
时间:2022-11-10 13:20:27 | 来源:语文通



有关中秋节的由来作文 篇1中秋节的来历作文 篇2中秋节的来历作文500字 篇3中秋节的来历作文 篇4中秋节的来历作文500字 篇5中秋节的由来作文 篇6中秋节的由来作文 篇7

有关中秋节的由来作文 篇1


There are many explanations about the origin of the Mid Autumn Festival.


The term "Mid Autumn Festival" was first found in the Book of Rites of the Zhou Dynasty. The Book of Rites - The Moon Order said: "In the Mid Autumn Festival, people will grow old and eat porridge."


First, it originated from the sacrificial activities of ancient emperors. It is recorded in the Book of Rites that "the Son of Heaven will worship the sun in spring and the moon in autumn". The moon on the eve of the day is a sacrifice to the moon, which means that as early as the Spring and Autumn Period, emperors began to worship the moon. Later, aristocratic officials and scholars also followed suit and gradually spread to the people.


Second, the origin of the Mid Autumn Festival is related to agricultural production. Autumn is the harvest season. The explanation of the word "autumn" is: "autumn is when crops are ripe". In the Mid Autumn Festival in August, crops and fruits are maturing one after another. To celebrate the harvest and express their joy, farmers celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival. "Mid Autumn Festival" means the middle of autumn. The August of the lunar calendar is a month in the middle of autumn, and the 15th day is another day in the middle of the month. Therefore, the Mid Autumn Festival may be a custom inherited from the ancient "Autumn News".


Some historians have also pointed out that the origin of the Mid Autumn Festival should be that the Tang army at the end of the Sui Dynasty on August 15, the 13th year of Daye, Pei Ji, the Tang army, successfully invented the moon cake with the full moon as the idea, and widely distributed military pay to the army, successfully solving the problem of military rations derived from the massive absorption of anti Sui Yijun.

中秋节的来历作文 篇2


It was another mid-autumn night, my sister and brother were watching the moon on the balcony.


Brother ran into the kitchen and brought moon cakes, watermelons, pomegranates to share with Chang'e, Wu Gang and Yutu. My sister and I set off fireworks to make the quiet family lively. You see, the white moonlight makes the sky look very clear. Just when I asked my brother and sister to enjoy together, the moon was covered by clouds, like a veil. The moon rose again in despair, and the bright moonlight lit up the sky again. Our brother and sister recited a little poem: When we were young, we didn't know the moon, so we called it the white jade plate. We doubted the mirror of Yaotai and flew into the blue cloud.

中秋节的来历作文500字 篇3


There are many explanations about the origin of the Mid Autumn Festival. The term "Mid Autumn Festival" was first found in the Book of Rites of the Zhou Dynasty. The Book of Rites - The Moon Order said: "In the Mid Autumn Festival, people will grow old and eat porridge."


First, it originated from the sacrificial activities of ancient emperors. It is recorded in the Book of Rites that "the Son of Heaven will worship the sun in spring and the moon in autumn". The moon on the eve of the day is a sacrifice to the moon, which means that as early as the Spring and Autumn Period, emperors began to worship the moon. Later, aristocratic officials and scholars also followed suit and gradually spread to the people.


Second, the origin of the Mid Autumn Festival is related to agricultural production. Autumn is the harvest season. The explanation of the word "autumn" is: "autumn is when crops are ripe". In the Mid Autumn Festival in August, crops and fruits are maturing one after another. To celebrate the harvest and express their joy, farmers celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival. "Mid Autumn Festival" means the middle of autumn. The August of the lunar calendar is a month in the middle of autumn, and the 15th day is another day in the middle of the month. Therefore, the Mid Autumn Festival may be a custom inherited from the ancient "Autumn News".


Third, some historians have pointed out that the origin of the Mid Autumn Festival should be that the Tang army at the end of the Sui Dynasty on August 15, the 13th year of Daye. Pei Ji, the Tang army, successfully invented the moon cake with the full moon as the idea, and widely distributed military pay to the army, successfully solving the problem of military provisions derived from the massive absorption of anti Sui Rebels.


Fourth, at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Liu Bowen, a counselor of Zhu Yuanzhang, the leader of the anti Yuan uprising, took advantage of the occasion when people gave round cakes to each other in the Mid Autumn Festival to carry a note of "killing Tartars on the night of August 15" in the cake. When they saw the note in the cake, it was passed on from one to the next, as promised, to kill all evil "Tartars" (soldiers of the Yuan Dynasty) together that night. Later, every family ate cakes to celebrate the victory of the uprising, and officially called the round cake of the Mid Autumn Festival moon cake.

中秋节的来历作文 篇4


September 15th is Thursday. The weather is not bad today. The moonlight at night must be beautiful.


Today is the 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar, and it is also the Reunion Festival, that is, the Mid Autumn Festival. Although there is no moon, we are still as happy as the moon, because today our family will cook crabs at home. Besides, after lunch, we must go to the movies. We eat crabs, a woman and a man. However, my brother eats most crab roe. The belly, pincers and leg meat are very delicious.


Next, we went to see a film starring Zhang Ziyi and Wang Leehom, called Very Lucky. My brother and I ate a big barrel of popcorn.


I am very tired this afternoon, but I am still very happy. I wish everyone a happy Mid Autumn Festival.

中秋节的来历作文500字 篇5


The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in China. According to historical records, the term "Mid Autumn Festival" first appeared in the book "Zhou Li". In the Wei and Jin Dynasties, there was a record of "instructing Shangshu to stop the cattle from being misled, and the Mid Autumn Festival Eve and the left and right sides of the river were covered in tiny clothes". It was not until the early Tang Dynasty that the Mid Autumn Festival became a fixed festival. The Book of the Tang Dynasty Taizong Records records the Mid Autumn Festival on the 15th day of August. The popularity of the Mid Autumn Festival began in the Song Dynasty. By the time of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was as famous as New Year's Day and became one of the major festivals in China. This is also the second largest traditional festival in China after the Spring Festival.


According to the Chinese calendar, August in the lunar calendar is in the middle of autumn, the second month of autumn, called "Mid Autumn", and the 15th day of August is in the middle of "Mid Autumn", so it is called "Mid Autumn". The Mid Autumn Festival has many nicknames: because it falls on the 15th day of August, it is called "August Festival" or "August Half"; Because the main activities of the Mid Autumn Festival are all around the "month", it is also commonly known as the "Moon Festival" and "Moon Festival"; The moon on the Mid Autumn Festival is full, symbolizing reunion, so it is also called "Reunion Festival". In the Tang Dynasty, the Mid Autumn Festival was also known as "the first lunar month". The record of "Reunion Festival" was first seen in the Ming Dynasty. It is said in the "History of West Lake Tour" that "the 15th day of August is the Mid Autumn Festival, and people send each other with moon cakes, meaning reunion". It is also said in the Imperial View: "On the 15th day of the eighth month, when the moon is sacrificed, the cake will be round, the melon will be broken, and the petals will be carved like lotus flowers. After the month of sacrifice, the elders of the family will divide the cake into pieces according to the number of people, one piece for each person. If someone is not at home, they will leave one piece for them, which means family reunion.

中秋节的由来作文 篇6


There are many customs in Mid Autumn Festival, such as eating moon cakes. But do you know the origin of Mid Autumn Festival?


It is said that Hou Yi went to the mountains to look for friends and visit. When he saw the Queen Mother of the West passing by, he asked her for a bag of immortal medicine. After returning home, Hou Yi could not bear to leave his wife Chang'e, so he temporarily gave the elixir to Chang'e for safekeeping. But this happened to be seen by disciple Pang Meng, and Pang Meng had a bad heart.


Once when Hou Yi took his apprentice to hunt, Pang Meng pretended to be ill and stayed. As soon as Hou Yi left, Pang Meng rushed into the room with a treasured knife and forced Chang E to hand over the elixir. Chang E had no choice. Suddenly, she had an idea and swallowed the elixir. Because Chang'e was worried about her husband, she flew to the nearest moon and became an immortal.


After Hou Yi came back, he found Chang'e in the sky and said to him, "The moon will be round tonight. You can make a piece of dough in the northeast corner of the house at night. By midnight, we will be together." Hou Yi followed Chang E's advice. At midnight, the couple finally got together. When they left, Chang'e said to Hou Yi, "Every August 15, you should make dough and wait until midnight when I come back." Every year, they make dough and wait for Chang'e to come back. Later, this custom was inherited and developed into the current Mid Autumn Festival, when eating moon cakes became a custom.


I like this myth very much, and I also like the Mid Autumn Festival very much.

中秋节的由来作文 篇7


There is one explanation for the origin of the Mid Autumn Festival.


Some people say that a long time ago, there were 10 suns in the sky, which made crops barren. Later, a man named Hou Yi was so powerful that he used his magic power to shoot down 9 suns.


Later, Hou Yi married a woman named Chang'e. In addition to teaching disciples and hunting, Hou Yi stayed with his wife all day long. Everyone envies this loving couple.


One day, Hou Yi went to Kunlun Mountain to visit friends and ask for Tao, so he asked the Empress for a bag of immortal medicine. It is said that taking medicine can promote immortality. Hou Yi asked Chang'e to keep the medicine, but Pang Meng, the villain, saw it. He wanted to steal the elixir to make himself immortal.


Three days later, Hou Yi went hunting while Pang Meng pretended to be ill. Shortly after Hou Yi left, Pang Meng rushed into the backyard with his sword and forced Chang E to hand over the elixir. Knowing that she was not Pengmeng's opponent, Chang'e took out the elixir and swallowed it. Because Chang'e was worried about her husband, she flew to the nearest moon and became an immortal. In the evening, when Hou Yi knew what had happened, he wanted to kill Pang Meng, but the villain had already fled. Suddenly, he saw a shadow on the moon, and he followed. But he could not follow the shadow in any way, because he took three steps, and the shadow followed him.


Later Hou Yi gave up and returned home. Because he was worried about his wife, he lit incense and offered fruits in Chang'e's favorite garden.


Later, when people knew this, they also learned to smell and offer fruits. Later, they began to eat moon cakes. I hope Chang'e can bless them.