
时间:2022-10-14 13:26:37 | 来源:语文通


中秋节的作文 篇1描写中秋节的作文 篇2中秋节的作文 篇3过中秋节的作文 篇4描写中秋节的作文 篇5描写中秋节的作文 篇6描写中秋节的作文 篇7

中秋节的作文 篇1


The moon is like a mirror, and the stars are all over the sky. On the moonlit night of the Mid Autumn Festival on August 15, I stood by the window to enjoy the bright moon and look at the twinkling stars. Remember the poem "Water Melody" written by the great poet Su Dongpo: "When will the moon be bright? Ask the sky for wine..."


People often say that "the moon is bright when it comes to the Mid Autumn Festival", which I think is quite reasonable. Look, the bright moon with a silver ring finally rises. It was golden yellow at first, and slowly rose up and up. After a while, the color of the moon became lighter and white, just like a large jade plate carved with superior jade. It was so lovely, interesting, charming and beautiful.


Ah, the bright moon, you are a writer, who has written so many articles and myths, such as: Chang'e, who was imprisoned in the lonely Guanghan Palace because of stealing the medicine; Wu Gang was punished for breaking the rule of heaven by chopping down the osmanthus trees that he kept chopping; And Little Jade Hares, who are making medicine for Chang'e in the Guanghan Palace... They are so magical and lifelike in your writing


Looking at the ninth round and bright moon, I miss my grandma and grandma again. Their kind faces reappeared before my eyes. My eyes moistened at the thought of Grandma and Grandma. After all, I haven't been home for the Mid Autumn Festival for years. Now when I think of the scene where the whole family gathered to have a reunion dinner, I feel very empty, because Grandma and Grandma are old and old. How they want to get together with the whole family and have a reunion dinner on the Mid Autumn Festival again!


I stared at the twinkling stars and the white moon in the sky until very late

描写中秋节的作文 篇2


It's the Mid Autumn Festival again. Every family celebrates their reunion. In the Mid Autumn Festival, they eat moon cakes, watch the moon and drink osmanthus wine.


Early this morning, my parents pulled me out of the quilt. My father said to me, "Today is the Mid Autumn Festival. We are going to my grandparents' home, and we should get dressed quickly!" Our family packed all the things and got ready to go, with a box of big mooncakes. I haven't woken up yet. When I saw the moon in the night sky, I was very curious and said to my mother, "Why is the moon so round only on the Mid Autumn Festival?" Mother replied, "Because the Mid Autumn Festival is also called the Reunion Festival. Is the moon so round?" I opened the window, closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Wow, it's so fragrant. When I opened my eyes, it was the fragrance of osmanthus trees that ran to my nose.


When I arrived at my grandparents' home, I said happy holidays to them first. Then my grandma and mother were busy cooking for the Mid Autumn Festival. My father and grandpa were busy setting the table and the stool. After the meal was ready, we had a meal. During the meal, my father brought my grandfather a cup of osmanthus wine. My curiosity immediately rose again and said to my father, "Why should I drink osmanthus wine on the Mid Autumn Festival?" My father said, "Because the osmanthus trees grow only on the Mid Autumn Festival!" After dinner, my mother put the big moon cake on the table. First she gave it to my grandparents, then to my parents, and finally to me. We had a happy Mid Autumn Festival!

中秋节的作文 篇3


It was the Mid Autumn Festival on August 15. My brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts all went to Grandpa's house to have a reunion dinner. I was no exception.


My parents and I came to my grandpa's house and found that my elder brother had not come yet. It turned out that my elder brother was ill and was carrying water in the hospital. After a while, my elder brother came. We will hold the most important part of today, that is to have a reunion dinner!


Although my brother was ill on the Mid Autumn Festival and my aunt was very worried about him, I should go there happily.


Let's start having reunion dinner! "Wow! Today's meal is really good! There are fish, shrimp and meat... But there is also a special meal, which is mooncake!


I asked my father, "Dad, what is the origin of moon cakes?" The father said, "During the Anti Yuan War, the soldiers put a piece of paper into the cake to pass on the message of the uprising. It happened to be the 15th day of August, and the moon was very round. This is the origin of the moon cake." I said, "So it is!"


After dinner, my brother said to me, "Let's go downstairs to see the moon!" I said, "Good!" When we got downstairs, my brother and I saw the moon, which was almost as round as a mooncake! My brother and I chatted while enjoying the moon. I felt very comfortable. My brother said, "I will have the college entrance examination in a few months. I'm so nervous!" I said: "Brother, you don't have to be nervous. My sister passed the college entrance examination successfully, and you must be able to do it! Besides, you are still so good at your studies, and you must be able to take an undergraduate course! I wish you a good university!" The elder brother said, "Thank you, younger brother! I will definitely be admitted to a good university!" In this way, a wonderful evening passed.


I am so happy today. I not only played with my brother, but also learned a new knowledge. I'm so happy!

第二实验小学五年级五班 庞浩展

Pang Hao Exhibition, Class 5, Grade 5, the Second Experimental Primary School

过中秋节的作文 篇4


Every time the moon is full on the Mid Autumn Festival, the plump girl in a beautiful yellow robe sprinkles the moonlight on the earth. Eating moon cakes and appreciating the moon are two indispensable things on this day.


Last year on the Mid Autumn Festival, our school also organized an activity to eat moon cakes. Everyone brings two mooncakes from home, and all the students' mooncakes in the class meeting are put together and exchanged with each other. On that day, I brought sweet scented osmanthus and five kernel moon cakes. I shared the cut moon cakes with my good classmates and friends. The first one to exchange with me was Yao Hongchen. I gave him the mooncakes I brought, and he also gave me the mooncakes he brought. We started to eat, but unexpectedly, the mooncakes we ate were of the same taste, and we both laughed. Then I exchanged mooncakes with Zhang Jieyi. This time, it was filled with egg yolk. It was very delicious. Some students like to eat the moon cakes they bring, so they will feel a sense of achievement. Eating a good friend's moon cake will make you feel extremely happy. While tasting moon cakes with different tastes, the students enjoyed the beautiful poems about the moon. The time of a class passed very quickly, and everyone realized a different kind of happiness. It was my first time to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival with my classmates!


At night, the moon rises and the stars shine. Our family sat around the window, admiring the moon, talking and missing our relatives in the distance. Uncle and aunt are working in Tianjin, and they are watching the same moon as us in some place on the earth. I miss them so much. I hope they can come back next Mid Autumn Festival to celebrate the reunion with us.


That's really an unforgettable Mid Autumn Festival!

描写中秋节的作文 篇5


The Mid Autumn Festival is coming. My mother is going to Xiamen to participate in the "classmate party". So am I.


At 6:00 yesterday evening, we held a game of "Bo Pie" next to Xiaodeng Island's dormitory. The rule was: whoever turns more than 4 turns will be more powerful and get more prizes.


At this time, I also took part in the game of discus. I got jelly, car wash cloth and four towels. After we finished the cake shopping, we went to eat. When everyone enjoyed the meal, I sang a song named "Grandma's Penghu Bay" to everyone. I was very happy to receive thunderous applause.


After that, I went to play games. We played "bubble gum", which was fun. The rule is: if the host says "bubble gum". We say, "What do you stick to?" If she says, "Stick to your left hand.". We will find a person to collide with each other in this part, and the person who doesn't touch will be eliminated. I also felt a little distressed to see a person cancelled. But we must abide by the rules of the game!


Finally, we put on the "wishing lamp". When the self lit wishing lamp rises from the sky, I hasten to make a wish and hope it will come true. Because my mother said it would fly to the high blue sky with my wishes. Watching the wishful lamps flying into the sky, my body became light, as if I had become a wishful lamp. Then, we went to the river to put "lotus lanterns", which reflected the children's happy faces.


What an unforgettable Mid Autumn Festival night!

描写中秋节的作文 篇6


It rained all day, and it became very bleak outside the window. When I opened the window, a cold air came to my face. I was so cold that I sneezed and immediately went to change a long sleeve. I understand that Miss Qiu is coming from afar.


"Mom and Dad, hurry up, hurry up!" You may ask me why I am in such a hurry? I will tell you, "Come to the Mid Autumn Festival!" Although the dark clouds blocked the moon, which lost a sense of interest, our family still brought incense burners, moon cakes, and Hongling to the garage to burn "Tianxiang".


It was almost 6:30, my mother and I were invited to participate in a "corridor party" to celebrate the birthday of an old lady in Building 29. The corridor was filled with festivities, and the mother-in-law of the community art troupe beat the waist drum, and everyone's face was smiling. The first program is the song I sing - "Every time I walk by the teacher's window", because I rehearsed this song in the class before, I am familiar with it! After my affectionate singing, I won warm applause from everyone.


When we got home, Dad was eating moon cakes and drinking tea, and his expression was quite leisurely. "Dad, we're back, and you don't want to make a statement. Ask me if my singing is successful or not?" I pretended to be angry. "Don't hesitate to ask for success, because it is the blessing of love." I snuggled up beside my father, ate moon cakes together, and watched my mother busy burning incense, lighting candles, and burning paper money. I thought: Alas, if there is another moon to accompany us to spend this beautiful Mid Autumn Festival, how wonderful it would be!


Finally, I wish everyone a happy Mid Autumn Festival!

描写中秋节的作文 篇7


"The children will be happy in August and 15, and Grandpa will play moon cakes for me..." With this song, the annual Mid Autumn Festival on August 15 comes, which is a beautiful day for family reunion, eating moon cakes and watching the moon.

在这个美好时刻,大家都沉浸在团圆的幸福之中。这不,瞧我们一家 .cn 作文迷…人,爸爸妈妈放下繁忙的工作,我也放下手中的课本,高高兴兴的回到爷爷家吃团圆饭。

At this beautiful moment, everyone is immersed in the happiness of reunion. Look at our family. CN composition fans... My parents put down their busy work, I also put down my textbooks, and happily returned to my grandpa's home for a reunion dinner.


Wow! A table of sumptuous food made me "drool down 3000 feet". I raised my glass and wished my grandparents a happy life; I wish my parents good health and smooth work. Cheers! "Well said," said the father, "and I wish my son progress and healthy growth. Cheers!"


When she was satisfied with food and drink, Grandma brought up all kinds of sweet and fragrant moon cakes, including bean paste, black sesame, five kernel, egg yolk, etc. The moon cake is round, smells fragrant, and tastes sweet. The front is engraved with the words "Happy Mid Autumn Festival", which makes people want to swallow it at once!


After eating the moon cake, I propose that we go to watch the moon together. I saw a round moon hanging in the sky, just like a piece of white jade hanging in the sky. There was a shining star beside the moon, accompanying it. Is it a partner? Do they also spend August 15 together?


Looking at the round moon in the sky, I sincerely hope that all families in the world can get together and be happy!