
时间:2022-11-09 13:25:48 | 来源:语文通



书籍伴我成长作文 篇1书——伴我成长作文 篇2书籍伴我成长作文 篇3书——伴我成长作文 篇4书籍伴我成长作文 篇5书籍伴我成长作文 篇6书——伴我成长作文 篇7

书籍伴我成长作文 篇1


I love reading, especially good books. For a hungry young reader like me, reading a good book I like can help me learn a lot of knowledge and broaden my horizons.


Books have brought me into the good shape of knowledge. Books are like a magical warship, allowing us to roam in this sea.


The book brought me into the endless deep sea. I saw the ferocious shark, which was lovely and good, and a huge situation. There are also those strange creatures, the sparkling water, shining in the sunlight, showing a colorful light.


A book is like a bosom friend. In the morning when the sun rises, I pick it up and read it with concentration. I am completely attracted by the stories in the book and fully involved.


When you read, you will go out of your own mind and enter another person's mind to listen to her. At this time, you will use your brain and increase a lot of knowledge.


As time goes by, day after day, year after year, books are still persistent. I bring knowledge and wonderful stories. Books will become reliable friends in my life.

书——伴我成长作文 篇2


Books are my most loyal partners! When I am upset, it gives me joy; When I am not confused, it teaches me more truth... So, when I am in a bad mood, I always go to the book to talk, let its pure and beautiful words, cleanse the mud of my mind. In this way, I became friends with the book and got an indissoluble bond.


When I entered the primary school where I was fascinated, I only remembered that I especially admired some big brothers and sisters who were eloquent and eloquent. Later, I gradually realized that the reason why they are so talented and learned is because of books. Therefore, the desire for books has planted seeds in my heart. I fell in love with books and couldn't put them down. It seemed that I enjoyed talking about them, but what I saw was comic books at that time. Look, the seed of the desire to love books has sprouted!


With the growth of age, now I have entered the senior grade and started to read some novels. I still remember that time, my mother [WWW.. CN] asked me to cook the rice, and I said yes, but my eyes were still staring at the book, my heart was immersed in the world of books, and my mother's orders had gone to the clouds. Time passed slowly, but I didn't realize it. When I come back from the book, I will be scolded by my mother again!


"There is a golden house in a book, and a beautiful face in a book." Reading enriches my mind and broadens my horizon. In the sea of books, books accompany me to grow slowly. Now I just think that my little seedling has grown a lot taller. I really hope it can grow into a towering tree immediately.


Books are friends for life! The promise of the book: accompany the whole life!

书籍伴我成长作文 篇3


Books, like a bright light, guide us to the direction of success; Books, like a friend, give us help and support when we encounter difficulties; Books, like a good medicine, cure our ignorance. Books are the fruits of human life, and everyone's life is inseparable from books. Now, let me tell you the story of me and the book.


When I was young, I loved to hear stories. As for Grandpa, he told me about it every day in a different way. There was always time to finish. I have heard such stories as "Wu Song fights tigers", "Black whirling Feng Shui fights against the white stripe in the waves", "Wu Song beats Jiang's door god drunk" and so on for countless times, and I am tired of them. Until one day, I learned from my father that the story was in the book. So I begged my parents to buy me books. In desperation, they bought a copy of Romance of the Three Kingdoms for me to see. At that time, I was only five and a half years old.


The first thick book I read in my life was Romance of the Three Kingdoms. At that time, I had just graduated from kindergarten, so I could only mask the meaning of characters according to their shape and composition. However, many words were still misunderstood by me, such as: "princes" was interpreted by me as a kind of monkey; I thought the Imperial Court was a pavilion built in the morning. Therefore, I always read without understanding.


Up to now, although I have grown up, the book continues to accompany me and has become my inseparable friend. Books have increased my knowledge, broadened my horizons, and made me understand the truth. My good friend, books, will always accompany me!

书——伴我成长作文 篇4


"Books are the ladder of human progress" - Gorky. In today's society, books are indispensable friends of mankind. Recently, I read a good book, Old Stories in the South of the City, which was written by the female writer Lin Haiyin. It shows all the vicissitudes of Yingzi's childhood experiences.


What impressed me most was that Hui'an in Hui'an Hall met Xiaoguizi's "Niuniu". It mainly tells that Yingzi passed by Hui'an Hall, and Hui'an, which is called "crazy" by the world, called Yingzi to go there and asked Yingzi to help him find his daughter, Xiao Guizi, who had been separated for many years. Yingzi met every child and wanted to find out if it was the same as what Hui'an said. As expected, kung fu is not popular. Yingzi's good friend, "Niuniu", has very similar characteristics to those described by Hui'an. The mother and daughter finally met. However, that day, the mother and daughter died miserably under the wheel of the moon. When I read this, I couldn't help crying. It was sad and happy.


What moved me was that Yingzi met a man who seemed evil but not evil. That day, Yingzi played in the garden. He saw an honest man with thick lips sitting in the corner with a package beside him. Yingzi did not distinguish between good and evil, because the honest man seemed evil rather than evil, and seemed good rather than good. When Yingzi chatted with him, he found that the man with thick lips had stolen treasures to help his younger brother study. The honest man, who was neither good nor evil, was forced by life to do immoral things. After reading this, I don't know whether the man with thick lips in the book is evil or good. I'm also a little vague.


Although Yingzi, Aunt Lan and Aunt Song all live at the bottom of the society, they still live in a noble attitude. Yingzi is ignorant and lovely; Song Ma felt sad and had to; Aunt Lan is free and easy, open... All kinds of people, sad and happy, grow up with me! Go and read this book, you will find many things.

书籍伴我成长作文 篇5


Books grow with me.


notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article


Books are the fruits of human civilization, the nourishment of the world, the new ladder of human progress, and the necessities that accompany my growth.


When I was young, my mother often sat at the bedside in the evening, holding my first story book, telling me one beautiful and interesting story after another, so that I could fall asleep. One day, my father bought me a comic book with many vivid and wonderful pictures. There are also interesting stories above. My father looked at the exquisite pictures and told me stories slowly. I listened carefully!


In kindergarten, I can play and make fun with many children every day. Unexpectedly, the teacher's fairy tales are more vivid and interesting than those told by his parents in class. The teacher also sent me a variety of books to see enough, I am happy. Since then, the teacher has taught me to be polite and civilized, and I always greet my relatives and friends when I see them.


It's time to go to primary school. I have been promoted from kindergarten to first grade. I became happier, new teachers, new classmates, and new books. A book makes me know more and more. With the rise of grade, my bookcase has been full of thin and thick books.


It's time to go to junior high school, which means that you have grown up again. Although I have changed a lot, the books that can't be changed also accompany my growth. Books still accompany me, which makes my vision grow day by day, and also makes me unable to leave them.


Yes, books grow with me. They are accompanied by layers of knowledge ladder of my growth. Let's take books as our good friends!

书籍伴我成长作文 篇6


Everyone must grow from birth. Therefore, growth is crucial for everyone. My growth, there is no stormy waves, there are only those crystal cute little waves, which also owe to the books that have accompanied my growth.


I remember reading when I was very young. My mother read it to me before I was four years old. After I was four years old, I began to try to read some small books by myself. If I didn't understand, I asked my mother in time. This formed a good habit of "asking if I didn't understand", which is attributed to books.


The first book I heard was 365 Nights. Every night I pester my mother to tell me stories. My mother always tells me stories vividly as I wish. Therefore, I know the characters and some things very well, and I admire their fearless spirit. When I was very young, I slept alone. Sometimes I was afraid of the dark, but when I thought of those heroes who were so brave and strong, I was not afraid.


Robinson Crusoe is the first masterpiece I saw in my memory. It should be seven or eight years old. As soon as Robinson appeared, I began to admire him. He was so unfortunate but so stubborn. He lived alone on the desert island for more than 20 years, and taught a savage, named Friday. They worked together and finally looked forward to the rescue boat. What a strong person, if I... can I hold up a sunny day with my own hands? Since then, I have gradually learned to be strong, and will not cry or lose confidence easily. Even my mother said that I am sensible!

我最喜欢的,令我受益最多的一本书要数我十二岁,一次偶然机会看的书——中国古典名著《红楼梦》。那是看电视偶然的一次转台中,我发现了电视上播的新版《红楼梦》选秀,之后就一发不可收拾,后来干脆就迷上了这本书。一翻开这本书,我就感受到一股浓浓的古典气息,我全然被书中的清朝风俗所吸引。但最令我着迷的是曹雪芹精心吟作的精美诗词,什么"寒塘渡鹤影,冷月葬花魂",什么"口齿嚼香对月吟" ……令我沉醉其中。此后,我写作文时都会用上一两句,使作文更加精彩美妙,富有意境情趣。

My favorite book that benefited me most was the Chinese classic Dream of Red Mansions, which I read by chance when I was 12 years old. It was an accidental turntable when I watched TV. I found the new version of the "Dream of Red Mansions" talent show on TV. After that, I couldn't stop it. Later, I simply fell in love with the book. As soon as I opened the book, I felt a strong classical atmosphere, and I was completely attracted by the customs of the Qing Dynasty in the book. But what fascinates me most is the exquisite poems carefully recited by Cao Xueqin, such as "crossing the crane shadow in the cold pond, burying the flower soul in the cold moon", and "singing to the moon with a mouthful of incense". Since then, I will use one or two sentences in my composition to make it more wonderful and full of artistic conception.


Now, a Harvard Girl Liu Yiting has also benefited me a lot. The book comprehensively expounds that Liu Yiting studied hard and was invited to visit the United States because of her outstanding performance, and finally was admitted to Harvard University with full scholarship. I was deeply moved and infected. I am determined to learn from her spirit and perseverance of hard work and no waste of time. Like a running wild leopard, I pursue the light unremittingly. I believe that through my efforts, I will also go better and better on the way of growth!


Books accompany my growth and let me listen to the voice of wisdom flowing through the sunshine. Life is wonderful and colorful because of books.


People's growth is like walking on the beach. Every step forward will leave golden footprints. It is a book that has always accompanied me to grow, making me take each step deeper and more solid, making me go farther and better!

书——伴我成长作文 篇7


Hold her, she is holy, open her, she is omnipotent; Reading her, she is wonderful. She is the book of longevity of human civilization.


I am a child who loves reading, and I have made unremitting bond with books since childhood. I grew up listening to Andersen's fairy tales, growing up in beautiful words, and feeling the truth, goodness, beauty, falsehood, evil and ugliness of the world with my heart. I like the witty and brave Little Red Riding Hood, who was ridiculed by the emperor for showing off his beauty, hated the evil and cruel old queen, and was moved by the mermaid's sacrifice for happiness.


I am like a little bee, collecting pollen from books to enrich myself. Unconsciously, I went to primary school. I came out of the fairy tales and flew into the flowers of the famous books. When I read How Steel Was Tempered, Paul Kochagin wrote this book when he was blind with one arm left. His strong spirit and persistent belief impressed me deeply. I really admire him. He always encouraged me to be strong and brave to fight against the disease. Books, like wisps of sunshine shining into my heart, illuminate every corner of my new China, and also like streams of spring, moistening my dry heart.


After entering middle school, I became more obsessed with reading. The four masterpieces came to me one by one. I wandered in the sea of books, looking for magic weapons in the sea of books, and looking for the key to open the door of wisdom in the sea of books.


Books! You are like flowers, I am a bee, I enjoy the sweet pollen in the flowers!