
时间:2022-11-16 12:50:22 | 来源:语文通



感恩母亲节作文 篇1感恩母亲节征文 篇2感恩母亲节作文 篇3感恩母亲节作文 篇4感恩母亲节作文 篇5感恩母亲节作文 篇6感恩母亲节作文 篇7感恩母亲节作文 篇8感恩母亲节征文 篇9感恩母亲节作文 篇10

感恩母亲节作文 篇1


I used to tell me that I was a child who asked her for money. She told me that since I was born, I have been very weak. I often have headaches or fever. In short, I get sick when I am not careful. One day when I was eleven years old, my stomach hurt for some reason, and I was burning all over. Dad was extremely worried. In the dark night, against the cold wind, he just walked a few miles with me in his arms. In his panic, he could not find anyone but shouted, "Where is the doctor? Where is the doctor? Come and save my child!" After the doctor's diagnosis, I got acute enteritis and need to be hospitalized. However, my family's money had been used up long ago. My father, who was one meter and eight heads, knelt down slowly to the doctor and begged him, "Please save the child first. I'll think about it." The hospital may have been moved and finally accepted me. After the doctor's rescue, I was finally out of danger. I was lying in the hospital bed with saline water hanging, while my father sat at the head of my bed, holding my needle hand with his hands, even without eating, all day and night. My illness gradually got better, but my father got sick. In the days to come, as long as I feel a little uncomfortable, my parents will be very worried.


Dad's kneeling appearance deeply shocked my heart. When I think about it, I always feel sour and sweet. I feel that I am the happiest child in the world and that I have the greatest parents in the world.


In this season of thanksgiving, I would like to say to my parents: "You have worked hard. It is you who let me feel the happiness of my childhood and let me grow up healthily. You will always be my shelter."

感恩母亲节征文 篇2


Oh, this Saturday is really exciting. Who told me that I was not at home! Finally, one day of free life! I'm finally free!


First of all, I got up early in the morning and saw that my mother was still preparing things. Although I was surprised on the surface, I was calm inside! Instead, I was very happy. I pretended to be nervous and asked, "Mom, what are you doing?" Mother seemed to know that I was intentional, and she also pretended to be nervous and said, "No, no, no, nothing, just picking up things." Although my expression is very ordinary, my heart is very excited! (In fact, my mother said that she would not go if she could not buy a ticket. She would go if she bought a ticket. As a result, my mother was super lucky and got the last ticket left!) "Yeah," I couldn't help shouting, "I've finally come out of it!", My mother was surprised, He said: "What? Finally, I've come to the end of my life. Am I usually very bad to you Although my mother scolded me, I was still very happy. It was so easy to get to the departure time. My mother was so easy to leave. At last, there were only ten minutes left from the departure time. My mother said goodbye to me and told me about the things that are forbidden to move. Finally, there were only five minutes left. My mother was reluctant to part with me. After my mother left, I was beaming with joy I felt a little hungry after being excited for ten minutes. I was a little flustered. There was nothing at home, only staple food, and I could only bear it. After one hour, it was finally gone. I felt a little bit "starving". I suddenly felt that I could not do without my mother, but I was still "suffering". Just when I was about to "hang up", I seem to have caught the straw of life, but my mother came back unexpectedly! This is really a timely help! She said that the bus was full and could not sit down, so she could only refund the ticket... Before I said it, my mother seemed to have a clairvoyant eye and found my physical condition, so she hurriedly asked me what was wrong? I can only answer the question "I'm starving", and then I hurried to cook something for me to eat. I was so busy that when I brought food, I hurried to cook something else. I held the bowl with steaming hot rice. I felt it weighed a thousand pounds, and I couldn't swallow it. Although I wanted my mother to leave at first, now I don't want her to leave again! Because freedom is important, but maternal love is the most important!

感恩母亲节作文 篇3


In May, the spring is bright, the grass is long and the birds are flying, and the air is filled with the fragrance of carnations. Mother's Day, a warm day, is coming to us gently. I remember that on Children's Day when we were young, our mother would give us a lot of delicious food. When we broke away from our mother's embrace, how many people would remember that the second Sunday in May was their festival? How many people will light a "heart lamp" of gratitude for their mothers on this special day?


As we all know, "Mother's Day", like "Valentine's Day", is also "exotic". In China, a country with respect for the elderly as its traditional virtue, Mother's Day has gradually become a day for the younger generation to convey good wishes to the older generation because it carries the common feelings of human beings, such as maternal love, family affection, gratitude and repayment. Before and after Mother's Day, businesses played a big "family card" and florists bought carnations. Many websites displayed the slogan "Happy Mother's Day" on the home page and in prominent positions. Some forums also discussed how to express love to mothers. Some netizens even sent emails to each other in the forum to remind mothers to send greetings on Mother's Day.


However, there is an indisputable fact that Mother's Day did not bring the expected consumption boom like Valentine's Day, Christmas and other "foreign festivals". For several years in a row, carnations, which symbolize maternal love, are far less popular than roses, which are the flowers of Valentine's Day. On Valentine's Day, people who buy flowers don't even pay back the price. You can buy 9, 99 or 999 roses for one hundred yuan. Mother's Day is coming, the price of carnations is not as high as that of roses, and people who buy flowers are too expensive. Even those who buy flowers are mostly students, and very few young people come to buy flowers. Not only that, but also the reservation of the Mother's Day package launched by some hotels is not good.

感恩母亲节作文 篇4


Since which year, the second Sunday in May every year has become a day full of warmth and humanity, reflecting human warmth and family affection.


friend. I am in the place where I live, sending you a blessing from afar. May the world's mothers always be peaceful, healthy and surrounded by warmth.


Because I'm too busy, I really don't have time to go back to my home. I had to give my mother a blessing by phone. Tell her, your son, on a special day, I wish my mother happiness, son, thank you forever.


In my mother's surprise, I moistened my eyes and hung up the phone gently. I am willing to give my mother a happy meditation and a slight touch today.

在节日 泛滥的今天,生命中的每一天都可能是某一个节日 ,世界的每一天也都可能成为某一个节日 。

Today, when festivals are rampant, every day in life may be a certain festival, and every day in the world may also be a certain festival.

骨子里一直流着传统的血液,灵魂里始终高悬着顽冥不化的执拗的我,总是格格不入的抗拒着那些我所认为的无聊的洋节日 ,比如情人节,比如愚人节,比如圣诞节。在我看来,只有那些回归人性*的、洋溢着亲情和温暖的、怀有爱心和真情的、吐露着人性*的芬芳、文明的辉芒、教养的光泽的节日 ,才是永远美丽的和值得纪念的,值得感受的日子阿。

Traditional blood has been flowing in my bones, and I am always stubborn in my soul. I always resist what I think is boring foreign festivals, such as Valentine's Day, April Fool's Day, and Christmas. In my opinion, only those festivals that return to humanity, are filled with family affection and warmth, are filled with love and truth, reveal the fragrance of humanity, the brilliance of civilization, and the luster of education, are forever beautiful, memorable, and memorable days.


And how much have we paid and returned compared to selfless, unrequited, immense and profound maternal love?


We carelessly forgot our mother's birthday; Forget the pain left by her mother's hard work; We do not remember the mother's close parting, afraid of returning late; Forget my mother's hard work in farming; Forget the tears soaked eyes under the old locust tree in front of the door, which is thousands of miles away; I forgot the warm food I had prepared when I returned home as a child; Forget the cold night, our mother put our cold feet in her warm bosom

其实只要心存美丽,心存良善;只要胸中有真情,心中有真爱,我们可以把自己的每一天都活成饱含脉脉温暖,充满人间亲情的日子;我们可以把每一个日子都活成自己心灵的节日 ,让爱的心灵之花日日在心底绽放。今天是母亲节,我祝福全天下的母亲,节日 快乐!与此同时我也在这个特别的节日 ,在心灵深处默默地祝福我的母亲节日 快乐!敞开自己的心腹向在天堂里的母亲倾诉,我的思念和感激之情。

In fact, as long as the heart is beautiful, the heart is good; As long as we have true feelings in our hearts and true love in our hearts, we can live each day as a day full of warmth and affection; We can make every day a festival of our own hearts, and let the flowers of love blossom in our hearts day by day. Today is Mother's Day. I wish all mothers in the world a happy holiday! At the same time, I also wish my mother a happy holiday in the deep of my heart! Open my heart and confide in my mother in heaven. My thoughts and gratitude.


Mom, you have been gone for more than 13 years. I haven't forgotten you in these 13 years, and I have been attached to you and depend on you in my heart! There is no weakening of your attachment and dependence due to the passage of time and the waste of time. You are always in my dreams and out of my dreams, and your thoughts guide me.


Mom, I thank you! Mom, I thank you for giving me life; Thank you for your hard work; Thank you for giving me a happy childhood; Thank you for gently humming nocturne to accompany me to sleep; Thank you for the steaming food at the back end of my school; Thank you for giving me a warm home; Thank you for teaching me how to behave. Even if there are thousands of thanks in my heart, I can't tell you how much I appreciate and miss you.

在今天这个母亲节到来之际,我为您摘一束美丽的百合花,请风儿代我送去这花儿淡雅的清香;请云儿捎去我心中无言的祝福“妈妈节日 快乐!妈妈我永远爱您!”。妈妈,我此时此刻看到了云儿在飘、树叶儿在摇,是不是您已收到了我的礼物和祝福?那您一定来看看窗台上的那束百合花和我吧!淡淡的花香沁人心脾,无限的思念寄生心底。

On the occasion of this Mother's Day, I will pick a bunch of beautiful lilies for you, and ask the wind to send me the elegant fragrance of the flowers; Please Yun'er take my wordless blessing "Happy Mother's Day! Mom, I love you forever!". Mom, I can see clouds floating and leaves shaking at this moment. Have you received my gift and blessing? Then you must come and see the lily and me on the windowsill! The faint fragrance of flowers is refreshing, and the infinite yearning parasitizes the bottom of my heart.


Mom, I miss you! Mom, I want to snuggle up in your arms and listen to your story of "three leaf vegetables"; I want you to tie a tall sheep's horn braid for me again, and use red paper to touch a red face for me; I want to eat the fragrant and sweet "fried cake" you made on the Qingming Festival; I also want you to sneak two boiled eggs into my schoolbag on my birthday, which will surprise me and make me happy. As the saying goes, "My son's birthday is bitter." I think those two boiled eggs should be for you. When I recall these, I feel happy from the bottom of my heart.


In one's life, there are many people, many things, and many experiences that will be forgotten when turning around. But I believe that what will never be forgotten in everyone's heart is their home, their mother, a safe haven with happiness, and the cradle of growth. Although it's windy and rainy outside and it's raining heavily, I'm not afraid! Because I have a home, no matter when the home is warm sunshine shines on me. My mother always conveys the continuous warmth to me in time, so that I can have the same personality * in the complicated world, without losing the original innocence. Under the warm caress of my mother, I grew up slowly and became strong. Mom, I believe what I said and what I said, you will know, because you are in my heart.

感恩母亲节作文 篇5


Everything is grateful to the sun, because it sends them a trace of warmth when it is cold; Bees are grateful for flowers, because flowers give them sweet nectar; Butterflies are grateful for spring, because spring lets them break out of the cocoon... I am grateful to my mother, because she gave me life and let me see such a beautiful world.


Although my mother is a little fat, she is the most beautiful goddess in my heart. She alternated between tenderness and sternness.


There was a Chinese exam, and I got 89. 5 points, originally I felt good, but my mother asked for more than 92 points. After returning home, my mother greeted me with a smile and asked in her most gentle voice, "Honey, how many points did you get in the exam?" I was so scared that I lost my goose bumps all over the place that I hesitated and said: "Nearly 92 points."


My mother asked and couldn't wait to look for the test paper in my schoolbag. After seeing the score, my mother's face suddenly became very scary, "Only 89.5 points! You got so bad in the exam, your mobile phone was confiscated, and you were fined two weeks for not watching TV." "Ah! No!" I almost got down on my knees and begged her. "Hum! It's good to haggle after such a bad exam. Add another set of exercises!" After listening to my mother, my heart broke. With that, my mother walked out of the room in her triumphant manner.


At dinner time, she kept telling her father about my bad behavior: "Look at your girl, she did so badly in the exam..." But she was taking food for me while she was saying it. After dinner, when I returned to my room, she caught up with me and handed me a plate of fruit, then turned around and walked away.


Although my mother is unforgiving and strict with me, she cares about me in action. My heart is very grateful to her!


Thank you, Mom. I love you both hard and soft.

感恩母亲节作文 篇6


"A grateful heart, thank you for being with me all my life, and let me have the courage to be myself..." Listening to this moving and exciting song, I thought of my mother, the selfless motherly love for me, the priceless motherly love, and the silent motherly love.


I remember one time when my mother and I went for a walk in the park, I slipped and put my foot in a hole. I raised my foot and saw, ah, there was blood flowing. There were many glass pieces and extremely sharp thorns in the cave. My mother looked at it and was as worried as an ant on a hot pot. She immediately helped me home and hurriedly took out the medicine from the cabinet. She asked me anxiously as she brushed, "Is it still painful? I wailed painfully," It is still painful. "


Mom listened and was very anxious to apply medicine to me later; Touch my wound for a while; Wrap me up later. Until late at night, my wound healed and I went to bed tired. At this time, I found my mother was so tired that she fell asleep on the bed


Usually, my mother washes clothes for me; Make money for me; He also heals my wounds. Today is Mother's Day, and I want to take this opportunity to be grateful. So, in the morning, when my mother got up, I said to her, "I wish you a happy Mother's Day!" And I handed the dumplings to my mother. My mother listened to me, held the rice dumplings, touched my head and smiled happily. When my mother finished eating rice dumplings, I gave her four delicate paper-cut. "Mom, this is your holiday gift." At this time, I took out a piece of drawing paper from behind and handed it to Mom. My mother smiled with understanding after receiving my gift. My heart is also happy.


I didn't give my mother much pride, but my mother made me proud all my life! Although everyone's maternal love is different, the world's mothers are all the same great and noble! We should give thanks to our mother from our daily life.

感恩母亲节作文 篇7


"Get up, get up." A familiar word rang in my ears again. Who gets up early every morning to make delicious breakfast for us? Who was it that nagged us when we went to school? That is our mother. My mother has a pair of rough and capable hands and a mouth that never stops nagging for my brother and me. My mother suffers from heart disease. As long as she walks or does heavy work, her legs will swell. Every time I see her swollen legs pressing a big hole, my heart will be cut like a knife. However, she does not look like a patient. My mother bears a heavy burden at home. My greatest wish is to make my mother get better and recover quickly.


My mother loves my brother and me very much. As long as there is something delicious in our family, she always thinks about us first, so as not to let us be wronged or do heavy work. However, our school sends food on June 1 or New Year's Day, neither my brother nor I eat, but we leave it to my father and mother. I eat it for my father, and my brother eats it for my mother, but they finally leave it for us. I remember a time when my mother, I and my father took us by train to Kuitun to farm. After we bought the tickets, my brother and I had empty seats. On the train, Mom and Dad gave our seats to my brother and me, but they stood beside us. Mom and Dad didn't sleep well all night for our safety. Mom squatted beside us, and her feet were cramped.


Mom, you have worked hard. We have seen everything you have done for us. We will always remember it and never forget it. Mom, you can rest assured that I will not make you angry in the future, and will not let you sigh deeply. Mom, I love you. Here I wish all mothers in the world a happy Mother's Day!

感恩母亲节作文 篇8


Today, the annual Mother's Day comes again. I made up my mind and decided to do one thing for my mother -- I want to wash her feet once. There are pictures of my son washing his mother's feet in advertisements and on TV everywhere, but I have never done it myself. So today, on such a special festival, I would like to wash my mother's feet once, to wash away her fatigue and dust on her feet. At first, I prepared some carnations, and then boiled a pot of water. When the water was boiling and smoking, I poured it into the pot. Then, I put the petals into the pot to make the water smell of carnations, so that my mother could enjoy both the fragrance and the temperature of hot water


Well, now that everything is ready, we send our mother. Then, I mysteriously called my mother to me, asked her to close her eyes, and then asked her to put her feet into the basin with the strong fragrance. My mother opened her eyes, and she was surprised. My mother left tears. My mother must be happy to cry for me, because she thinks I have grown up and become sensible. Mom is very relieved. " I couldn't help it. I also told my mother that I should study hard to improve my grades and at the same time learn to do more housework, help my mother deal with some housework and share some of the burden.


Today's Mother's Day is a happy day for me and my mother. I don't know who set up Mother's Day. It is the best holiday in the world. I want to thank those who set up Mother's Day, because it gives mothers a day to receive blessings and rewards. Even if it is so short, even if it is just a small matter, it will make our mothers cry!

感恩母亲节征文 篇9


Mother is a kind name, and her love is endless. This love comes from the heart, like a breeze, gently brushing away the pain in my heart; Also like a light rain, quietly moistening my young soul; More like a ray of sunshine, always shining on my side


I still remember that one night last winter, my mother suddenly asked me mysteriously: "Son, I have a friend who wants to buy a building block gun for his child. You are an expert in this field. Can you recommend one to him?" I listened, envied and lost. I had a 98K in my heart. I begged for a long time but didn't buy it for me. How could someone else's mother be so good? Say yes and buy it. How nice it would be if you bought it for me! I reluctantly chose my favorite one and said, "Let her buy this." Mom smiled, "OK, thank you." But I couldn't laugh. My heart sank to the bottom like a lead block. All night long, I thought: Mom knew I liked it, but she ignored my feelings and asked me to choose the gift I liked to recommend to others. Is there me in her heart


The next day, the students in the class began to discuss about Christmas, and I knew that the holiday was coming. Last night's worries had been thrown out of the clouds. I also looked forward to it and wondered excitedly: would I also receive a gift that day? I hope my mother can remember this.


It was not easy to stay up until the night before. I went to bed early and had many dreams about Christmas. When I woke up, I found a big toy box beside the bed. My mother sat beside the bed and happily handed the box to me, saying, "Merry Christmas, son!" I rubbed my eyes in a daze, ah! Isn't this the 98K building block gun I recommended to my mom's friends? Why are you here? Is it difficult to?


Mom smiled and said, "Mom will always remember what you like. It was originally bought for you. The reason why she didn't say it that day was to surprise you. How about? Do you like this gift? Here you are. I wish you happiness every day!" It suddenly dawned on me. Holding my beloved toy, I was moved and sorry. I kept silent: Mom, thank you! I shouldn't question you.


Yeah! Whose mother doesn't love her children? Who is always with me no matter how late I am every day during my schooling; Who encouraged me to face and overcome difficulties when I met them; Who gave me meticulous care and care when I was sick, and tender comfort when I was sad? It's you! My dear mother!


Motherly love is boundless, I will remember it all my life! Mom, I will repay your selfless love with practical actions.

感恩母亲节作文 篇10


Mother's Day is coming. Thinking of my mother's hard work in taking care of me every day, I want to give my mother my heart.


A few days in advance, I pondered what gift to give my mother. It's too old-fashioned to send flowers. It's too childish to send dolls. It's too peaceful to send greeting cards. I couldn't think of any other gifts, so I went to ask my father, who said, "Your mother loves beauty, and the cosmetics at home are almost used up. You can buy a set of cosmetics for your mother." After listening to my father's words, I picked up my pocket money and ran to the mall. As soon as I entered the mall, I went to the place where cosmetics were sold. I looked left and right, and finally saw the brand my mother often used -- L'Oreal. I ran to the waiter and asked, "Auntie, do you have any cosmetics for sun protection suits?" "Of course," said the aunt gently. "But why do you buy cosmetics as a child?" I said shyly, "Tomorrow is Mother's Day. I want to buy a set of cosmetics for my mother. It's also very hot recently, so I want to buy a sunscreen series." "He is really a good filial child," the aunt sighed, "Well, the aunt will give you a 20% discount for your filial duty." "Thank you, aunt!" I said happily. When I got home, I immediately gave my mother a gift and shouted, "Happy Mother's Day!" Mother touched my head and said softly, "You don't need to give me any gifts. You just need to make progress in your studies and become a bully in the class every day. That's the best gift for me."


Until now, I have not fully understood the true meaning of maternal love. Each of us should have a heart of gratitude and pay tribute to our mother.