
时间:2022-06-07 13:35:22 | 来源:语文通


The 20xx college entrance examination Chinese department exam has ended.


20xx Nian Hubei Volume's composition title is "Old Book".


Old is a sad word.Just like its structure -one day is blocked by a wall, my memory is blocked by time, and it leaves a phantom. It was already out of reach in the past."Old" is dangerous because I cannot judge whether it is true.Ji Berlen said: "The poet shaped the image with clouds and fog, and he was also the king of gray in the ruins.


"The cloud and the residual ash are different from the old -the old -the book carries the old weight, and the old weaving the book of the book. Once listening to the people who talked about his favorite book, I searched in the cerebral clearanceMy favorite -is Bai's "Ideal Country", or Nietzsche's "The Charlia"? Is it the "Lord of the Rings" of the Tomohiri or the "Watchman in the Wheat Field" of Uncle Crazy?Compare them to compare them, and to make an empty. What kind of measurement is used to judge? There are a thousand kinds of vision of a thousand Hamlet. I can't bear to give up 999 "slightly inferior" flowers for a strange strangeness.


The book is equivalent to me, because I am too greedy and I can't see a little loss.The books are all old, and the old things depend on imagination, so I love books.The book gives me freedom so that I can dance with shackles that I don't have to restrain reality.In the old book, I was able to worship the overwhelming chapters of Herraklit, and I was able to sigh for Don Quixote. It also touched the shore of Lake Walden, a hundred years ago.EssenceNot to mention which material and spirit are more worthy of treasures, it is said that "the existence must be reasonable" alone. There must be an old book that may have been for thousands of years or even 10,000 years.It must be once again ordered to be charged with human beings on the territory of time to seek glory.But the old book is not so -called "utilitarian". If it is not "utilitarian", then the top of the book is only the food of personal spirit.


After all, the book is just a personal business."Burning Book Put Confucianism" has hated Chinese people for two thousand years.It is not humane that Emperor Qin Shi was both an burr and author and publisher.He burned the spirit accumulated in the era, and transformed the imagination of Confucian scholars with sentimental Confucianism into scorched soil dipped in blood and tears.At the same time, he also wrote his book with a carcass.Later, Emperor Shi published his book in the vast space and space.Later, the Chinese civilization helplessly bought the book -because it was only on the shelves.China has revised it again and again, and listed it as one of the "Chinese descendants must read".


In fact, the Chinese people rebuked the first emperor.Some books are destined to get into the human skin. These books are not only heavy, but also exudes the flavor of camphor.History is such an old book that was rubbed off the cover.Presumably someone must declare that "the book is a real copy."Reality and imagination are confusing and difficult to distinguish.Can anyone tell the relationship between them? I only know that philosophers are still unclear.But why do you have to cut these two? Is this not similar to provoking compatriots from the disabled? The subject of the monitor probably did not feel good about the old books at first.Books are important, don't easily conclude its essence, otherwise people will lose a lot.


If you think about it, life and the book are actually the same.The people who survived the old text while wearing how to fill the gaps behind.This book is increasingly updated and increasingly yellowed.This is life, but the use of the master and the book of the book is still to be determined ...


(Candidates in Hubei) Full score analysis. This article is rated as a full score composition. On the one hand, it rely on its ideological strength, on the one hand, the ability to disbelble text by its ease.When the "old book" is linked with the spiritual world, history, and even reality, the capacity and depth of the article are very different from other text.Candidates' deep cultural heritage, deep thinking about history, can drill in, come out, and use text to swing freely. It is indeed a rare masterpiece among many candidates.



1、湖北:湖北读音为hú běi,是指中国中部的省,简称鄂。面积185897平方公里,人口5439万(1990),省会武汉。该省三面环山,山地丘陵面积占总面积70%,中部、南部为平原。是中国重要的产棉省及淡水养殖省,是轻重工业综合发展的省,武钢及十堰的汽车制造厂为中国著名大企业。水陆交通便利,长江、汉水、京广、焦枝、枝柳、襄渝等河流、铁路通过该省。 中国中部的省,简称鄂。面积185897平方公里,人口5439万湖北 hú běi词语解释:中国中部的省,简称鄂。面积185897平方公里,人口5439万(1990),省会武汉。该省三面环山,山地丘陵面积占总面积70%,中部、南部为平原。是中国重要的产棉省及淡水养殖省,是轻重工业综合发展的省,武钢及十堰的汽车制造厂为中国著名大企业。水陆交通便利,长江、汉水、京广、焦枝、枝柳、襄渝等河流、铁路通过该省。[Hubei province] 中国中部的省,简称鄂。面积185897平方公里,人口5439万(1990),省会武汉。该省三面环山,山地丘陵面积占总面积70%,中部、南部为平原。是中国重要的产棉省及淡水养殖省,是轻重工业综合发展的省,武钢及十堰的汽车制造厂为中国著名大企业。水陆交通便利,长江、汉水、京广、焦枝、枝柳、襄渝等河流、铁路通过该省分词解释:人口:1.居住在一定地域内或一个集体内的人的总数。 2.人。 3.人的口,指言谈﹑议论。南部:1.指南匈奴诸部。 2.南边;南方地区。重要:1.指重镇﹑要地。 2.谓重大而主要。山地:1.山上的耕地。 2.多山的地带。...湖北怎么造句,用湖北造句»

2、高考:高考读音为gāo kǎo,是指高等学校招收新生的考试:参加高考。高考 gāo kǎo词语意思:高等学校招收新生的考试:参加高考。分词解释:考试:通过书面或口头提问的方式,考查知识或技能。参加:1.交加。 2.加入某种组织或某种活动。 3.犹提出,表示。高等学校:大学、专门学院和高等专科学校的统称。简称高校。...高考怎么造句,用高考造句»