
时间:2022-11-24 13:05:09 | 来源:语文通



我的作文300字 篇1我作文400字 篇2我 作文400字 篇3我作文400字 篇4我作文400字 篇5我作文300字 篇6我作文400字 篇7我作文400字 篇8我成功了作文400字 篇9我成功了作文400字 篇10

我的作文300字 篇1


Me: naughty, lively and clever.


Me: An ordinary child, thin body, not tall or short, big eyes, very straight nose, small mouth slightly cocked, but eloquent, just speaking a little bit during the straight change of teeth. My small face is white and tender. Everyone loves me.


Me: I like skating, which is the only sports I am good at. Other sports can not reflect my "extraordinary" and "different"; I like Mathematical Olympiad, but my own ability is limited, sometimes I ask my father for help; I like Stephen Chow, I like his movies, I often imitate his performances, and my classmates call me a "humorist".


I don't like music. I always sing out of tune; I don't like walking. I always feel tired after a short walk.


I am such a person: my parents always say that I am lazy and procrastinate in my homework. They also say that I have a headache and want to send me to the pediatric hospital to see a psychologist. I decide to get rid of these problems so as not to send them to the neurology department; Fortunately, they often praised me as a smart and caring child. As long as I can correct my shortcomings, I will be a great child.


I am such a person, smart but lacking in diligence. After listening to my introduction, how would you evaluate me?

我作文400字 篇2


There are hundreds of millions of people living on this beautiful earth. Of course, I am one of them!


I'm sure you don't know a pair of big water smart glasses. They look very energetic. The high bridge of the nose below and a small mouth make the whole look small and elf like!


I love thinking, always can think of a lot of life philosophy. For example, when you see a famous saying, you will think about it very deeply, very far and very carefully. "On the road of science, there is no smooth road to go. Only those who are brave enough to climb along the rugged mountain road can hope to reach the glorious peak." This famous saying is in our book. Remember that the teacher said that the meaning of this saying was: ideals need to struggle and work hard. However, I think far more than the teacher said. "Everyone wants to realize his or her ideal, so everyone has to struggle and walk on a bumpy path to realize his or her ideal?" What about me? Thinking about it, suddenly, I think it's hard to be a man! It's harder to be a successful person! The road ahead is dark,


No one can be sure of his future. But when we look back on it, it's hard before it's sweet. So let's fight together for a better tomorrow and the ideal in our hearts!


Suddenly, I grinned. Why do you think so far as a famous saying goes, but this is one of my characteristics!


Do you remember the thoughtful girl in front of you

我 作文400字 篇3


In the mirror, a petite girl, with an egg shaped face, a pair of big bright eyes, a straight nose, a cherry mouth, and a pair of yuan bao like ears, seemed to be listening to the movement around. She is me, Su Yining, an ordinary little girl.


I am an outgoing and helpful girl. I usually like to get along with my classmates and often care about my classmates. I will try my best to help my classmates when they are in trouble. I remember one math exam, everyone was working hard on the exam papers, and the classroom was so quiet that you could hear a pin fall to the ground. But at that moment, I found that my deskmate was not seriously taking the exam, but was rummaging around in the pencil box, murmuring: "Where is the ruler? Where is the ruler?" I know she may have forgotten her ruler. So I immediately took out the new ruler that my mother had just bought for me and put it on her desk quietly. Seeing the ruler I gave her, she gave me a grateful look.


Of course, I also have many shortcomings. Carelessness is the highlight of my shortcomings. Every time I fail in exams, there are many places I should not be wrong, so I always miss 100 points. I must correct my shortcomings and be a good student.


I am what I am. After reading my introduction, I hope you can like me - make friends with me!

我作文400字 篇4


When I was still in my mother's stomach, I was not very naughty. I was a good baby and only kicked my mother's stomach occasionally. I'm about to be born, and adults are trying to think of a name for me. Grandpa said, "If it's a girl, it's called 'Yuan Sanlian', because our Yuan family has three girls in a row." My parents hope that I am a boy and don't call me Yuan Sanlian. When I was born, my grandfather smiled like a blooming flower. He hoped that I could get a master's degree and name me "Yuan Shuo".


When I learned to walk, I stumbled and walked unsteadily, like a tumbler just being played with. On the first day of my life, many relatives came. They looked at me. My mother stood three or four meters away from the gift and called to me, "Come here, fruit." I walked to my mother with small steps. I didn't play the role of a tumbler. I can walk now. My mother hugged me, kissed my face and said, "My dear son." I started jogging at home. My mother told me to stop and not listen. I just ran and didn't cry when I fell. It seemed that nothing happened and I ran again.


The first word I learned to say was calcium. When I was young, my mother would feed me calcium tablets and say, "Fruit has calcium tablets." Once, my mother gave me calcium tablets to eat, but I said a word myself: "Calcium." Spelling is not standard, but to my mother, it is the most beautiful music in the world. Before, I was like a quack quack. I said the first sentence in my life on this day.

我作文400字 篇5


In the vast sea of people, I may be the most ordinary one. I have a common hairstyle everywhere, and my bright eyes are the most attractive. The neat Liu Haile is on my eyebrows, and a little pink halo is added to my face, making me look a little shy. However, everyone who knows me knows that I am a shy girl only in front of strangers and lively and cheerful in front of acquaintances.


I sometimes play a little joke. I still remember one time that my deskmate's book was hidden under my desk, but I told him that the book was thrown into the "trash can" behind me. It was because of this sentence that my deskmate wrote a silly letter, and turned over the waste paper bag for more than ten minutes. Finally, naturally, I returned home with empty hands. Hehe~Of course, it was time for me, the "helpful little angel", to come out. I gloated and raised the book in my hand. My deskmate immediately reflected that he had been tricked, but how could I admit it?


"Look, you haven't found it for so long, should you thank me?" I said with a smile. The deskmate can only admit defeat helplessly. Although I sometimes like to make small jokes, I am still the "pistachio" in the eyes of others!


Of course, I still have some shortcomings in my daily life, such as carelessness, carelessness, and carelessness. I believe that everyone can not be perfect. So do I. I have both advantages and disadvantages, but this is me, the unique me!

我作文300字 篇6


After I entered the sixth grade, I gradually entered this tense learning environment. However, at the same time, our tasks have also increased, which makes me more nervous.


I picked up the book and read it again and again, but I was still confused. Maybe this kind of endorsement is not suitable for me! Didn't master the method well! However, I still got up the courage to go to my brother and try to recite it again. When I was reading, I passed the exam and was very comfortable. But when I started to recite, I stopped and stopped. This made me very worried. What should I do if I continue to develop at this level? Then, I read it several times, and then went to my brother again to recite it. This has been going on for a long time, but I still know nothing. My brother is impatient and frowns. But what was expected came: my brother threw the book on the bed, and began to scold me: "Miss, please come back to me when you are familiar with it, OK? What can you learn? I think you can recite it a hundred times!" After saying that, I left. I tried harder to recite without seeing anyone. Sure enough, after my brother finished criticizing me, I would recite it immediately, and it was very comfortable.


I know my brother's intention. He is for me. He knew that I was a kid who would not admit defeat, so he criticized me so. Brother, you are right to do so.

我作文400字 篇7


I am a girl. I am not good at learning, but I am not a poor student. In the eyes of the teacher, I don't know what my impression on the teacher is, nor do I know what I am in the eyes of my classmates. Anyway, I think I am good!


If you want to talk about mammoths, I am ordinary. Mom always says I'm fat. Anyway, I don't think I'm ugly. In addition to being a little fat, others say I am beautiful! My eyes are not too big, but they are not that kind of small eyes; The bridge of the nose is neither high nor low; My mouth is not big. Fortunately, I'm not a big mouth. It's ugly.


I'm too timid to sleep at home alone. But I'm not afraid. If you don't believe me, listen to me. That night, my father and mother went out on business. They didn't come back until 11:00 p.m., and I waited until 12:00 p.m., but I didn't come back. I really had no choice but to wait, so I decided to go to them myself and finally found them. The next day I told Grandma about it, and she said, "You are not sure whether you are brave or timid." Hey!


I also have one of my biggest problems, which is laziness. Take my food for example. I always throw it wherever I eat. For example, if you eat on the sofa, throw it on the sofa. When my mother criticized me, I would say, "Ah, I forgot." In fact, I'm too lazy.

我作文400字 篇8

2021年5月20日早上6: 35,一个不受欢迎的我带着哭泣来到了这个世界。当准妈妈听说我是个男孩时,她失望地倒在产床上。

At 6:35 a.m. on May 20, 2021, an unwelcome person came to the world with tears. When the expectant mother heard that I was a boy, she fell down on the delivery bed disappointed.


As time goes by, I grow up and become more and more naughty. In my mother's eyes, I am a little cute; In the teacher's eyes, I look like a little savage. In the eyes of classmates; I am a little tyrant. In short, there are many strange names, but no matter what my name is, I am very happy.


Because I was young and naive, I made a lot of jokes.


Because I am the second son in the family, my arrival is redundant for my parents, because they all want to have two children. Therefore, everyone calls me "Little Surplus". I remember once an uncle smiled and asked me: What does redundancy mean? " I answered naively: Surplus means loveliness! " At that time, everyone laughed, and I giggled. Only when I was at school, I knew that the teacher was talking about the rest, and I realized that redundancy was not cute. Therefore, when I got home, I cried. It took me a while to rest peacefully.


This is part of me, so cute. In addition, I am a careless, naughty, excellent, lively and cheerful boy. If you want to make friends with me, come to me.

我成功了作文400字 篇9


"Now, let's welcome Mao Han, a violinist from Huaihua City, to play the" New Year's Music "for you. Let's applaud!" Ah, it's my turn. I tidied up my clothes and walked onto the stage calmly under everyone's applause.


What am I doing? Ha ha, let me tell you. I am now taking part in a music competition in Changsha! I stood on the stage, facing thousands of spectators. I took a breath of air conditioner, and beads of sweat fell from my cheeks. I wiped my sweat and then raised my violin to play.


At the moment when the bow touches the piano, beautiful music rings. The voice was quick and cheerful. After a while, the voice was high and low, fast and slow, up and down. The audience closed their eyes and listened to the beautiful melody! The voice became little angels, and it sent beautiful music to everyone's ears, making them intoxicated. And I, like falling into the river of music, wave after wave. I played more and more happily. Suddenly, the music ended. I also put down the piano, and everyone hasn't recovered. I bent down and made a bow. He walked down the stage in three steps and two steps in applause.


The results have come out. I am the second in the province. I can't help laughing when I think of the time when I usually study hard.


"Every sweat is a harvest. You should believe in yourself and study hard. You can definitely be among the best." Mom said to me on the way home. I think: haha, I succeeded and got the second place! Try hard next time to win the first place.

我成功了作文400字 篇10


In my life, I have succeeded many times, but the most unforgettable thing is that I successfully climbed to the top of the mountain.


It was a summer vacation. My father took me to climb the Jiuhua Mountain. When I heard my father told me that he would take me to the Jiuhua Mountain to play, I was very excited.


Before we arrived at the Jiuhua Mountain Toll Station, the vehicles had already circled on the winding mountain road, one after another, like a divine dragon hovering here. We had no choice but to wait here. Finally, we arrived at our destination. We got out of the car gently, found a hotel and went to sleep.


The next morning I got up at six o'clock, when my father was waiting for me. Before I could have breakfast, I was pulled to the foot of Shiwang Peak by my father.


My father and I had just climbed the mountain for a while, and I was already sweating. Later, the more we climbed up, the stronger I was. But when I turned back, my father was still climbing the mountain and playing with his mobile phone, so I had to wait for him. Later, when we climbed halfway up the mountain, my father and I were out of breath. But I can only sit on the chair, drink and eat for a rest. Then we continued to climb. When we reached the service area, I didn't stop, but rushed to the top of the mountain. My father and I finally reached the top of the mountain after unremitting efforts.


Looking at the distant scenery on the top of the mountain, I felt relaxed and happy. I finally realized that as long as you persevere, you can achieve success.