
时间:2022-06-14 14:10:47 | 来源:语文通



If you choose one thing, such as "reading", you don't have to give up casually. After all, you can do a good job in your work.


I have been thinking, I can persevere in the end and make it very well from scratch, and then I realized that I did not.After that, I was thinking, I could persevere what I did not give up, or what I did not give up without giving up.However, I seem to only persevere and never give up reading. This is one thing that I have persisted for a long time. I think, after all, I should persist in the end of my choice.Bad, only whether there is perseverance.


In the first session, in my college, I would listen to the teacher saying that something was like that, "Some students in the collective class, and some students gave up studying and came out to work."I think this is really an incorrect decision and a wrong decision. After all, the diploma is very low, and the salary is very low in a good job at all.I think some students have regretted it, but this choice of themselves has no Meng Po Tang to make themselves again.Students who have already come out for a long time will say this: "I am tired of working outside and very little salary." These things at the time, but because of perseverance, they did not want to study again.I will choose to give up studying, holding very little salary, and doing very tired work.Therefore, I often think of this, and I will keep myself insist on the end.The campus life of middle school is not very tired. When it is tired of ordinary high school, I will persist in reading.


The way you choose must be finished. After all, no one will accompany you to the black.If you choose this road, you cannot give up casually.When learning is successful, looking back at himself all the way, he will be very happy and surprised.Therefore, I don't want to give up reading, I can study hard.At the same time, because I look forward to you, you don't have to give up reading, everyone work together.



1、放弃:放弃读音为fàng qì,是指丢掉(原有的权利、主张、意见等):放弃阵地ㄧ工作离不开,他只好放弃了这次进修的机会。放弃 fàng qì词语意思:丢掉(原有的权利、主张、意见等):放弃阵地ㄧ工作离不开,他只好放弃了这次进修的机会。分词解释:阵地:①为实施战斗,兵力和武器所占领的地域。是部队实施战斗,发扬火力,运用战术,消灭敌人,保存自己的重要依托。②一定的场所:文化阵地|教育阵地。意见:1.见解,主张。 2.指对人对事不满意的想法。 3.识见。机会:恰好的时候;时机:错过机会ㄧ千载一时的好机会。这次:1.这一回。如:你这次来得太晚了。2.正在此时的。如:你这次没做对。...放弃怎么造句,用放弃造句»

2、读书:读书读音为dú shū,是指①看着书本,出声地或不出声地读:读书声ㄧ读书笔记 ㄧ读书得间(读书时能发现问题)。②指学习功课:他读书很用功。③指上学:当时,我还在读书ㄧ他在那个中学读过一年书。读书 dú shū词语解释:①看着书本,出声地或不出声地读:读书声ㄧ读书笔记 ㄧ读书得间(读书时能发现问题)。②指学习功课:他读书很用功。③指上学:当时,我还在读书ㄧ他在那个中学读过一年书。分词解释:用功:1.犹言下功夫。 2.犹言施展本领。 3.努力学习。亦指做功课。当时:1.指过去发生某件事情的时候;昔时。 2.指当时的人们。 3.指在位的皇帝。 4.正当青春之时。 5.官名。黄帝置﹐执掌天时。功课:①学生按照规定学习的知识、技能:他在学校里每门功课都很好。②指教师给学生布置的作业:做完功课再看电视。③佛教徒按时诵经念佛等称为做功课。上学:1.最好的学习。 2.指古之上庠或太学。看着:1.眼看着。谓转瞬间。 2.酌情;看情形。...读书怎么造句,用读书造句»