Today, Teacher Yaya took us to watch the video of Bean beans. He was too timid and dared to dive.
一天,憨豆到游泳馆游泳,他走到跳水台上往下一看,天呐!这也太高了吧,他扶着旁边的栏杆,感觉都站不稳了,憨豆趴在地上,慢慢的移动到边缘,又往下看了一眼,吓得他把身子缩了起来,他犹豫了一会儿,站了起来,抓着栏杆不放手,憨豆又忍不住偷看了一眼下方,发现还是很恐怖。突然,他发现有两个小孩儿在看着他,他立马站起来,装作天不怕地不怕的样子。他又看着前方,摆好跳水的姿势,他慢慢地转过身,向下移动,过了好久,他才松了一只手 ,整个人都悬在了半空中。
One day, beans went to the swimming pool to swim. He walked to the diving platform and looked down. God! This is too high. He helped the railings next to him, and he felt unstable.Slowly moved to the edge, glanced down again, scaring him to shrink his body. He hesitated for a while, stood up, grabbed the railing and let go, and the beans couldn't help but look at it.It was still scary.Suddenly, he found that two children were watching him, and he immediately stood up and pretended to be in the sky.He looked ahead again, setting up a diving posture. He slowly turned around and moved down. After a long time, he loosened a hand, and the whole person hung in the air.
Do you think beans are timid?
今天是星期天,憨豆先生穿着他最心爱的小泳裤来到了游泳馆游泳,他穿着内裤坐从换衣间里出来,他看了看水位,我要是直接跳下去,一定很没意思 。
Today is Sunday.If I jump directly, it must be boring.
这时,他看见了一个10米高的跳台水台,他两眼放光,自信满满地走上了跳水台,他往下一看,双脚发软 后退了几步,扶着杆子害怕地蹲了下来,他又慢慢地探出头看了一眼,快速地收了回来,在那一动不动,似乎在想:天哪!怎么这么高呀!他夹着双腿瑟瑟发抖 。
At this time, he saw a 10 -meter -high platform jumping platform. His eyes were shining, and he stepped onto the diving table with confidence. He looked down, and took a few steps back.He squatted down, and he slowly glanced at his head again, and quickly took it back. It seemed to be motionless. It seemed to be thinking: Oh my god! Why is it so high! He shook his legs.
这时,两个小男孩走了上来,憨豆看见了,赶紧爬起来,左手插着腰,右手扶着杆子,好像在说:“我才不怕呢!他笑了笑,就转过身慢慢地弯下腰,爬到跳水边,双手合十,闭上眼睛,准备往下跳,可没过没几秒,却栽倒在一边去了 。
At this time, the two little boys came up, the bean saw it, quickly got up, put her waist in her left hand, and held the rod with her right hand, as if I was afraid!Slowly bent down, climbed to the side of diving, closed his hands, closed your eyes, and prepared to jump down, but it was not a few seconds, but he fell aside.
过了一会儿,他又慢慢地转过身,双脚往下一挪,把屁股翘得好高,双手抱着板子,双腿在空中踢来踢去,他的右手抱累了, 松了下来,这时一个小男孩儿,对准憨豆的手用力一踩,憨豆觉得他的左手非常的痛,张开手,从高空中掉入了水中,“扑通”一声,游泳池里面溅起了三米多高的浪花 。
After a while, he turned slowly again, moved his feet down, lifted his buttocks high, hugged the board with both hands, his legs kicked around in the air, his right hand hugged, loosenedCome down, at this time, a little boy stomped his hands on the hand of beans. Bean beans felt that his left hand was very painful. He opened his hand and fell into the water from the high altitude.Waves of more than three meters.
憨豆先生实在是太胆小了,我从来没有看到过这么胆小的人 。
Mr. Bean is too timid, and I have never seen such a timid person.
今天是星期六,天气晴朗,万里无云,他一边跳一边笑,来到了梦寐以求的游泳馆,他迫不及待地换上泳装准备下水 。
Today is Saturday. The weather is fine and cloudless. He laughed and came to the dream swimming pool.
他瞥了一眼低处的跳水台,似乎在想:从5m的地方跳下去,一定没有意思,那我换成10m的吧!于是他迈着大步,神气十足地爬上了10m的跳水台,可是他向下一看,第一个把头缩了回来:“天呐!怎么这么高!”他脸色发白,眼睛瞪得老大,魂都快被吓飞了,双手发抖,脚也慢慢地挪了回去,可他不想放弃。于是重整旗鼓又往边上一看,这一看也不要紧,他居然被吓趴了,双手紧紧地握住栏杆,像蜘蛛侠一样趴在了跳水台上,腿还在不停地抖动着 。
He glanced at the diving platform at a low place, and seemed to be thinking: jumping from 5M, it must be interesting, then I replaced it with 10M! So he took a big step and climbed up the 10M diving platform.But he looked down, the first one shrank back: "Oh my god! Why is it so high!" His face was pale, his eyes were staring, his soul was scared, his hands trembled, his feet slowly, his feet slowly, and his feet slowly.He moved back, but he didn't want to give up.So the reorganization looked at the side again. It was not tight to this look. He was scared to lie down, holding the railing tightly with both hands, lying on the diving table like Spider -Man, and his legs kept shaking.
可这时来了两个小男孩儿,憨豆心想:我可不能让人看笑话,他叉着腰站起来,又去准备跳水,结果他一不留神,双脚放在下去,坚持了许久,他的左手也放了下来。这时,有一个顽皮的小男孩给了他一脚,他只好松开的手,像炸弹一样坠了下去,游泳池里的水花四溅都快有三尺高了 !
But at this time, there were two little boys, and Bean thought: I can't let people look at jokes. He stood up with his waist and prepared to dive. As a result, he put his feet on his feet.His left hand also put it down.At this time, a naughty little boy gave him a foot. He had to let go of his hand and fell down like a bomb. The splash of water in the swimming pool was almost three feet high!
我想对憨豆说,你不要害怕,要勇敢面对困难,不能退缩,一定要多努力,多尝试啊 !
I want to say to Bean, don't be afraid, you have to face difficulties bravely, you can't shrink back, you must work hard and try more!
憨豆先生好幽默,在我看到他的影片中,他也太胆小了,跳个水吓得他连半条命都没了 。
Mr. Bean is so humorous. In my film, he was too timid, jumping water to scare him even half his life.
他踮着脚,跑到了跳水台下方,兴奋地抓着扶梯向上爬,他大摇大摆地走着,忽然他向下一看:“妈呀!太吓人了!”他吓得张大嘴巴,把手向后一仰,像划船似的向后倒去,他连忙扶住旁边的栏杆,嘴里嘀咕着:“太恐怖了 。”
He tiptoe, ran below the diving platform, grabbed the escalator and climbed up excitedly. He walked and walked, and suddenly he looked down: "Damn! It's scary!"Leading backwards, he fell backwards. He quickly helped the railing next to him, muttering in his mouth: "It's terrible."
突然,走上来两个小男孩儿,看到了憨豆先生的样子,就坐等着看憨豆先生的好戏。其中一个小男孩儿看了看表,暗示憨豆先生快点儿跳,憨豆先生似乎明白了什么,他鼓起勇气,昂起胸,抬起头,左手叉腰,右手扶杆,好像在说:“我胆子可大着呢!” 然后慢慢地蹲下来,伸直手准备向前跳水 ,可是后来他向后一倒,直接侧翻了过去 。
Suddenly, when I walked up the two little boys, saw the appearance of Mr. Bean, and waited for the good show of Mr. Bean.One of the little boys looked at the watch, implying that Mr. Bean jumped quickly. Mr. Bean seemed to understand something.I am brave! "Then slowly squatted down, straightened up and prepared to dive forward, but later he poured back and turned directly.
他突然想起后面有两个小朋友在看着呢!然后他又重新站了起来,趴在了跳水台上,慢慢地先一只脚下去了,后一只脚再下去,两只手还扒在了台子上,身体悬在了半空中,双腿在空中踢来踢去。一个高个子的小男孩儿对旁边的小男孩说:“要不我们去帮他一把。”旁边的小男孩点了点头,高个子小男孩上前抬起脚跟,对准他的手一踩,憨豆先生“哇!”的一声,他大声惨叫,直接掉了下去,水花溅的三米多高 。
He suddenly remembered that two children were watching! Then he stood up again, lay on the diving table, slowly let go of one foot first, and then one foot went down, and his two hands were picked up on the two hands.On the stage, the body was hanging in the air, and his legs kicked around in the air.A tall little boy said to the little boy next to him, "Otherwise, let's help him." The little boy next to him nodded, and the tall boy stepped forward to raise his heels and stomped his hand.Mr. Bean's "wow!", He screamed loudly, fell directly, and the water splashed more than three meters high.
You said, why is Mr. Bean so timid?
Mr. Bean is so timid!
The movie started, Mr. Bean disappeared, his face was disdainful.But at this moment, a horrible picture appeared. Mr. Bean began to slide down like earthworms. His girlfriend turned his head and looked at him with disdain.Suddenly, the more horrible picture appeared, and he could no longer be stretched. Mr. Bean hid his head in his clothes, and he didn't dare to show up, and his girlfriend screamed.Mr. Bean was so scared to stuff the popcorn into his ears and put the empty barrel on his head. He was so timid.
1、小的:小的读音为xiǎo de,是指1.旧时平民﹑差役对官绅自称之词。 2.用为仆人对主人辈的自称之词。 3.旧时对仆从的称呼。 4.小孩子;少年。小的 xiǎo de分词解释:1.旧时平民﹑差役对官绅自称之词。 2.用为仆人对主人辈的自称之词。 3.旧时对仆从的称呼。 4.小孩子;少年。分词解释:差役:①封建朝廷强迫百姓承担的无偿劳役。②旧时官府中供使唤的人:在衙门当差役。平民:普通的民众;老百姓:平民百姓|平民阶层|平民与贵族。自称:1.自己称呼自己。 2.自己叫作﹐自己认为。 3.自我称扬。称呼:1.叫。对人呼唤其身份﹑名称等。 2.表示被招呼对象的身份﹑地位﹑职业等等的名称。仆人:1.古代太仆等官的通称。 2.受雇在家供役使的人。...小的怎么造句,用小的造句»
2、胆小:胆小读音为dǎn xiǎo,是指做事畏缩、顾忌。...胆小怎么造句,用胆小造句»
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