I have two mothers, one is the mother who gave birth to me, and the other is to teach me a lot of knowledge and a lot of truth -Xinyang Road Primary School.
I have two mothers, one is the mother who gave birth to me, and the other is to teach me a lot of knowledge and a lot of truth -Xinyang Road Primary School.
With the passage of time, wrinkles secretly climbed to the corner of my mother's eyes, but my mother became more and more vibrant and more beautiful with the development of technology.
With the passage of time, wrinkles secretly climbed to the corner of my mother's eyes, but my mother became more and more vibrant and more beautiful with the development of technology.
In the past, our school's playground was potholes, like an old clothes full of holes, and there would be a lot of water in the rainy days, and students could not go down to move.Now our mother changed a new clothes.A new and beautiful playground also added a new football goal. It turned out that some damaged basketball baskets have also been replaced with new ones, and the playground is refreshed.
In the past, our school's playground was potholes, like an old clothes full of holes, and there would be a lot of water in the rainy days, and students could not go down to move.Now our mother changed a new clothes.A new and beautiful playground also added a new football goal. It turned out that some damaged basketball baskets have also been replaced with new ones, and the playground is refreshed.
In addition, the empty land school in front of the fifth and sixth grade buildings did not waste it. There are many table tennis tables on the open space. Our school is a school with the theme of table tennis!Many students who love table tennis are blessed.
In addition, the empty land school in front of the fifth and sixth grade buildings did not waste it. There are many table tennis tables on the open space. Our school is a school with the theme of table tennis!Many students who love table tennis are blessed.
Our school has also added a lot of functional rooms, including music rooms, information rooms, science rooms ... all kinds of functional rooms dazzled you.In the music room, small instruments such as piano, wooden piano, and larger instruments such as piano are really bright!There are rows of computers neatly in the information room, but this is what we haven't thought about before!You don't have to worry about we peeking other things. The teacher's computer on the podium can monitor our computer.
Our school has also added a lot of functional rooms, including music rooms, information rooms, science rooms ... all kinds of functional rooms dazzled you.In the music room, small instruments such as piano, wooden piano, and larger instruments such as piano are really bright!There are rows of computers neatly in the information room, but this is what we haven't thought about before!You don't have to worry about we peeking other things. The teacher's computer on the podium can monitor our computer.
I like my mother very much, it is much more beautiful now than before.I wish my mother more and more beautiful and bustling!
I like my mother very much, it is much more beautiful now than before.I wish my mother more and more beautiful and bustling!
I have two mothers, one is the mother who gave birth to me, and the other is to teach me a lot of knowledge and a lot of truth -Xinyang Road Primary School.
I have two mothers, one is the mother who gave birth to me, and the other is to teach me a lot of knowledge and a lot of truth -Xinyang Road Primary School.
With the passage of time, wrinkles secretly climbed to the corner of my mother's eyes, but my mother became more and more vibrant and more beautiful with the development of technology.
With the passage of time, wrinkles secretly climbed to the corner of my mother's eyes, but my mother became more and more vibrant and more beautiful with the development of technology.
In the past, our school's playground was potholes, like an old clothes full of holes, and there would be a lot of water in the rainy days, and students could not go down to move.Now our mother changed a new clothes.A new and beautiful playground also added a new football goal. It turned out that some damaged basketball baskets have also been replaced with new ones, and the playground is refreshed.
In the past, our school's playground was potholes, like an old clothes full of holes, and there would be a lot of water in the rainy days, and students could not go down to move.Now our mother changed a new clothes.A new and beautiful playground also added a new football goal. It turned out that some damaged basketball baskets have also been replaced with new ones, and the playground is refreshed.
In addition, the empty land school in front of the fifth and sixth grade buildings did not waste it. There are many table tennis tables on the open space. Our school is a school with the theme of table tennis!Many students who love table tennis are blessed.
In addition, the empty land school in front of the fifth and sixth grade buildings did not waste it. There are many table tennis tables on the open space. Our school is a school with the theme of table tennis!Many students who love table tennis are blessed.
Our school has also added a lot of functional rooms, including music rooms, information rooms, science rooms ... all kinds of functional rooms dazzled you.In the music room, small instruments such as piano, wooden piano, and larger instruments such as piano are really bright!There are rows of computers neatly in the information room, but this is what we haven't thought about before!You don't have to worry about we peeking other things. The teacher's computer on the podium can monitor our computer.
Our school has also added a lot of functional rooms, including music rooms, information rooms, science rooms ... all kinds of functional rooms dazzled you.In the music room, small instruments such as piano, wooden piano, and larger instruments such as piano are really bright!There are rows of computers neatly in the information room, but this is what we haven't thought about before!You don't have to worry about we peeking other things. The teacher's computer on the podium can monitor our computer.
I like my mother very much, it is much more beautiful now than before.I wish my mother more and more beautiful and bustling!
I like my mother very much, it is much more beautiful now than before.I wish my mother more and more beautiful and bustling!
1、母亲:母亲读音为mǔ qīn,是指1.子女对生养自己的女子的称谓。俗称妈妈。 2.比喻养育人的某一群体或事物。 3.泛指生儿育女的妇女。母亲 mǔ qīn词语解释:1.子女对生养自己的女子的称谓。俗称妈妈。 2.比喻养育人的某一群体或事物。 3.泛指生儿育女的妇女。(1) [mother](2) 子女对生养自己的女子的称谓(3) 对给予养育之恩的人或物的敬称祖国,我的母亲分词解释:自己:1.代词。自身﹐本身。 2.自己人。 3.知己亲近;关系密切。俗称:通俗的或非正式的称呼。生养:1.犹养育。 2.指分娩;生育。 3.犹生活,生存。 4.使生长;生长。 5.生息,繁衍。称谓:对人的称呼,表示对不同对象的身份、地位、职业、关系等的名称:对长辈的称谓要用得恰当。...母亲怎么造句,用母亲造句»
2、第二:第二读音为dì èr,是指复姓。见《通志.氏族四》。第二 dì èr词语解释:复姓。见《通志.氏族四》。[the second (2nd);secondarily;secondly;in the second place]分词解释:氏族:又称“氏族公社”。原始社会中以血缘关系联结起来的基本的社会经济单位。产生于旧石器时代晚期,初为母系氏族,新石器时代末期起过渡到父系氏族。氏族内禁止通婚,实行族外婚,生产资料公有,集体生产,平均分配,没有剥削,没有阶级,公共事务由推举产生的氏族首领管理,重大问题由氏族成员会议决定。随生产力提高,出现私有制和阶级,氏族制度解体。通志:书名。南宋郑樵著。二百卷。综合历代历史资料写成的通史。上自三皇、下至隋唐。分本纪、年谱、略、世家、列传。其中二十“略”为本书精华。复姓:不止一个字的姓,如欧阳、司马等。...第二怎么造句,用第二造句»
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