
时间:2022-07-22 13:25:23 | 来源:语文通



Each of the responsible father is a backer in the hearts of children.A few years ago, that night, my father's tolerance, care and inspiration, and kept warmth.


That afternoon I was so addicted that I was so addicted outside, but I didn't care about the dark clouds in the sky. When it started to rain, I quickly ran home, and I was poured by the rain. When I was home, I met my dad and looked around with an umbrella. After arriving at home, he didn't quarrel with me, but just asked me to quickly dry my body with a cloth and put on clothes. In the evening, I still caught a cold. I didn't taste it, coughing, and runny nose. Seeing this, my father quickly put on me raincoat, picked me up on the tram, and took me to the small clinic in the village. The rain in the cold night was tight, the wind was cold, and it was tight and tightly beaten on the raincoat I put on the raincoat. I didn't have time to wear a raincoat. I think I am too playful, so dark and cold, the harmful father is drenched, the siblings of regrets flow out, and constantly twitch. Not only did my dad complain about me, but also said while riding, "Dad didn't go to school, and there was no ability to make you a car." Father pointed to the car next to the road and then said, "You will have the ability to go to school in the future. , Can we let us enjoy blessings. "His apology made me even more disturbed, I promised:" Um. "I thought," You can rest assured, I must work hard to let you live a happy old age. " Urgent, the more my father bear.


After a while, I arrived at the clinic, and my father got out of the car to see the tears on my face, thinking that it was the rain on my face.He said, "Well, blame me to go out and don't give you well, why don't you pull the hat." At this moment, the image of my father in my heart was as tall and warm as the stove.


After measuring my body temperature, I said my condition, I bought medicine, it was already over 11 o'clock.After returning home, Dad cooked two eggs and told: "Eat eggs first before taking medicine. I am afraid of hurting the stomach on an empty stomach." I was afraid that I forgot it and said it again.


Due to timely treatment, my cold was getting quickly.The wind and rain and warmth that night stayed in my heart forever, and my father's words echoed in my ear for a long time.


Father, you are a big tree, covering the wind and rain for me, tolerate me, care for me, and have no regrets, and support the whole world for me.


Dad, thank you.



"Father loves like an umbrella, covering the wind and rain for you; father loves like rain, and wash your soul for you; father love is like a way, accompany you for a lifetime." My father loves me like this.


My father is not tall and kind.His skin is bronze, and it is probably because he has worked abroad for a long time.His hands -on ability is very strong, and often do some gadgets for me.This ordinary dad deeply moved me with a small thing full of love.


I remember when it was noon at noon in the early summer of the third grade. The original clear weather suddenly burst into the clouds, the wind rose suddenly, and the raindrops of beans were hit "crackling".Because I didn't bring the rain and wearing short sleeves, I had to tremble in the wind, and stepped towards the middle hall one step away.When I walked to the Central Hall, I couldn't help but think about it: "How can I go to lunch? And the family will send an umbrella? If not, wouldn't I ..." I was thinking, one, oneThe familiar figure suddenly jumped into my eyes: it was father!Although he was holding a bag of clothes and an umbrella, there were many water and mud points on his pants.I hurriedly greeted him and asked him: "What are you doing? What do you come to such a heavy rain?" I saw my dad pumping off the water in his hand, touching my head, and said concerned, "I will come, you will send an umbrella to send an umbrella to send an umbrella to send an umbrellaAnd clothes. As for me, I came over because I didn't want you to be cold ... "Suddenly a warm current flowed through my whole body.


This is my dad, an ordinary and great father!



With a cold cold blow, the village became thinner and thinner.The stream was spreading quietly by a haha. At this time, the stems were also exposed, and the street community seemed to be getting wider and wider. The leisurely alley looked at it.


The tornado seemed to pull me back that morning again. It was silent and blew away the tree rods that had no branches, and the sky was dark.I was sitting around the classroom by a cold word, shaking throughout my body, and the noise around me asked me to have the thoughts of learning and training.Looking at the smooth one in front of the window also made me feel cold.


When we were thinking of God, a voice spread to my ears to understand.I looked at the gate, but when I saw my father smiling, holding clothes and pants in my hand, my face was blown through the wind because of strong wind.The slender length is strong, and the bones are clear.It's just that there are more wrinkles and dead skin, and the long hair before, but now there have been a root strip.


I just want to say something, but I do n’t want to say too much and be said by my father: I go first, you need to study hard.Give it back, looking at the figure of my father's departure, my heart was full of warmth.But seeing him riding a car and drilling into the wind, there are vicissitudes of love after where he is tall and big.


Even though this scene is this scene?I still remember that there was a pouring rain that day, and the students were continuously taken away by their parents, but my father hadn't come yet, and I was so angry that I was so anxious -my hands were busy.The rain cover is looming and walking over, holding an umbrella in his hand, ah, a father!I rushed up, my father glanced at me strictly, and said, "Make you bring an umbrella, you don't have it. It hurts me to send you from get off work in advance." What you see in your eyes will no longer be strict and blame, but just a unique concern and thoughts.I think it's warm and guilty.On the road of thunderstorms here, the folding umbrella kept skewed on my side. My father picked up a piece of water in the sky and fell on my body but drilled into the rain.


I thought about it, even if my father's love was just that.He quietly made everything for me and helped me block the wind and rain in all the roads of life.



The old saying goes well: "Hundreds of good filial piety first.""Filial piety" has always been our most important morality.


Losing filial piety is like losing the heart. Only one body stands in the world and has lost the value of life, let alone talk about the heavens and the world, in history, there are many touching deeds about filial piety.Remember Meng Peijie among the top ten characters in China from 2011 to 2012?


Destiny is cruel to Meng Peijie, but she eternally smiles in the world.At the age of five, Dad died of a car accident, and his mother gave Meng Peijie to others to adopt, and soon died of illness.In the new family, Meng Peijie still failed to live a happy life. The adoptive mother Liu Fangying was paralyzed in bed three years later. The adoptive father was under pressure and left.In despair, Liu Fangying tried to commit suicide, but more than 40 painkillers she put under the pillow were discovered by Meng Peijie."Mom, don't die, mother is not dead, you are my God, you are alive, and your mother has a home."


Since then, the mother and daughter are dependent on each other, and the only source of income in the family is Liu Fangying's meager wage.When other people's children's paper enjoys pets, eight -year -old Meng Peijie has been on the streets to buy food and go home from school to cook for her adopted mother.Without a stove, she stood on the small bench and fried, but she had never shouted painlessly.


In the impression of the classmates, Meng Peijie always came and hurried.She gets up at six in the morning every morning, dress her mother, brush her face, wash her face, change diaper, feed breakfast, and then trot all the way to school, go home at noon, cook for the adoptive mother, cook the medicine, change the sheets ... Sometimes I have too late to eat, take it tooI rushed to the school.At night, a bunch of household chores was again. After she was sleeping, she sat down to do her homework. It was nine o'clock.


"The biggest feature of her daughter is filial piety, love and patience." Liu Fangying said that if there is a life, she should compensate her daughter.In order to cooperate with the hospital's treatment, Meng Peijie helped the adoptive mother to do 200 sit -ups every day, pulling legs 240 times, and pinching her legs for 30 minutes.When it was difficult to defecate Liu Fangying, Meng Peijie pulled out with his fingers.


In poverty, she worked hard, optimistic and cheerful, and drove all kinds of misfortunes with the vitality of youth; in difficulties, she had no regrets, adhered to poverty, and gave the traditional filial piety full of details.Although she filled up for more than 4,000 days, her smile was still brilliant.


Youth, there are always helpless words.We have been obedient, crazy, crying, and laughing.It is so good to pull happiness and pain away, and there is no contribution. No matter how you spend it, it is okay to choose yourself without regret it.The cold chase and residual obsession. After we vent, don't forget that your loved ones are still behind them.They love you, but they have been silent, and they are not concerned.We haven't rewarded them yet, no one can afford family affection. Before returning to the loved ones who love you, no one is eligible to determine ourselves. In other words, we cannot dominate ourselves.


We who are still a child must keep in mind: loved ones, especially those who love you, are still feeling around. Do n’t wait, the tree wants to be quiet, and the child wants to be filial.There is no regret medicine at all.



In my memory, there were many things that moved me, and the most moved thing for me was that my father came to pick me up after school.


My dad is thirty -one years old. He has a pair of small eyes and a pair of big ears.When I was in the second grade, my father came home once.Suddenly, the sky was raining up and down.Dad did not hesitate to hand the clothes to me, "Put on your clothes."I said, "If you give me your clothes, you will wet all your body." Dad said, "I'm an adult, it's okay." I was persuaded and had to put on my clothes.Then Dad took me to pull my legs and ran. When I got home, my dad was wet all over, and I didn't have any water on me.It hurts his father to catch a cold, and it will be better after a week.When I was sleeping that night, I cried secretly in the quilt.Think: "What can I use?" I can't help my parents do something, and let my father a cold.I must help my parents do something that can be done, so that parents should not worry about me.


I must be a good son, I love my dear father!



The Spring Festival has arrived, and the train station is really crowded, but it is not beautiful, and there is a heavy rain.Suddenly, Hankou Train Station became the ocean of people and the world of umbrellas.The bitter cold wind blows, making people feel cold from the bottom of their hearts.


On the West Square, I saw either a person or an umbrella, either an umbrella or a head.People with all kinds of people walked in the square: you see some people wearing leather coats, followed by an umbrella, and walked into the waiting room proudly; some people wore cotton clothes, carrying large bags and small bags, Holding a ticket in my hand, squeezing into the waiting room, sitting down with peace of mind; others did not have an umbrella, and the body was full of rain, but there was no ticket in my hand. Look at his anxious appearance, go to the ticket office for a while, urgent in a hurry, anxiousIt is like an ant on the hot pot.


There is still a group of students there. They are wearing school uniforms and waiting at the door of the train station. The students who bought tickets finally returned. Looking at him, they must not buy a ticket. One of the female students sighed: "Well, I ca n’t go back to the New Year this year. ”A male classmate comforted her:" Wait, wait, there may be votes in the next bus. "It can be seen that he was also anxious.


Let's look at a lot of people in the East Square. The corners, roads, and intersections are full of people. Even the stairs of the underground market are standing and standing. They are optimistic, some people sigh, and some shouted loudly.unfair.


There were some migrant workers at the entrance of the stairs. They sat on the cold ground and sighed without holding: "Well, why don't we pay earlier wages in the factory, so that we can go home earlier. This year, we may not be able to return home this year."At this moment, the broadcast said that there was another trip, there were tickets, and they were all excited. They rushed to the ticketing hall like the assault warrior -I can go home for the New Year. I am really happy to be happy for them.Essence


The ticket hall suddenly became lively.


There is a pair of father and son in the team. The son looks like three or four years old. They did not bring an umbrella. The son's round eyes were still covered with rain.Everything happened outside.Dad wrapped his clothes tightly to prevent his son from getting cold.I think Dad's arms must be warm.The son's eyes were uncertain and asked, "Dad, how long will it take?" Dad said helplessly: "I don't know. Baby, be patient, the road in front of us is still growing."


Yes, for such a small child, the road ahead is really still growing!



My growth is destined to be related to purple. The mysterious purple always brings me the most dignified melancholy. However, when I grew up, the purple was slowly diluted.And the kind of indifference but more beautiful.-Title


"Melancholy is an elegant temperament. I have seen a purple flower with melancholy flowers, and the hillside is full of. It is very elegant, pure, and a bit of bitter fragrance." RememberWhen I first saw this passage, I liked it very much, and I couldn't help but want to taste it carefully.At that time, although I was only 13 years old but had deep depression, I named Ziyu for myself.And my melancholy either for a bending moon, or for a lone goose, or for a rogue.All regrets, sadness, and confusion turned into dignified depression to surround me layer by layer.


I walked alone in Qingya, who was frozen here, and occasionally told my friends about something close to my heart, but more was silent.


I don't know how long this day lasted. I only know that in a a little cold morning, on the top of the five -story building, I suddenly woke up and liberated.Looking at a few flashing lights under the dark night, I suddenly understood that happiness is like the lights in the night. Even though it is weak, as long as it exists, what we pay attention to is the light, and the night is beautiful because of it.


I stood on the top of the building and watched the sun penetrate through the clouds, radiating the dazzling light, so enthusiastic and rising firmly.The warmth of the sun fascinated me.In the end, I was tired of depression and dullness, and was relieved from the fantasy of purple.The purple that once fascinated me was diluted by tears.Now purple is still disappearing my depression. In fact, purple can also represent beauty!It was a quiet beauty.


I hope that I can reach the world full of flowers, and the purple lavender is full of fields, exuding a strong fragrance.The velvet like a carpet stopped in my heart like a piece of purple clouds.No matter how it is unwilling to dissipate, permeate, permeate ... I want to smiling and smell the bitter fragrance for a long time.



1、风雨:风雨读音为fēng yǔ,是指①风和雨:风雨无阻ㄧ风雨大作。②比喻艰难困苦:经风雨,见世面。风雨 fēng yǔ词语意思:①风和雨:风雨无阻ㄧ风雨大作。②比喻艰难困苦:经风雨,见世面。分词解释:艰难困苦:形容处境艰苦,困难重重。见世面:在外经历各种事情,熟悉各种情况:经风雨,见世面。风雨无阻:不受刮风下雨的阻碍。指预先约好的事情,一定按期进行。大作:1.犹大事。 2.创办大事;大办。 3.大兴土木。 4.大起。 5.显着表现。 6.称人作品的敬词。...风雨怎么造句,用风雨造句»