
时间:2022-06-29 13:57:07 | 来源:语文通



Cute cats, loyal puppies, white little white rabbits, happy koi ... This cute little asshole is the closest good friend of everyone.I also learned about a beautiful, honest and interesting animal friend at the home of the piano teacher.


My good friend is a coffee cat in a gray sweater, and its name is "Beautiful".Beauty is a "cat and its name" cat.It has a round brain, and a pair of pointed ears are erected on the brain, as if it is showing: "Look at how full of me!" On the beautiful and fleshy square face, the yellow eyes were bright and bright, like bright and brightThe yellow gemstone is like crystal translucent chip.There is a gray -black inverted triangle in the beautiful yellow eyes and a small mouth of "Y".Don't think that its mouth is small, as long as it is yawned, it will expose its sharp teeth. At this time, the beauty is like a fierce "big bear", plus white on both sides of the cheeks.Beard, this "cat fake tiger prestige" kitten.Beauty is very interesting. There is a bunch of pearl bracelets hanging around its neck, and a small bell with strawberry seedlings hanging on the neck chain.


Beauty is a smart cat, a good friend of a trusted site. If it strokes its furry human body, it will be honestly lying on the ground.Sometimes, I just want to say to it, "Beautiful, come back!" It jumped to the guardrail of the Mipu art sofa in a spirit, as if I had to chat with me, but I could take the opportunity to take this furry baby babyGrab it back and hold it in your arms!


Beauty is also very polite.Every time I saw me coming, it said "Welcome to Welcome" at me meow meowing, and I said "goodbye" when I want to leave.


Beautiful or a little cat!Once, I bought ice cream with my mother, and I stared at my ice cream and followed me. I exposed to put the ice cream in front of it.Once, this "clever ghost" slipped out of the door frame while I wanted to leave, and hurried to the elevator car. As a result, the teacher seduced it home with a fish.Everyone laughed, so little cat!


This flattering and interesting cat hopes to be friends with it.



I have a ice cream in my house.It is not an ice cream that can be used, but a cute, fluffy little white cat.


Its ears are erected every moment, like a small guard, protecting the round ice cream's head.There is a pair of sapphires on the head, big and round eyes.There are three beards on both sides of the nose. They have eaten things, their mouths are twisted, and the sharp claws under their feet still hurt people, like a small knife after another.Looking at the long tail, like a white whip, beating my hand.Finally put on the white fluffy cotton coat, like a little princess, beautiful and cute.


Once, when I was sleeping in the bedroom, the ice cream pushed my door away and jumped to my bed quickly.Grasp my hand with a small paw, as if to wake me up, and then call it loudly, "Meow Meow" and "Meow Meow".At this moment, I was awakened. I was very angry and wanted to smash it with a pillow.Just when I wanted to smash it, a light bulb lit from my head, and I had a good idea: I can also give him a prank!


When Ice cream entered the dream hometown at night, I used a large bucket in the bathroom, picked up a bucket of water, and used the strength of nine cattle and two tigers to raise it a little. Then I held the barrel to the ice to the ice.In front of the meta.Put the water on it, the ice cream was called "meow".I was so comfortable now.


This is really a cute and beautiful kitten!



The classmates don't know why the panda is black, a piece of white? There is a small story here, let me talk to everyone.


In the past, in the primitive bamboo forest, there was a giant panda with furry white hair on it, which was both beautiful and cute.


One day, a "most beautiful" event will be held in the bamboo forest.The small animal doors are busy dressing themselves: the birds are organizing their beautiful feathers; the kittens tied a red bow on its head; the puppy is wearing its own small and exquisite flower skirt-Still eating bamboo slowly.The little monkey hurried to say to the giant panda:


"Big panda, the most beautiful" who is the most beautiful 'in the bamboo forest is about to begin, you hurry up! "The giant panda said," What are you in a hurry! When I finish eating the bamboo, it's not too late!"The little monkey was angry, regardless of it, he went to the mirror by his clear river.


At this time, things that small animals could not think of happened -the little white rabbit's home was caught fire.For a while, the little animals were running down: the small goat was afraid of burning his own white sweater and hid at home; the little fox was also afraid of burning his beautiful leather coat, so he quietly slipped away ------- thenAt this time, the giant panda dropped the bamboo in his hand.He rushed into the house of the little white rabbit bravely, and ran to the house with his back. Its eye circles were blackened by the smoke, and the body was burned black and white.At the conference, Uncle Elephant announced: "This winner is a giant panda!" The little animals raised the giant panda high, and they cheered, especially the little white rabbit, which was even more excited.It is dedicated to a bunch of beautiful flowers, and a note is inserted in the middle of the flowers, which says "beautiful giant pandas."


Since then, Panda has been this look for generations.Where they walk, they will be welcomed by people because they have the most beautiful heart.



Panda is a cute animal. I like pandas. Since our Suzhou Zoo has a panda "Su Su", I often look at it.


Su Su's black and white hair is very beautiful.Its short legs are black, but the round body is white.The black and white face is the best.There are two black and black eyes embedded in the white face.Ears and mouths are also black.When Su Su was serious, some black hair around his eyes was like the word "eight", and I had to laugh when I saw it.Su Su is sometimes lazy, I call it up to play with me, it just refuses.Su Su Shu looked comfortable and sleepy, so cute, so cute.Su Su is sometimes naughty, standing on both feet, and two hands can still punches.Su Su loves to eat bamboo, and I often see it holding a lot of tender green bamboo.


Dad said that the panda's fat body can still climb the tree!I hope to see Su Su climbing trees one day.



Some people like mighty tigers, some people like cute little rabbits, and some people like to speak parrots, but I like naughty little monkeys.


This Saturday, my father and I went to the zoo to see the monkey. The monkey was thin and thin. It had a gray -brown hair and seemed to wear a fur coat.Its pair of glittering eyes like two gems.As long as the eyes turn, there will be new ideas.Its mouth raised outwards, just like a monk knocking woodfish, seeing a delicious mouth immediately opened.When it is thinking about the problem, the ears will move.The most noticeable thing is its red buttocks, light and bright.And its tail, its tail is always rolled up, it looks like a hook, which looks particularly naughty and cute.


Dad and I also saw how the monkeys eat bananas.A child walked over and threw in a banana.The monkeys jumped off the trees and grabbed it. The banana was snatched by the fastest monkey. The monkey squatted on the ground, held the banana with both hands, and stabbed with his teeth, and looked at it from time to time.In the end, the monkey torn with his hands, biting it with his teeth, but after a while, the skin was picked up, and the monkey ate it with a wolf sip. It was really interesting!


Little monkeys like to swing on the tree most, watch!How happy they play!The tripod was on this tree, grabbed the tree with his hand, and kept shaking.From time to time, different postures will be shook, so proud!It seems to be waiting for people to take pictures of them!


I like naughty and cute monkeys!



My kitten is called the sunset, very cute, do you want to ask him why he called the sunset?Let me let me tell you!


Because I take him to see the sunset every afternoon. After watching the sunset, it meow meow meowing. It should be thought that the sunset is beautiful.


The setting sun is a cat we picked up. When it was picked up, it was still afraid of me, afraid that we would hurt it.After a few days he was familiar with us, we could hug her, but his body still shrunk into a ball. After a few days, it was already familiar with us. We can hold it and take it to bend.


Once I was writing homework, he put his dirty little paws on my work paper. He found that this was my work paper. He was worried that I would quarrel with him and shrink into a ball.Not only did he not make him noisy, he also touched his head with his hands. He pushed his head out and wanted to see me touched his head.He leaned his head and touched his head a few times, and he leaned his head. Meow meow a few times, as if I was apologizing for me. I forgive the sunset in my heart.EssenceI really like my kitten sunset.



1、美丽:美丽读音为měi lì,是指1.美好艳丽;好看。 2.指美女。 好看;漂亮,即在形式、比例、布局、风度、颜色或声音上接近完美或理想境界,使各种感官极为愉悦美丽 měi lì词语解释:1.美好艳丽;好看。 2.指美女。[beautiful] 好看;漂亮,即在形式、比例、布局、风度、颜色或声音上接近完美或理想境界,使各种感官极为愉悦分词解释:美好:好。好看:①看着舒服;美观:这花布做裙子穿一定很好看。②脸上有光彩;体面:儿子立了功,做娘的脸上也好看。③使人难堪叫做要人的好看:你让我上台表演,这不是要我的好看吗?美女:美丽的女子。艳丽:色彩明亮美丽:那富于色彩的连绵不断的山峦,像孔雀开屏,艳丽迷人。...美丽怎么造句,用美丽造句»