
时间:2022-10-24 12:51:58 | 来源:语文通



以新中国成立70周年为话题的高中作文 篇1新中国成立70周年 篇2为祖国喝彩建国70周年征文:怒放的青春 篇3以新中国成立70周年为话题的高中作文 篇4以新中国成立70周年为话题的高中作文 篇5以新中国成立70周年为话题的高中作文 篇6以新中国成立70周年为话题的高中作文 篇7为祖国喝彩主题征文:70载,“中国制造”强起来 篇8为祖国喝彩庆祝新中国成立七十周年优秀作文 篇9以新中国成立70周年为话题的高中作文 篇10

以新中国成立70周年为话题的高中作文 篇1


Dear Motherland:


Hello! Over the past 70 years, you have experienced ups and downs, and have undergone rapid changes. As your child, I am extremely proud!


In my little heart, there is a seed of dream. Dream is like a butterfly. Life is brilliant because of dreams, and life is colorful because of dreams.


When I was young, I saw actors dancing on the stage and their graceful dancing won applause. At that time, I wanted to be a graceful actor. Gradually, as I grew up, I could not help but be attracted by the sacred profession of "teacher". Teachers spend their lives with chalk, leading students on a wonderful journey of knowledge. They teach students by words and deeds, and teach them good style and excellent conduct. The teacher is a diligent gardener, watering the flowers of the motherland with sweat and hard work. They have been working on the platform for decades without any regrets. I deeply like teachers, so I fixed my dream on the glorious profession of teachers.


With dreams, we have a clear direction of struggle. For the dream in my heart, I must study hard and light up my dream with my knowledge. In class, we should listen attentively and answer questions actively; Finish homework on time and in quantity after class; We should be meticulous in our study, so as to achieve excellent results. I also need to exercise my courage and language skills, and be loving, patient and responsible. I am now in a time of vigor and vitality, so I must cherish this hard won time, make full use of every minute, and use books to enrich my brain and broaden my vision. A healthy body is the capital of all revolutions. Only by taking good care of your body can you advance towards your dreams.


Only when people have dreams can they be motivated, and only when countries have dreams can they have a future. To realize the Chinese Dream, we must pool China's strength. To achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is a glorious and arduous task that requires everyone's efforts and struggle. As the saying goes, "Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world." Every Chinese descendant has the mission of realizing the prosperity and strength of the motherland, national rejuvenation, people's happiness, and social harmony of the times. As long as everyone strives to realize the common dream, the power to realize the dream is extremely strong. I firmly believe that with dreams, opportunities and struggles, all good things can be created.


A strong youth makes a strong country; Youth wisdom is the wisdom of the country. We are the small masters of the 21st century and your delicate flowers. The baton of history has been handed to us, and we are carrying your future. We will contribute to your great rejuvenation and make you stand in the east of the world forever!


I wish the mother of the motherland and the landscape together, with the sun and the moon!

新中国成立70周年 篇2


"China has been magnificent for five thousand years, and its 70th birthday has brought a new look." In China, she came slowly, with the hope and passion of the people, and composed a magnificent hymn of mountains and rivers. October 1, 2019 is her 70th birthday, "Happy birthday, our mother!"


The Chang'an Street is spotless, and the audience is full. The people from all over the world are cheering and happy, and the red flag is flipping, reflecting the whole Tiananmen Square. In the red song, our great leader, President Xi's grandfather, appeared on the upper floor of Tiananmen City, and the conference officially began.


The 56 gun salutes, with 70 booms, are like the pulse of history, telling the story of the children of 56 ethnic groups struggling bravely. In 70 years, 70 spring, summer, autumn and winter, we have carried the Chinese dream of hundreds of millions of people. The orderly pace of the soldiers, the glittering long guns, the rumbling artillery sound, like the galloping horses, the sound of "pa pa" footsteps and artillery sound, firmly and forcefully hit people's hearts, which tells the history of 70 years of hard work. The distance from the monument to the rostrum is only a few hundred miles, but this road condenses the journey of the CPC and symbolizes the Long March of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.


With the sound of salute, the honor guard came to the national flag. The sound of the salute stopped. A soldier held a red flag, split his leg, waved his hand, and the wind blew, and the red flag stretched. "Get up, people who don't want to be slaves..." The familiar melody sounded, and the whole audience sang loudly. The red flag rose slowly in the song, and hung high above Tiananmen Square. People looked up to the red flag and paid attention to it. Several elderly veterans in the national anthem were already in tears. The soldiers guarding the flag looked solemn, and everything seemed to be fixed at this sacred moment.


At the end of the national anthem, President Xi's grandfather stood in front of the microphone and made an important speech: "Our compatriots, comrades and friends from all over the country, today we solemnly gather to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. At this moment, the people of all ethnic groups, Chinese people at home and abroad, are proud of our great motherland and sincerely bless our great motherland..." The audience looked serious, This speech made everyone excited and touched. Some listened with a knowing smile; Some thought about it and frowned. How many young revolutionary martyrs died for war, and they exchanged their blood for our happy life. Grandpa Xi's words inspired me in front of the TV, made me more courageous to fight for my dream and contribute to the great rejuvenation of the motherland. A strong youth makes a strong country.


In China, she came along with the hope and passion of the people and composed a song of praise for victory. In the melody of the March of the Volunteers, our motherland is advancing, advancing, advancing towards the great rejuvenation.

为祖国喝彩建国70周年征文:怒放的青春 篇3

作者:杜俊鹏 水产学院

Author: Du Junpeng Fisheries College


In memory


Beat the hoarse strings of the years


Play a piece of sad attachment


Look up


Ignite the flame of youth


Bloom a bright light


It was a long time


Bearing the burden of history


Countless revolutionary martyrs


On that cruel battlefield


Support the backbone of the nation with life


In the unyielding cry


Play the strongest voice of the times




Interpreting the choice without regret with youth


Watering the flowers of victory with blood


I often think of them



Looking at the rising and setting sun


Remembering the red days


Remembering the heroes who died generously


The bottom of my heart does not feel a tremor


I hate myself

I hate myself

I hate myself


Can't own a magic pen of Ma Liang




I hate myself

I hate myself

I hate myself


Not a white dove from Athena


Take the green olive branch


I hate myself

I hate myself

I hate myself


Can't be born in that turbulent age




Guard the fragmented homeland


But I can't. I really can't


I can only stand on the edge of history


Looking back, indignation, indignation


I resent the once tragic experience


I admire the spirit of fearing life and death




Flying on every page of history


I Know


All sighs should be scattered in


In the dust and smoke of history


All emotions should be transformed into


The inexhaustible driving force for progress


Recalling the past


The long river of history flows endlessly


The land of China stands erect


Look at the present


Reform and opening up to the outside world


The future of our motherland is bright




On the young battlefield


Compose a beautiful hymn of youth


Under the leadership of the Party


Realizing the Dream of Prosperity of the Chinese Nation


Let the lasting bright red


Burning into the impulse of Chinese children


Renew the bloom of youth

以新中国成立70周年为话题的高中作文 篇4


We listened to the clock of the times under the brilliant stars, and we waited for the dawn in the long dark night. How many times we could not calm our hearts, how many times we could not sleep, how many times we were all for this unusual day... the 70th anniversary of the founding of the motherland! Looking up at the sky, the starlight of history is still shining! Our China is ancient and great, and our China is magnificent and eternal! Cai Lun's wisdom is written on the paper, and her direction is rotated on the compass. Under the light and shadow of the sword, he accumulates his salary and burns himself again and again, and recovers his life.


For the growth of the motherland, countless people have worked hard, and how many people have burned their lives and youth for the prosperity of the motherland! Even under the strangulation of feudalism, even under the gunfire of imperialism, the Chinese people still used their own backbone to erect the ancient Great Wall of China. Sixty nine years ago, on October 1, our motherland took off and flew into the sky again, sending out the most vigorous and heroic voice to the world: "The Chinese people have stood up from now on!" The giant's cry shook the world, making the mountains respond and the sea echo! They warmed the once dim body of the motherland with their own soul fire, lit the once cold soul of the motherland with their youthful blood, and weaved the colorful glow of the motherland with their passionate songs.


In the history, we dissolve in it and share the excitement and sorrow of the past; Looking ahead, we will find that the road ahead is more distant and difficult. Let's take science, reason and progress as our great goals. Let's give our motherland our outstanding achievements with noble character. Combine the pride of the Chinese people and the courage of the descendants of the dragon into our youth, give our wisdom and love of the whole China, let the bright red and ambitious five-star red flag rise in Tiananmen Square, and solemnly swear under the red flag: We will work hard, and we will do our best to burn our youth for the beautiful motherland! For the beautiful eternal life of our motherland!


I love this country that has gone through many vicissitudes but has not fallen. You have experienced many ups and downs, and our motherland has many people who can sing and cry. My motherland is really a prosperous country. The motherland you in my heart, sour for you, bitter for you, sweet also for you! Your worries are also my worries, and your happiness is also my happiness.


The motherland you have a sacred name - China, you use speed, you use strength to create miracles; You use diligence and wisdom to develop more brilliantly.


I wish you a prosperous and prosperous country!

以新中国成立70周年为话题的高中作文 篇5


In this blue, life rich planet, in this vast region of the world, there is a rooster that stands tall in the sea and land of Asia. It is China!


China, what a beautiful name! It is really the magical land of China where 1.3 billion Chinese people live endlessly. They are hardworking and tenacious. What's more, they have perseverance! It is also in this magical land that the Great Wall will be continuous, like a coiled dragon, rolling the Yangtze River and Yellow River will flow endlessly, feeding generations of Chinese people, and making our country increasingly rich and strong!


What God has given China is actually fair. God gave China the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, but let us see the founding ceremony. Since then, China has written a new page in reform and opening up. God has given China ice and snow disasters, but let us see the soldiers go to the front to shovel snow and remove ice. God made Wenchuan, China, suffer from a great earthquake, but let us see the great unity and harmony of the Chinese people who are indomitable and undaunted by disasters, which moved the world. Then, China won the opportunity to host the World Olympic Games, which shows us the enthusiasm, kindness, positive quality and indomitable spirit of the Chinese nation!


China, it shocked the world, and the world is better because of China!


China has an ancient and civilized history, and Chinese culture has a long history. Now China has begun to rise. It has already broken the shackles of tradition and broken the ideological cage of feudalism. It is advancing towards a humanistic society and internationalization! A great man once said, "China is like a sleeping lion. Once awakened, it will surely stir up the whole world!" Yes, I believe, and all Chinese people also believe that China will take off!


Whenever I look at the five-star red flag flying on the playground, my heart is surging like the sea. I believe that the Chinese people will deeply love their motherland, because the motherland has nurtured us, and we have witnessed the greatness of our motherland. Counting by fingers, the motherland has been established for 69 years. 69 years, for a person, is already very old. However, for China, just like a child, it will never grow old. It will always be young and vigorous. It will grow up healthily with the moisture of spring rain, the sunshine of summer, the wind of autumn, and the fragrance of winter plum. China, there is still a long way to go in the future, just like a roc is about to spread its wings, China will bravely go!


China, I'm proud of you! I am proud that I am a Chinese! I am happy that I was born in China!

以新中国成立70周年为话题的高中作文 篇6


Time rushes in the stream of the universe, and white horses shuttle in the gap of time. In a twinkling of an eye, the motherland has been established for 70 years. From "The People's Republic of China was founded 70 years ago!" Up to now, the great China standing in the east of the world has experienced countless hardships and sacrificed countless people with lofty ideals. Our happy life today is the result of generations of ancestors who have sacrificed their lives. Isn't this the dream of all Chinese people?


Two years ago, Grandpa was ill in hospital. The old man in the same ward always tells me his past stories and sighs about our happy life now. In my impression, the old man is always hale and hearty. Although his legs and feet are not very good, he always walks with a straight waist, and his faltering steps show determination and strength. The hair was also combed in perfect order, and a few silver strands appeared in the black hair. I've never seen him look untidy. I can't help wondering: Where does the old man look like a sick man? What makes me more puzzled is that the old man often holds a faded red scarf, and in his spare time, his hands will always touch it, with a childlike smile on his face.


Winter is coming, the wintersweet is in bloom, and the old man's leg disease is getting worse and worse. But he insisted on going to the park. We couldn't beat him, so we had to take him to the park near the hospital. The old man stroked the wintersweet blossom in the wind with trembling hands, and couldn't help singing:


"My country and I can't be separated for a moment. Wherever I go, a hymn flows out... My country and I are like the sea and the spray. The wave is the baby of the sea, and the sea is the support of that wave. Whenever the sea smiles, I am the vortex of laughter..."


I stared at the old man's serious expression, and unconsciously I was immersed in his powerful and affectionate singing. My uncle picked a branch of wintersweet and put it in my palm, Quietly said, "Son, you know what? You lived in an age that we didn't even dare to think about. At that time, we didn't have electric lights or televisions, and we didn't want to light a small kerosene lamp. Let alone eat. I have eaten peanut peels, grass roots, wild vegetables, tree bark, and insects. It's a matter of two or three days to eat a meal. It's a luxury to want to eat a steamed bun on weekdays.


Look at the present day, how wonderful! After the reform and opening up, our life is getting better and better day by day. This is a well-off society that our generations have been thinking about day and night. Sometimes I feel like I'm living in a dream, and I can't believe the life in front of me is real. Children, you are blessed! The country has created such good conditions for you. We should be dedicated to the country and support this group. Without everyone, where can I come from? Home is country, and country is home. Wherever you go, you can't forget that you are a Chinese descendant, you are a Chinese child, and China is your home! No one bullies you in this family, cough... "


The old man became more and more excited and coughed uncontrollably. I quickly patted my uncle on the back, and he slowly waved his hand to indicate that he was OK. I held the old man's arm tightly and helped him back to the ward step by step. The old man, who was out of breath, lay tired on the bed, and looked at me kindly with hazy eyes. My eyes were moist, and my eyes stopped on the red scarf that the old man was holding tightly, with the bright and dazzling wintersweet wrapped in it.


At that moment, my throat seemed to be blocked by a hot thing. I choked and said to the old man, "Old man, take a good rest. I will remember your words. Home is the country, and the country is the home! Where there is a country, there is a home. I will study hard, for my future, but also for the future of the motherland!"


Out of the ward, I also gently hummed the song: "My country and I cannot be separated for a moment. Wherever I go, a hymn flows out..." I know that the new future is calling our new youth; I know that new young people shoulder new tasks; I know that the new task carries China's new dream; I also know that the new Chinese Dream requires us Chinese teenagers to struggle and realize it.


Home is country, and country is home; The Chinese Dream is our dream. We are all striving for a beautiful dream, taking dreams as horses and accompanying the prosperity of our motherland.

以新中国成立70周年为话题的高中作文 篇7


Seventy years of tracing and founding the spirit of the country


Seventy years of the motherland, the wind and rain; Seventy years of our motherland, we are unafraid of difficulties; Seventy years of the motherland, strong voice of the times!




Never forget to worry about the country when you are in a low position


She traveled thousands of miles, and walked through 70 years of mud to welcome the magnificent road; She came over the mountains and mountains, crossed the difficulties of the Shu Road and walked onto the Chencang Tea Horse; She has come through many hardships and dangers, and her tenacity for decades has ushered in today. She is the mother of our motherland. What makes her straight? It is the Chinese spirit forged by countless pioneers, unlimited blood and countless lives!


Never forget to worry about the country when you are in a low position”镌刻入心。


Huang Danian, a person who has devoted himself to the country until the last moment of his life, has spent his whole life working diligently in scientific research, which perfectly explains the definition of loving the motherland. "Revitalizing China is our responsibility." This sentence he wrote in his graduation address book also became a reflection of his glorious life. In 1977, he received a doctor's degree from the UK and became a top scientist in the field of aviation geophysics in the world. But how can we revitalize China when we are in a foreign country and have no ambition to serve the country? So in 2009, he overcame all difficulties and resolutely returned to China through "__". From then on, he took root in his hometown and filled many gaps in the field of aerospace physics in China.


"If I'm not here, please give my computer to the country!" Huang Danian once said to the flight attendants when he had an emergency on the plane. At the critical moment, he thought not of himself, but of the significant research results. This all excites the surging admiration and pride in our blood.


To be the water grass of the Kanghe River and the pillar of the motherland. The lamp on the fifth floor of the Geological Palace is derived from the seniors' salary and will never go out!


Reform is the absolute reason


The Chinese spirit is the spirit of the times with reform and innovation at its core. As early as the beginning of the long history, Zhuang Zhou had already written this maxim.


Without reform, life is difficult; We should promote reform and development.


Looking back on the 70 years of trials and hardships in New China, the pace of reform has never stopped. The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea is a change in the thinking of the Chinese people. The land under their feet should be defended to the death. How can it be left to the aggressors? The establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States is a reform of the Chinese people's diplomatic strategy. "Weak countries have no diplomacy." China's diplomatic cause has since ushered in the dawn. Poverty alleviation is a reform for the Chinese people on a new journey. A well-off society in an all-round way is never shallow and one-sided. The spring breeze of reform is blowing to every corner of the motherland.


Are there many once ordinary and even poor mountain villages like Qu County in Dazhou? But I believe that there are not a few people like Zhang Quwei who have taken root in the front line and worked hard to help the poor. As an ordinary director of the Poverty Alleviation Bureau, in just a few years, he helped more than 140000 poor people in Qu County, 130 poor villages and the whole county out of poverty. As a grass-roots worker, he has always adhered to the leadership of the Party, achieved the perfection of ordinary work, and made great contributions to the reform of the great motherland.


Poverty must be precise, and no one can be left behind. Respond to reform and innovation and create the spirit of the times!


Art must be renewed


A new era and a new journey also require new strength. Because of innovation, the Chinese people have never stopped changing with each passing day; Because of innovation, the achievements in China's science and technology field are constantly attracting the attention of the world; Because of innovation, the Chinese people's spirit of reform and innovation is shining!


Art must be renewed,新者生机也;不新则死。”近年来,创新的春雨浸润着千家万户。小到人们的衣食住行,大到国家政策科技,无不时刻体现着大国创新的力量。


It's a good time in early spring and March. Let me show you.


We stroll around the countryside, feeling the new atmosphere of the new countryside, rows of neat small buildings, and the orderly operation of the roaring machines in the fields; We ride shared bicycles to the city's wide roads, and everyone benefits from the convenience of mobile payment; We took China's new high-speed railway technology to the west to enjoy the rapid development and in-depth practice of a well-off society in an all-round way.


Innovation is the driving force of national development, and innovation is the great spirit of the times of new China! China's technological innovation has never stopped. The goal of "Mozi" quantum communication has been successfully achieved, and the quantum secure communication technology is in the forefront of the world; The first cargo ship, "Tianzhou No.1", has completed a number of applications, opening up a new direction for China's freight transport; "Island making artifact" and "Tiankun" entered the water, and China's coastal development embarked on a new journey!


Innovation is the foundation of the nation; Innovation, the soul of the times!


After 70 years of migration, she was not afraid of the scorching sun; Seventy years of wind and rain, she stood tall; Seventy years of difficulties and obstacles, casting the Chinese spirit!


The Chinese spirit, towering river, sonorous and strange, plays the voice of a strong country and casts the soul of a strong country!

为祖国喝彩主题征文:70载,“中国制造”强起来 篇8


Author: Guo Qi


When we open the mobile phone, we can see the wonderful world through this magic glass. This is an unprecedented new experience of high-tech life. More importantly, we can proudly choose "Made in China" products.

曾几何时,听到Made in China(中国制造)这个词的时候,很难和“高大上”沾上边,总觉得国产商品只是一些劳动密集型的加工业产品,而国外的更高端、更先进、更高科技。而如今,这一切正在慢慢改变,随着国家科学技术的快速发展,国产大飞机首飞、中国高铁走出国门、国产航母首次下海等一系列成就的取得,无不展示着“中国制造”越来越强!

Once upon a time, when I heard the word MADE IN CHINA, it was difficult to associate it with "Gaogaoshang". I always felt that domestic products were only labor-intensive processing products, while foreign products were more high-end, advanced and high-tech. Now, all this is slowly changing. With the rapid development of national science and technology, the first flight of domestic large aircraft, China's high-speed railway going abroad, and the first launch of domestic aircraft carriers, all these achievements show that "Made in China" is becoming stronger and stronger!


In retrospect, 70 years ago, on October 1, 1949, Chairman Mao, the great leader, solemnly declared the founding of the People's Republic of China on the Tiananmen Gate Tower! At that time, New China was poor and clean. Some of the 17 planes reviewed at the founding ceremony were supported by the Soviet Union and some were trophies. Made in China was still at the starting line. In the face of difficulties, Chairman Mao led all the Chinese people to work hard on their own to transform China from a completely agricultural country to an industrial country and make unremitting exploration and efforts on the road of "Made in China". On July 3, 1954, the roar of airplanes came over Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, and "Junior Education 5" flew into the sky. It was a success! The first flight of a Chinese made aircraft was successful. On October 16, 1964, in the vast Gobi Desert in northwest China, a mushroom cloud rose with an earth shaking noise. It was a success! The atomic bomb made in China succeeded. On April 24, 1970, the sword was launched at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Site, and the music of "Oriental Red" sounded in space. It was successful! Satellites made in China successfully soar These "Made in China" have grown out of nothing and made great contributions to our national defense cause!

放眼当今,改革开放四十多年以来,中国发生了翻天覆地的变化,“中国制造”的产品日益风靡全球。随着人们物质水平的提高,我们常说的“四大件”由“缝纫机、自行车、手表、收音机”逐渐变为“彩电、冰箱、洗衣机、录音机”,但是市场上这些产品中有很多是国外品牌,人们 感觉日本货、美国货、欧洲货就是高品质的代名词,我们渴望有让世界认可的“中国制造”。我们没有放弃、一直在努力,格力、海尔、吉利等一个个品牌的发展壮大,让我们看到“中国制造”的成长。党的十八以来,国家发生了深层次的变革,“中国制造”步入快车道,伴随着科技创新,“中国制造”已经不是低端制造的代名词,而是加速转型升级,迈向全球价值链中高端。中国高铁已经成为新时代“中国制造”的优秀代表,赢得众多“世界之最”,并走出国门,让外国人能享受到中国速度。北斗三号基本系统完成建设,标志着北斗导航系统全球组网,提供全球服务,从无到有、从有到强,这个是“质”的飞跃,凝聚着无数“中国制造”的力量。曾经渴望有一部诺基亚、三星、苹果手机,随着手机核心部件的中国制造,不但中国人可以自豪的用着华为手机,很多外国人也使用起华为手机。“中国制造”改变着我们,也改变着世界。

Today, since the reform and opening up more than 40 years ago, China has undergone earth shaking changes, and "Made in China" products are increasingly popular around the world. With the improvement of people's material level, the "four pieces" we often say have gradually changed from "sewing machines, bicycles, watches and radios" to "color televisions, refrigerators, washing machines and recorders". However, many of these products on the market are foreign brands. People feel that Japanese products, American products and European products are synonymous with high quality. We are eager to have "Made in China" recognized by the world. We have not given up and have been working hard. The development of Gree, Haier, Geely and other brands shows us the growth of "Made in China". Since the 18th anniversary of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the country has undergone profound changes. "Made in China" has entered the fast lane. With scientific and technological innovation, "Made in China" is no longer a synonym for low-end manufacturing, but to accelerate the transformation and upgrading to the middle and high-end of the global value chain. China's high-speed railway has become an outstanding representative of "Made in China" in the new era, won many "World's Best", and went abroad, so that foreigners can enjoy China's speed. The completion of the Beidou-3 basic system marks the global networking of the Beidou navigation system and the provision of global services, from scratch to existence and from existence to strength. This is a "qualitative" leap, which embodies countless forces of "Made in China". Once I longed for a Nokia, Samsung and Apple mobile phone. With the core components of mobile phones made in China, not only Chinese people can proudly use Huawei mobile phones, but many foreigners also use Huawei mobile phones. "Made in China" is changing us and the world.

展望未来,要实现中国制造2025,就不能满足现状,要有更多的自主设计、自主品牌以及自主核心技术,即“中国制造”的下一步“中国创造”。随着机器人、3D打印、无人机、VR、人工智能、物联网、云计算、大数据等技术应用,使科技和经济发展瞬息万变,谁掌握了创新的原动力,谁就掌握了未来,谁抓住了当下的机遇,谁就有可能带来一次新的技术革命。同时,要把质量和创新看得同样的重要,质量是“中国制造”的硬实力,“中国制造”要想进一步发展,就要把“工匠精神”融入到产品中。党的报告提出“工匠精神”, 包括高超的技艺和精湛的技能,严谨细致、专注负责的工作态度,精雕细琢、精益求精的工作理念,以及对职业的认同感、责任感,这是职业道德、职业能力、职业品质的体现,不仅是一种工作态度,也是一种人生态度,代表着一种时代的精神气质,我们要传承好这种时代精神,让“中国制造”成为中国亮丽的名片!

Looking forward to the future, if we want to achieve Made in China 2025, we cannot meet the current situation. We need more independent designs, independent brands and independent core technologies, that is, the next step of "Made in China", "Created in China". With the application of robots, 3D printing, unmanned aerial vehicles, VR, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data and other technologies, science and technology and economic development are changing rapidly. Those who grasp the driving force of innovation will grasp the future, and those who seize the current opportunities will likely bring a new technological revolution. At the same time, we should attach equal importance to quality and innovation. Quality is the hard power of "Made in China". If "Made in China" wants to further develop, we should integrate "craftsmanship" into products. The report of the Party put forward the "craftsmanship spirit", which includes superb skills and exquisite skills, a rigorous, meticulous, dedicated and responsible work attitude, a work philosophy of meticulous and excellence, and a sense of identity and responsibility for the profession. This is the embodiment of professional ethics, professional ability, and professional quality, not only a work attitude, but also a life attitude, representing a spirit of the times, We should inherit the spirit of the times and make "Made in China" a bright name card of China!


We have been together for 70 years, and we are proud of our motherland! Dreams light up the front, faith ignites courage, and we fight for our motherland! We believe that "Made in China" will win more applause and praise!

为祖国喝彩庆祝新中国成立七十周年优秀作文 篇9


When I babbled, my father told me that I was a descendant of the Chinese dragon. When I began to remember things, my mother told me that my motherland is a big family of 56 nationalities. When I was in kindergarten, my teacher began to teach me to draw colorful five-star red flags... The seven characters "People's Republic of China" have been deeply engraved in my heart - I am a Chinese.


I am proud of being a Chinese, and I am proud of being a Chinese. The Chinese have strong shoulders and an unyielding backbone. The Chinese people have lofty national integrity.


When our nation was attacked by SARS, there was a feeling of love in our hearts. The Chinese nation could not be overwhelmed by the virus. Therefore, we white medical soldiers came forward, resolutely fought with the god of death at the cost of our own lives, and 1.3 billion compatriots joined hands. The threat of the virus to the Chinese people was removed, and the last lives were saved. We ushered in a new world!


When our nation was hit by an earth shaking earthquake, the Chinese nation could not be overwhelmed by the disaster. Therefore, our children and soldiers stepped forward. Our angels in white, teachers and volunteers, and even children all stepped forward. In the tens of thousands of aftershocks, we did not retreat or fear. We had to move forward to save a life, eliminate dangers, and 1.3 billion compatriots worked together to provide earthquake relief. Finally, the disaster fell in front of us. We have welcomed perfect new homes.


This is our unyielding nation!


This is our strong nation!


When we heard the Honorary President of the International Olympic Committee, Mr. Samaranch, gently say: "Beijing", how can we not cheer? When Yu Genwei kicked the Chinese team into the World Cup for the first time, how can we not revel? How can we not be proud when the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games are held successfully? How can we not be excited when the Shenzhou 7, loaded with 1.3 billion people leaving the warehouse, breaks through the eastern night sky? The sick man of East Asia has long been a thing of the past. Now this hot land is already earth shaking.


Since we are the first flowers, since we are the sun of birth, our battlefield is the land of our feet. We should use our 100 times efforts to learn knowledge, cultivate potential, and use our own strong hands to create a brilliant future for our motherland. Let's applaud for our actions!

以新中国成立70周年为话题的高中作文 篇10


Time flies, things turn and stars move. The river of time flows endlessly. It has been 70 years since the founding of New China. Under the leadership of the Party, New China has grown into a world leading pioneer, pioneer and devotee. It has become a leading country in the era, and is blooming with a more dazzling light of the times. "It seems to be the most unusual and strange, but it is easy but hard to achieve." China has a long road to development. On the way forward, there are plains, mountains, slow currents, dangerous beaches, beautiful days, storms, sadness and joy. In the most difficult period of the Chinese nation, the ancestors made the regretless choice of "being dark and turning to light, advancing civilization for the world, and creating happiness for mankind", which is that they sent the motherland into a peaceful and peaceful development. They used to save the country through science and prosper the country through industry; It used to be an inch of mountain and river, an inch of blood, 100000 fighters and 400000 troops; It used to fight against America and aid Korea and defend the country; It was also the reform and opening up and continuous exploration.


Thanks to the vigorous efforts of the predecessors to develop the motherland, China has become prosperous today, and contemporary outstanding figures have made indispensable contributions. Nan Rendong, the father of China's heavenly eye, has studied hard for decades. After numerous failures, he did not abandon, did not give up, and finally succeeded in research and development, making China a higher level in the field of exploring the universe and leading the development of the times; Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice, devoted his limited life to unlimited scientific research, devoted himself to improving rice production and solving the problem of world hunger; Tu Youyou and her team have developed artemisinin to save the suffering of the people all over the world... There are also many outstanding people who are also making contributions to the development of the motherland silently. They do not want to return. They are based on the present and actively strive for the country. It is precisely because this spirit has been inherited and carried forward by the new generation in the long history of China that the new China has been developing so vigorously,


Xin Qiji wrote in a poem: "Take advantage of the wind and go there. You can see mountains and rivers in the sky." Looking forward to the future, we in today's society are living in an era where challenges and opportunities coexist. Young people should not fall behind their lofty aspirations, dare to work hard, dare to take responsibility, seize opportunities, overcome difficulties, and firmly grasp their destiny in their own hands. At the same time, we also need to be alert to external challenges. The trade war always reminds us that "falling behind will be beaten". We should strive to follow the Chinese Dream. I believe that the dream of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation will eventually become a reality in the relay struggle of generations.


Hundred barges compete for the current, and those who strive for speed are the first. "I want to pursue my ideal China. Fortunately, I don't want to delay Let us seize the opportunity to grow together with the motherland and the times with a sense of urgency that time is not waiting for us, and shoulder the Chinese dream of promoting the rise of China, enriching the people and strengthening the country.