
时间:2022-09-19 13:22:19 | 来源:语文通



中秋节的赏月作文 篇1中秋赏月 篇2中秋节的赏月作文 篇3中秋赏月优秀作文 篇4中秋节的赏月作文 篇5中秋节的赏月作文 篇6

中秋节的赏月作文 篇1


In the Mid -Autumn Festival, people have such customs -eating moon cakes and enjoying the moon.


This Mid -Autumn Festival, I was frustrated because I didn't eat moon cakes, but I think the moon watching is also a very happy thing.


At about eight in the evening, I walked to the window and opened the window.Appreciate other moon intently.Seeing a dark shadow beside the moon, I couldn't help thinking of Chang'e and her jade rabbit.Maybe this is their reflection.Today's' moon is lighter than street lights.I counted, and the moon shot eight lights.The light looked dazzling, like eight bridges, for Chang'e and Jade Rabbit.Looking at it, I looked at it.I watched the moon very carefully.Suddenly, I saw a circle of golden light around it around it, making the moon look more round ...


Finally, I slowed down, I was watching the moon!I finally glanced at the moon that was round like an iron ring, and left reluctantly.

中秋赏月 篇2


Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival. After having dinner in the second aunt's house, my father, mother, my second aunt, and my brother went to Fushan Park to enjoy the moon.


Entering Fushan Park, there are lively there, some are riding bicycles, some are exercising, and some children are playing.My mother told me that the moon in the sky at 19:13 tonight, we played as we were waiting for the most round moon.When the most round moon appeared, many people took out their mobile phones and took out the most round moon to take out.I think the moon is really like a big round cake, so beautiful!

中秋节的赏月作文 篇3


The annual Mid -Autumn Festival is here, a round of bright moon rises slowly, and the elementary school students compose the Mid -Autumn Festival to enjoy the moon.Listening to my mother said that the moon in the Mid -Autumn Festival is the most round.


After dinner, my mother and dad and I came downstairs to take a walk while watching the moon.I looked up and felt that the round moon seemed to be playing games with me. I took a step, it took a step, I stopped it, it was really interesting.

这时,我们来到花坛,只见柔柔的月光倾泻下来,发出明亮的光,给四周围的景物都镶上了银白色,顿时,我感到自己好象坐在月亮上。 不知不觉的,我们走到了公园里。里面有树木,有河水,有假山……我走河边,看到月亮倒映在水里,像一个又大又圆的玉盘,我好奇地盯着河面。突然,一阵风吹来,水面变得波光粼粼了,仿佛把“玉盘”踩碎了。于是,我静静地坐在河边,抬着头,看着月亮,轻轻地哼着歌,陶醉在月色中了。

At this time, when we came to the flower bed, I saw the soft moonlight pouring down, emitting bright light, and inlaid with silver white around the surrounding scenery. Suddenly, I felt like I was sitting on the moon.Unconsciously, we walked to the park.There are trees, rivers, rockery ... I walked by the river and saw the moon reflected in the water, like a large and round jade plate, I stared curiously at the river.Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and the water surface became sparkling, as if stepping on the "jade plate".So, I sat quietly by the river, looked up, looked at the moon, humming the song gently, intoxicated in the moonlight.

中秋赏月优秀作文 篇4

星期四晚上,我和爸爸、妈 妈早早地坐在阳台上,等待着闪闪发亮的月亮大驾光临。

On Thursday night, my father and mother and I sat on the balcony early, waiting for the shining moon to drive.


As the saying goes: "Fifteen Moon Sixteen Circles", and the news said that this year is: "Fifteen Moon Fifteen Circles", the most round moment appears at 19:13.After a while, a white light appeared in the sky, and I thought: It must be the moon.As I expected, the moon suddenly came out of the black cloud, and it was beautiful like a fairy in the sky.In the eyes of foreigners, the moon is a symbol of evil, and in my eyes, the moon is a beautiful, pure, brave, and kind incarnation.After a while, the moon's face seemed to be covered by a layer of veil, as if the moon was shy.After a while, the moon was gone, and it must be hiding in the clouds.Suddenly, the moon jumped out of the clouds again.This moon is really naughty, but it is very popular and happy.In a blink of an eye, the moon is particularly 'round.Take a closer look, there is a small black shadow in the center of the moon, that is, the legendary Chang'e!


"I hope that people will last for a long time, and all thousands of miles." Looking forward to the Mid -Autumn Festival in the future, our family can taste moon cakes and enjoy the moon together!

中秋节的赏月作文 篇5


The long -awaited Mid -Autumn Festival is coming, and people are highly cheerful and celebrate this traditional Chinese festival in various programs.Of course, my family is no exception.


When I came to my grandparents' house, wow!There are second grandma, second grandfather, third grandma, third grandpa, old lady and others.When Grandma saw me coming, she said to me with a smile: "Dan Dan, are you here! What do you like to eat? I told you to buy it for you!"Said: "casual, indifferent" Grandma began to ask and said, "There is no casual in the world?" "Grandma, I really eat what you want, as long as you bought it, it is what I like to eat to eat.! Hee hee, I went to watch TV first! "


what!Really fragrant!It seems to be my favorite -braised duck!I couldn't help talking silently in my heart. I quietly walked into the kitchen and was about to steal it.My mother met and observed my move behind me.When I was about to approach, "Stop your hand! You little cat." I was startled, and quickly prepared to slip out, but my grandma stopped at the door.After that, why are I so stupid!I had tears in my eyes, and said to the adults, I dare not dare, and the adults let me go.Dad and Grandpa began to ignite the fragrance, and put the small tables on the small tables, moon cakes and other foods in the moonlight.


I suddenly remembered the sentence, "Looking at Mingyue, thinking about his hometown."The poems of "children do not know the moon, call as Baiyun Pan", they can feel a little bit of the poet at that time.


"Open the meal, it's time for meals!" I drooling, my brother also looked like me.A few minutes later, half of the meals on the table had been destroyed by me and my brother.Dad, they were a little stunned by our move.


I sat in the moonlight with a chair, watching the flowers that were placed on that day: red, blue, purple ...


After a while, the "Colorful Mushroom Cloud" rose up, and after a while, I saw the crystal translucent "little stars" rushing to you.


I watched my fascination, as if they were all immersive.


The bright moon in the sky, the moonlight of the Mid -Autumn Festival, is too beautiful!The colorful fireworks were lingering in my mind.

中秋节的赏月作文 篇6


Today is August 15th and Mid -Autumn Festival. Mid -Autumn Festival Mid -Autumn Festival is a traditional custom of my country's folk.After dinner, my father and mother and I rode a bicycle to the East District to enjoy the moon next to Ruyi Lake.Walking on the road, the breeze blew up, bringing a little coolness.


When I came to Ruyi Lake, there were too many people who were unexpected. People in the square came and went, which was very lively.We sat in a relatively few people and took out the moon cake while eating and enjoying the moon.The lake is calm and the lights are quiet, the lights on both sides of the strait are brilliant, and the round moon is hung in the sky like a bright light.The white moonlight seemed to put a silver coat on the earth.With the sound of music, the height of the fountain on the lake became colorful under the colorful lights.People are intoxicated in this beautiful scene.


A burst of breeze blew up, and it felt a little cold on his body. At this time, a bit of dew on the grass flashed in the moonlight.It's late at night, and the beautiful moon sister said goodbye, and return to the Mid -Autumn Festival next year!