
时间:2022-07-04 13:32:10 | 来源:语文通



I am twelve years old, and this age is not big. It is small, but not small.In my heart, I have always regarded myself as a "little hand to hold a puppy", but my grandparents were grandparents, but they always treated me as a child.


Last Saturday, my mother was released, my dad came to work, leaving me alone at home.Speaking of this, there is nothing. Before I often stayed at home alone, and my grandparents were too anxious after understanding, one phone call came back and told me, "A person must hold the anti -theft lock at home at home.Okay! Don't open the door if you don't know! Be careful when you come out for dining! "


When I came out of the tutoring class, they also reminded the warning phone to continue when I left, for fear that I had an accident.They even came back to "explore class" halfway to check my safety at home.They also said to me like that, "Everyone seems to be concerned about you. I'm afraid you are young and have a strong sense of safety. It's bad."


And my grandmother took me as a child.One Saturday, my dad was disclosed, and I couldn't send me to go to the primary school. My mother gave me money to let myself go back and forth.My grandmother did not know how to know this information, called and said that she would come home.I was in trouble and rejected her rules.Unexpectedly, after watching the primary school Olympic in the night, I came home or came home.She said to me: "It's late, and the West Station is very messy again. I am afraid that you will have an accident." That is, what can I say like that, what can I say?


Although I understand that my grandparents do what I care about me, I am afraid that I will have some accidents.But I can't always be "petals in the greenhouse"!In fact, I was able to go home by myself, and I was able to stay at home safely at home safely, and I was able to do it very well myself.They do something too much like that.Always treat me as a child, when can I really develop?



1、不必:不必读音为bù bì,是指1.没有一定;未必。 2.无须;没有必要。 无须,不一定,没有必要是故弟子不必不如师。——唐.韩愈《师说》不必 bù bì词典解释:1.没有一定;未必。 2.无须;没有必要。[need not;not have to] 无须,不一定,没有必要是故弟子不必不如师。——唐.韩愈《师说》分词解释:没有:犹没收。无须:副词。表示劝告或者制止:无须提醒|无须顾虑|无须东奔西走。一定:1.一经制定;一经确定。 2.固定不变;注定。 3.规定的,确定的。 4.必然;确实无疑。 5.表示坚决。多用于第一人称。 6.某种程度的;适当的。 7.特定。 8.犹统一。未必:不一定。...不必怎么造句,用不必造句»

2、小孩:小孩读音为xiǎo hái,是指1.亦作“小孩子”。 2.儿童;幼儿。 3.年幼或年轻的子女。 4.泛指未成年的人。有时也用作年轻人对长辈的自称。小孩 xiǎo hái分词解释:1.亦作“小孩子”。 2.儿童;幼儿。 3.年幼或年轻的子女。 4.泛指未成年的人。有时也用作年轻人对长辈的自称。分词解释:自称:1.自己称呼自己。 2.自己叫作﹐自己认为。 3.自我称扬。年轻人:青年人,小伙子。如:他们现在已经找到十一个年轻人——十一个小家伙。子女:1.男和女。 2.美女;年青女子。 3.儿女。有时:1.有时候。表示间或不定。 2.谓有如愿之时。...小孩怎么造句,用小孩造句»