (1).谓地削兵弱。《战国策·秦策二》:“故 楚 之土壤士民非削弱,仅以救亡者,计失於 陈軫 ,过听於 张仪 。” 汉 王符 《潜夫论·慎微》:“ 楚庄 齐威 ,始有荒淫之行,削弱之败,几於乱亡。” 汪继培 笺:“《秦策》云:地削兵弱。”

(1)."Warring States Policy · Qin Cexia": "Therefore, the soil people of the Chu soil people are not weakened, and only the rescue of the dead will be lost in Chen Yan and listened to Zhang Yi."There is a trip to obscenity, weakening the defeat, and several deaths. "Wang Ji Pei:" Qin Ce "cloud: the ground is weaker."

  (2).变弱;减弱。 唐 杜甫 《过郭代公故宅》诗:“羣公有惭色,王室无削弱。” 瞿秋白 《文艺的自由和文学家的不自由》:“留声机主义和照相机主义,无非是想削弱文艺武器。”

(2). Weakened; weakened.Tang Dufu's poem "Over Guo Dai Gong House": "The group has the same color, and the royal family is not weakened." Qu Qiubai's "Freedom of Literature and Literature Freedom":Weaken literary weapons. "