
时间:2022-07-07 14:04:06 | 来源:语文通



During the journey, what is worth remembering is not the destination you arrived, but the landscape along the way and the traveler with your side.




In summer, the bright sunshine took a group photo with me and her on the desk.


Meet and reach a consensus


The cicada is pleasing, the wind blew the leaves and sand, and the sun shines on my body. It is very warm, but I have no time to appreciate this beautiful scenery.I wiped the sweat, continued to write the book, and prepared for the Xiao Shengchu exam.At this time, a pair of white hands came into my eyes holding the ice cola. I looked up and found that she was looking at me with a smile, saying, "Don't do a question, let's take a break." I smiled and said:"No matter what you have, you are diligent, if you are not treacherous, say it, what's the matter?" She stunned, and then said, "I know I can't hide you, can you help me read the Chinese?" I was very puzzled: "You are not, you are notAre you taking the artistic path? "She looked helpless:" But the art test also has to take the exam. In this way, I will help you in your English, but my language is so bad, can you help me and ask you!"I couldn't bear to look at her eyes again, so she nodded.


Since then, it is not just me on the road of Xiao Shengchu.


Work hard, work together


The learning atmosphere is still nervous as ever. After reaching a consensus, you sacrifice your rest time after dancing and give me a summary grammar.Where you ca n’t understand, you listen so seriously that you move it so seriously, and you often call it late at night to warn me not to add meals and rest early.As everyone knows, after you put down the phone, I will not let go of my pen because of your warning.


In these days, I am very bitter and tired, but with your company, I will feel difficult for difficulties.


Success, unforgettable


The sun is shining, and I am anxiously waiting for the results.Sweat flowed slowly over time.Suddenly, the phone rang, and my mother told me that I was admitted to the key middle school. I happily called you. When you said that you were admitted, I could not describe the inner joy.


The future door has been opened to us, and the long road is long, but I will never forget you and I work together, help each other, and go through those days.Although it is hard, it is worth remembering.


Those days that you care about-lyric composition 800 words


The drizzle, I supported your umbrella, stepped on the pits and strolled around the street where I walked with you.I can't help but think of you, remembering those days that you are cared for ...


Under the wind of the wind, the wild flowers in the mountains opened their eyes, one, two, one cluster, two clusters, into a piece of film, and remitted into the sea.I am still a naive girl, you accompany me to put a kite.That's the day you care about.


To be honest, flying a kite, I won't, none at all.But you teach me, taught over and over again.You have the patience to teach, I test flight over and over again.Your sweat is dripping like rain, wetting a large area of land under me.This sweat was also soaked in the sourness in my heart.I said, "Don't let it go." "You said," Okay, that grandpa bought for you to go to Austria ", so you turn around and walk towards the small sales department, the pace is very fast.I look farther and farther away from me.That's the day you care about.


In the summer to the autumn, everything began to wither, and the breeze moved the shy dew on the petals, and the sycamore leaves fell.At that time, I was still a girl who was not good at communication.If you take a walk with me, it is the day you care about.


"What a ghost and spirit of the school in the school is so annoying that the schoolmates are all the ghosts,‘ Yao Wu Yangwei ’” I said to you, I ’m not afraid of your annoyance.You heard a smile and said, "The interaction between people, holding the normal heart, and the attitude of thinking for each other, there must be no problem that can't be solved, and there must be gains." After that, you pointed out.Refers to the bench over there, and refers to the child over there.That means let me find them to play, sitting in a bench and waiting for me.I just wanted to say good, but I noticed the scars on your hand, my face sank.I finally knew why the skirt I just broke was stitched suddenly.However, how obvious this scar is.It has blood on it, and the wound is very deep ... I stayed in place, I don't know what to say, I don't know what to do.


This is the case in winter, with both rough appearance and inner show.But why is this winter sad? I lie in front of your hospital bed, buried deep inside with your memories.Miss the days you care about.


I walk into your ward, come to your bed, and help you cover the quilt.I know that I will leave myself out of this room.For the first time, when you feel that your loved ones are going to leave, the first time you feel that your family will no longer exist.A few simple words made me tears.I don't know when, the tears, like the rain in the summer, quietly covered me, and the memories were filled with my heart.


Runhong's Jiaoyang added a touch of color to the sunny day, and I took the umbrella.The sky is so blue, not even a hint of floating.Although Wuyun has scattered, those memories will not be scattered, and they will always gather together.


What you can't forget is the days when you are cared for.



1、日子:日子读音为rì zi,是指1.指某日。古代纪日的一种方法。日,指某日,如初一﹑初二。子,指那一天的干支,如甲子﹑乙丑等。 2.太阳的儿子。日子 rì zǐ词语意思:1.指某日。古代纪日的一种方法。日,指某日,如初一﹑初二。子,指那一天的干支,如甲子﹑乙丑等。 2.太阳的儿子。(1) [day;date]∶固定的某一天日期今天是她结婚的日子(2) [days;time]∶天数他走了有些日子了(3) [life;livelihood]∶指生活、生计现在日子好过多了分词解释:儿子:男孩子(对父母而言):二儿子◇人民的好儿子。方法:关于解决思想、说话、行动等问题的门路、程序等:工作方法ㄧ学习方法ㄧ思想方法。代纪:即世纪。记载帝王世系及其事迹的史籍。唐代避太宗讳,改“世”为“代”。如初:跟当初一样:消除嫌隙,两人和好如初。...日子怎么造句,用日子造句»

2、那些:那些读音为nèi xiē,是指1.哪里。表示反诘。 2.哪里。何处。那些 nà xiē词语解释:1.哪里。表示反诘。 2.哪里。何处。(1) [those](2) 指较远的两个以上的人或事物我认识茶馆里那些小人物(3) 指较远的多数时间和处所在那些地方他们有势力(4) 指代前文已出现过的两个以上的人或事物校长指着一群玩滑梯的孩子说:“那些是刚入学的新生”分词解释:反诘:反问。哪里:1.问什么处所。 2.表示不确定的处所。 3.泛指任何处所。 4.用于反问句,表示否定。 5.谦词。婉转地表示否定。何处:哪里,什么地方。表示:1.显示某种意义。 2.用语言﹑行动显出某种思想﹑感情﹑态度。...那些怎么造句,用那些造句»