
时间:2022-09-12 13:20:17 | 来源:语文通



有的文章的开头含义深长,耐人寻味。 篇1游记作文 篇2游记作文 篇3游记作文 篇4关于游记的作文 篇5

有的文章的开头含义深长,耐人寻味。 篇1


1. The beginning of the scene, rendering the atmosphere, and setting off the theme.


For example, the ninth volume of "Shili Long Street Send Prime Minister" starts: "The sky is hazy, and it is cold and cold.


On the sidewalks on both sides of Chang'an Street, men, women and children are crowded.


The road is so long, there are so many people, I can't see the head eastward, and I can't see it west."


2. The beginning of lyricism, moving and resonating.


Such as the ninth volume of "Goodbye, loved ones": "Lady, stop your footsteps! In order to help us wash their clothes, you haven't closed the eyes for a few nights.


Can you support it at such an old age?Go home to rest!Are you worried that we will forget your Korean mother?No, never.


3. Recall the beginning of Lenovo, inspire interest, don't have flavor.


For example, the start of the tenth volume of "Grandpa Old Buffalo": "The shadow of Grandpa Grandpa appeared again in front of me: a bronze -face with a pair of shiny eyes, a white beard floating on the sharp chin.Huang Mao Dogs always followed him, and he was inseparable -this was the impression that I had arrived in Laozhuang from the beginning of the beginning.


4. Use songs, legends, proverbs, verses, etc., vivid and lively, attracting readers.


For example, the beginning of the seventh volume "Nianguan": "Jump, jump, laugh and laugh: Bang to put firecrackers, the new is so lively." Another example is the beginning of the ninth volume "Sun": "There is such a legend: in ancient times, heaven, heavenThere are ten sun, so that the ground is not born on the ground.


When people couldn't stand it, they found a good person who had a good arrow method to shoot nine, leaving only one, and the ground was not so hot."


5. The beginning of the question is raised to attract readers' attention and thinking.


For example, the fifth volume "Writing the person you wrote" at the beginning: "Is there anyone in the world who wrote to themselves?"


6. Beginning with the psychological activities and dialogues of the characters, novel and chic, is conducive to highlighting the character's ideological personality.


For example, the beginning of the twelfth volume "Three People": "You must go to the small tree to rest in front of him!" Instructor Wang Jiwen looked at a small tree in the front of the four or five hundred meters in front, and secretly determined.


7. Explain the background of the times and the story of the story, make the clues clear, and launch a foreshadowing for the following.


For example, the start of the ninth volume of "Battle of the Red Cliff": "In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, Cao Cao led the army to south and wanted to capture the place where Jiangnan Soochow.


Soochow's Zhou Yu transferred his troops, and was stationed in Chibi, opposite to Cao Cao's soldiers.

游记作文 篇2


Today we drive to the Forbidden City.


After the explanation of the tour guide, I knew that the Forbidden City was also called the Forbidden City, and now people call him the Palace Museum. The place where we stand (in front of the noon) is the north -south axis of the Forbidden City. This line is like the symmetrical axis of our learning. The Forbidden City is divided into two parts of the same left and right. The left and right buildings are symmetrical. After the teacher talked about all the precautions, we set off to the brilliant building of the Forbidden City! We have visited a lot of places, where the architectural art is superb. But the Royal Garden made me the most shocking. The emperor's royal garden was artificially built by the workers at that time. The mountain there is a rockery, but it is more beautiful and spectacular than the real mountain. There is a artificial beauty that makes people intoxicated. The trees there are artificially specifically stood there after almost 600 years, and it stands up to let the wind and rain fight. What can it be naturally growing? What can the joy and sadness of natural growth! At this time, we felt tired after walking so much, so we sat on the short stones. At this time, I seemed to smell the incense of ancient times; as if I heard the words of the ancients; as if I saw that the ancients were working hard to leave such a good future for our descendants; The Forbidden City, which blows for hundreds of years. In the ancient history, who can not be intoxicated, who can not praise, who can not be shocked! Although the beauty of the Royal Garden is artificially created, its beauty is different from other flowers, trees, mountains and rivers, and is a unique beauty. In this unique beauty, it absorbs this beauty smoothly and letting this beauty stretch in our minds to the most unbelievable feelings!


The Imperial Garden of the Forbidden City is so intoxicated in it. Other buildings also have its unique characteristics. The entire Forbidden City is a perfect art work.Just like the ruins of ancient Rome, seeing the various palaces in the Forbidden City seemed to happen in front of them, how glorious and magnificent it would be here!


For the Forbidden City, you are the most memories of my memory. While keeping your tightly, I also see the glory of China!

游记作文 篇3


At noon on the second day of the New Year, my father, mother, sister, aunt, cousin, cousin went to the uncle's farm to play together.


We climbed a long time to the uncle's farm. As soon as we walked into the farm, we saw many chicks looking for food, and the ducks swim freely in the water.After we took a break, our father took us to roast sweet potatoes. Dad made a stove that looked similar to the house with sweet potatoes, and then covered with a little loess on the sweet potato to bake.


While the sweet potato is not familiar, I will go to see the small farm animals with my cousin and cousin.Let's go to see the chicks first. The chicks are surrounded by groups of food.We are going to grab one to take home. We first choose a chick and then rush directly to catch it, because the chick is very small, his body is very flexible, and running quickly, so we finally found nothing.Suddenly, we heard the sound of "咩". We looked back. It turned out that the uncle rushed back to a group of sheep back. Uncle picked out two lambs to play with us, one Aries and one black sheep, me and me and me.Ge pulled the black sheep, the cousin pulled the Aries, the two lambs were very strong, and the cousin couldn't move. We picked a little leaves from the tree and gave it to the sheep.The mouth is always crooked.When we were playing happily, the sweet potato became familiar, and my father told us to eat sweet potatoes. We had to stop first to eat sweet potatoes.


After eating the sweet potato, we did the game for a while.There are also flowers flowing far away.I think such fun places, we will come next time.

游记作文 篇4


On the third day of the New Year, my parents and I came to the hometown of my aunt -the development zone.


To play the development zone, there is no doubt that you should go to the famous Kowloon Wall.We came to the wall of the Kowloon and saw that the bones of nine dragons were engraved on the mountain, as if the real dragon was lifelike and lively.Tourists who came to the development zone praised the Kowloon Wall.We saw hundreds of dinosaur eggs under the nine dragons, and some were completely cracked, and they were about to come out immediately.Looking in the distance, taking care of the dinosaur eggs from the nine dragons, just like the mother who took care of the baby who was born.This is more eye -catching than the real!


After visiting the famous Kowloon Wall, we should naturally visit the sea.When we went down, we found that there was a distorted step below, like a dragon, and it was composed of wooden boards. I was surprised. I thought that the steps of Dalian were made of stones.IntersectionIt can be seen how attentive people do.In this way, we have a little more fun and adding fun to our trip.We walked down the steps and walked on the golden beach, soft.We looked at the distance, and two seagulls flew to us. They were like partners. Some people quickly photographed it. When the seagulls found out, they quickly flew away with wings.Looking at the sea again, the boundless, blue is dazzling, and the blue is clear, just like a sapphire inlaid on the skin of the earth's mother, making the mothers of the earth more beautiful.


The good time is always fast, in a blink of an eye, it has reached four o'clock.I was reluctant to distinguish between my aunt, with the Kowloon Wall, the sea, the seagulls, and the beach.But today I am deeply in my heart, like nine dragons engraved on the mountain.

关于游记的作文 篇5


Tongxiang City, Zhejiang Province is really a good place!Because it has Wuzhen.


Wuzhen is a typical ancient town of Jiangnan Water Village, which has a history of 1300 years.Wuzhen is divided into Dongzha, Xizha, Nanzha, and Beizha. We went to the most beautiful Xizha.Wuzhen Xizha is a river, building a house along the river.


Looking at it, white walls with black roofs, one households, houses, high and low houses, wooden structured carved windows, slate grounds, ferry boats, clear lakes ...Such a beautiful picture made me close my eyes involuntarily and feel the charm of Jiangnan.


Each bridge style is different, some are curved, some are arched, and some are flat bridge.


A scenery that looks at it at any angle is different styles: the steps of the blue stone pole, the cowboy boats parked with a few croaks, the weeping willow along the river on both sides of the river ... The random combination is a ink and ink green.


Wuzhen does not have a high -rise building in modern cities. Some people are short houses, one or two floors.The high eaves, gray tiles, and oblique roofs are old, and some walls are old, some walls are white, some are earthy, or mottled, showing its history.


The Wuzhen people on any ship are so gentle.Some boatmen were wearing simple, wearing straw hats, and sanging the boat.Some Wuzhen women came out of the house and asked her husband to board the boat first, sitting in the boat to enjoy the scenery.Jiangnan men's enthusiastic personality, simple clothes and Jiangnan women's charming smiles and slim figures gave me a deep impression.


Walking and seeing a cat lying at the door of the coffee house, it was so carefree.Enjoy a happy and comfortable afternoon time, it was intoxicated by the beauty of the ancient town, and then I was intoxicated.