
时间:2022-10-29 12:56:27 | 来源:语文通



家乡的秋天作文200字 篇1家乡的秋天作文200字 篇2家乡的秋天作文 篇3家乡秋天的作文 篇4家乡的秋天作文300字 篇5

家乡的秋天作文200字 篇1


Autumn comes to the world quietly with a golden body and graceful steps. The fallen leaves are scattered in the yard, which looks like a layer of "leaf quilt". On the bare branches of figs, there were several fruits that were not ripe in time and swayed gently in the bleak autumn wind.


Autumn has come, and the scenery has become more and more beautiful. Maple trees wear red clothes. Wild chrysanthemums smell like sheep intestines in the field. Osmanthus blossoms, fragrant for ten miles. Fruits are not willing to be outdone and show themselves heartily. Pomegranate smiled, some grinned, and some even opened their bellies, revealing full and crystal clear pomegranate seeds. It was very attractive. I couldn't help tasting it. Ah, it was so sweet!


In autumn, there are golden rice ears, black and red sorghum, golden corn... What a harvest!


How can you be willing to leave when the autumn scenery is so pleasant?

家乡的秋天作文200字 篇2


Autumn in my hometown is very beautiful.


Miss Qiu walked with gentle steps. She was like a magic magician. Wherever she went, she would become dreamy beautiful. When she came to the forest, the leaves became golden and fell down, like butterflies flying in the air. Pine and cypress trees are still green, like soldiers guarding their hometown. She walked lightly into the orchard, and the apples bent the branches; Winter jujube is sweet and crisp, some red, some green, some half red and half green; Pears are yellow, hanging high on the branches to show their beauty; On the persimmon tree, the persimmons hang on the tree like red lanterns; Pomegranate grinned at the scene, revealing red pomegranates.


Autumn in my hometown is so beautiful!

家乡的秋天作文 篇3


I love the vibrant campus in spring, the campus in summer when flowers bloom, and the campus in winter when clothes are white, but I prefer the colorful campus in autumn.


Our campus is beautiful in autumn! The sky is blue and bright, the flowers are clustered, the grass is green, and the trees have many colors of leaves, including golden yellow, green, yellow and green. When the wind blows, leaves fall one after another, like a group of colorful butterflies dancing in the air, and floating down like a boat, laying a layer of golden carpet on the earth.


The holly tree is still green and straight, the small flowers in the flower bed are bright and colorful, the Chinese rose flowers give out a charming fragrance, and the colorful chrysanthemums bloom one after another with smiling faces, including orange, snow-white, and light yellow. When the wind blew across the lawn, the clover kept nodding to us, and the purple creeper kept climbing along the branches of poplar trees like a strong climber.


In this beautiful campus, there are beautiful and fragrant flowers, spacious and bright classrooms, tall and tall trees. On the campus, you can hear the sound of reading everywhere. On the playground, you can see three groups, two groups. Some of them read texts together, some discussed math problems together, some played games heartily, some played basketball on the playground, and some ran in a lively scene


The scenery in autumn is really beautiful, and the campus in autumn is even more beautiful!

家乡秋天的作文 篇4


On National Day, my parents and I went to Rugao, my hometown, to look for autumn.


The sky is blue and blue, without a trace of white clouds. It is like a sapphire washed with clear water, just like a sapphire washed with clear water. From time to time, wild geese returning south with a herringbone can be seen in the sky.


In the fields, along the road and at the entrance of the village, the ginkgo trees are covered with golden ginkgo fruits, which looks like a golden coat on the ginkgo trees. On the riverside and fence, purple lentils are planted, which looks like a purple ribbon from a distance; Close up, it looks like purple little moons hanging on trees. The trees are covered with persimmons, some red, some yellow, and some green. At this time, my mother gave me a net bag and said, "Go and get some persimmons back." I said, "OK, I like picking persimmons best." I aimed at a red persimmon, put it into the net bag, and then pulled it down hard to pick a big and red persimmon easily. I peeled the skin and bit the flesh, feeling sweet.


I also saw the pink and purple cockscomb, like the cockscomb on the head of a rooster, like a small umbrella; A string of fiery reds, like firecrackers set off during the Spring Festival; The golden sunflower stooped and bowed its head, like a shy girl.


People in their hometown like to welcome visitors with the words "like singing on high, always come to live a long life".


Ah, the autumn in my hometown is so beautiful!

家乡的秋天作文300字 篇5


Some people say that spring is the most beautiful season of the year. But autumn has its own uniqueness.


Qiu is a painter. She carries a color palette with her. When she walks to the maple tree, she waves her hand. The maple immediately turns red. The gingko tree shows off its fan like green leaves to other trees. When Qiu comes, it turns yellow.


Miss Qiu came to the orchard and the fruits were ripe. She smiled at her one by one. Red apples and purple grapes hung on the trees to show her their beauty.


The wheat in the farmland is also ripe, and the farmer uncle is busy collecting them. It seems that he can harvest a lot again. He has a happy smile on his face. The birds in the sky chirped as if they were saying, "Harvest! Harvest!"


In autumn, our yellow chrysanthemum bloomed. Most of the flowers bloom in spring, but it stands proudly in the autumn frost. Smell it. It is different from the fragrance of roses, but it is a light fragrance, refreshing.


Autumn is a season worthy of our praise. It brings us joy and joy, and gives farmers a good harvest.