
时间:2022-06-25 13:39:28 | 来源:语文通



Life is a piece of white paper. When we write happiness, it is happy.In life, you must deal with happiness.


——The composition questions


In the middle of the night, I looked at the stars in the sky, and once again insomnia.Recall the dazzling test results on the test papers, the students' happy laughter, and the tears of bitterness jumped out again.Woohoo's crying sounds accompanied by the sound of the sound into my ears, alas, why are I so unsatisfactory?


It was difficult to sleep, and I touched a hard -state item, turned on the small table lamp, and saw that it was a diary sent by my mother.Suddenly what I thought of, opened the first page, and a group of beautiful handwriting flashed in my eyes: I know how to be happy and understand life.The line of the line was so warm under the direct shot of the small light light, which moved my heart.


Yes, you can know how to live if you know how to be happy!I laughed, turned off the small lantern, and fell asleep.


Rotating the camera lens, on the wide field, there are many red jackfruit.I relieved my uncle: "Uncle, don't be sad, even if jackfruit can't sell it, you can eat yourself."


Unexpectedly, my uncle turned back to show me a smile and said firmly: "It's not easy, this kind of jackfruit, uncle must sell it!"


I was surprised to see my uncle, he was so happy, full of self -confidence!Oh, I know, my uncle is looking forward to facing the dilemma in a happy state of psychology, not afraid of difficulties, and always looking forward to a happy life will come after all.


On the campus on the campus, the students were playing, and their faces were filled with happy smiles. They were so happy; on the golden yellow field, the farmer was cutting wheat and the laughter was all over the field. They were very happy; they were very happy; they were very happy; they were very happy;At home, everyone chats with their parents, everyone is so happy, everyone is very happy!


Life must be happy. Only when you are happy can everyone be bravely faced with the difficulties in life; only when you are happy can everyone be unswervingly idealized; only when you are happy can everyone know how to live!



1、生活:生活读音为shēng huó,是指①指人或生物的各种活动:文化生活|政治生活|蟋蟀的生活。②进行各种活动:我们生活在一个开辟人类新历史的光辉时代。③活着;保存生命:民非水火不生活。④生计;衣、食、住、行等方面的情况:生活水平不断提高。⑤方言。活儿:做生活|这生活做得灵巧。生活 shēng huó词语解释:①指人或生物的各种活动:文化生活|政治生活|蟋蟀的生活。②进行各种活动:我们生活在一个开辟人类新历史的光辉时代。③活着;保存生命:民非水火不生活。④生计;衣、食、住、行等方面的情况:生活水平不断提高。⑤方言。活儿:做生活|这生活做得灵巧。分词解释:我们:代词。称包括自己在内的若干人。蟋蟀:1.亦作“螅蟀”。 2.昆虫名。黑褐色﹐触角很长﹐后腿粗大﹐善于跳跃。雄的善鸣﹐好斗。也叫促织。 3.《诗.唐风》篇名。小序谓刺晋僖公“俭不中礼”。 4.象声词。情况:1.志趣,志向。 2.情谊,恩情。 3.情形。 4.犹体统。 5.情趣,兴致。 6.心情,情绪。 7.今亦特指军事上敌情的变化。灵巧:1.指聪慧灵敏的才思。 2.聪慧灵敏。 3.精致小巧。...生活怎么造句,用生活造句»

2、需要:需要读音为xū yào,是指①要求得到;必须有;应该要:他需要一个助手|你需要深刻反省|他的病需要到县里去看。②愿望;要求:符合需要|满足用户需要。③个体对内外环境的客观需求在脑中的反映。它常以一种“缺乏感”体验着,以意向、愿望的形式表现出来,最终导致为推动人进行活动的动机。需要总是指向某种东西、条件或活动的结果等,具有周期性,并随着满足需要的具体内容和方式的改变而不断变化和发展。需要 xū yào词语意思:①要求得到;必须有;应该要:他需要一个助手|你需要深刻反省|他的病需要到县里去看。②愿望;要求:符合需要|满足用户需要。③个体对内外环境的客观需求在脑中的反映。它常以一种“缺乏感”体验着,以意向、愿望的形式表现出来,最终导致为推动人进行活动的动机。需要总是指向某种东西、条件或活动的结果等,具有周期性,并随着满足需要的具体内容和方式的改变而不断变化和发展。分词解释:环境:①周围的地方:环境优美 ㄧ环境卫生 。②周围的情况和条件:客观环境ㄧ工作环境。体验:亲自处于某种环境而产生认识:作家体验生活|演员对所饰的角色必须有所体验。要求:1.提出具体事项或愿望﹐希做到或实现。 2.所提出的具体愿望或条件。助手:协助别人办事的人:得力助手|还需要两个助手。...需要怎么造句,用需要造句»