
时间:2022-09-05 13:36:12 | 来源:语文通



The playground has no previous calmness, becoming popular, and his voice has fallen into the turbulent sea like a small stone piece. Everything becomes different from the past today.


"One, two, three, four, five", the students who jumping the big rope quickly walked from the big rope, the lightning was general, and the speed was amazing.


The skipping rope twisted from the hands of the two rope students. Seeing that the classmates had such a fast speed, the rope was unwilling to show weakness.Hands are flexible as mechanical, staring at the rope intently, becoming some deep hatred, not even bring back, the eyes do not blink, the hands are tightly held, and the two feet are balanced.Pass quickly.


The competition was extremely fierce. The students in the two classes did not think that the opponent was too strong to feel the slightest fear, the scene was extremely noisy, and any sound could not stop us from getting the first path. The students kept walking in the rope.Wu Zonghan in our class, although he was too fat, he raised his legs and trot for a while, and he easily passed, as if there were no obstacles under his feet.The classmates exhibited their most of their strengths. It was a fierce operation. In this way, there were dozens of times in a row. The first was just in front of them.Haha laughed, the eyes of the masses really were clear. The students on the left carefully looked at the eyes without blinking. As the arcs of the students jumped, how concentrated this was!


After a while, there were almost a hundred, and the team members were sweating, but any obstacles could not stop our "first road".


Everyone cheered while counting, and the classmates' cheering acoustics became a force, and it was passed on to them, and they suddenly became even more powerful.


In the last ten seconds, everyone used the strength of breastfeeding, jumping at home quickly, becoming serious and nervous. One by one is like a dragon.The fierce competition becomes bigger.In the last five seconds, it became hotter, and the last sprint rushed in directly, the excitement was thrilling.


In the end, I won the first with excellent results. All the thrills just now forget to do it, and they all enjoy the joy of the first place.



This afternoon, Teacher Wang asked us to go to the programming classroom early, and I had some fear in my heart.Because last time, the two of us did not make that program and were named by the teacher. We are still afraid of being criticized by the teacher.In case I can't do it today, I brought paper and pens, preparing to copy the procedure of the teacher.


As soon as we walked into the classroom, we found the position and sat down and started the computer with Ye.At this time, the teacher said to us, "Classmates, do the procedures for the last time." I listened to Ye and I thought that the teacher did not copy the teacher's lectures in the last class, and wouldn't they do it at all?


When we are anxious.We suddenly remembered the classmate Li next to classmate Ye. She studied programming and programming teachers.When I saw me and Ye when I saw trouble, I took the initiative to help us. I was puzzled. Li did not copy the teacher’s lectures. How do I know how to do it? Is she a super head? It must be that she has a suitable one suitableYour own learning method.


With the help of classmate Li, the two of us not only knew the meaning of each step, but also learned how to use it.Thank you classmate Li!


"It's okay, you can ask me if you can't." Li said enthusiastically.


After a while we finished, the teacher started today's new course.The teacher made a new program. I hurriedly took notes and copied everything. Ye Ye said to me aside, we cooperated with the tacit understanding.After a while, I did it, and the classmates next to them admired and curious, and kept asking how we did it.Haha, there is a sense of pride. This is the first time I successfully completed the programming since the beginning of school!


Haha, classmate Ye and I finally succeeded. The two of us danced with great joy. I hope that in the future, we will continue to work hard. We both patted it. I thought that this time, I was more than a programming teacher.In the future, we will not ask her, she must have been able to do it all! Classmate Li is an enthusiastic intestine, and I will talk about the classmates who will not do one by one.Criticizing us, this time it has improved so fast, it also made the teacher look at us.


The programming teacher praised: "As long as you learn it seriously, you can't learn it." This is thanks to the help of classmate Li!


The feeling of success for the first time is really unforgettable. With this successful experience, if you do n’t understand in the future study process, you have to learn and cooperate with your classmates.Help others so enthusiastically!



In fact, the composition fan network is the beginning of my love for writing, and it is the source of all my inspiration. The first time I have exchanged for the composition fan network in my life, it is still excited.


I used to be afraid of writing. The composition must be realistic, and it must be written in three paragraphs.I am talented, although I am not a good master of writing, at least my composition will not be as darling as before. When the words are poor, they will find words and bring them in.


The project of the composition of the composition network also inspired the majority of people who love writing to join them. Whether you are a senior author or a newcomer who is new to you, you will not be equal here. You will not be discriminated against.The level of your composition will be greatly improved. Previously, the dull and tasteless writing also stepped up to become my own habit of writing. The composition fan network really gave me a lot.


I am a student, and I have no own WeChat for the time being, but the composition fan network has solved this difficult problem. The manuscript fee can only be paid QQ., Can also develop your own potential, getting farther and farther on the road of writing.


Don't ask me what the mood of receiving the manuscript fee, I can only tell you two words: joy, extreme joy!Intersection



In the early morning, the warm sunlight sprinkled on the people through the clouds.I came to the East Railway Station happily.Participate in Yangzhou International Half Marathon.


Next to the East Station, groups of athletes do sports exercises neatly. Some players held up the team flags, and the team flag fluttered in the air in the air. Some players shouted loud slogans for their team members ...


Ten minutes later, the game began, and a "bang" shot, and several black athletes standing at the forefront rushed out like an arrow.The athletes set off like a tide.


I held my fists lightly, learned the posture of professional athletes, and ran with the crowd.After running for 10 minutes, the bean -like sweat dripped from the forehead, and I wiped away the sweat pantingly.Suddenly I saw a big brand with "7km" on it. My heart was blooming. Ha, I had run 7 kilometers, but I thought about it again before I ran for a while. How could it be?I took a closer look and almost fainted. I added a horizontal end of the "1" and saw it as "7". Hey, I ran that was so slow.


I gritted my teeth and continued to run forward. Half an hour passed. At the door of Run's hair, my top was soaked by sweat. I wanted to give up, but there was a step away from the end. It is a pity to give up.I see a notice sign: there is a drinking water station 100 meters in front.I was full of energy, and the flying land rushed towards the drinking water station. The table in front of the drinking water station was filled with an empty mineral water bottle. Without water, I was surprised and suddenly discouraged.The volunteers next to said, "There is water in front." I can't wait to run forward. There are only a few bottles of water on the table in front. I immediately took two bottles, opened a bottle first, gurgled and gurgled.Unscrew another bottle, hold it up to the top of the head, and fasten the bottle mouth down, "Wow ..." The cool mineral water was poured on my hot head, which was very cool.The fastest speed rushed to the end.


"I can run down, it's very good." Mom smiled at me at the end.I think: the marathon is a test of people's endurance and perseverance. I want to be a strong.



Have you felt the joy of success?My mother said all the five words all day, and I have never understood what it means, but I really felt the joy of success today.For example, I took a 100 -point test, the piano performance was successful, and so on.But I think the joy of success is that you have learned to ride a bicycle, riding it, the wind blows through your ears, making the sound of rustling, the sound of rusty, as if you are awesome, you are so good, you are so good to ride well.ah!At that time, you will feel the joy of real success.

Have you felt the joy of success?My mother said all the five words all day, and I have never understood what it means, but I really felt the joy of success today.For example, I took a 100 -point test, the piano performance was successful, and so on.But I think the joy of success is that you have learned to ride a bicycle, riding it, the wind blows through your ears, making the sound of rustling, the sound of rusty, as if you are awesome, you are so good, you are so good to ride well.ah!At that time, you will feel the joy of real success.


Only when I started, I rode a bicycle with auxiliary wheels and saw other children riding a bicycle freely without auxiliary wheels. I was really envious and jealous!

Only when I started, I rode a bicycle with auxiliary wheels and saw other children riding a bicycle freely without auxiliary wheels. I was really envious and jealous!


At the beginning, I made up my mind to remove the auxiliary wheels.My mother also supports my decision very much, and let me start learning bicycles in the yard.

At the beginning, I made up my mind to remove the auxiliary wheels.My mother also supports my decision very much, and let me start learning bicycles in the yard.


When I first learned, I didn't even sit up and sat up, but I worked hard.After I sat up, my mother helped me ride.You don't know, the first lap of ride, scared me!I am crooked in the east and west, just like the kindergarten children ride a twisting car.As long as I fell down, I stopped.Mom said to me at this time: Continue to ride!Don't be afraid!That's not so!I had to continue cycling, and it really didn't fall.

When I first learned, I didn't even sit up and sat up, but I worked hard.After I sat up, my mother helped me ride.You don't know, the first lap of ride, scared me!I am crooked in the east and west, just like the kindergarten children ride a twisting car.As long as I fell down, I stopped.Mom said to me at this time: Continue to ride!Don't be afraid!That's not so!I had to continue cycling, and it really didn't fall.


My mother told me a few tricks, that is, if the car poured to the left, you turn the front of the car to the right.If the car poured to the right, you turn the front to the left.My mother also taught me how to get on the car. Finally, I learned some of the basic postures of the cycling.

My mother told me a few tricks, that is, if the car poured to the left, you turn the front of the car to the right.If the car poured to the right, you turn the front to the left.My mother also taught me how to get on the car. Finally, I learned some of the basic postures of the cycling.


I was still scared, I fell to the left for a while, and poured to the right for a while.I feel that my mother's hand is loose, and I hurriedly said to my mother: Mom, don't loosen it, I haven't fully mastered it yet. If I fell a fracture, you have to pay me for medical expenses for me to be hospitalized!Mom said: It's okay, ride you!I keep pulling your clothes!You won't fall, although riding.I speeded up and felt the wind blowing through my side. I rode the car. The wind seemed to say to me: Liu Yishan, come on!You will learn soon!The wind gave me encouragement, which is really useful.The willow girl next to me said to me: It's okay, you will learn soon, you ride well!After so many encouragement, I have more confidence and it is better.

I was still scared, I fell to the left for a while, and poured to the right for a while.I feel that my mother's hand is loose, and I hurriedly said to my mother: Mom, don't loosen it, I haven't fully mastered it yet. If I fell a fracture, you have to pay me for medical expenses for me to be hospitalized!Mom said: It's okay, ride you!I keep pulling your clothes!You won't fall, although riding.I speeded up and felt the wind blowing through my side. I rode the car. The wind seemed to say to me: Liu Yishan, come on!You will learn soon!The wind gave me encouragement, which is really useful.The willow girl next to me said to me: It's okay, you will learn soon, you ride well!After so many encouragement, I have more confidence and it is better.


My mother followed me and ran. Suddenly I saw a younger brother who was younger than me, riding a car without auxiliary wheels, and shuttled on the flat ground.I thought, my mother still helped me!Looking at others, it is still smaller than me. It is really my role model!I am full of admiration.However, I am much better than the original.At this time, I also felt that my mother was helping me and following me.After this lap, my mother said to me: Am I still helping you?I said: Of course, you have been helping me and following me, are you tired enough?Mom said happily: Wrong, you did n’t follow you in the lap, you rode by yourself!ah?I am full of questions.real!Mom said, I won't lie to you!I also want you to learn to ride!What do you mean is that I would ride?I say.Completely correct!Baby, you will ride!My mother's face was full of smiles, and my face was full of smiles.Actually, I really think it is incredible.

My mother followed me and ran. Suddenly I saw a younger brother who was younger than me, riding a car without auxiliary wheels, and shuttled on the flat ground.I thought, my mother still helped me!Looking at others, it is still smaller than me. It is really my role model!I am full of admiration.However, I am much better than the original.At this time, I also felt that my mother was helping me and following me.After this lap, my mother said to me: Am I still helping you?I said: Of course, you have been helping me and following me, are you tired enough?Mom said happily: Wrong, you did n’t follow you in the lap, you rode by yourself!ah?I am full of questions.real!Mom said, I won't lie to you!I also want you to learn to ride!What do you mean is that I would ride?I say.Completely correct!Baby, you will ride!My mother's face was full of smiles, and my face was full of smiles.Actually, I really think it is incredible.


I did not expect that I had been able to meet the bike for the first time.Really, the joy of success I realized in my heart couldn't express it. I was really heartbroken, really!I am not at all at all with me with auxiliary wheels. I really can ride a bicycle. Is it true? I really want to ask myself, is this still me?

I did not expect that I had been able to meet the bike for the first time.Really, the joy of success I realized in my heart couldn't express it. I was really heartbroken, really!I am not at all at all with me with auxiliary wheels. I really can ride a bicycle. Is it true? I really want to ask myself, is this still me?



Have you felt the joy of success?My mother said all the five words all day, and I have never understood what it means, but I really felt the joy of success today.For example, I took a 100 -point test, the piano performance was successful, and so on.But I think the joy of success is that you have learned to ride a bicycle, riding it, the wind blows through your ears, making the sound of rustling, the sound of rusty, as if you are awesome, you are so good, you are so good to ride well.ah!At that time, you will feel the joy of real success.

Have you felt the joy of success?My mother said all the five words all day, and I have never understood what it means, but I really felt the joy of success today.For example, I took a 100 -point test, the piano performance was successful, and so on.But I think the joy of success is that you have learned to ride a bicycle, riding it, the wind blows through your ears, making the sound of rustling, the sound of rusty, as if you are awesome, you are so good, you are so good to ride well.ah!At that time, you will feel the joy of real success.


Only when I started, I rode a bicycle with auxiliary wheels and saw other children riding a bicycle freely without auxiliary wheels. I was really envious and jealous!

Only when I started, I rode a bicycle with auxiliary wheels and saw other children riding a bicycle freely without auxiliary wheels. I was really envious and jealous!


At the beginning, I made up my mind to remove the auxiliary wheels.My mother also supports my decision very much, and let me start learning bicycles in the yard.

At the beginning, I made up my mind to remove the auxiliary wheels.My mother also supports my decision very much, and let me start learning bicycles in the yard.


When I first learned, I didn't even sit up and sat up, but I worked hard.After I sat up, my mother helped me ride.You don't know, the first lap of ride, scared me!I am crooked in the east and west, just like the kindergarten children ride a twisting car.As long as I fell down, I stopped.Mom said to me at this time: Continue to ride!Don't be afraid!That's not so!I had to continue cycling, and it really didn't fall.

When I first learned, I didn't even sit up and sat up, but I worked hard.After I sat up, my mother helped me ride.You don't know, the first lap of ride, scared me!I am crooked in the east and west, just like the kindergarten children ride a twisting car.As long as I fell down, I stopped.Mom said to me at this time: Continue to ride!Don't be afraid!That's not so!I had to continue cycling, and it really didn't fall.


My mother told me a few tricks, that is, if the car poured to the left, you turn the front of the car to the right.If the car poured to the right, you turn the front to the left.My mother also taught me how to get on the car. Finally, I learned some of the basic postures of the cycling.

My mother told me a few tricks, that is, if the car poured to the left, you turn the front of the car to the right.If the car poured to the right, you turn the front to the left.My mother also taught me how to get on the car. Finally, I learned some of the basic postures of the cycling.


I was still scared, I fell to the left for a while, and poured to the right for a while.I feel that my mother's hand is loose, and I hurriedly said to my mother: Mom, don't loosen it, I haven't fully mastered it yet. If I fell a fracture, you have to pay me for medical expenses for me to be hospitalized!Mom said: It's okay, ride you!I keep pulling your clothes!You won't fall, although riding.I speeded up and felt the wind blowing through my side. I rode the car. The wind seemed to say to me: Liu Yishan, come on!You will learn soon!The wind gave me encouragement, which is really useful.The willow girl next to me said to me: It's okay, you will learn soon, you ride well!After so many encouragement, I have more confidence and it is better.

I was still scared, I fell to the left for a while, and poured to the right for a while.I feel that my mother's hand is loose, and I hurriedly said to my mother: Mom, don't loosen it, I haven't fully mastered it yet. If I fell a fracture, you have to pay me for medical expenses for me to be hospitalized!Mom said: It's okay, ride you!I keep pulling your clothes!You won't fall, although riding.I speeded up and felt the wind blowing through my side. I rode the car. The wind seemed to say to me: Liu Yishan, come on!You will learn soon!The wind gave me encouragement, which is really useful.The willow girl next to me said to me: It's okay, you will learn soon, you ride well!After so many encouragement, I have more confidence and it is better.


My mother followed me and ran. Suddenly I saw a younger brother who was younger than me, riding a car without auxiliary wheels, and shuttled on the flat ground.I thought, my mother still helped me!Looking at others, it is still smaller than me. It is really my role model!I am full of admiration.However, I am much better than the original.At this time, I also felt that my mother was helping me and following me.After this lap, my mother said to me: Am I still helping you?I said: Of course, you have been helping me and following me, are you tired enough?Mom said happily: Wrong, you did n’t follow you in the lap, you rode by yourself!ah?I am full of questions.real!Mom said, I won't lie to you!I also want you to learn to ride!What do you mean is that I would ride?I say.Completely correct!Baby, you will ride!My mother's face was full of smiles, and my face was full of smiles.Actually, I really think it is incredible.

My mother followed me and ran. Suddenly I saw a younger brother who was younger than me, riding a car without auxiliary wheels, and shuttled on the flat ground.I thought, my mother still helped me!Looking at others, it is still smaller than me. It is really my role model!I am full of admiration.However, I am much better than the original.At this time, I also felt that my mother was helping me and following me.After this lap, my mother said to me: Am I still helping you?I said: Of course, you have been helping me and following me, are you tired enough?Mom said happily: Wrong, you did n’t follow you in the lap, you rode by yourself!ah?I am full of questions.real!Mom said, I won't lie to you!I also want you to learn to ride!What do you mean is that I would ride?I say.Completely correct!Baby, you will ride!My mother's face was full of smiles, and my face was full of smiles.Actually, I really think it is incredible.


I did not expect that I had been able to meet the bike for the first time.Really, the joy of success I realized in my heart couldn't express it. I was really heartbroken, really!I am not at all at all with me with auxiliary wheels. I really can ride a bicycle. Is it true? I really want to ask myself, is this still me?

I did not expect that I had been able to meet the bike for the first time.Really, the joy of success I realized in my heart couldn't express it. I was really heartbroken, really!I am not at all at all with me with auxiliary wheels. I really can ride a bicycle. Is it true? I really want to ask myself, is this still me?



Rainbow is beautiful, but the emergence of rainbow will only appear under the baptism of storms.Isn't there a word that said this?How can you see the rainbow without experienced wind and rain.Life is the same. Only by experiencing various setbacks and difficulties can it succeed.


Over time, we are no longer elementary school students, junior high school students, but a high school student.High school is a new beginning, and before that, we had a short and wonderful military training life.


Remember the first day of military training, we walked from school to destination with passionate hiking, and we complained on the road, but when we arrived at the destination, we were excited and joyful.After arriving at the military training place, we sorted out the team and started to arrange dormitory for us. After arranging, we rest. We are like a group of curious babies bumping blindly in military training.Because it was the first day, we took the team.Lying on the bed at night was still thinking about the wonderful day, we entered the dreamland with a smile.


In the early morning of the next morning, we got up early and began the first day of military training in the true sense. The students greeted the teaching of the instructors.Time says is not fast, and it is not slow. 5 days have passed. In these 5 days, we started to feel tired and tired. During the military training, because of our poor state, the instructor was scolded, especially boys, especially boysEssenceBut after that, the instructor taught us seriously and patiently, and the students practiced it seriously.


On the last day, our military training career is over.One day as a teacher for a teacher for a day, although he had only been with the instructor for just 6 days, he stayed in each other's hearts.On this last day, there was joy and excitement, but there were sadness and reluctance, and the students shed tears when they parted.In the military training these days, let us know the hardships and bitterness of soldiers during training.We just miss our family these days, and we can imagine that these instructors can't see their parents for several years. Although they are sad, their profession is great.


Military training makes us stronger, more brave, and persistent.There are laughter but tears in this military training, but we are all strong. Therefore, why is this "tears" not the joy of a successful person?