I like the village the most, my hometown -Huangzhu Village, a small village with green mountains and green water and large farmland.
On Saturday morning, I returned to my hometown of Huangzhu Village with my father.On the way, a round of red sun rose behind the green mountains.The sun passed through the gap of the leaves and sprinkled a fine light spot.On both sides of the road are farmland, and crops one by one are growing.Looking at the vitality outside the window, I didn't feel God.
After a while, we got out of the car.The houses in the village are scattered, and many people's walls have been peeled off, exposing a piece of brick red.After walking through the curved muddy trail, I did not know when there was a few lively and cute earth dogs behind them.
Come to the door of the uncle's house and look at it from a distance, and I saw the large acres of farmland in front of him extended to the distance until it was integrated with the green mountains.My father patted my shoulder and pointed to the uncle and cousin who was working hard not far away.
In the scorching sun, the uncle took a straw hat, and the turbid sweat in front of his forehead dripped down his cheeks. His hand was holding a hoe tightly, and he rolled hard.The cousin was carrying a mask and carrying a bulky pesticide box, and he was spraying pesticides in concentration.
Seeing that the uncle and cousin were sweating in the farmland, I carried a hoe in the corner and stepped forward.I learned the gesture of the uncle, put my hands on the wooden handle of the hoe one after the other, and went up hard.At this point, my footsteps were stunned, and I almost fell into a wet dirt.For the second attempt, I carried a hoe, and once again exhausted the strength of my body, waved the hoe into the air, and fell steadily.However, the uncle and cousin at this time laughed.It turned out that because I was too hard, my expression had been seen by everyone.This kind of action was repeated several times. I have been panting, and my clothes have long been soaked by sweat, as if I just picked up from the water.
After this farming experience, I finally realized that farmers who have endured the wind and sun every day can not be afraid of hardships, and insist on sowing hope. What are the reason why we sit in the air -conditioned room every day?What about giving up?
On Friday night, my mother told me that Yu Xinzhen would hold a "farming cultural experience"!Suddenly I felt excited.
The next day, we got up very early, and my mother drove me and my younger brother.The car is driving and drove to one
The country road, the air there is particularly fresh.After a while, we reached our destination.
Autumn is a bumper season, and the peasant uncle is busy with the autumn harvest.Looking at it, it is all the ocean of rice.Black in autumn wind
Come, set off a golden wave and sent a bumper harvest. Cut the rice, and one person first took a sickle to cut it. "It's time for me to show my skills!" After that, I used sickle to cut the rice. Who knew that the rice was not broken, and I almost wrestled myself. After that, an uncle came over and said, "I think you will not cut rice, or let me teach you." Then, he opened his legs, picked up the sickle with one hand, held a bundle with one hand and held a bundle of one hand and still held a bundle of one hand. The unspecified rice, friction with the blade of the front and rear of the sickle, and cut it out soon. After looking at my uncle's demonstration, I immediately picked up the sickle and followed his method to do it step by step. After that, the more and more proficient I cut, more and more rice I cut on the ground, and fewer and fewer rice in Tanaka was less and less. Unconsciously, the pearl -like sweat beads appeared on my head, and my arm gradually couldn't make it. I felt exhausted for a while, but I imagine how hard the peasant uncle is usually. It's really "noon in the day, sweat dripping the soil. Who knows that the Chinese food, the grains are hard."
This is the first time I cut rice. It turned out that cutting rice was not as easy as I thought!
1、体验:体验读音为tǐ yàn,是指亲自处于某种环境而产生认识:作家体验生活|演员对所饰的角色必须有所体验。体验 tǐ yàn词语解释:亲自处于某种环境而产生认识:作家体验生活|演员对所饰的角色必须有所体验。分词解释:环境:①周围的地方:环境优美 ㄧ环境卫生 。②周围的情况和条件:客观环境ㄧ工作环境。演员:戏剧、电影、音乐、舞蹈、曲艺、杂技等表演者的通称。产生:1.生育;分娩。 2.出产。 3.由已有的事物中生出新的事物;出现。 4.出生。必须:①表示事理上和情理上的必要;一定要:学习必须刻苦钻研。②加强命令语气:明天你必须来。‖‘必须’的否定是‘无须’、‘不须’或‘不必’。作家:1.治家,理家。 2.节俭。犹言做人家。 3.从事文学创作有成就的人。 4.佛教禅宗对善用机锋者之称。 5.行家;高手。...体验怎么造句,用体验造句»
2、农耕:农耕读音为nóng gēng,是指谓耕种土地。农耕 nóng gēng词语解释:谓耕种土地。分词解释:耕种:耕地和种植:开春了,农民都忙着耕种土地。土地:1.田地;土壤。 2.领土;疆域。 3.泛指地区,地方。 4.测量地形。 5.神名。指掌管﹑守护某个地方的神。● 农(農) nóng ㄋㄨㄥˊ◎ 种庄稼,属于种庄稼的:务农。农业。农田。农产。农垦。农家。农忙。农民。农妇。农奴。◎ 种庄稼的人:贫农。菜农。谷贱伤农。◎ 姓。● 耕 gēng ㄍㄥˉ◎ 用犁把土翻松:耕种(zhòng )。耕作。耕耘(耕地和除草,亦泛指劳动,如“着意耕耕,自有收获”)。笔耕(喻写文章)。舌耕(喻教书)。...农耕的反义词,农耕的反义词是什么»
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