
时间:2022-09-24 13:04:33 | 来源:语文通



端午节介绍作文300字 篇1我们的端午节作文300字 篇2关于端午节的作文200字 篇3

端午节介绍作文300字 篇1


Do you like to eat rice dumplings?Do you know why dumplings are eaten during the Dragon Boat Festival?This has to start with the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival.


Speaking of this origin, there is a little story in it!Qu Yuan was a doctor of Chu, because King Chu Huai was deceived by the kings of other countries.The son of King Chu Huai, his son Zi Lan inherited the throne, and Qu Yuan wanted to avenge Chu Huai.However, the ministers always said bad things about Qu Yuan in front of King Chu, which caused King Chu to alienate Qu Yuan, so Qu Yuan was kicked out of Chu.Qu Yuan wandered into a small village. People in the village sympathized with Qu Yuan, but one day, Qu Yuan felt that his desire was difficult to realize, and he was not understood by the new Chu King, so he jumped to the river.They all rowed the boat to rescue Qu Yuan, but everyone caught for a long time.So, they filled the rice into the bamboo tube and threw it into the river to prevent the fish from eating Qu Yuan.


Later, people changed the rowing boat to the dragon boat and filled the rice into the bamboo tube into a bun dumplings. People also set up Qu Yuan to set up the Dragon Boat Festival that day to commemorate Qu Yuan. The Dragon Boat Festival was passed down from generation to generation.

我们的端午节作文300字 篇2


The fifth day of the lunar calendar is the traditional Dragon Boat Festival in my country. It is also known as the doll festival in our hometown.The multi -activity of the Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate the great writer Qu Yuan.


On this day, every family must eat rice dumplings, and the family's door will be hung on the door of the family, which is said to be to avoid evil.Families with children will buy new clothes for children, make colorful silk threads on children's hands and ankles, and children will spend money to buy fragrant lotus bags on them. The old people say that this can be removed.evil.


The silk thread on the hand will always be brought to the seventh day of the lunar calendar.On that day, the magpie will collect the silk threads brought by the children, to bridge the cowherd and the weaver.On the day before the Dragon Boat Festival, every family will wrap dumplings. There are jujube in the rice dumplings, as well as broad beans, and meat stuffing.flat.You can see it at a glance when you eat it. What kind of filling is.


Recalling childhood is happy, and the atmosphere of the festival is also stronger than the present. This is the custom of the Dragon Boat Festival in our hometown!

关于端午节的作文200字 篇3


In the process of growing up, the kind grandma, dear mother, and the kind kind of kindergarten aunt, told us one after another interesting folklore.These folklores, like a cup of tea with aroma, let us have an endless aftertaste.Let me tell me a folklore I know!


There is a legend in the Dragon Boat Festival. It has been widely spread across the country and commemorates the patriotic poet Qu Yuan.Because the Qin Kingdom broke through the Chu Kingdom's Kyoto, Qu Yuan saw that his country was invaded and his heart was like a knife, but he could not bear to give up his motherland.


After Qu Yuan's death, the people of the Chu State were very sad, and they rushed to the River River River to hang Qu Yuan.The fishermen paded the ship and took his body to slide. In order to commemorate Qu Yuan, the people pinched the rice into a ball and threw them into the river. Over time, May 5th each year became our festival.Essence