
时间:2022-08-31 13:23:37 | 来源:语文通



On the sixth day of the New Year, my family and I came to the vibrant Bifeng Gorge. Along the way, I kept urging my father to drive quickly, because I couldn't wait to see the animals!


It's about to reach Bifeng Gorge. The curved path and the river of Tao Tao made me feel refreshed.The trees on both sides of the road are particularly lush and the air is particularly fresh.


In Bifeng Gorge, we first went to the Wild Zoo and took a sightseeing car into the park.The first stop of the car entered the beast area and saw two lions, but it didn't look so terrible at the time, but it was a little proud.Then there were two black bears, and they were stingy. When the sightseeing car came in front of it, the two black bears "raised".In the end, we saw the tiger, known as the "king of the forest". Its embarrassing expression and sharp teeth made me frightened.


After getting off the sightseeing car, we started walking.The first thing that came into view was a hole. There were a few words on the entrance of the hole. I guess it should be watching the monkey!Sure enough, I didn't expect it, and we came out of the "Monkey World".There are clever squirrel monkeys;EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceBut what impressed me most was the ring -tailed monkey. The ring -tailed monkey had a pair of translucent and round eyes, thin body, black stripes full of black stripes. The most important thing was that they were still "baking fire" by the stove!Passing the tourists were laughing.


Then, we came to the "Bird's World", known as "the first bird forest in Asia".There are white swans, black swans, pheasants, and cranes.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceVarious birds.They are all wearing beautiful and unavailable clothes, and they are humming different small songs in their mouths.It's really pleasing!


In the end, we came to the beast performance area, and I saw the black bear can stand upside down; the tiger could jump two circles in a long distance; the lion could take the obstacle -obstructing wooden bridge, which made me amazing.


This visit really made me eye -catching, and finally I left reluctantly.