
时间:2022-11-09 13:25:44 | 来源:语文通



初中生暑假游记作文600字 篇1描写暑假生活的初中作文600字 篇2初中生暑假游记作文600字 篇3初中生暑假游记作文600字 篇4初中生暑假游记作文600字 篇5初中生暑假游记作文600字 篇6

初中生暑假游记作文600字 篇1


On July 1, I went to the World Expo with my parents during the summer vacation.


When I came to the European and American Pavilion, I was attracted by the unique shape of the Swiss Pavilion, which is made up of thousands of luminous LED spheres. It is very beautiful.


After waiting in line for an hour, you can finally enter the Swiss Pavilion leisurely. The 50 three-dimensional viewers standing on the side of the ramp are particularly eye-catching. Through the pictures on these 3D viewers, we can learn about Switzerland's achievements in innovation and sustainable development, especially the successful examples in air quality, water quality, public transport and sustainable buildings.


At the end of the ramp is the exhibition hall, where 15 life size screens are set up. With the beautiful Alps as the background, 15 Swiss people "speak from their own experience" and talk freely about their future prospects, hopes and dreams.


If you continue to visit, you will see the interesting cable car. They are all "experienced in many battles" and are "warriors" who ride in the Alps all the year round. What's the big cable car? It can accommodate 6~7 people. It is such a large cable car. Sitting on the cable car, you can walk along the cableway through the quiet valley, as if you have come to the country of mountains - Switzerland. The cable car moved slowly and finally reached the top of the pavilion. What's interesting is that the cable car seat is very low, and my feet can touch the lovely dandelions that breed in large numbers on the roof, which makes me imagine the blue sky in Switzerland, the endless European grasslands, the cold and clear lakes, the snow covered peaks and the endless cauliflower sea. A bird's-eye view of Pudong from the top of the pavilion shows that the bustling people seem to be many colorful flowers embellishing the Expo, making it more colorful.


The Swiss Pavilion has described the endless charm of this country of mountains for us. After listening to my introduction, I hope you will go to the Swiss Pavilion when you go to the World Expo in the future! It will never let you queue up in vain, nor will it let you down!

描写暑假生活的初中作文600字 篇2


My summer vacation life is colorful, don't believe it? Listen to me slowly. Since the first day of summer vacation, I have lived in my hometown with my parents for more than a month, which is the happiest month for me, but what I remember most is catching dragonflies!


On Wednesday afternoon, the paint of the sun's grandfather dyed the white clouds around him red: an orange one in the east, and a sunset red one in the west with a little gray. Their junction is bright and bright yellow, so many colors interweave together, as if the sun father-in-law had made a multicolored Xiayi for the moon daughter. I was intoxicated in it, and suddenly a group of dragonflies flew over one after another, "This is really icing on the cake!" I shouted happily. Then the cousin said, "Let's catch dragonflies together!" I said happily, "OK! But on the premise that you can observe dragonflies, don't kill them! I will be anxious to kill them!" Cousin casually said, "Well, I can't stand you."


Then my cousin and I were all ready with the net bag in our hands. I stared at a red dragonfly and saw it coming towards me. I quickly ran and took the net to the dragonfly. I saw that the dragonfly was going to fall into my hands, but I didn't expect that the dragonfly was so smart. It quickly dodged and escaped my net. I saw that my cousin had already caught two dragonflies, and I didn't want to lag behind. I failed once and again, Finally, I cried out happily. I was tired for so long and finally got a reward. I jumped on a black dragonfly. I thought it must be the nobleman in the kingdom of dragonflies. My cousin and I respectively took the fruits of our victory. I observed that the dragonfly has tens of thousands of eyes and six feet. Its wings are as transparent as glass. It feels slippery and has a good touch. Finally, my cousin and I released the dragonfly intact.


I learned a lot from dragonflies, such as what they eat, body structure, etc. Finally, let me reiterate that don't hurt dragonflies. They are our good friends and beneficial insects eat pests. Don't catch dragonflies like me!

初中生暑假游记作文600字 篇3


Today is the second day we came to Wendeng. Our family will go to Tianmu Hot Spring together. It's the first time for me to take a hot spring in summer. I can't wait!


When Tianmu arrived, I couldn't wait to run to the dressing room to change my clothes. Then I took my little sister, Xiaoxiao, and came to the indoor hot spring area. First, I put my foot in the water to test the temperature. It was 38 degrees. It wasn't very hot. I took my sister into the water. At first, I thought she wasn't used to the temperature. Later, I learned that for Xiaoxiao, 38 degrees was not hot at all. I put my sister in his swimming circle (a duckling's swimming circle, very cute) and pushed her to paddle on the water. Xiaoxiao laughed happily all the time.


At this time, my mother, aunt, father and uncle changed their clothes, and we came to the outdoor hot spring pool together. We went to the Jasmine Pool first. The water was clear and transparent, and the water was emitting a light fragrance of jasmine flowers. The smell was penetrating people's hearts, and it smelled happy. We talked in the pool and saw the scenery. Xiaoxiao was paddled across the pool by her aunt pushing the swimming circle, living like a cute little goldfish. The time passed quickly. Fifteen minutes passed. According to the rules of hot spring, the pool must be changed once every 15 minutes, If we didn't get overwhelmed by the water temperature, we went to the milk petal pool again. My mother told me that the essence of milk and petal was here. The smell of milk made our stomachs growl. We all agreed that we should first go to the rest area to have a rest, replenish our energy, and then continue to soak in the hot spring. But only one person disagreed, that is, Xiaoxiao. As soon as my aunt picked up Xiaoxiao, she pointed to the pool and said, It seemed to mean that we were coaxed and persuaded to be carried to the rest area by my aunt when I didn't leave.


After we replenished our energy in the lounge, we had a short rest in a small bed, and I couldn't wait to start my hot spring trip again. This time I went to take a jelly bath. Each piece of jelly is like a small pearl. As long as the body shakes, the jelly will move with the body, which is very interesting.


A day passed quickly. It was time to go home. We reluctantly left the unforgettable Tianmu Hot Spring.

初中生暑假游记作文600字 篇4


Everyone has heard of the famous river, Lijiang. So have you come to the scene to feel the surging bear brought to us by Lijiang? I came here this summer vacation. It's so beautiful. I don't want to go.


Our family and Shen Shu's family went to Lijiang to play together. I fell in love with Lijiang as soon as I arrived there. I said, "Mom, I want to transfer to another school and go to school in Lijiang. How beautiful Lijiang is!" Although it's just a joke, I really don't want to go back to Shenzhen.


There is a place in Lijiang called "Ancient City". We live in an inn in the ancient city. As soon as I arrived at the ancient city, I felt as if I had come to the ancient times, because all the houses there were exactly the same as those in the ancient times. I suspect that the film "Wulin Waizhuan" was shot here.


We also went to the Tiger Leaping Gorge, which is flanked by steep cliffs, and the Yangtze River flows through the canyons. There are high and steep mountains on both sides of the river bank, on which stones occasionally fall. We walked for more than an hour before we came to Tiger Leaping Gorge. A huge stone tiger stood on one side of the cliff and made a jump. There is a huge stone in the middle of the river water. The surging river water is like thousands of troops. It splits on both sides of the huge stone and splashes thousands of water. Mother said that the tiger on this side of the cliff would jump onto the boulder first, and then jump from the boulder to the other side of the river. I asked my mother what the tiger was going to do on the other side. My mother said that maybe his home was over there, or his friends were over there. Shen Shu's father said that the tiger was going to see its girlfriend on the other side!


Lijiang is a rich place with a lot of delicious food. There is a street in the ancient city that specializes in selling food, including marinated quail, baba, walnut cake, tofu... and worms. It's disgusting. We have breakfast there every morning. Lijiang also has a lot of fruits, which are good in quality and cheap. My favorite is the red pomegranate. When I break it open, the flesh inside falls off like a red crystal rain. There are also big peaches and crisp and sweet red apples. There is a lot of juice in one bite!


Lijiang is really beautiful. Although I have only written this, there are still many things waiting for me to continue to write!

初中生暑假游记作文600字 篇5


"Where there is a will, there is a way." With such a feeling, I began to climb the steep Jinding with trepidation. Jinding is the scenic spot of Fanjing Mountain Scenic Area. Many tourists come here to visit every day. We are also attracted by our reputation. I stood at the foot of the mountain and looked up at the peak. Under the rising sun, I really felt like a pillar sticking into the sky. Around her, the misty clouds curl around her, making you unable to know her true face. The adventure started. I started to climb up with the iron rope, and didn't stop until I reached a road almost perpendicular to the sky. Keep walking, and you will reach the most dangerous place in Jinding.


One side is a cliff, the other side is an abyss. It's too late to regret later. After careful deliberation, I decided to rise to the challenge. I tightly pulled the iron chain with one hand, supported the rock with the other, and searched for footholds everywhere. With one hard pull, I got up a little bit. The road to Jinding is all natural rocks. Because there are too many climbers, the rocks become very smooth, which brings us great difficulties in climbing. But I have such an unyielding spirit in my bones, so I started the climbing journey with my hands and feet using the most "beautiful" dog climbing style in the world. The higher up, the more uneven the distance between the two points, sometimes with a large drop.


The steepest place is almost straight up and down, and the foothold is all against the edge of the cliff. At this time, my legs were trembling, and my eyes dared not glance to the right at will, because the abyss was on my right. I tried to overcome the fear in my heart. I grabbed the chain with both hands, and did not dare to let go at all. Finally, I arrived at the first line of sky. The rocks on both sides gave me an infinite sense of security. I held the rocks with my hands and was so kind! Through the thin line of sky, two feet on the artificial stone steps on the Jinding, step by step, and finally reached the Jinding.


At this time, the Golden Summit looks so sacred under the sun. Looking down from the peak, I can't help feeling that I will be at the top of the mountain! The whole body and mind seem to be immersed in it. The difficulties in life are just like the current Golden Summit adventure! It seems that it can't be defeated, but in fact, it is!

初中生暑假游记作文600字 篇6


Today is the first day of the holiday. My father and mother said they would take me to Lianggong Temple to play. I asked my father, "Where is Lianggong Temple?" My father said that he had never been there, but he had heard of others. Our family set out with good expectations.


We drove all the way through Wuqiao Bridge and then to Liangshui. About one kilometer out of Liangshui, we arrived at Lianggong Temple. As soon as the car stopped, I couldn't wait to rush down.


The first thing I saw was the magnificent gate. I stepped up into the courtyard as if I had entered another world. This courtyard is surrounded by many trees. The ground is paved with bluestone. There is a huge water tank on the left and right sides of the yard, in which various goldfish are swimming freely. The doors, windows and fences in the temple are all made of wood, with various figures, wild animals, flowers, birds, plants and insects carved on them. These patterns are so lifelike that I can't help admiring the craftsmanship! At the same time, I feel very confused: how is it different from the high-rise buildings in the city?


I was curious to come upstairs again. There were many rooms upstairs, and each room had the same layout: antique and modern, with exquisite ancient carved wooden beds and dressers, as well as modern electrical appliances. I took a cursory look at it, but my father and mother were still tasting it carefully, and took out their cameras to take photos from time to time.


After watching, my father began to explain to me, and my doubts were answered. It turned out that Liang Gongci was the ancestral house of Zhang Chong, the leader of the Northern Expedition during the Republic of China. Due to historical reasons, together with lack of protection and disrepair, only broken bricks and tiles remained. Later, the current owner bought it because of his love for ancient Chinese culture and ancient buildings. After more than two years of painstaking repair, today's amazing Lianggong Temple was built.


After appreciating the beautiful buildings and tasting the delicious farm food, we reluctantly left Lianggong Temple with the sunset.


Today is really an unforgettable and meaningful day.