
时间:2022-09-20 13:24:46 | 来源:语文通



难忘的中秋节作文300字 篇1难忘的中秋节作文 篇2难忘的中秋节作文 篇3难忘的中秋节 篇4难忘的中秋节作文 篇5难忘的中秋节作文 篇6难忘的中秋节作文 篇7

难忘的中秋节作文300字 篇1


In my memory, the past is like a small boat. In the long river of memory, it flows, but the Mid -Autumn Festival that year made me unforgettable.


In the evening, my father, mother, grandpa, grandma, aunt, and I sat together to eat reunion meals. The table had moon cakes, fruits, and colorful foods. It really made people open and see it like the Yellow River!


After dinner, we came to the yard to enjoy the moon again.I think: "It's round, big, and bright."So I couldn't wait to look up, what about my sister?Is it lazy to sleep?I feel very happy.Dad suddenly shouted a "daughter" to scare me half to death.Dad continued to say, "Let's play a game! Each of us take turns to say an idiom about the moon. If anyone says it is wrong, eat a moon cake, how about it?" My mother and I said in the same way: "Agree."


Dad announced that the game began, and Dad first said a "monthly lack".Mom was not willing to show weakness, saying "Before the Moon" and "The Moon Baifeng Qing".When it was my turn, I deliberately said wrong because I could eat sweet moon cakes.Dad reached out and took a moon cake for me. I picked it over and ate it ...


This Mid -Autumn Festival soon ended in our voice ...

难忘的中秋节作文 篇2


On the day of the Mid -Autumn Festival, I just held a birthday party in the morning. In the evening, I went to Houhai Bar Street with my family and mothers and friends to enjoy the moon.


We came to a Hunan restaurant and chose the top floor of the restaurant-open-air rewarding platform.The vision here is wide, and the lights are brilliant at a glance.The restaurant is close to the lake in the Houhai, and the streets are crowded. The children are holding a wish lantern and laughing happily.The moon was hung in the sky unconsciously, and it was not very round at first, but slowly became round, the moon was slowly rising, raising from the trunk to the treetops, and jumped from the treetops to the air.Late at night, the stars appeared next to the moon. At this time, the moon was like a disc, and the "little pearl" next to it was also adding color to the beautiful moon.Everyone was immediately attracted by this month, and the mother couldn't help but say, "It's unparalleled!"


After dinner, my mother said that Chang'e in the moon will realize you a wish, you go to make a wish.My sister took me and my aunt's little sister to go to the lake of Houhai to put a wish lamp.My sister bought a "beautiful girl", and my sister asked for a "fairy", and I picked a "A dream".We light up the wish lamp, slowly put the different lights into the lake, and face my "A dream" in my heart.IntersectionThe wish lamp gradually disappeared into the lamp with my wishes, and we reluctantly left the lake.


This is really an unforgettable Mid -Autumn Festival!

难忘的中秋节作文 篇3


Today is August 15th Mid -Autumn Festival, and our family of three returns to my hometown.


As soon as we returned to our hometown, a fragrance of osmanthus fragrance came, and it smelled refreshing!


When I walked into the room, my grandmother was busy in the kitchen. I walked quietly to my grandma and said loudly: Grandma, Happy Mid -Autumn Festival!Grandma saw us back, and happily touched my head and said: Happy Mid -Autumn Festival, we come to eat moon cakes together at night!


In the evening, our family sat around, eating fragrant meals, drinking delicious drinks, everyone talked and laughed, talking about work and learning, so lively!At this time, my mother asked me: Noin, do you know what customs are there in the Mid -Autumn Festival?This is not me. I said: Mid -Autumn Festival, we have to enjoy the moon and eat moon cakes.anything else?Mom asked again.what else?I couldn't remember it for a while.Mom explained that the Mid -Autumn Festival also has the custom of viewing osmanthus and drinking osmanthus wine, but these customs have faded all these customs.Wow, the Mid -Autumn Festival customs are so colorful, our traditional Chinese culture is really profound!


This is really an unforgettable Mid -Autumn Festival!

难忘的中秋节 篇4


It ’s a long -term Mid -Autumn Festival to spend a long -term people’ s reunion. I am extremely excited.

傍晚,爸爸说:“今晚,咱们和何叔叔一家共度中秋佳节。”何叔叔为了给我们灵宝人民建设一幢幢高楼大厦,建设美丽的家园,远离家乡,来到了千里之外的灵宝工作。我们一家驱车来到了建筑 工地,他们已经在准备丰盛的晚餐了,一股清香味道扑面而来,真令人垂涎欲滴,我们六人围着桌子在院子里坐下,刘伯伯端上了圆圆的月饼,圆圆的水果,我们品尝着美味佳肴,谈论收获得话题,我 想起了每逢佳节备思亲的诗句,一块块圆圆的月饼,寄托了对亲人的思念,我给在外地工作的姐姐送去了节日祝福语,何叔叔的女儿也打来了电话,带来了亲切的问候。可惜今年的中秋节是阴天,没有 看到皎洁的月光,我们一样举杯交错,互祝节日快乐,这时,妈妈喊到:月亮出来了,我抬头仰望,月亮像玉盘一样挂在天空,好圆呀!虽然没有柔和的月光倾泻大地,但在我心中一样明亮,花坛中的 草、花也竞相站直身体,目睹月亮姐姐的美貌,凉凉的秋风吹拂着我们,爆竹声噼里啪啦响起来,电视里传来来美妙的歌声,好惬意呀!

In the evening, Dad said, "Tonight, we and Uncle He's family will spend the Mid -Autumn Festival." Uncle He in order to build a high -rise building for the people of Lingbao, build a beautiful home, stay away from his hometown, and come to Lingbao work thousands of miles away. Essence Our family drove to the construction site. They were already preparing a rich dinner. A fragrance flavor came to the face. It was really mouthwatering. The six of us sat down in the yard around the table. Moon cakes, round fruits, we tasted delicious dishes and talked about receiving the topic. I remembered the verses of the thoughts of thinking every festival. The sister sent the festival blessing, and Uncle He's daughter also called and brought kind greetings. Unfortunately, this year's Mid -Autumn Festival is cloudy. I haven't seen the bright moonlight. It's round! Although there is no soft moonlight pouring the earth, it is as bright as in my heart. The grass and flowers in the flower bed also compete to stand upright, witnessing the beauty of the moon, the cool autumn breeze blows us, the sound of firecrackers crackled, spreading in the TV spread, spreading in the TV spread, spreading in the TV, passing on the TV, passing on the TV. Come and come to a wonderful singing, so comfortable!


This year's.Mid -Autumn Festival made me unforgettable.

难忘的中秋节作文 篇5


The Mid -Autumn Festival is the day of family reunion.Some people are happy because of the reunion of their joy. Under the intimate words of family members, under this wonderful moonlight, they spend the Mid -Autumn Festival sweetly; some grapefruit in his hometown will miss his hometown of tears and miss his own.A loved ones, they only look up and look at the bright moon. The round moon seems to be their relatives' faces, showing them a warm smile.Everyone likes to enjoy the moon on the Mid -Autumn Festival, and I am no exception.After eating reunion dinner, my mother and I walked out of the house and walked on Jiangbin Avenue. In the bright moonlight, I felt very comfortable.


The moonlight is like water. Under the beautiful moonlight, the river of Jiangbin Avenue is sparkling and sparkling, as if it is like the star.The sound of the river in the lively night of the Mid -Autumn Festival is not very prominent. Even in the usual way, the sound of the river can not hear the sound of the river is cheerful or sad, that is, hearing its crisp singing, plus the breeze that occasionally brushed,Even more refreshed.I was scattered in this painting moonlight, and I suddenly wanted to know the origin of the Mid -Autumn Festival.So I asked "Mr. Baidu" for this question.


According to historical records, the ancient emperors had the ritual system of spring festivals and autumn festivals.The Book of Books and Books records the "August 15th Mid -Autumn Festival," the prevalence of the Mid -Autumn Festival began in the Song Dynasty.It is said that Chang'e and her jade rabbit live in the round moon. As long as they can be clearly seen on the Mid -Autumn Festival on August, I also want to see such a wonder.Staring at the moon, imagining the scene of Chang'e and Yutu, I couldn't help laughing.


At this time, I suddenly smelled a burst of fragrance, and quickly turned my head, and saw that my mother stood beside me with a plate of moon cakes and said to me with a smile: "I can see so fascinated.","


Looking at the round moon, the sweet moon cake suddenly felt that my heart was sweet, and the life of our family was full.

难忘的中秋节作文 篇6


The hot summer is quickly replaced by the cool autumn. The cicada in summer is exchanged for autumn grain harvest, and the fruits are mature. In such a season, people enjoy all of this, and one is loved by everyone.The festival with praise is quiet ............


That's right, this is the Mid -Autumn Festival. Why is it called the Mid -Autumn Festival?Because August is the month in the middle of autumn, and the number 15 is the number of days in the middle of August. Therefore, August 15th of the lunar calendar is called the Mid -Autumn Festival.Every Mid -Autumn Festival, every family gather together to eat moon cakes and enjoy the moon.Therefore, the Mid -Autumn Festival is also a reunion festival.


On August 15th, we came to the window sill to enjoy the moon.Looking at this moon, the large and round bright moon rose from the east. The full and bright moonlight shone this big land.Suddenly, like a shy little girl.The moon is so beautiful!It is white and bright, white in white, like a huge white jade plate, and the trace red, as if in the white jade plate.


Later, our family ate moon cakes together and watch the Mid -Autumn Festival. I ate my favorite egg yolk moon cake, picked up the remote control of the TV, and watched the Mid -Autumn Festival with great interest.The autumn night show is so nice!Piano, rack drums, gourds and other musical instruments have reached the highest level.


After the autumn evening played, the launch preparation of the "Tiangong" No. 2 rocket was followed. Five minutes later, the "Tiangong" No. 2 successfully launched, which represents another major progress and improvement of China's development to the development of aerospace technology.


Late at night, the moon smiled and looked at all this with a smile.

难忘的中秋节作文 篇7


The Mid -Autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese festival. On this day, people sit in the moon to enjoy the moonlight and eat moon cakes.No, while today is the Mid -Autumn Festival, our family also started to enjoy the moonlight and eat moon cakes.


The whole family stood around the balcony, divided the big reunion moon cakes into a few pieces, and they were eaten.At this time, I looked at the moon in the distance.Although it is said that "the moon to the Mid -Autumn Festival is beautiful", today's moon seems to surround this sad cloud called "thought".At this time, I remembered the good friend far away in his hometown -Miao Miao. "People have sadness and joy, and the moon is full of yin and clear. This sentence describes my mood at this time. I do n’t know she is now.Are you looking at the moon and missing me far away?It seems that the moon seems to understand my mind, and the sad cloud has disappeared, as if telling me not to be too sad.The current moon is particularly bright, and the circle is like a snowball in the sky, and the bright moonlight is diarrhea towards the earth like water.


Several gray -white, light veil -like clouds accompanied her, like a fairy dancing a scarf dance.The moonlight was full of my clothes and warmed my heart.I think the warmth of the sun is too warm and unrestrained; the starlight is lonely and colder; only this gentle and quiet moonlight can be so good.The surrounding moon was shining brightly.The moonlight hung through the mottled trees, and a layer of broken silver was spread on the ground.The moonlight took the trees to fall into the mottled black shadow.The sparse shadow of the beautiful willow tree, let alone how beautiful it is.