
时间:2022-07-20 13:48:09 | 来源:语文通



After watching late repair, getting rid of the school's door, night, it has long been deep.He walked alone, slowly blowing the wind, slightly cool, and brought the pain of learning training for a day.After passing the Wenxi River, sometimes I lowered my head, and suddenly I saw the "grace" of the trickle Wenxi -the red -brown catfish group is your spotted flower coat;Pants band.The strong night curtain is wrapped in this beauty. This quiet, even a row of rows of rows of green houses on both sides of the Taiwan Strait is silently cheering for their "mother".


I couldn't help but fluttered back two years ago, and I still remember that I had just entered the thumbs of primary and secondary schools at that time.One morning, my mother pulled my hand and took me to school. I also saw this "Fantasy Wonderland".At that time, there seemed to be no green belt yet, and there was no today's clean and tidy dam, but even a few simple clusters of green leaves, a few flowers, and the "colorful" "colorful" "colorful" on the shore of the shore"It has already made me intoxicated with different beauty.


"Not changing ..." I walked forward and said, "I will never change ..."


Inadvertently, he turned to a street and looked at it. He seemed to be brilliant, so he accelerated the pace of promotion.Suddenly, there was a loud noise near the back, and when he looked back, he realized that a courier tricycle was turned out of the place.As soon as I was asked, it turned out that the tire was burst, and the "tragedy" occurred at the turning point.But fortunately people are okay.Some of the residents on the side also rushed over to help pick up the package.


"Bang-" A interface that flashed two years ago in his mind.At that time, it was pouring the rain, and I supported the folding umbrella in one hand and holding the handle in one hand.If he was not careful, he fell down.After turning to God, I noticed that my body was full of pulp, and my face had long been unknown where it was precipitation, and there were tears over there ... I don’t know how long it has been in the past.Come back ...


"I understand what I should do now!" I touched my head and walked around in my heart ...


Panan, who is in such a "paradise", is just my honor.Panan's unique "beauty", even in the past decade, twenty years, or even more, it will always be like what I know.Passing down on behalf of ... ...



Peach blossom face, willow -leaf eyebrows, and apricot eyes are beautiful.


Patriotic love, Ling Yunzhi, and full belly are Chinese beauty.


Regardless of the past, or the prosperity of the scene, those peerless beauty uses their own thoughts and actions to inherit the eternal beauty of the Chinese ancient man.


Thousands of pipa as Hu language


Zhaojun not only was amazing, but also clever, but also had no tears to wash his face.She refused to bribe Mao Yanshou, holding a clear and arrogant; she made a lot of admiration for her daughter, and she would be Xu Guo.Compared with Keli Opetra's disaster and the people, she inherited the patriotic situation of the Huaxia people's deep bone marrow.She danced her willow to hold the Han family's rivers and mountains, and used her beauty to ensure the Taiping of decades.


Wang Zhaojun's beauty, inherited the deep love of the country.


Why is the hero in the man


Wu Zhaoyi is a gorgeous peony in the historical flower bed.The national color Tianxiang inherited Zhao Jun's patriotism and turned it to her Ling Yunzhi.In the era full of feudal Gangs, she used her aspirations to draw a fierce knife on "women's talent is virtue".She used the courage to break away the shackles of the feudal pupa and bloomed for a period of prosperity.Today, there is no word with a word, and thousands of households are endlessly telling her legendary story.


Wu Zhaoyi's beauty, inherited the strong Ling Yunzhi.


A poetic Chihiro Waterfall


Jiangnan smoke rain, ancient rhyme beauty.Like Bai Lian's Huiyin, he inherited Wu Zhaoyi's Ling Yunzhi, and used his belly to show it.Poetry, her nib rotates, the word is beaded, leaving "April of the world"; architecture, she used a rigorous and pragmatic attitude to shape the "white mountain and black water" to design the national emblem.She takes flowers as the soul, wisdom, and her inner spiritual temperament with outstanding talents and rich experiences, which is sighing by the world.


Lin Huiyin's beauty, inherited the amazing talent.


But this beauty, inherited to this day, has changed.The gorgeous, pure instead of patriotism, and ambition have become synonymous with beauty. Body and appearance are replaced by talent, which has become a symbol of beauty.When seeing people's so -called "goddess", I can't help thinking: Is this individual's sink or sorrow of the times?Who wiped out the heart of beauty?


Starting today, writing the history of real beauty.With patriotism as the determination, to be talented, to inherit the eternal beauty.



I remember a poet once said: "Thank the flames for giving you light! But don't forget the lamp, he is standing in the dark!" Yeah! If humans lack the shining of flames, they cannot survive!Without beauty, no happiness, there is no future! That light is the light of the teacher's virtue, the ideal light! That light can give the injured heart warmth and bring hope to the confused eyes!


If education is the most glorious cause in the sun, then teachers 'morality is the most dazzling glory of modern education; if teachers are engineers who shape human souls, and teacher ethics is the soul of teachers' teaching.Teacher morality is a ladder, giving scholars for infinite help; teachers' morality is a ferry, equipped with the other side of the seeker to drive to the other side of success.With the continuous development of society, the connotation of teacher ethics is constantly enriching.


Teaching and educating people must first learn to be teachers, and educators must first act. Therefore, the connotation of teacher ethics focuses on the "teacher watch", that is, teachers guide students and educate students through "the persuasiveness, personality influence, and thought of ideas. There is a highly respected old teacher who has been "Tao Li Man in the world" throughout his life. Since his teachings for 37 years, he has practiced the purpose of "learning high as a teacher and being a san" with practical actions. Even the closest person left him, he still adhered to his job. It was the winter of 2004, and the school was about to release the winter vacation. Our old teacher died of illness. However, the teaching work of the graduation class made him unable to get rid of him. In addition, he had to force himself to adhere to his job at the end of the period! At the moment of his *** himself was sent to the funeral home cremation, he also forced sadness in the classroom Tell the students about maternal love and affection for students! Thinking of *** dear hard work to work hard to be filial piety when he is in danger. Thinking of his due diligence, he can do not send it to the end of his life for most of his life. He can no longer control his emotions. Lying on the podium, crying and crying ... Like most teachers in the school, in the dilemma of teachers and filial piety, he chose the teacher in a reasonable manner; in the severity of the family and career, he chose his career! " Tao Li is not talking. "Our teachers have proved with actual actions: Teachers are not only builders and communicators of modern civilization, but also the transiters of the ethical genes of students!


The connotation of teacher ethics lies in "teacher love". Love is not all of education, but love is the most basic prerequisite for education. "Kice of the teacher" can "believe in their own way". Education is the cause of love! Teachers' love is higher than mother love, more than love, and more than love. It is a scientific love for rational and active love. When you heard the students shouting the teachers "Guangming Ye", "Daddy Huang", and "Haiyan Mom" ​​everywhere, when you receive the roses presented by the students on Teacher's Day and the funny Facebook made with apples, you will Touched by this innocent love! This is the most luxurious repayment after our teacher's love! But, our own children rarely get this luxurious love! When we are busy in the early morning of the winter, we will hurry up When the school bus was at work, the son was lying on the bed and fell asleep! When we were busy with the tired body and returned home, our daughter had already entered the dreamland. We manage the class as well as the class, but the floor and furniture in the home are covered with a thick layer of dust; we exhausted their efforts on the children of others, but I threw our own heart and liver. Tears flowing quietly in the microphone; we are impassioned in the classroom and are not allowed to take out the heart nest to the students, but our children's young figures shuttle in the cafeteria, under the arms of the elder brothers and sisters, squeeze a box lunch in an empty position. ... "Sneak into the night with the wind, moisturizing the matter is silent." This kind of love is the bridge of education, the driving force for education, and the catalyst of the student's transformation! Educator Makarianke once said: "Love is a great kind of greatness The feelings, it is always creating a miracle, creating a new person. "


The connotation of teacher ethics lies more in "teachers.""Education is art, and the life of art lies in innovation." A teacher with a charm of teacher ethics must be a teacher with knowledgeable knowledge, rigorous teaching style, and scientific spirit.Teachers with scientific principles of students! In our school, young teachers have sacrificed the young teachers to learn art from the old teachers. Middle -aged teachers always seize each opportunity to hone themselves, so that their teaching art is more popular.When you see the teachers of Tangzhong received various awards in various media, when you hear old leaders in the concert hall in the concert hall, when you have given a new year to the teachers and students of the school in English, you willCarefully admire our unity, enterprising, and excellent collective! We just focus on the lifelong development of students, with profound professional knowledge, broad humanistic knowledge, optimizing teaching process, transforming teaching concepts, using modern education methods, and continuously improving improvementThe quality of teaching has created the "XX effect" well -known in the country!


The famous textist Shakespeare said: "Life is short, only virtues can pass it to distant future generations." To get rid of weeds in the wilderness, the best way is to plant crops on it.Similarly, the best way to make the soul is not disturbed, the best way is to occupy it with virtue! Since we choose to be a people's teacher, we will not complain about the poverty and fatigue of life; since we chose Tanghu Middle School, weGan is willing to have a fate with Tangzhong.In the torrent of the second entrepreneurial entrepreneurship in Tang, we are willing to take pride in school development and be ashamed of not thinking for enterprising; take pride in dedication, be ashamed of enjoyment, and establish a scientific value of values, honor and disgrace.We are willing to be the tough lantern person in the dark, hold up the torch, and go forward forever; inherit the virtue, there is no complaint or regret!"Teacher Watch", "Teacher Love", "Shi Neng" support the same blue sky of education! Use our hands to support the sun's sun tomorrow!



The family style is the soul of a family. Inheriting the wisdom and essence of the elders. The family style is like the sweet and sweet wine, and the family style is like clear tea for a long time.


When I was a kid, I often asked what my grandma virtue was naive?How beautiful is it?Grandma said with a long -term center of gravity: "We are everywhere in our lives, frugality is virtue, good is virtue, tolerance is virtue, tolerance is also virtue ..."


In my childhood memory, the rusty light lamp of grandma's house impressed me the most.Grandma said that this was a unique product of that era. When she was young, only this small oil lamp was accompanied by her at night.Although the electric lights are now used at home, this small oil lamp illuminates our frugal road, always reminding us to save electricity.Grandma taught us to save every drop of water and every time.


Grandma's daily life is frugal and healthy.She never bought the anti -seasonal vegetables and fruits. One is very high, and the other is unhealthy.


Grandma often teaches Dad to be a kind person.


Dad was kind and couldn't see others suffering. Beggers who met the streets and alleys always encouraged me to help them.Every time I take the train back to my uncle's house, I have to go to the train station. The beggars at the train station often become friends with their dads. Every time I see their dad, they will give money.Dad said, "If you care about others, you are not trying to return them, but to return their concern to you."


My father's kindness makes me understand that when others are in danger and need help, we must reach out to help. Social care comes from everyone. Only in this way can there be spring everywhere.Grandma's product is like a bright lamp, which illuminates the footsteps of my movement. I also want to pass this virtue to my offspring.


The family style is like spring rain, and the moisturizes is silent, and the heart sneaks into my heart with the wind.



The school has a school style, learning and learning, and of course the family is indispensable for family style and family training.Family style and family training are a profound manifestation of the wisdom of each family education, and it is also an important source of the growth of every family member.Every family is indispensable for family style and family training, and my family is no exception.


1. Diligence and frugality, waste of shame


"Who knows that the Chinese food, the grains are hard." This poem expresses the hard work of the peasant uncle planting food, and it also allows everyone to cherish the food.


I remember when I was 9 years old, when I was sandwiched, I accidentally removed a few greens on the table. When I was about to put it down the table, my grandpa's kind and kind face suddenly became particularly serious and shouted loudly:Pick up the vegetables on the dining table and eat, you must cherish the food!This is exchanged for the peasant uncle with sweat. It is a bad habit for you to cherish food!You must clearly realize that it is shameful to waste food!"


Since then, how much I eat every time, I remember what Grandpa said to me: a grain of rice is equivalent to a drop of sweat from the uncle of the peasant. For the food, the farmers are working hard in the field and work hard in the field.For food, literati once groaned the touching verses of "hard -working" ... We must learn to save the bad habits that are diligent and saved.


Two, hundred and filial piety first


I believe everyone has heard the story of "mosquito full of blood". Since childhood, my parents have told me this story, educating me to become a filial child.


The story is like this: a eight -year -old child, called Wu Meng, is very poor at home and can't afford mosquito nets.Every summer, many mosquitoes fly to the house to bite his parents.Wu Meng was worried about the health of his parents and was afraid that this would affect them to sleep, so he decided to stay in front of his parents' bed, so that mosquitoes were full of blood on himself, so that he would not bite his parents anymore, so that his parents wouldYou can sleep peacefully.


The Chinese have said: "The grace of dripping the water should be reported by the water", not to mention that the parents' grace is not an exaggeration even with the metaphor of the mountains and the sea."Filial piety" is first of all a person's need, a special emotional activity of human beings.Parents bring us to this world and raise us to grow up. They give us selfless love. We should give our parents more care and love, filial piety to our parents, and happy!


"Filial piety" and "diligence" are a good family style passed down from generation to generation. Today's social years have changed the appearance of the times, but we can't wipe out the family training of family style so far.We carry the ancestors' genes, flowing the blood of the ancestors, and the virtues that ancestors can achieve, can we continue it?



Now, my righteous words told myself: "I must always remember these home training and inherit them like their ancestors! Let the younger generations benefit from me for life!"

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"Bi Aixiang is busy everywhere.No one solves, the tree turns at noon. "The poet who sleeps on the earth, do you also expect the desolation of the Dragon Boat Festival today?


"I am turbulent in the world, I am alone, everyone is drunk and wake up alone." Qu Yuan, no longer like that, his unwilling spirit of clearing the world is gradually annihilating in the long river of years, many peopleBeginning the pursuit of material enjoyment, the stimulus of life, wasted youth in the red wine and green, and in the drunk gold fans, how many people explained the suffering of "Li Sao", and how many people would mean to Qu Yuan?Behind the Dragon Boat Festival is a holiday of people playing. The real cultural heritage in the true sense has long disappeared, and some are just talkative after leisurely.


In the thousands of years of culture, the inheritance of Chinese culture will also be broken. Is it a lack of culture?That's right, first of all, the Dragon Boat Festival was applied by South Korea, and sovereignty was humiliated; then the Qingming season was discussed, and the Chinese were vulgar. Do you want to disappear Chinese culture from here?Although traditional festivals have been set as national leave, it is only important to pay attention to it only on the material.Isn't the Qingming Festival's vulgar manifestation?When the loved ones have no time to filial piety when they are alive. After the separation of heaven and man, what is the value of money that spends unnecessary money. What is the value to the deceased?Isn't it the wind of worshiping and comparison behind the hiding?What is even more heartbroken is that after making villas, after making famous cars, there is a trend of paper -paste apples. These have reflected the morbidity of society. Is it impossible to run counter to the spirit of Qu Yuan.?


The inheritance of culture has long been urgent, and the concern and attention to culture cannot be just on the surface, intentionally innovation and cultivation.Of course, innovation is based on cultural connotation, such as paper paste apples into sacrifices. This kind of behavior is never desirable. This so -called innovation must strictly strike.In fact, South Korea can successfully declare the Jiangling Dragon Boat Festival to become an intangible cultural heritage of the United Nations. Behind it has also played a lot of creativity, continuously expand the spirit it contained, and is absorbed by the Chinese people.Should I be ashamed?I obviously not cherish the culture of love to protect themselves, and when others successfully apply for the legacy, what's the point of everything, don't you feel ashamed?Shouldn't we reflect on our cultural lack?Do you want to let traditional festivals such as the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival be snatched by other countries?Do not!We have to inherit our culture, but we also have to innovate, integrate diversification with modern culture, and inherit the meaning of culture to effectively protect our culture.


I believe, no, I firmly believe that in the continuous inheritance and innovation of Chinese culture, it will definitely bloom glorious in the history of history, and Qu Yuan who sleeps in the water will smile!



Inherit the traditional virtue and promote Zhu Zi culture


In the past, the New Year's paintings, firecrackers, and ancestors had no trace. The most traditional New Year culture of the Chinese seemed to be replaced by a New Year's Eve dinner, a Spring Festival Gala, and several New Year messages.However, the quiet New Year is just a manifestation of the loss of traditional Chinese culture.




When writing this insight, a certain incident has been fermented for a long time ----- D & G insulting China. On the surface, the D & G insulting incident is not related to our research travel, but we must see the essence through the phenomenon.


In this study trip, we came to the ancient town -Shaoxing.When it comes to Shaoxing, different people have different opinions.Likes who love writers, they will remember Mr. Lu Xun, who abandoned the doctor; the opera person will remember the local Yue opera; the lover of drinking, will remember Shaoxing's rice wine.


I am not a person who loves classical culture.Sometimes I still scoff when I saw opera shows. This may be because I was accustomed to those popular fast -food music. My ears have long been blocked by these fast -food culture, and they cannot feel the beauty of classical beauty at all.It wasn't until that day, when I first learned the Yue opera, when I set foot on Shaoxing's double -sided stage for the first time, I really learned about my impetuousness and deficiencies.


"Sister Lin fell in the sky, like a Qingyun just came out." The words came from "Dream of Red Mansions".The teachers who are responsible for teaching our teachings will demonstrate for us while explaining.From singing to gestures, they taught over and over again, and we learned over and over again.It was for the last stage.


This is inheritance.


Inadvertently, we became the inheritor of this Chinese opera treasure.


Compared to the D & G insulting incident that has been fermented some time ago, this research trip made me understand the importance of inheritance.


When I set foot on this stage for the first time; when I was facing the tourists under the stage.I was a little nervous, but when I looked at the excited eyes of other classmates, and looked at the eyes encouraged by Teacher Huang, I gradually settled down.


How many cultures have been forgotten because of lack of inheritance?How many people are dismissive in the face of Chinese culture?How many Chinese cultures have been seized by other countries for their first opportunity to apply for legacy because of the dislikes of Chinese people?However, it should be fortunate that many people have this major responsibility.They have become non -genetic inheritors who often say but are often not familiar with people.


"Okay, start." The teacher's words pulled me back to reality.Yeah, I am in Shaoxing and I am studying the local Vietnamese drama.


There were no applause, only the teachers and students of the three middle schools recorded this moment for us.What about the rest?The brain has been controlled by the electronic display in their hands. They would rather preach their so -called patriotic feelings online, but they are unwilling to look up at this moment to truly understand the living Chinese culture.


Inheritance is not just formalism; inheritance is not a moment of hard work; inheritance, nor is it eye -catching.


The so -called inheritance is for personal cultural literacy; in large, it is for the rise and fall of a country's culture.


There will be a lot of regrets, let us bring this gentle regret, imperfect perfection, stubborn.Live happily.



The so -called "virtue boy" -the good boy who has the best and beautiful morality. It is not a pure and simple award, but a self -cultivation line that is soaked in words and deeds.


Virtue is a wonderful note, rooted in everyone's heart.Virtue is the power of the soul and urges people to forge ahead.Virtue is the wealth of life, allowing you to find the value of life.Virtue is a realm, always everywhere.Let's meet with virtue, join hands with virtue, and strive to be the "virtue boy"!


Promoting Chinese traditional virtues -integrity of the Chinese nation is an ancient nation with a history of 5,000 years. It has accumulated many true true meaning of people's life under the long river of history. Integrity -people say the most, pursue the most virtues. As a new generation of teenagers, we should take the word integrity as the basic principle of being a person. Grandma Song Qingling is a great character. After she became the vice chairman of the country, her noble and noble character was still unchanged. Once, she went to kindergarten to promise the children that the "June 1" Children's Day had a festival with the children on the day of Children's Day. But the weather changed that day, and the wind was blowing, and there was a heavy rain. The teachers and classmates thought that Grandma Song Qingling would not come. When they looked at the gray sky outside the window, Grandma Song Qingling miraculously appeared on the campus miraculously appearing on the campus. At the door, the children laughed in surprise. The teacher held Grandma Song Qingling's hand tightly with excitement. Grandma Song Qingling said to the teacher: "Since I said, I have to be trustworthy." From the story of Grandma Song Qingling We understand that sincerity is sincerity, faith is trustworthy, integrity is a promise, integrity is a promised action, and integrity is a strong and unyielding backbone.


Integrity is the foundation of being a person, and sometimes it is a bit difficult, but I have heard such a story: On the battlefield, a soldier pioneered the road for the troops and detonated the landmine buried by the enemy with his own body to cause serious injuries.Destiny is in the evening.He continuously reported his deeds in the newspaper, saying that he was Huang Jiguang's hero. When the army veteran learned that the soldier's life was dying, he would go to the hospital to visit soon when he lived, and awarded him for military merits.What else to say, the warrior said, "There is a saying, the commander won't let me say." The general asked: "Why?" The warrior said, "The commander said that it has been reported, and the whole country knows that I am a hero, saying thatThe impact is not good. "The general asked:" What's the matter, you say! "The warrior said," I am not a hero, I accidentally, falling on the ground, and touched the mines. "In the end,: "To tell the truth and detonate the mines with the body also requires huge courage. You are still a veritable hero, you are worthy of your military merit!"


Tagore said: "Hypocrisy can never become true with its growth in power." Yeah, lies are always lies, there are always a day of exposed stuffing, why not learn to be honest?Integrity can deepen the friendship. Let's take a look at my story: Once, a classmate called me to go to her house to play. After my parents' consent, I agreed to her request.However, there was an unexpected situation, and that day, there was a heavy rain.Mom and Dad advised me not to go, but I insisted on going.Dad was furious and said, "You are going to go by yourself, see if she comes to pick you up!" I walked out of the house alone.At the agreed place, when I saw the figure of my classmates, I ran up regardless of everything.She saw me and said excitedly, "I thought you wouldn't come!" Since then, our friendship is deeper.


Now, I remember this matter, and I feel very worthwhile. Although my father scolded me, I used a integrity to exchange for sincere friendship.


Integrity is like a clear and elegant lake, quiet, indifferent, and beautiful. She always shows her beauty with her simple and clean face, but it is such a clear, elegant, indifferent lake water.Life is more perfect.



Our great motherland is an ancient country with a history of 5000 years of civilization.The long history of civilization and deep cultural heritage in China cannot be comparable to any country in the world.So far, China's profound cultural heritage still shows strong vitality and positive practical effects.


"Prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony, freedom, equality, justice, righteousness, rule of law, patriotism, professionalism, integrity and love" are the core values of socialism, and it is the product of the combination of traditional Chinese virtues and the spirit of the times.In the long history, the traditional Chinese virtues and national spirit have forged our souls and become the spiritual source of the development of the Chinese nation.It has accumulated a long moral cultural heritage, contains rich human moral essence, reflects the pursuit of ideal personality, truth, kindness, and beauty.


Young people are the hope of the motherland. The reading of "young people are strong and strong, and young wisdom is national wisdom" can enrich our knowledge and purify our soul.This reading activity should be vigorously advocated.It should be targeted at all young people.We should go out of the backward test education and guide students to read more and better books.I also hope that everyone should not read dead books, but to understand them and improve their moral practical ability in their actions.Practice moral norms, maintain moral order, respect moral virtue, strive to be good people, start from daily small matters, work hard to practice Chinese virtues, and become a new generation with noble ideals and firm beliefs.A new generation with broad vision and rich knowledge, a new generation of pioneering spirit and hard work.


"Eight honors and eight shames" set a benchmark for us and indicate the direction! Listening to this "spring thunder", I felt excited for a while, and even touched the image of China. It flashed in front of my eyes: Ren Changxia, who is upright: justice, anti -violence, anti -evil, anti -danger, anti -poverty, and won the love of the people, because she has the most devout respect for the people in her heart. When she leaves Walking ten miles on the street and telling us: proud of serving the people! True crop person Yuan Longping: Do not care about fame and fortune, spread wealth through science, and keep people away from hunger through wisdom. He simply smiled and explained: proud of advocating science! Hong Zhanhui took his sister to college. At the age of 13, he took the responsibility of the family with a thin shoulder. He learned to be strong and brave in his early years. His answer to life is: "The painful experience is not the capital we win by others, and struggle is the most important thing!" The whistle of the train rang at the Tanggula Mountain. How can you forget those faces that are burned like black carbon in the plateau sun, and big hands that are polished into rough stones by steel nails and rails? Like their hearts and will, they are as strong as steel, but protecting life is not lacking gentle. The most brave people in the world have built the greatest railway in the world! Only one name is left -the Qinghai -Tibet Railway builders! For a group of ordinary workers, their sweat and smiley face clearly states: proud of love of the motherland, proud of hard work, and pride of unity and mutual assistance!


As a middle school student, we should establish a socialist outlook on honor and disgrace, improve the ability to distinguish between right and wrong.This is not only related to personal qualities, but also the future of the country and the rise and fall of the country.This is by no means a high -profile speech!More than a hundred years ago, when the motherland was bullied and slaughtered, Mr. Liang Qichao shouted loudly: "Young wisdom is the country's wisdom, the rich is rich, and the young is strong.Passing, Yu Yin around the beam!Today, I want to learn Mr. Liang's language and call on: "Young people know the honor and disgrace, then the country will be strong!" Let us keep in mind the "Eight honor and eight shame" and put it into implementation.From a very young age, starting from me, from today, I will become a person who is responsible for society, dedication to the motherland, and the people.Let the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation carry forward in us, let the aggressive spirit of the times shine at us, and let the mother of the motherland move from our shoulders to prosperity and the top of the world!





Good morning everyone! Today, my speech is "Inheriting the traditional Chinese virtues to promote the new style of respecting the elderly and the young."


Many students know that October 22 this year is the ninth day of the lunar calendar. It is another traditional festival of our Chinese nation -Chung Yeung Festival.On September 9th of the lunar calendar, why is it called Chongyang? Because in the ancient "Book of Changes", the "six" was set as a vulnerable number, and the "nine" was set as the number of yang.Therefore, it is called Chongyang, also called Zhongjiu.And because of the same sound of "Jiu Nine" and "Jiu Jiu", Jiu is the largest in the numbers and has a long -lived meaning. Moreover, autumn is also a golden season that is harvested in one year.Celebrate Geely Day.


There are many stories about the Chung Yeung Festival.It is said that the Chongyang Festival has been available since the early Han Dynasty.At that time, in the palace, on September 9th, dogwood was applied, bait and chrysanthemum wines for longevity.After Han Gaozu Liu Bang's loving Mrs. Qi Qi was killed by Lu Hou, the palace lady Jia was also expelled from the palace, and the palace lady of Jia surnamed this custom into the folk.Find a fan


In the Eastern Han Dynasty, the people had the custom of climbing height on the day, so the Chung Yeung Festival was also called the "Dean Festival".In the Tang Dynasty, the literati wrote a lot of poems, most of them were the custom of writing Chongyang Festival.For example, Wang Wei's "Recalling Shandong Brothers on September 9"; and Du Fu's seven laws "Ascension" is a famous article for Chongyang ascension.Of course, the ancients' ascension did not have the same regulations. Generally, it was climbing mountains and towering towers. At the same time, there was the custom of eating "Chongyang Cake" (a kind of nine layers of cakes) and appreciation of chrysanthemums.After the Qing Dynasty, the vulgarity of chrysanthemums was particularly prosperous, and time was not limited to September 9th, but it was still the most prosperous before and after the Chongyang Festival.


The customs of Chongyang Ji inserted dogwood were common in the Tang Dynasty."Solochromes in a foreign country, every festival is thoughtful. Thinking about the brothers ascending the heights and inserting one less person in dogwood." Because the ancients thought that inserting dogwood on the day of the Chung Yeung Festival can avoid disasters;Put the dogwood inside and insert it on the head.These customs are recorded in the "Miscellaneous Miscellaneous" of the Jin Dynasty.


In the Qing Dynasty, the custom of Beijing Chongyang Festival was to put chrysanthemums on the doors and windows, "lifting the fierceness to recruit auspiciousness."


In today's reform and opening up, the traditional festival of Chung Yeung Festival has been given a new meaning.In 1989, my country set the September 9th of each year's lunar calendar as Old Man's Day, thus cleverly combining tradition and modernity to become a festival for the elderly that respects, respects the elderly, loves the elderly, and help the elderly.


Classmates, we are the descendants of Yan and Huang. The history of our 5,000 years of civilization contains the traditional virtues of respecting the elderly, respecting the elderly, loving the elderly, and helping the elderly. "Old and old, old people, young and young," are about the meaning of this layer: the elderly and children who respect and love their own family, and at the same time, they must treat the elderly And children. Recently, one or two can be seen from the topic of news media discussions. For example, "Should I give a seat for the elderly?" "How to be a cute Shanghai people?" The core of these activities is to work hard to build and shape an image of a highly civilized and international metropolitan city. Respect, loving the elderly, and helping the elderly are one of them. As we live in this big city, we are more obliged to work hard to establish a good city image. Objectively speaking, after reform and opening up and the construction of spiritual civilization, a good social atmosphere has gradually formed, and some bad behaviors have been condemned by everyone. Express ourselves, how do our students do in daily life, respecting the elderly, respecting the elderly, loving the elderly, and helping the elderly? I don't want to evaluate your past. However, when the Chung Yeung Festival is about to come, do all our classmates think about how to do something for our elderly or the elderly in society? I hope everyone will consider it. Of course, the school's political and education office also arranged, asking the class teachers of each class to make statistics after the festival to see what our Lida students did for the society and the elderly on the elderly's Day.


That's how my statement of the country today is here.thank you all.

12、中华美德 传承天下_读小木碗有感400字


In the winter vacation, I read a book with wonderful and lively plot.One of the articles named "Little Wooden Bowl" deeply attracted me and made my heart calm for a long time.He made me suddenly open up, and made me understand a lot of truths.


I hate him particularly and abuse him every day.The old man originally expected his son to be filial piety and served him to enjoy his old age.However, things disappointed and sad.Fortunately, the couple had a filial son of the director. They realized their mistakes under the inspiration of the director's filial piety. Since then, they have changed like a person and filial piety to the elderly.


Since ancient times, the Chinese nation has a fine tradition of respecting the elderly and love.Respecting the elderly is not only a virtue, but also a manifestation of human nature.Although people are old and they can't do their strength, this does not mean that it is useless. We can ignore them and discard them like throwing garbage.Discarded?


Classmates, as the descendants of Yan and Huang, we must carry forward our fine traditions and let our virtues inherit the world. Only in this way will our motherland become more harmonious and beautiful.



The virtue of China is the most traditional symbol of dragon culture. It has inherited for thousands of years and endured. It is a treasure of the Chinese nation. It has glowed in the long river of history.As its "pillar", integrity plays an important role in the history of human civilization, and it also indicates that a person's life ...


When he just learned to teeth, his mother sent him into kindergarten.He looked at the door of the kindergarten with longing, and his eyes were no longer as ignorant as in the past, but full of perseverance.When he was sitting in a kindergarten, the teacher first asked such a question: "What do you think is the most important concept?" As soon as the words fell, there was a burst of discussion in the children's group.Understand what ideas are.Only him, raised his hand high high, stood up and said, "Teacher, I think it is time, because whenever someone is late, the teacher will scold them." Then, the children hit him with a hilarious voice.The teacher patted his head gently, and said with a smile: "Keeping time is integrity, to be honest, you must treat others with integrity and keep their promises." The teacher's powerful words kept echoing his ears and lingering.The word "integrity" was deeply burned in his heart.


Adhering to the faith of integrity, he grew up and entered the society.With the vitality of youth, he entered the workplace.Because of his high education, the boss valued him very much, and his colleague ignored him, but he still treats everyone sincerely.The boss gave him a burden and let him let him go, so he worked overtime and got up early.After his unremitting efforts, he completed the work project in advance.And a colleague who is more familiar with him, while he didn't pay attention to stealing his labor results and rewards that should belong to him.He suddenly fell into the trough, and he began to question whether he should continue to treat others sincerely, or he should doubt others and prevent others. He was tangled until the "light" illuminated him.He remembered what the teacher said: "Whenever and wherever he is, he should adhere to his beliefs, and be ashamed of himself and others."


Therefore, he no longer cares about this. He treats others sincerely, keeps his promise, and is appreciated again to realize his life value.When he was old, he often recalled the past with his wife. He said that he was shaking and glowing, as if he was a trustworthy boy.In the face of the sun, he seemed extraordinarily gentle and kind, and said with a smile: "Only when the original intention is not changed, and the belief of integrity can we stand in society and achieve self."


His life ups and downs, but because of integrity, he can finally complete his great cause.Integrity is a kind of Chinese and American virtues, and it is also the values of the core values of socialism on the personal level of citizens.



Dear teacher, dear classmates:



Hello everyone!The theme of my speech today is: juvenile inherits Chinese traditional virtues.


Our great motherland has always been known as the "state of etiquette". In the past five thousand years, we should take out our civilized etiquette to the world and carry forward our traditional virtues.Every time he meets a foreign guest, he always arrives at the venue in advance and stands at the door to shake hands with everyone.


Of course, if you are polite, there are impolite.


For example: while taking a bus, some elderly people stand next to some young people, and those young people pretend not to see it.For another example: there are garbage bins not far away, but some people still litter the leather paper scraps, and so on.There are also some bad behaviors: for example: running red and green lights, uncivilized language, saying swear words, disrupting public property at will, wasting water, food, etc., seeing the teacher do not take the initiative to say hello.Spitter, lack of environmental awareness.


Not only are uncivilized behaviors, but also civilized behaviors and polite behaviors, such as: the most beautiful teacher Zhang Lili, at the crisis, to save students to save students.Also: Wu Bin, who has broken liver and gallbladder, has tolerated the pain in the critical moment. He perfectly explained the responsibility and responsibility as an ordinary driver in the last 1 minute and 16 seconds in the illness. He used his life to set up a role model for us to adhere to his post and self -denial.Also: Grandma helps the old grandmother to cross the road, help the old grandmother to mention things, when it rains, help people who do not bring an umbrella to cover the rain and so on.


Inheriting civilized etiquette is the obligation and responsibility of everyone. Each of us should develop a good deed. Our traditional virtues are based. Classmates, as the future builders of the motherland, let us strive for two togetherA good boy in the eleventh century!



My speech is over, thank you all!

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The vast history is summarized in the altar; the brilliant culture is condensed in front of the eyes.Xu Xing's three hundred meters flat, thinking about 5,000 years of bumpy long distance.On the success or failure of the hero, the current flow can be learned.What is Langtao?Who is persuading?The civilization of the five thousand Huaxia was reckless and the essence of the culture of the DPRK. At that time, where is the prosperity?


The prosperity of China, in the house, abandon the dross and renovate; the lack of China is throwing, throwing the ancient spirit rhyme.The essence of culture for more than 5,000 years, how long is the source of the long history.


After the *** movement of the year, China truly abandoned the ancient feudal dross. Without the restraint of these old ideas, China began to be in line with the world's cultural trend.Compared with North Korea, which is closed today, China's development can be described as rapid progress.However, to this day, more and more brands such as "Chinese prohibit losing garbage", "Chinese people prohibit loud noise" and "Chinese people prohibit spitting everywhere" appear in some public places abroad.


Ancient China ’s particular about the etiquette of civilized etiquette has always been endless than other countries.In ancient times, a single book was divided into five categories: "Ji Li", "Fierce Ceremony", "Military Ceremony", "Binli", and "Jiali".Now that although it has been given the festival that takes people to take care of people, even the most basic civilized etiquette is abandoned.


Etiquette is a necessary condition for human moral cultivation.The so -called "core of ritual lies in benevolence, the root of ritual lies in respect, and ceremonies are harmonious." Civilized etiquette is an important part of Chinese culture, which has a broad and profound impact on the development of Chinese social history.Because the essence of a large amount of etiquette culture is in a state of exudation coexisting, and because of the irregularity of the ride of etiquette culture, we ignore its importance.Make schools and society lack etiquette culture education for our adolescents.


What did we have lost in these decades?It is the soul of China, and the heart of a Chinese nation!As long as we regain the culture of etiquette, China will soar like an eagle soaring in the sky."Five thousand years of Huaxia civilization, Modern people have been leisurely, Confucius and Mencius talks about righteousness, Laozhuang Le Xiaoyao, Mojia Ranger, Han Fei is a legalist, Zhang Chi has a degree, both cultural and military, and in -depth study, like drunk."The first cultural rumor sang the long history of Chinese culture.


The ritual, the talk, the civilization, and the nirvana of the nation's soul, the flag of promoting the country is in the sky, and the Chinese rituals will never be there.Losting old, throwing old, where is the current etiquette?Li Li, Li Li, Hua Yongcun today!


Lost the feudal dross and lose our habit of ignoring the civilized etiquette. Then, if you lose it, you will be picked up again!



Author: Jiang Luyin

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Someone asked me: "Xiao Xuan, do you know what is 'home style'?" I replied: "I think the family style is the family rules of a family, atmosphere. That is the various behaviors learned from the elders."


With a good family style, you can stand in the society to stabilize the heel.Our family style does not have a long story and eloquent talk, only by example, starting from me.


(1) Integrity


"The people are not faithful." Integrity is the foundation, and it is necessary in daily life.


Dad is a busy person in my eyes, and there are endless things all day long, but he never forgets to agree with me.On this day, Dad and I hook up to play "Tea Language Park" to play tomorrow.But early in the morning, Dad had a phone call. I was worried that Dad would eat words and secretly listened to it. Suddenly I heard that Dad said, "No today, or tomorrow." At this time, my dad was really happy today.Will take me out to play.When Dad finished calling, he said to me and said to me: "Today, Dad promises to go out and play. If you are talking about it, you must be trustworthy, so that more people believe you."


(2) Filial piety


"Hundred Filial Piety is the first", and honoring parents is the obligation of every child.


When the grandmother's waist sprained was hospitalized, the mother often brought deliciously to her grandmother, helped her grandmother to wipe her, washed her feet, and accompanied her grandmother all day and night.


My mother said sorry to me, "I'm sorry for the baby, my mother has no time to accompany you these days." "It doesn't matter, Mom, you let me understand what is filial." I said."Really smart, this is what mother means, and you want to do this when your mother grows old." Mom laughed.


(3) Save


Save water, electricity, food conservation ... to save as a primary school student.


My grandfather is a frugal old man. Breakfast never eats outside. Every time I eat, I eat ‘how much, how much, do n’t waste’.Once I ate meals, when we were almost full, there were still half a bowl of rice in the pot.My grandfather asked me to ride a bicycle with him. After riding for about half an hour, we came back pantingly, and the grandfather picked up the pot and the scoop to eat the remaining rice.I realized that the grandfather cycling was to digest the remaining rice for faster digestion.


The good family style is a light of light, illuminating the road in front of the face; it is a stepping stone, passing the vortex of rumors; it is a bit of life in life to make life better.Good family style, passed down for generations.



If we do not have gorgeous clothes, we can make some outdated clothing; if we do not have a trendy toy; we can be happy in nature; but if we are gone, we are goneWhat will we do ...


During the holidays, I followed my father to the countryside of my hometown and saw that many fields were cultivated, and weeds were clustered, facing barren.Even if some farm are planted, few people take care of it.The crops in the ground are dead, and they have become the "dishes" of livestock such as cattle and sheep.There are also some arable land into new houses by rich farmers.


Without the nation's uncle to grow food for us, we can only endure hunger.Therefore, in the case of sufficient food, we must also save food and cherish the labor results of the peasant uncle.If each of us cherishes a rice, the population of 1.5 billion in the country can save 37,500 kg of grain, which can be used to eat 93,750 days for about 256 years.We have all learned an ancient poem: "Noon of the day, sweat dripping the soil, who knows that the Chinese food, the grains are hard." This poem truly reflects the difficulty of grain.When we enjoy a rich life, we should also save food.


I now advocate everyone to love food and food, so that the virtue will continue to be passed on!



"Noon for noon, sweat dripping the soil.Uncle is very hard to work and supplies everyone's needs, but I waste some food in the following incident.


One Sunday, my parents and I were eating. My mother gave me a lot of dishes. Among them, there were green peppers. I saw the green pepper into the trash can immediately. After seeing it, my mother immediately asked me, "Why not eat green peppers?"Say: "I don't like to eat." "I shouldn't just throw the food into the trash when I don't eat it!" "I don't want to eat it, so I like to eat it.You can't throw it away! You can eat it for your parents! And do you know that it was the farmer's uncle worked hard to plant it with blood and sweat.Do you say to my mother: "Sorry, I will never pick up eaters again, throw away those who don't like to eat, and only eat what she likes." Mom looked at me and said, "This is a good boy!"


I almost waste some food in the following incident.Sunday and I went to eat with coal fast food with my dad.After we arrived there, I started to order. After the meals came up, my dad and I started eating.After a while, I would eat a little.But this is my stomach full. I said to myself: "I won't eat the rest." When I was about to leave, my father stopped me and said, "Zhang Hao, don't go, take this after eating this!"" The stomach is full, and you don't want to eat anymore. "" You can't waste food, do you forget the poem "Mercy Nong"? "I thought about it," Oh, remember, I'm sorry for Dad, I'm sorry for Dad,I shouldn't leave, or I work in vain if I do n’t have the peasant uncle! "I hurried back to the sitting position and started eating the remaining meals.Dad looked at and said, "Yes, good children, everyone should respect the labor results of the uncle of the peasant!"


Classmates, through the education of the two things above, it makes me deeply understand that waste food is shameful. We must cherish the labor results of the peasants' uncle, cherish every rice, and be a real good child.



Hui Huaxia kept trek in the vast historical long river, creating a magnificent Chinese civilization, and also gave birth to Chinese people with tens of millions of black eyes yellow.Chinese civilization is the only ancient civilization in the world that has not been interrupted and continued to this day.I believe that every teacher and classmate present will be proud of themselves as a Chinese.Some people will ask, why can Chinese culture have been stretching to this day?This is because we have an unyielding national spirit, noble national character, and great national ideals. These spiritual wealth supports our self -reliance in the forest of the world.Since ancient times, the traditional Chinese virtues have been cast in the great national spirit of unity, hard work, and hard work, and self -reliance.As the 21st century teenagers, inherit and carry forward the traditional virtues of China, we are unsatisfactory.


The most necessary point to inherit the traditional Chinese virtue is patriotism.Lenin said: "Patriotism is the deepest feeling of consolidating his motherland for thousands of years." From ancient times to the present, how many people have thrown their heads for the motherland, such as Lin Zexu, who is outstanding, and Tan Yitong, who has been killed by the new,Sun Yat -sen, who overthrew the emperor's system, and Lu Xun, who was cold to the Emperor ... The above -mentioned patriotic examples penetrated the fine traditions of the Chinese nation. She is the spirit of the Chinese nation.I want to tell everyone that patriotism has never been large and empty, but reflected in the subtleties.During the flag -raising ceremony, are you tidy and solemn or solemnly; whether you stop at hand when you hear the national anthem and face the national flag; whether you stood up to maintain her when others talked about your motherland;Remember your words and deeds represent your motherland, and your every move will affect the views of others' motherland and your nation.


Then respect and love the young.Since ancient times, the Chinese nation has the traditional virtue of respecting the elderly and love."Old and old, old, young and young." If everyone can have such noble sentiments, will there be so many empty nest elderly and left -behind children?Caring for those who are weaker than themselves, do not regret a smile, a greeting, and a little -working hard work, it will make our society better.


The Chinese nation is famous for the state of etiquette.Most of the people who talk about the gifts are focusing on others, and society is the most important.Being sincerely is a manifestation of a noble sentiment.Those who are not talking about their elders, rough attitude towards friends, and bumpy people in public places are those who have culture, education, politeness, and civilization?


Classmates, when you ask teachers, elders and guests politely; when you extend a helping hand to a difficult classmate; when you learn to express your filial piety to your parents; when youWhen you pay for credit and keep your own bottom line; when you learn to cherish every grain; when you learn to be "wide than to treat others, strict with yourself"; when you have new ideas and are willing to put it into practice;When you dare to admit your mistakes; when you have a high ambition and down -to -earth ... Are you all doing and promoting traditional virtues and national spirit!


Classmates, as citizens, we need to be patriotic to abide by the law and be honest; as a student, we must work hard to learn scientific and cultural knowledge, have great ideals and social responsibility; as children, we must respect our parents and respect the elders;Like the ancestors, the fate of personality is closely linked with the destiny of the motherland, and they can truly achieve: carry forward the national traditions of the nation and determine the motherland.This is not only the fundamental way for every Chinese child to realize their own life value, but also the demands of our motherland.


On the 67th birthday of the motherland, we saw the richness and strength of the motherland. Here, I sincerely wish that the tomorrow's tomorrow can be more brilliant because of us!



Do you know what the three major food crops in the world are?They are wheat, rice and corn.October 16th is the "World Food Day". On October 17, "International Elimination of Poverty", this week is the publicity week of "cherishing food and saving food" in my country."People take food as the sky", today, let us take more attention to the food that people live in, and talk about the issues of cherishing food and saving food.Some people may say: We have long been away from the era of food and abdomen. Eat and good meals have become commonplace. Who still cares about the origin of food, and who will care about the food that you discard?


However, the reality is worrying: on the one hand, the world's population is increasing, and the supply of food is becoming increasingly tense. What's more, there are many places in the world, just like some remote and poor areas in my country. The people's living standards are extremely low. Even the most basic food and clothing problem has not been resolved. The children there can't even eat rice, let alone eat meat! On the other hand, it is not uncommon to waste food. Take our school as an example. In the trash cans in the classroom, there are often students from steamed buns and cakes. On the table of cafeteria, rice and dishes can be seen everywhere. Sprinkled rice grains; in life, many students do not know how to cherish food. They throw biscuits, bread, and porridge casually. They pick up and pick up at home. According to relevant departments estimates, the food that isted every year in the country is enough to be 5,000. What amazing data for 10,000 people for a year! "Noon on the day of hoeing, sweat dripping the soil. Who knows that the Chinese food, the grains are hard." This poem praised the greatness of the working people, but also expressed the hard work of the working people. Nowadays, people's lives are good, but they cannot discard the traditional virtues of diligence and frugality. Because a grain of grains from sowing to harvesting, and then processing into finished grains, at least 20 processes must be passed, which contains how much workers of farmers' hard work! It can be said that each grain is soaked with the hard work and sweat of the peasant uncle.


On the earth where we live, the variety of crops is decreasing.In ancient times, the first farmers planted thousands of crops, and now only about 150 species are widely planted, which has become the main source of food.Among them, about 60%of corn, wheat, and rice, and most other crop species have been on the verge of extinction.Faced with such severe grain problems, there are many scientific researchers like Grandpa Yuan Longping, who are "father of world hybrid rice", are using high -tech means to develop new grain varieties, increase food production, and plan for global food issues.As the new generation of the Chinese nation, in addition to learning from Grandpa Yuan Longping, we are more important. From now on, we will start with actual actions to cherish food and inherit and carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.



1、传承:传承读音为chuán chéng,是指更替继承。传承 chuán chéng词语解释:更替继承。分词解释:继承:①依法承受(死者的遗产等):继承权ㄧ继承人。②泛指把前人的作风、文化、知识等接受过来:继承优良传统ㄧ继承文化遗产。③后人继续做前人遗留下来的事业:继承先烈的遗业。更替:更换;替换:季节更替ㄧ人员更替。● 传(傳) chuán ㄔㄨㄢˊ◎ 转(zhuǎn )授,递:传递。传输。传戒。传统。言传身教。◎ 推广,散布:宣传。流传。传名。传奇(a.中国唐代兴起的短篇小说;b.中国明、清两代盛行的长篇戏曲;c.指情节离奇或人物行为超乎寻常的故事)。● 传(傳) zhuàn ㄓㄨㄢˋ◎ 解说经义的文字:经传。《左传》。◎ 记载某人一生事迹的文字:小传。自传。纪传。传记。传略。树碑立传。◎ 以演述历史和人物故事为中心的文学作品:《水浒传》。◎ 古代设于驿站的房舍,亦指驿站上所备的马车:传舍(供来往行人居住的旅舍)。● 承 chéng ㄔㄥˊ◎ 在下面接受,托着:承重。承受。◎ 担当,应允:承担。承当。承包。承做。承认。◎ 受到,蒙受:承蒙。承恩(蒙受恩泽)。◎ 继续,接联:继承。承平(指社会比较持久安定的局面)。承前启后。◎ 顺从,迎合:奉承。承颜候色(顺着别人颜色办事)。◎ 姓。...传承怎么造句,用传承造句»