
时间:2022-07-11 13:28:11 | 来源:语文通


“Go !go! go!快乐购!”知道我们每个人脸上为什么洋溢着这么灿烂的笑容吗?想知道就跟上我快乐的脚步出发吧!

"GO! GO! GO! Happy purchase!" Do you know why each of us is filled with such a bright smile?!


We like a happy bird, under the leadership of the teacher, running towards Carrefour.When we arrived in Carrefour, we saw a variety of products, and they were neatly placed on the shelves: colorful drinks, fiery red window flowers, and variety of fruits.


We first came to the bulk area.Xiaotao went directly to the front of lollipop and said, "We buy a few lollipops, okay?" The teammates quickly ran over and looked at the price, and said excitedly, "So cheap, let's buy five.! "Everyone answered uniformly:" OK! "Xiao Tao couldn't wait to run over.


At a glance, the aunt said, "There are only five, how do you call it?" Xiao Tao ran left and ran right.The aunt looked annoyed, and said, "Okay, let me say it!" Xiao Tao finally said, and ran over, and said happily, "There are only two pieces of five cents!" I smiled at content with satisfaction.


Then we went to the yogurt area again, and I bought four cups of yogurt and a cup of Caspic.The four cups only need one piece of six hair, and one cup is only one piece.Later, I went to checkout, but it turned out to be over! I had to retreat Xiaokang's chocolate. She was extremely sad. As the captain, I was helpless.Huang Yaya stepped forward and asked her: "What's the matter?" She said, "They retreated my beloved chocolate." Huang Yaya came out and took the chocolate of Xiaokang, and we walked back to the classroom with a smile.


Today, I finally understand that spending money is like flowing water, it is not easy to be the captain!



Teachers pay money, we shopping? You must not believe it! Haha, the good things that drop the pie in the sky happened after school on Tuesday.


Entering the supermarket, there are a variety of things on the shelves, and all kinds of things can not see the margins.There are all kinds of cola, popsicles, chocolate, and really everything.


First of all, we came to the bulk area and were attracted by a jelly -like jelly. Captain said, "This taste is good, how do we buy something?"Let's go! "Put it directly on the shopping cart after taking it."You haven't price yet!" Said the aunt next to it.We suddenly realized that we hurried to the price.After the price, start to change the position.


"Come buy! Special offer yogurt, delicious but not expensive!" We heard the sip, we came to the yogurt area together.As soon as the aunt saw us, we immediately poured a cup for each of us. We tasted it and the taste was good, so we decided to take it down.


This is really a happy shopping. We not only gained delicious snacks, but also gained many new feelings.



The teacher pays it generously, we must shop happily! You must not believe it! Hahaha, the good things that drop the pie on the sky happened last night last Tuesday.


Entering the supermarket, the shelves are filled with a variety of products, eating, drinking, using, playing, making us dazzling.


First, we came to the candy area.We saw a candy named stone sugar. I picked up a bottle of sugar and said to others, "Let's buy a bottle of stone sugar!" Everyone refuted: "No, it's too expensive!"Put the candy back to the cargo frame.


Then we came to the food area again.We bought small biscuits of chocolate flavor about the same expensive as potato chips.I saw a lot of cheap things, and I put it in a shopping cart.At this time, Kang Jingyi saw her favorite -chocolate. She picked up a small bag of chocolate, looked at the price, and found that as long as three yuan, her eyes were bright, and she wanted to put it into the bag as soon as possible.I found a larger chocolate.But this piece of chocolate is more than five pieces, which scares that our eyes are almost falling to the ground, much more expensive than the piece just now! Chen Xiaozheng said: "Don't buy it, it's too expensive! Our funds are limited, the later will be, the meeting will be later, the meeting will be later, the meeting will be later, the meeting will be later.It's miserable when the child is over. "But Tang Jingyi clenched the chocolate tightly, and we could only wait for the money over.


Then, when we arrived in the bulk area, we still had the surplus of funds, and we started the snap -up model.full.


We pushed a full shopping cart to check out, and then left happily! We ate along the way, said, laugh, and unhappy!


“go,go,购,let't go!”老师出钱,我们购物。啦啦啦……知道我为什么这么高兴吗?想知道的请跟我来!

"GO, GO, Shopping, Let'T GO!" The teacher paid money, we shopping.La la la ... know why I am so happy? If you want to know, please follow me!


We walked into the big supermarket happily and saw a variety of products on the shelves. We saw dried fruits, rushed over, and thought: No, no, I will buy gifts for my mother! AbsolutelyNo! We saw the special yogurt again, and looked at the price: Oh my god! Dozens of dollars! Don't buy or buy it, it's too expensive! Later, after shopping for a long time, we still think the jelly is better.Very cheap, saying to friends: "Buy jelly! It's delicious and cost -effective. When friends listen to, they all think this idea is good, so I chose one!


Yeah! Time is coming, forget it, go to buy gifts for my mother, and buy plums with Xiao Peng. I don't know what my mother likes, so I took a puff: No!It's too expensive! Let me put it on! I thought secretly in my heart.Xiao Peng looked at me, took the Bao Bao hawthorn film and said to me, "That's it! It is very affordable!" Seeing so many things, we went to buy a box of strange eggs and went to pay.


In the afterglow of the setting sun, we ended this happy, unique, and wonderful shopping, and it really made me experience the hardship of money, making me know how to save.



"GO, GO, happy purchase!" Do you know why each of us's face is filled with such a bright smile? If you want to know, set off with our happy footsteps!

一进超市,我们就看见琳琅满目的食品摆在那里,我们组一看见了,都想去吃,特别是小李, 他看见了都快流出口水来了 。

As soon as we entered the supermarket, we saw a variety of foods there. As soon as we saw it, we wanted to eat, especially Xiao Li. He saw that it was coming.

我们首先来到了的是零食区,看见了五颜六色,各种各样的零食,真是应有尽有啊!彭雨涵说:“我们买一包薯片吧!”我说:“可以呀,你想拿就拿吧!”彭雨涵就拿了一包,我皱皱眉头,说:“我们买了这么多干食品,要不要去买点饮料呢 ?“不行不行,这是垃圾食品,不能买。”“那要不我们去买一包牛奶吧 !”大家异口同声地说:“可以可以 。”说完就每人拿了一包 。

The first thing we came to is the snack area, and we saw colorful and colorful, all kinds of snacks, it was really everything! Peng Yuhan said, "Let's buy a bag of potato chips!" I said, "Yes, you can get it if you want to take it.! "Peng Yuhan took a pack. I frowned and said," We bought so many dry foods, do we want to buy some drinks? "No, this is a junk food, you can't buy it."Then let's buy a pack of milk!" Everyone said in unison: "Yes."After speaking, I took a pack of each person.

后来我们来到了文具区,每人买了一只自己喜欢的笔 。

Later, we came to the stationery area, and each person bought a pen you like.


We went back, I thought: such a pleasant day is over, so I am so happy today!



The teacher pays it generously, we are happy to shop! Speaking of our happy purchase last Tuesday, I can't help but!


Under the leadership of Huang Yaya that day, we came to the Carrefour Supermarket together. I just walked into the supermarket and saw a variety of products on the shelves.So we hurriedly took the shopping cart and shuttled back and forth in the supermarket. I don't know what to buy.Walking, we walked to the fruit area unknowingly.I originally wanted to buy a few oranges. I walked over and looked at it for half a time. The oranges were eight yuan and eight. I had to walk away reluctantly.


"Hurry up, as long as Apple only needs three pieces of nine hair!" When we heard Chen Sixuan's call, we gathered around, and everyone couldn't wait to choose carefully.I think: I must pick the best apple to give my mother, I hope she can like it.After picking the Apple, we put the apple on the name. Four only five pieces of seven, we happily called: "Yeah!"


We came to the stationery area again.Liu Yiman looked at the pen and said, "Hi, buy a pens!"


"It's too expensive! We have limited funds."


"Just one."


"No!" Later, we saw the mini small book, and they all liked it. Then the team leader decided to buy it. We walked around and bought more and more things.


This is really a happy purchase! I got snacks and got happiness.


哇!超市里的东西琳琅满目,有什么薯片、可口可乐、辣条、糖果、小麻花等等,我说:“我们去买小麻花吧!”我的朋友说:“好,我们一起去吧!”姜玉麟也在旁边说:“我们吃过很好吃,我们买吧!” “好好好。”大家随声附和,我们开始投票,组长说:“有三人吃,有两个人不知吃,那我们吃吧!”我们组的财务在旁边计算着:“72-18=54。”“吃小麻花,容易口渴,我们得去买点饮料,要不我们去买可乐吧?” 不知是谁说了一句,我们直接冲去买了五瓶可口可乐,两元五角一瓶 ,我们组的会计在本子上算了算,还剩42元,每一笔消费都记得清清楚楚 ……

Wow! The things in the supermarket are full of things, what kind of potato chips, Coca-Cola, spicy strip, candy, small twist, etc., I said, "Let's buy Little Twist!"My friend said, "Okay, let's go together!" Jiang Yulin also said, "We have eaten deliciously, let's buy it!""Three people eat and two people don't know how to eat it, then let's eat!" The finances of our group calculated: "72-18 = 54."Let's buy Cola? "I don't know who said it, we rushed directly to buy five bottles of Coca -Cola, two yuan pentagram and a bottle. The accounting of our group was calculated on the book.Remember clearly ...


老师大方掏钱,我们快乐购物,说出来你一定不信吧!哈哈哈哈,这样天上掉馅饼的好事,就发生在我们周六那天下午 。

The teacher pays it generously, we must not believe it! Hahahaha, so that the good things that drop the pie on the sky occur on Saturday afternoon.

今天,我带着作文本文具盒、羊肉串、口香糖来到了我们上课的地方,没过一会儿,老师来了,我赶忙拿出作文本文具盒放在了桌子上 ,老师笑眯眯地对我们说:“今天我们不写作文。”同学们听到“不写作文”四个字就欢呼起来,有人问老师:“不写作文我们干什么?”“我们去快乐购!”谢谢老师说,教室里面又响起了雷鸣般的欢呼声 !

Today, I came to our class with writing stationery box, lamb skewers, and gum. After a while, the teacher came, and I hurriedly took out the text stationery box and put it on the table. The teacher said with a smile:"We don't write today." The classmates cheered when they heard the words "without writing". Someone asked the teacher: "What do we do without writing?" "Let's go happy to buy!" Thank you teacher.A thunderous cheers rang!

很快我们就到达了目的地——乐尔乐,奥力给队一下子就冲了进去 一溜烟没影了 。

Soon we arrived at the destination -Lelele, and Oli gave the team and rushed in and smoked.


We strode towards the snack area. As soon as we walked in, the players' eyes stared larger than the copper bell.After walking, I saw a pack of barbecue -flavored potato chips. We ran over and looked at the pricing. Actually only two pieces of five cents, which was too cheap! After we discussed, Peng Yuhan reached out and took it down.Put it into the little blue bag sent by the teacher.


We came to the stationery area again. At a glance, I saw a bead pen printed with Pikachu. I said, "Let's buy the ballpoint pen!" After the captain's consent, we ran quickly and hit it.The team members and captains saw it, laughed, soon everyone chose what they needed, bought potato chips, mung bean cakes, ballpoint pen, sweet milk ... just drum my shopping bag.

接着,我们一蹦一跳地就像一只兔子一样跑到了收银台结账,竟然还剩下了15块钱,我们确定每人分三块自由支配 。

Then, we jumped to the cash register to check out like a rabbit, and there were 15 yuan left. We determined that each person was freely dominated by three pieces.


Stepping on the rest of the setting sun, we ended this happy purchase, which not only got happy, but also made me feel hard.


Go !go !go!快乐购!你知道周二的晚上,家乐福在迎接一批可爱的小客人吗?那就是我们!不要觉得奇怪,今天可是我们黄老师请客,让我们去购物呢!

GO! GO! Happy purchasing! Do you know on Tuesday night, Carrefour is welcome to a batch of cute little guests? That is us! Don't feel strange, today is us, but we are today, but we are today.Teacher Huang, let's go shopping!

我们刚走进家乐福超市,哇!物品可真是琳琅满目啊,有桔子-小学生写物作文300字、面包、美味的可乐……我一眼就看中了春联,走近一看,天呐!要100多元!我只好依依不舍地离开了。然后我们又来到了酸奶区,一位同学说:“买一盒卡士吧,可好喝了。”我看了看价格,好贵,忍不住冲她喊:“这么贵,还是买四瓶益生菌,一瓶老酸奶吧!” 大家七嘴八舌地附和道:“对呀,对啊!”嘿!真是一举两得呀!就这样,购物车上就有了几位新成员。

We just walked into the Carrefour supermarket, wow! The items are really dazzling, there are oranges-elementary school students' writing composition 300 words, bread, delicious cola ... I saw the Spring Festival couplet at a glance, closer, God! I want 100!Diverse! I had to leave reluctantly.Then we came to the yogurt area again. A classmate said: "Buy a box of cards, but it's delicious." I looked at the price, so expensive, I couldn't help but shouting: "So expensive, buy fourBottle probiotic, a bottle of old yogurt! "Everyone entered the mouth and said," Yes, yes! "Hey! It's really a good one! In this way, there are several new members on the shopping cart.


Then, Teacher Yaya came over and said, "Time is very urgent, hurry up!" We started to buy! I first grabbed a lollipop and said, "How is it? It's cheap!" The captain glanced at the billSay: "There is still a lot of money! Go to say it!" I ran to the place where things were called, "Wow, so cheap? As long as two pieces of five cents." Captain said, "Now you can go to buy things freely, remember to remember to wantCan be divided! "We ran towards all sides, and the food was full of shopping carts after a while, and we went to checkout with satisfaction.


When we arrived at the checkout area, we were a little disturbed, thinking: What should I do in the way? When we take the goods: wet towels, biscuits, steamed buns ...For a dollar, the captain had to retreat Xiaokang's chocolate.Xiaokang was unhappy, and finally the teacher gave it a yuan, and the incident finally solved it successfully.


During the event, I understood that spending money is like flowing water, we will save more in the future.


“快来买,特价牛奶,好吃又不贵 。”听到吆喝声,我们一起向卖牛奶的地方冲去,阿姨一看到我们,马上热情地给我们倒了一杯,我们尝了尝,味道不错,于是我们决定把它拿下 。

"Come and buy, special milk, delicious and not expensive." Hearing the sip, we rushed towards the place where the milk was selling. As soon as the aunt saw us, immediatelyI poured us a cup enthusiastically, we tasted it, and the taste was good, so we decided to take it down.

接下来我们还去了散装区,水果区 ,渐渐地我们的购物车的物品也丰富起来了 。

Next, we also went to the bulk area, fruit area, and gradually our shopping carts were rich.

这真是一次快乐的购物,我们不仅收获了美味的零食,还收获了许多新的感受 。

This is really a happy shopping. We not only gained delicious snacks, but also gained many new feelings.




Today, my mother took me to shopping together. This is the first time I have to go to the large farmer's market with my mother!

Today, my mother took me to shopping together. This is the first time I have to go to the large farmer's market with my mother!


It's the farmer's market, here are crowded and crowded: "Fresh potatoes! Two yuan a pound!" Here shouting: "Selling fish, not new, no money!" ...It's not the amount of car fighting, making me dazzling, I don't know what to buy.At this time, a aunt at the opposite side of the pork ribs said to us, "Would you like to have some pork ribs? You can be nutritious!" So the mother said to me, "Let's buy some pork ribs!" I said "Okay!"

It's the farmer's market, here are crowded and crowded: "Fresh potatoes! Two yuan a pound!" Here shouting: "Selling fish, not new, no money!" ...It's not the amount of car fighting, making me dazzling, I don't know what to buy.At this time, a aunt at the opposite side of the pork ribs said to us, "Would you like to have some pork ribs? You can be nutritious!" So the mother said to me, "Let's buy some pork ribs!" I said "Okay!"


We came to this shop, "How much is a pound? Boss!" "Not expensive, nineteen yuan is sold for you!"Yeah, this is also very cheap. If you fall again, then it ’s my entry price. If you do n’t make money, you will lose it!" I said, "The boss is a little cheaper, these a few dollars can't get poor you, and it will also be that you will be poor.You can't get rich, you're cheaper! "The boss said," Okay, just sell it for you for eighteen dollars! "We bought two pounds of ribs and returned home.

We came to this shop, "How much is a pound? Boss!" "Not expensive, nineteen yuan is sold for you!"Yeah, this is also very cheap. If you fall again, then it ’s my entry price. If you do n’t make money, you will lose it!" I said, "The boss is a little cheaper, these a few dollars can't get poor you, and it will also be that you will be poor.You can't get rich, you're cheaper! "The boss said," Okay, just sell it for you for eighteen dollars! "We bought two pounds of ribs and returned home.


After returning home, my mother asked me, "Are you happy today?" I said, "Happy!" I didn't expect that shopping would be so happy!

After returning home, my mother asked me, "Are you happy today?" I said, "Happy!" I didn't expect that shopping would be so happy!



Today, my mother took me to shopping together. This is the first time I have to go to the large farmer's market with my mother!

Today, my mother took me to shopping together. This is the first time I have to go to the large farmer's market with my mother!


It's the farmer's market, here are crowded and crowded: "Fresh potatoes! Two yuan a pound!" Here shouting: "Selling fish, not new, no money!" ...It's not the amount of car fighting, making me dazzling, I don't know what to buy.At this time, a aunt at the opposite side of the pork ribs said to us, "Would you like to have some pork ribs? You can be nutritious!" So the mother said to me, "Let's buy some pork ribs!" I said "Okay!"

It's the farmer's market, here are crowded and crowded: "Fresh potatoes! Two yuan a pound!" Here shouting: "Selling fish, not new, no money!" ...It's not the amount of car fighting, making me dazzling, I don't know what to buy.At this time, a aunt at the opposite side of the pork ribs said to us, "Would you like to have some pork ribs? You can be nutritious!" So the mother said to me, "Let's buy some pork ribs!" I said "Okay!"


We came to this shop, "How much is a pound? Boss!" "Not expensive, nineteen yuan is sold for you!"Yeah, this is also very cheap. If you fall again, then it ’s my entry price. If you do n’t make money, you will lose it!" I said, "The boss is a little cheaper, these a few dollars can't get poor you, and it will also be that you will be poor.You can't get rich, you're cheaper! "The boss said," Okay, just sell it for you for eighteen dollars! "We bought two pounds of ribs and returned home.

We came to this shop, "How much is a pound? Boss!" "Not expensive, nineteen yuan is sold for you!"Yeah, this is also very cheap. If you fall again, then it ’s my entry price. If you do n’t make money, you will lose it!" I said, "The boss is a little cheaper, these a few dollars can't get poor you, and it will also be that you will be poor.You can't get rich, you're cheaper! "The boss said," Okay, just sell it for you for eighteen dollars! "We bought two pounds of ribs and returned home.


After returning home, my mother asked me, "Are you happy today?" I said, "Happy!" I didn't expect that shopping would be so happy!

After returning home, my mother asked me, "Are you happy today?" I said, "Happy!" I didn't expect that shopping would be so happy!



Mathematics is an extremely important discipline in our daily life. It is everywhere. It is used at home, in the farmer's market, in supermarkets, and is used to mathematics everywhere. This semester we have learned the unit.I was very interested in him and helped me solve some practical problems in my life.


In the early morning of the summer vacation, I accidentally saw 50 yuan on my mother's table, and there was a small note next to it, which said "Tong Tong Treasure".This must be my pocket money this month. At this time, I thought it was better to buy something that I used to use at home.The room rides on a bicycle.I rode a car to the Want Want Supermarket opposite the community. The first thing was to buy a towel. I saw a pink towel with a purple -dotted flower.Toothbrush is 2.3 yuan, a total of 10 yuan for two. At this time, I was aimed at the far food area in the distance. I took some small bread first, a pack of one yuan;A total of 13.6 yuan, a pack of biscuits for 1 yuan, 1 box of 6 packs, and 1 multiplied by 6 to 6 yuan. These things cost 33.6 yuan, only 16.4 yuan for poor Baba.


I went to a nearby stationery store in a car again, and found 3 black pen cores. The auntie of the salesperson said a five -corner money, which cost 1.5 yuan, and the color paper was 2.3 yuan per bag. I bought a package.A total of 3.8 yuan.I paid the money, looked at the watch, yeah! It's 11:30, my mother is coming back, I hurriedly ride my wind wheel to the small shop in front of the house, bought two 5 small batteries, flowers3 yuan, now only the last 9.6 yuan.I saw a leisurely ball hanging on the door of the store. As soon as the price was 9.6 yuan, I bought it. Although there was no plan to shop, I bought so many things at home today.A small reward.


As soon as I got home, my mother stepped in.Mom asked: "Did you spend 50 yuan for you? This was what I discussed with my dad yesterday to try to buy things alone." It turned out that these were carefully designed by my parents.Knowing that mathematics in life is everywhere, it is pivotal, I have to learn math well.



150 words of composition by mathematics


Today, my parents took me and my brother to the Qujiangchi site park.After playing for a while, my brother and I were a little thirsty, so my mother gave me 100 yuan, let us buy water, and then calculate how much money should be recovered.


We bought two bottles of water to drink a bottle of pulse. A bottle of farmer mountain spring was 4 yuan, and a bottle of pulse was 8 yuan.This is how I calculated: 4 + 4 + 8 = 16 (dollars), 100-16 = 84 (dollars), I said to my mother, "I calculate it, I should ask the salesperson to find us 84 yuan."


Mathematics composition 150 words 2_Luey Shopping


On September 30th, I bought food with my dad. We bought 3 tomatoes. The price of tomatoes was 6 yuan and 5 cents. Dad gave me 10 yuan. Then I gave me the salesperson aunt.-6 yuan = 4 yuan, 4 yuan -5 corner = 3 yuan 5 cents.Auntie asked me 3 1 yuan and a 5th corner, which was 3 yuan and 5 cents.


My dad and I went home happily.



On a sunny morning, my mother and I went to the business city.Entering the business city, there are various products on the first floor, those who sell toys, selling carpets, and selling clothes ... it is really dazzling.When we walked into a shop selling lanterns, there was a lantern that would turn around. It turned slowly, like a little girl twisted a cheerful dance, and I was deeply attracted by them."Come here!" I hurriedly ran away when I heard my mother's voice."How about this lantern?" My mother asked me.Wow!This lantern is painted with two carp, which is "more than the year.""Just buy this" I said to my mother.


Buy the lantern, we went to the flower and bird market.I like the flowers and plants and small animals here.We walked into a flower shop. There are so many flowers here, fragrant and charming.My mother glanced at the bonsai of the roses and bird nests here, and I chose Lily.Buy a good flower, let's come to a shop specializing in small animals, there are parrots with colorful and six -color feathers, small goldfish with different shapes, and small turtles that shrink in the corner.I squatted down and gently held up a smallest turtle in the corner with my hands. It slowly stretched out my head. The black eyes stared at me. It was so cute, so choose it.


Shopping this day adds a festiveness to the family!



In this sunny Saturday, I held a small purchase meeting with a few classmates. The so -called replacement meeting was to exchange things that I didn't need to exchange with the things you were interested in.


I came to my own booth and put things carefully. Waiting for the arrival of other classmates. After a while, people came together.


I first left my booth and went to see other people's things.Suddenly, the glittering light stabbed into my eyes. As I looked at this light, I found that it turned out to be a beautiful large crystal! (I don't know if it is true or false) It is under the sun of the sun.The color of red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, blue, and purple, it will look different from different angles. This is its charm.I immediately applied to the stall owner, Yu Zhewei, and she went to my stalls to choose what she liked. We took a favorite thing and returned to the booth with satisfaction.I "Amoy" to the first item.


Then someone came to patronize my stall. I exchanged a glasses rack with her, and we were all happy and satisfied.


I was so happy that this day. I not only bought what I like, but also how to communicate and communicate with others.



On the eve of June 1st, the head teacher said to us with a smile: "Tomorrow is Children's Day, we will hold a lotus coin replacement activity. You do n’t need to bring snacks. Some of them are. Of course, if you do n’t have a lotus coin or you want to eatWith a little bit. "As soon as the words fell, the classroom suddenly exploded, some students cheered loudly, some students patted their hands hard, and some classmates even stepped on one foot on the stool and made in their hands to make them.The gesture of "victory".My heart is also sweet: hee hee, I have enough lotus coins, and I can be full of mouth tomorrow!


A moment of excitement finally came, Teacher Ke and his classmates moved the tables together, and they were fighting into rectangular, like small counters. "Salesman" moved a box of food and beverages, placed one by one on the "counter" he wanted to open, and then placed the price plate in front of the snack. I walked over and looked at it. The price of snacks was different. The cheapest 10 yuan was enough, but the most expensive one was 40 yuan. My heart was secretly bitter. Alas, let's buy it! I gritted my teeth and came to the stall of "Yeah! Tudou" and looked at the price, ah! Really "don't know, it's scared at a glance"! I can't believe my eyes, such a small pack of "Yeah! Tudou" cost 40 yuan! Look at the price of "crispy horns" next to it, only 10 yuan! Through a hint of unhappy, why are the difference in the price of almost size? I hesitated. In the end, I still had to endure love and bought a pack of "crispy horns" and a pack of "Yeah! Tudou", but my poor lotus coin was left only 144 yuan, which can be saved. However, I still can't resist the temptation of food, almost all the lotus coins.


After class, watching the classmates smiled happily, looking at a lot of snacks in front of my eyes, my happiness grew like a sunflower, and every inch of sunlight in the air overflowed with happiness.It's so beautiful!



Wonderful halo, a wonderful and prosperous picture.


Entering the aura, the bright light and the continuous floors of the flowing flowers are dazzling, and a variety of shops have a panoramic view.The glorious Jinbao shop is displayed in the dazzling first formula. The colorful clothes in the clothing store are hung on the hanger. The steam in the restaurant is lingering, and the cinema is crowded.


On the second floor, the indoor botanical garden has no views, and the dazzling strange flowers are particularly noticeable.The bare dragon blood trees are like a huge light brown ginseng, deeply pierced into the soil; the tall green amount of sky stretch the neck and look up at the sky;Mummy, as if it was abducted by a spider; African Overlord Tree was wearing dark green iron nail armor, and his head stood upright ... The botanical garden was like a virgin forest, densely decorated with various greens, light green, dark green, tender green greenNative


A tall dung dragon skeleton stands in the forest.The sky is a few straight trees, and it is amazingly flying in the sky with tall and short spear.The clear artificial waterfall is flying down from the observation deck, like a crystal ribbon, hitting the stone, splashing the water.The white artificial dense fog fluttering slowly in the botanical garden.In the hazy, the distant plants, with the flooding of the dense fog, make many audiences drunk.During the day, the crystal waterfall flowed down, and all kinds of trees were very dazzling.In the evening, there were beautiful pure music in the botanical garden. The waterfall was in colorful lights. With the melody, it danced quietly, like picturesque, like a wonderful wonderland.


At this time, a thick book incense drilled into my nose.Looking forward, ah! Next to the bookstore! Entering the bookstore, the large and small bookshelves come into view, with a variety of books on it: humorous comic books, good -looking literary books, short small prose books ...I also carefully nailed the prompt cards, and I chose a few books I like, and I sat in the special coffee shop of the bookstore and read it with interest.Listening to Jingya's pure music, drinking fragrant coffee, eating sweet cakes, and watching delicious books, it feels very comfortable.


The lively and extraordinary halo shopping mall, a beautiful picture!



After school, my mother said to me, "Daughter, you are ready, wait, we will go to the supermarket to buy things together." I said, "Okay." After preparing, we set off.On the way, I said to my mother, "Mom, wait, can I buy something I like to eat?" Mom said, "Yes! Today is because your mid -term exam dual subjects ranked second in the class.Coupled with the writing score, the total score is higher than the first place, so I brought you. "I smiled.


When I arrived at the supermarket, I walked into the supermarket with a jump. Look at it, then, said, "Mom, I want to buy corn. After I go home, we cook rice and stew corn pork rib soup." Mom said, "I think so too! "Then, my mother bought cabbage, carrots, purple potatoes, pumpkin, flour and twenty packs of potato chips, ready to spend the cold winter.After we bought it, I said to my mother, "Let's go to the cashier to pay!" Mom said, "Okay! Go."


On the way out, I said to my mother, "Mom, let's go to" Wallace "to eat fries?" Mom said, "Okay!" We came to "Wallace" and started ordering.My mother asked me, "Daughter, what do you have to eat?" I only ordered a fries and a cup of warm milk.After the meal came, I ate a beautiful meal.


On the way home, my mother said to me, "Daughter, don't eat too many foods like fries in the future, because eating too much food like fries is not good for your body."


I keep in mind my mother's words, don't eat more food, eat more clean food.If you really want to eat snacks, eat green food.



After school, we waited for class in the composition class. Seeing that the teacher had not come, we quarreled.Suddenly, Teacher Huang came and said mysteriously, "If you don't quarrel, I will tell you a secret!" We were immediately quiet.She said, "We don't go out today, go out and shop!" The classroom suddenly exploded, and was so excited.After a while, we took the teacher's money to go shopping!


When we arrived at our destination, we rushed in happily. As soon as we entered, we saw the colorful color. There was all the snacks, so that I couldn't get started, and I didn't know which one to choose.Jelly? Potato chips? Chocolate? Ah! I almost forgot. I ca n’t do whatever I want today. I quickly asked my friends to discuss.


"Let's buy jelly!" Peng Jingru sighed, and I sighed, but it was too expensive! We can't afford it! I didn't expect a small jelly to be more than 20 yuan a pound, we too, we alsoI had to look at Guo Xing sighing and changed the place.


Then we came to the yogurt area, after choosing a few cups of yogurt, we returned to the snack area for purchase.After a while, our shopping cart was filled with many snacks.


We went to choose gifts for our mother again. Just for this special gift, we worked hard and carefully selected.Soon, two classmates finally chose. I shuttled back and forth in the snack area. I chose a pack of caramel melon seeds. Only one classmate did not choose. After ten minutes, our Xiao Wu finally chose a packet of moms.Like to eat hawthorn tablets.


The shopping was over, this time I felt that the money was not enough, so I had to endure the taste of love, and let me know that money was hard to come!



1、快乐:快乐读音为kuài lè,是指感到幸福或满意:~的微笑 ㄧ祝您生日~。快乐 kuài lè[happy;cheerful] 欢乐。指感到高兴或满意 快乐的单身汉快乐 kuài lè欢乐。谓感到幸福或满意。 汉 焦赣 《易林·乾之履》:“富饶丰衍,快乐无已。”《敦煌变文集·妙法莲华经讲经文》:“王住宫中快乐多,更於终日奏笙歌。” 明 唐寅 《感怀》诗:“万场快乐千场醉,世上閒人地上仙。” 巴金 《家》六:“他没有快乐,也没有悲哀。” ...快乐怎么造句,用快乐造句»