
时间:2022-09-27 13:27:08 | 来源:语文通



春节放烟花作文 篇1春节烟花的作文 篇2春节烟花作文 篇3春节烟花作文 篇4春节放烟花作文 篇5春节放烟花的作文 篇6

春节放烟花作文 篇1


Today is New Year's Eve. In the evening, we start to put fireworks to celebrate the arrival of the New Year after eating New Year's Eve.


There are so many types of fireworks!There are golden electrophoresis, red fireworks, and happy babies.I looked at these fireworks, and I couldn't wait to ignite my dad.


The first thing we put is: Happy baby.I saw my father holding a happy baby in his left hand, and lit with the lighter with his right hand and throw it to the air.I saw the happy baby rotating like a fairy. After a while, it was finished.I saw a kind of firework name that was strange called "Hawaii Girl". I felt curious, so I asked my father to show me.At first, this firework was like a fountain, then there was a harsh sound, and then colorful light, and finally it turned around.This firework is my favorite one. Of course, other fireworks have left me a good memory.

春节烟花的作文 篇2

“当、当、当…… ”牛年的钟声刚刚敲响,窗外就响起了“噼里啪啦”震耳欲聋的鞭炮声,络绎不绝,此起彼伏。“好热闹呀!我要看烟花!”我喊着跑到阳台上,欣赏起窗外美丽的烟花。

"Dang, Dang, Dang ..." The bell of Niu Nian just knocked on, and the deafening firecrackers sounded outside the window, and there was endless stream, one after another."So lively! I want to watch the fireworks!" I shouted to the balcony and admired the beautiful fireworks outside the window.


Wow!The fireworks in the night sky are like a hundred flowers blooming in spring, so beautiful!There are colorful fireworks in front of my eyes, and I see me dazzling!It's really fire tree and silver flowers.You see, there are so many styles of fireworks in the sky!There are beads, astrological, oval, and a spherical shape, with a snake with a sound like a snake ... the color of fireworks is so much!There are red, green, purple ', blue, and red and green ... it is really colorful, bright red!I see, look, look at it, for fear of a blink of an eye, the fireworks will be finished, and the beautiful fireworks will be seen anymore.Unconsciously, an hour has passed.Under the repeated call of my mother, I reluctantly returned to the house.


The "flower" opened by the Spring Festival is really beautiful!I look forward to the Spring Festival next year, I can also enjoy beautiful fireworks.

春节烟花作文 篇3


I found a good place to watch fireworks, waiting for fireworks to start. The fireworks began, and only a loud noise of "Boom" was heard. A firework bomb rose to the air and exploded in an instant. The explosive fireworks seemed to be a beautiful lotus. A firework erupted from the firearm, like countless bright and bright meteors, flashed in the sky ... There are still other fireworks flashed in the sky. Some of them are like a string of pearls, some are like meteors. Like a chrysanthemum, some like a waterfall ... make me dizzy. With a loud sound of firecrackers, a light -shining, brilliant fireworks fly in the sky, with a variety of, five colors, decorating the sky into a flower, and the night sky suddenly becomes glorious. After all the fireworks were "flying", the "petals" became bigger and bigger, more and more scattered, and darker. Star flowers are getting lower and lower, darker and less and less. In a blink of an eye, there were only smoke -like flowers and traces in the sky, and they slowly floated into the distance with the wind. I couldn't help thinking of a sentence: Fei Liu went straight down for three thousand feet, suspected to be the Galaxy for nine days. The dazzling and dizzying fireworks are not only colorful, but also different forms. You see, round, meteor -shaped, waterfall -shaped, flower -shaped ... the variety of fireworks show your "dancing posture" in the sky, as if you want to tell everyone that you are the most beautiful.它们有的向上翻,好像娇媚的牵牛花;有的向下垂,好像绚丽的菊花……我还饶有兴趣地为每一组焰火取了名字,如万紫千红,繁花似锦,满天繁星, Flowers in all flowers ... Coupled with the contrast of the black sky, the fireworks look like a fairy in the sky. What a magnificent scene!


Liu Tan Experimental Primary School Sixth Grade: Zi Linxueyi

春节烟花作文 篇4


The winter girl approached us with a light footsteps, and it was closer ......... The annual Spring Festival came to us again.


As soon as I entered my grandmother's house, I saw the family tree hanging on the wall.While my grandma didn't pay attention, I quietly took a piece of sugar, but it was unfortunately discovered by my grandma. Grandma said, "That's a tribute to the ancestors.Bow deep deeply.


After lunch, everyone worked together to start making dumplings.Mom wraps money, brown sugar, dates, chestnuts in dumplings.Use these dumplings to express people's hope and blessings for life in the coming year.But eating dumplings is not my ultimate goal. My ultimate purpose is -suppressing New Year's money.Speaking of New Year's money, there is an interesting legend!It is said that a long time ago, there was a monster called the New Year. Whenever he was thirty, it would come out to harm the child. As long as it put his hand on the child's head, the child would die.Thirty years old, a family of people pressed a dollar under their children's pillows.In the past year, a golden light shot from under the pillow of the child and scared the year back.I have never dared to harm people from this year.In this way, there is a custom -giving the child the New Year's money.With the blessings and peace of my loved ones, my heart was beautiful.I want to help the children who are out of school in the mountains with New Year's money.


In the evening, we all watch the beauty of the sky together.The sky flowers start four, like people throwing a bunch of flowers into the sky.A string of crispy sounds of "ping -pong pong", a rocket rushed into the night sky with a puppet sound.The small missile rushed to the night sky like a real missile. After a while, it exploded in the air, and many petals landed slowly.I slowly closed my eyes, as if smelling a scent of flowers.With a bang in the distance, the colorful Lianzhu flowers opened in the air, and there was a pleasant sound, as if a hundred birds sang a song for celebrated festivals.


I love my hometown, I love the Spring Festival in my hometown!

春节放烟花作文 篇5


After the New Year's Eve, we sat in the living room and watched the Spring Festival Gala after dinner.


After watching the Lianci party, we looked at the watch. It was already 12 o'clock. I jumped three feet high, because now I can put fireworks.


I quickly ran downstairs and saw that everyone was waiting for me, and said, "Okay, let's start to put fireworks."


As soon as the words fell, the two big men lifted the fireworks out of the box and a box of boxes.


At first glance, wow, there are many shapes of fireworks, some are squares, some are rectangles, and others are cylinders.They are wearing red coats, some of them say "more than year", and some say "Great Great".There is a cannon tube arranged neatly like the guards, and there is a fuse underneath.


Dad said, "Today, you come to put this box of fireworks, let me put the others."


As soon as I heard it, I jumped happily, and said, "Okay!"


I took the lighter, ran to the fireworks, squatted on the ground, turned on the lighter, carefully ignited the fire line, and the fuse made a "cricket" sound.As soon as I heard it, it was like a mouse and hurriedly escaped.


The girls were so frightened that they ran into the house. Some boys couldn't help covering their ears, but our bold boys not only did not cover their ears, but also thought, "Why haven't you put it?"


Suddenly, a "啾-" sound, a thick yellow light column rushed straight into the clouds, and a beautiful chrysanthemum was drawn in the sky, and we all cheered happily.


"— 啾 — 啾 — —— ——" Four sounds, a line of words appeared in the sky -more than year.At a glance, we all gathered.


Suddenly, dozens of lights shot at the sky at the same time.A dog appears in the sky, which says "Happy Year of the Dog" on it.At first glance, I was so happy.


After the fireworks were released, we were not addicted, so we started to put other guns.Some set off firecrackers, some spider guns, and small fire wheels ... There were many flashing light spots on the ground, forming a beautiful picture with the fireworks in the sky.


It's time to sleep, I lie on the bed and think, "Today is really my happiest day!"

春节放烟花的作文 篇6


It's time for winter vacation, and my parents and I go back to my hometown to play.We are ready to give Grandpa and grandma a gift, bring my homework, and set off.


When I arrived at my hometown, I had dinner, and it was dark. My father took me fireworks.


We first ignited a few "rush of the sky", and saw "rushing the sky" and sprayed a group of fireballs straight into the clouds, and then a green flower burst out, and a red flower and green flower burst out.The yellow flower is very beautiful.There is a kind of firework called "Little Mouse", and my father let me ignite myself.I used the lit flower stick to order the "little mouse" on the ground. After litting the little mouse, it turned on the ground, really like mice on the ground.In the end, the "little mouse" and "snap" exploded.


Dad took out a long "magic bomb" and asked me to hold it. I said worriedly, "Will this explode?" Dad said, "This is a flower flower, it won't sound."In the struggle of thought, I bravely picked up the "magic missile". After litting, I raised my arms high and facing the sky.After a while, red, blue, pink fireballs rushed to the sky and burst into the sky.We are intoxicated in the gorgeous fireworks and enjoy the joy of the festival.