
时间:2022-09-19 13:22:21 | 来源:语文通



小学年度个人工作总结 篇1小学个人工作总结 篇2小学年度个人工作总结 篇3小学个人工作总结 篇4小学年度个人工作总结 篇5小学个人工作总结 篇6小学年度个人工作总结 篇7

小学年度个人工作总结 篇1


In the past year, as the English teacher of the school, I also taught students seriously and responsible to teach students, actively do a good job of teaching to make myself grow a lot. At the same time, I see the progress of students.I am also happy to have some achievements. At the same time, some aspects are still insufficient. It is also necessary to continue to improve. It can be done better in a teaching work in the coming year.


1. Teaching work


The time to come to our primary school is not too long, and this year has also happened, which has caused us to make some adjustments. I can still do my own work actively when I can't come to school.Use online resources to teach each lesson and cooperate with parents to see the students studying at home. At the same timeSome, let students learn well, and after returning to school, I also actively understand the learning situation of students, make a good adjustment of teaching plans, and better teach students. After a year, I am also activeAfter preparing for lessons, I have achieved some achievements, but I can't complacent because of this. Instead, because of a situation in this year, I know that some situations did not do well.We must continue to work hard in the future to do better.


2. Personal learning


In addition to doing a good job in teaching, you are also actively studying. I usually read some English -related books and accumulate their own English knowledge. Now the children are also very good. Many of them have been to many places since childhood.Over the country, the study of English is not like us at that time, they have an English learning environment, so we need to do it well. Only by the teacher's knowledge reserves enough can we better teach students better studentsIn the past year, in addition to a study of English majors in the past year, I also actively participated in some training to improve my teaching skills. At the same time, the exchange with my peers also made me not only understand how other teachers have class, but also go.I have enhanced a teaching experience, and can better teach students' English, and personal learning this year also gains a lot.


Three, life


In my life, I have a good habit, and I am also active to get along friendly with the colleagues in the office. I will also actively communicate with my colleagues to find methods. At the same time, it is also difficult for some English teaching.Old teachers come to ask. After a year, they are actively preventing and controlling, and they are also very good to get along with the students. They also like my English teacher. At the same time, I also see their continuous progress and progress in class.Excellent, I am also proud, but I also understand that there are still many aspects to continue to do well.


One year's work is over, but I have to continue working hard to do it better. Only in this way can I make my English teaching better. At the same time, students can learn more.More gains and progress.

小学个人工作总结 篇2


This is the time for a semester. Looking back at the work of a semester, I want to say too much.The profession of people's teachers is very hard. Especially as a young teacher who has just stepped on education, not only should we adapt to the work as soon as possible, but also the burden of education and teaching.


This semester is the second year I transferred to Rencun Elementary School. From the time I entered the teaching office, I have been studying with an open mind, working hard, seeking to find capes, constantly reflecting, and training myself in my work and improving myself in learning.In the past semester, I feel that my progress is still progressing rapidly, and I have found that I am constantly mature and progress.So whenever I at this time, I want to say a word, thank my principal, and thank my colleagues who care about helping me.


Summarizing the work of this semester, I often reflect on my heart, what is the significance of our work, and what should I do in school education.Because of these questions, my work is more meaningful to my life. I have been working in the teaching director for more than a year, because I can use my knowledge, wisdom, emotions, and my life.Strong energy and physical strength, leave some things that may be useful in the future, you can say that I am with my dream of education, I am devoted to education. From thisHappy, because I firmly believe that all the returns are directly proportional to the investment. I am willing to use the greatest sincerity to take responsibility for teachers, students, schools, and society.The summary of the one -semester work is as follows:


First, the ideology is constantly mature, and the love of career is enhanced.


The surrounding leaders and teachers not only affected me with their own personality charm, but also often made me progress through ideological exchanges.Today, I can see the problem at a certain height. I can think about the problem and think about the problem. Doing things can be focused on the overall situation.Therefore, in work, you can also do it with your own gains and losses. It is your own affairs and treat the school's responsibility as your own responsibility.


Second, improve business in practice and understand your responsibilities.


From the first day of entering the teaching office, I realized the importance of my responsibility. Under the guidance of the principal, I have carefully formulated the people -oriented school -based teaching and research plan., Listen to and evaluate the lessons, are responsible for reviewing the teaching plans of various science and teaching, so that school education and teaching work is more targeted and effective.After I often walk out of my own class, I will step into the teachers 'classmates with an open mind. After walking out of the teachers' classroom, I will step into my own class with problems.The business is also constantly increasing.There will be innovative sparks in the classroom; in the class, they will think deeply for the failure classroom, and be excited for the wonderful classroom; in the discussion with the teachers after listening to the class, it has improved the teaching level of each other.In the combination of continuous theory and practice, in continuous promotion of each other, it is found that their business is constantly improving.


Because of the heavy responsibility on my shoulders, I also often clicked on famous teachers' blogs to learn their experience, understand the latest developments, and enter their educational world through the Internet.Thinking about when the class teacher, I thought more about how I taught and how my students learned.Now I pay more attention to the latest developments in education. I think more about what teachers lack, how can teachers get more; what students need, how can students get more; parents can get more; parents of parentsWhat do you think and how to make parents more satisfied.Yes, I gradually read it at work, this is my responsibility.


Third, exercise skills at work, establish a sense of service.


Because I got out of the work of the class teacher and came into contact with many new tasks, these work exercised my ability, and also established awareness of serving everyone.


1. Do a good job of supervision and inspection of the school's conventional management.There are records and statistics on the inspection of teachers' lessons and student assignments.


2. Organize school -based teaching and research activities.Under the guidance of the principal, the school -based teaching and research activities of this semester are planned and organized. In order to continue to deepen the "24 -character classroom teaching mode" reform, the school -based teaching and research activities are conducted multiple times and disciplines.Gradually form a classroom teaching model with the characteristics of our school.


3. Actively assist in doing a good job in the school's temporary work.


Due to the diligence of work, I found that my ability is constantly improving, and the awareness of the teachers is getting stronger and stronger, and this love for the school is getting deeper and deeper.


In the past semester, the little bit of obtained, thank the principal for their support, and the teachers should thank all the teachers. It is your efforts to make me well fulfill the duties of the teaching director.As the director of teaching, I have a certain responsibility in the school and feel a certain pressure, but fortunately, I cooperate with every teacher in the school very well. It is everyone’s hard work.Stress laid the foundation for the development of the school, and I was proud of everyone in the school.


Fourth, reflect on your own shortcomings and promote yourself.


Existing problems:


The concept of learning is still insufficient, and the scientific research ability is still not enough. As the school's master -grabbed teaching, learning and research should be used as the most important part of work. Only by maturing ideas and proficient business, you can give full play to your position in this position.The role.


improvement measures:


Read more and learn more about educational research in a timely manner.


Communicate more and communicate with famous teachers and educators through the Internet.


Listen to lessons, understand the forefront of education through listening to the lesson, take advantage of the strengths, improve your business ability, and promote the steady development of the school.


Explore more and improve your teaching and research capabilities while leading teachers to make progress together.


Organize more, accumulate good experience and practices to form your own characteristics, and develop your own teaching and research path.




Do a good job of leaders and leaders in teaching; supervise and promoters in management; do good communicationers and contacts at work at work;Trusted public servants, leaders who have powerful leaders, teachers trusting parents!

小学年度个人工作总结 篇3


I graduated from Nanyang No. 1 Normal School in XX in XX. From September of XX, I worked in our school since September. XX has obtained a college degree in elementary education in Henan Normal University.Teaching.Since participating in the work, with the care of the school leaders, with the help of my colleagues, I can regulate my education and teaching work with teachers' ethics, guide the teaching practice with new curriculum reform theory, and make great progress.The main aspects are as follows:


1. Study and understand the spirit of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.


Mobilize with the times, love jobs, teachers, love students, respect students, and strive to allow each student to enjoy the best education and develop to varying degrees.Based on the above understanding, I actively devoted to teaching reform and dedicated in my work. I dare not have the slightest. Prepare each lesson, take every lesson, approve each job, educate every student, work hard to do a oneTeachers who are respected and trusted by students.I have always believed in a famous saying that it is not ruthless.If you are convinced that if you want to be a good teacher, you must lead yourself with noble moral sentiments, good teacher ethics, and teacher style, regulate your own words and deeds, be a love of collective, obey allocation, unite colleagues, and dedicated.Teaching and educating people.


Second, comply with the school's rules and regulations, and the teaching work is serious and responsible.


Efforts to practice all the art curriculum teaching of the first to sixth grades of elementary school, better study and grasp the teaching points, characteristics and difficulties of all grades. In addition to completing the premise of 18th quarterly work, they also actively participate in the school arrangement of each of the school layouts.Temporary work, etc.


1. Prepare lessons, not only prepare teaching materials, teaching methods, but also students.According to the content of the textbook and the actual situation of the students, the type of teaching is designed, the teaching methods adopted, and the procedures and time arrangements of the teaching process have been recorded in detail, and the lesson plans are carefully written.Each lesson is prepared, prepare fully before the class, and make all kinds of interesting teaching aids that are conducive to attracting students' attention. After class, I will summarize the lesson in a timely manner.Collect the knowledge points of each lesson as required and summarize.


2. Enhance class skills, improve the quality of teaching, and strive to explain clear, organized, accurate, emotional, vividly, clear clues, clear levels, simple words, and deeper.Pay attention to mobilizing students' enthusiasm in the classroom, strengthen teacher -student exchanges, reflect the role of students, make students easy to learn, easy to learn, and happily.Fully consider each student's learning needs and learning ability, so that each student can be improved.Usually learn from seniors and teachers with an open mind, listen to teachers' lessons, learn the advantages of others, overcome their shortcomings, and often seek opinions from other teachers and improve work.


While working hard to take every lesson, actively invest in the practice of new curriculum reform, can focus on students, strengthen the comprehensiveness and inquiry of learning activities, stimulate students 'interest in learning art, cultivate students' innovative spirit and solve problems to solve problemsThe ability to promote students' personality formation and comprehensive development.In the teaching appreciation class, pay attention to the cultivation of students 'aesthetic ability, guide students to carry out imagination, compare it, and not rush to instead of students' perception and understanding of students. Through comparison, discussion and other methodsEfforts to improve their aesthetic taste and strengthen moral education for students.Reduce students' requirements for painting skills, and lead students to the campus to use learning, observation, performance, and collecting materials, small production and other learning methods for independent learning and cooperation and exchanges.Try to use a variety of teaching methods such as multimedia, enrich teaching content and art information, open up vision, and enhance your experience and imagination.


3. From the practice of the students 'creative abilities, and pay attention to the development of students' operations and innovation.At the same time, the students 'homework is corrected in a timely, serious, analyzing and recording of the students' homework, and classification summary of the problems they occur during homework, making a transparent statement, and prompting the teaching methods in a timely manner of relevant situations.Essence


3. Actively participate in various art business learning and theoretical learning activities organized by the city and district teaching and research rooms.


He carefully participated in the study of new curriculum reform organized by the district teacher training school, and practiced in actual teaching. By focusing on teaching -related knowledge, it was more systematic and made a new starting line.


Fourth, the date of teaching of teachers is the time of re -learning.


In the new era, teachers are required not only to operate skills, but also the ability to face new situations, analyze new problems, and solve new contradictions.Under the guidance of school leaders, I actively devoted themselves to the teaching and research work of the disciplines of English and fine arts. The paper I wrote "XXXX" won the first prize of primary school English discipline in the selection of excellent educational teaching papers in XX year.In the selection of excellent educational teaching papers in XX year, he won the third prize of the primary school art discipline. The thesis "XXXX" won the second prize of the primary school sociology subject in the selection of excellent education teaching thesis in the XX year.The educational papers "XXXX" and "XXXX" I wrote were published in the XX Daily and XX Times, respectively.


With a heart, without half of the grass, Mr. Tao Xingzhi's true knowledge, still in the ears, I deeply feel the responsibility of a people's teacher, and I also feel the glory of a people's teacher.Only by yourself. As a young teacher, I know that my work has just begun. The party's policy and policies of the party's quality education in the new period have been determined. Only by being brave and innovating can I achieve greater results.Looking forward to the future, I am confident.I firmly believe that the years will always be willing to dedicate and be honest and pragmatic.I will continue to learn and create, pursue lofty ideals, and realize my life value.

小学个人工作总结 篇4


With the approaching of the 20__ New Year, the one -semester education and teaching work will end again.This semester I have held the Chinese teaching work in the second and second classes. In order to make greater progress in the future work, carry forward the advantages, and overcome the shortcomings, the work situation since the semester has been summarized as follows:


1. Main work and achievements


I always pay attention to cultivating students to develop good learning habits.In teaching, I always ask myself as a teacher, and do a good job of all teaching routines, especially in terms of preparation, lectures, approval, auxiliary, and examinations.


1. Do a good job of preparation.In teaching, I always insist on preparing for lessons in advance, focusing on the teaching goals and requirements of this lesson, and conducting teaching activities according to the actual situation of the students.


2. Each lesson.I can study the teaching materials carefully, understand students, be good at creating learning situations, stimulate the enthusiasm of learning, and carry out teaching activities in an orderly manner.


3. The operation layout is reasonable and pay attention to the cultivation of students' innovation ability.Being able to correct homework in time and neat handwriting.


4. Do a good job in supporting the work of the trapped students.I realize that if you want to improve the quality of teaching, you can only improve the qualification rate by making the transformation of the trapped students and to create a good class to clear the obstacles to create a good class.


2. Insufficient existence and future plans:


1. Student development is imbalanced, the guidance of the law still needs to be further strengthened, the teaching results are still owed, and they need to be improved.


2. Teaching lacks innovation awareness based on traditional methods, and students' learning habits are not successful enough.


3. Continue to update the concept and strive to practice subject teaching; actively use multimedia electrification teaching methods to improve the quality of teaching; continue to strengthen business learning and improve their business quality.


In short, after a semester's efforts, all aspects of the students in this class will improve. In the future, I will continue to work hard to strive for better results.

小学年度个人工作总结 篇5


Looking back on this year, there are many places worth summing up and reflection.This year's work will be summarized to promote the further improvement of my future work.


1. Strengthen learning and constantly improve the quality of ideological business


This year, in the education and teaching work, I always adhered to the party's education policy, facing all students, teaching and educating people, and being a teacher. Attach importance to the development of students, attach importance to stimulating students 'creative ability, and cultivate the development of students' morals, wisdom, physical, beautiful, and labor. I am strict with myself and love education. As a good teacher, he constitutes himself as a good teacher, spurred himself, strives to make progress in ideology and work, and improves, so that you can meet the needs of social development and meet the needs of job competition. In the past semester, I also actively participated in all kinds of learning, deeply analyzed the shortcomings in my work, found the gap between myself and other teachers, wrote their experiences, and strived to improve my political level and theoretical cultivation. At the same time, obey the school's work arrangements, and cooperate with leaders and teachers to do a good job of work inside and outside the school. "Learning the sea is boundless, there is no end to teaching". As a teacher, only by continuously charging can we maintain the youth and vitality of teaching. With the development of society and the update of knowledge, I also urged me to continue to learn. Therefore, in addition to actively participating in political theory learning this semester, I also actively conduct business learning, improve my work ability and business literacy, and enable myself to better be competent for my teachers' work. Combining curriculum reform and using books and networks, studying the theory of curriculum reform carefully, and learning the good experience and methods of others in education and teaching. Through learning, I have established an advanced teaching concept, and also clarified the direction of future education and teaching.


2. Realistic and innovative, seriously carry out teaching, teaching and research work


Education and teaching are the primary tasks of our teachers' work. I understand that no matter how hard work and tired work, I can't be behind. I should try my best to do my job, especially in teaching. Before the class, I carefully studied the textbooks, teaching ginseng, curriculum standards, and carefully analyzed the textbooks. According to the characteristics of the textbooks and the actual situation of the students, the lesson plan was designed. And humbly learn from experienced teachers and ask for advice. Strive to penetrate the textbooks, find key points and difficult points. In the classroom, I strive to apply the curriculum concept I have learned to the practice and education practice of classrooms. We actively use long -range education resources, use courseware, use a variety of teaching methods, talked about it. Putty and creative thinking, strive to use living textbooks, practice new ideas, increase the attractiveness of classroom teaching, and enhance students' interest in learning and learning initiative. Strive to make my mathematics teaching more distinctive, form my own unique teaching model, better reflect the requirements of quality education, and improve the quality of teaching. In short, no matter in classroom teaching or extra -curricular counseling, I aim to cultivate students 'ability, improve students' achievements and quality, and strive to make mathematics teaching a greater role in the growth and development of students.




In addition to working, I collect myself in teaching, cases, harvests, etc., and record some of my work process, life stories, ideological journey, select and accumulate the information resources I need most, and actively have other other needed information resources.Teachers communicate and discuss the problems existing in teaching on their blogs.


4. Strengthen reflection and summarize teaching gains and losses in time


Reflection of this year's work, while achieving results, is also thinking about his shortcomings at work.There are the following points:


1. The theoretical learning of mathematics teaching is not deep enough, it is necessary to reflect, and the teaching level is slow.


2. The application of education and scientific research in teaching practice is not in place. The research is not well done enough and does not achieve the goals in their own hearts.


3. There are not enough features and creative things in mathematics teaching. In the future, we must strive to find out some characteristic points of their own in math teaching.


4. The enthusiasm of work is not high enough, the initiative is not strong enough, and there are inertia.This also needs to be further corrected and strengthened in future work.




Given that I have performed in all aspects of this semester and many shortcomings in my work, my future efforts are:


1. Strengthen the training of their basic skills, especially the training of classroom teaching ability.To be refined and pay attention to the cultivation of students' ability.


2. More concern to the backbone, more love, and more patience to make them improve greaterly in all aspects.


3. Strengthen the education of student behavior habits, so that students not only focus on studying in class, but also be able to restrain themselves strictly.


4. Work hard on teaching and strive to make the grades of class students have made greater progress on the original basis.A Chunhua, a autumn, in the work of this semester, I paid sweat and tears, but what I gained was the fulfilling and heavy emotion.

小学个人工作总结 篇6


With the support of the relevant departments and school leaders in the past year, the logistics and financial work of our school have successfully completed various plans.Strictly implement policies and regulations of relevant departments.At the same time, the reasonable and legal suggestions of school faculty and staff were adopted.To be in line with policies, win the hearts of the people.The summary of logistics financial work over the past year is as follows:


1. Do a good job of financial management:


Carefully grasped the school's funding management, tightened spending, and improved the efficiency of school running. The town primary primary school unified the charging standards, and resolutely charge various fees in accordance with the charging standards of the price department. Do not improve the charging standards without authorization. In the annual charging inspection of the Price Bureau, our school did not have any random charges. In terms of financial expenditure, based on financial regulations, based on the internal financial system, we carefully review each expenditure business to achieve complete bill elements and complete procedures. Each expenditure invoice is reimbursed to reimburse in the account. Illegal invoices resolutely refuse to pay. Tightening expenses, major expenses adhere to collective research. At the end of the period, the school's financial accounts were reviewed by the school's nuclear team, and rationalized suggestions were made to make financial disclosure and democratic financial management. The previous unreasonable subsidy distribution policy was canceled. The average number of structural salary administration, and the Sunday administration will not be considered overtime. Effective supervision and control of misappropriation, private funds, etc., and other illegal behaviors. The town primary school uses the receipt of the financial unified printed. Strict management of the receipt was strictly managed. Unified from the General Affairs Office to the Education Bureau, then distributed to each school, and registered. The funds of the whole town in the town are strictly in accordance with the management of the "two lines of income and expenditure" in the fiscal, and all of them enter the "fiscal special account" in a timely manner. Perform the formalized accounting materials in a timely manner, and set up files in accordance with regulations. Fill in various forms in time to report various data accurately. And carefully check the various data forms, so as to meet the accounts, the account tables are consistent, and the accounts are consistent.


2. Do a good job of logistics management:


The quality of the school's logistics work is related to the vital interests of the student, and even the life is safe.The school has seriously grasped the management of logistics over the past year.The school's school property was repaired and purchased.It also effectively uses the school's flower pots and flower shops, planting flowers and trees, and arranging one person to green into the school, cleaning and checking health work.Greatly improved the school's environment.Make teachers and students' lives and learning environment effectively improved.Save water for water and eliminate waste.Educate students to save the importance of water at each student rally.Educate students to care for school property, and the responsibility of the class to the class.In the past year, due to strengthening the management of schools, the phenomenon of damage to school production has significantly changed compared with the past, and maintenance costs have been significantly reduced.Save a lot of maintenance fees for the school, and play a role in educational.


3. Other tasks:


Adhere to the guiding ideology of logistics for teaching.Call for teachers to actively carry out diligence.If you reclaim the wasteland, the teachers who grow vegetables can be divided into a vegetable field. The teacher's hard -working cultivation has finally gained, and the teacher's vegetable supply is full.According to the actual situation, the school also arranged more than ten people to feed pigs.This brings economic benefits to the school, and it also eliminates hidden dangers to the school.


Although all aspects have improved in all aspects in the past year, there is still a certain gap compared with advanced schools in some aspects. We can only find the gap and learn from foreign schools with an open mind.Build our school better.

小学年度个人工作总结 篇7


In a semester, a new setting off, the breeding of fruitful results, the embodiment of a self -worth ... What other gains did I have to do this semester?The summary is as follows:


1. Growing up in learning.


The "13th Five -Year Plan for the Development of Education in Wangqing County", which was led by the school at the beginning of the semester, sounded a alarm clock for me, to follow the situation and find my own ending point.I am the spreader of knowledge. In the face of the rapid world, my primary task is learning.Every time I have a political study, I see it as a baptism of thought, helping me adhere to my moral sentiment, and be a good teacher who is patriotic and dedicated."Jilin Provincial Education and Teaching Routine" (trial) and "Art Course Standards" are an important basis for my good teaching. If you do n’t study and understand carefully, teaching mistakes are prone to occur.Therefore, I have to listen to the business lectures organized by the school carefully, and make full use of my spare time for self -study.Although I didn't do it completely, I would not be discouraged.I feel I am growing up.


2. Find in teaching.


The method of small art classification teaching varies from students to students.Teaching and learning law are inseparable, and it is a unity of contradiction.The leading role of teachers is not to keep "teaching" the main aspect of contradiction, but to create conditions everywhere, and transform the main aspects of contradictions from "teaching" and "teaching methods" to "learning" and "learning the law", so thatStudents can "explore independently and solve themselves."


This semester I put the focus of research on the learning strategy of "design · application" in the small art class.Fine arts courses pay attention to the close connection with students' life experience, give play to the role of knowledge and skills to help students improve their spirit and quality of life, and allow students to understand the unique value of art in real life.In particular, the field of "design and application" fully reflects this.Students are the subject of learning. Small class teaching also attaches importance to the cultivation of individual students. Therefore, research from the perspective of learning strategy is an indispensable aspect of improving the quality of teaching.After studying my experience:


1. Learning goals must be quantified.


The learning goals are not single. To cultivate a variety of abilities of students, there must be multiple learning goals.However, in multiple learning goals, we must make reasonable quantitative treatment, grasp the focus, and create a good learning situation for students to effectively complete the learning goals."Art Course Standard" (2011 edition) in the field of "design and application" states: "The purpose of forming a student design awareness and improving the ability to improve hands."You will be handy in the class.


2. Interesting learning methods.


"Those who know are not as good as those who are good, and those who are good are not as good as those who are happy." If the process of learning is a pleasant experience for students, they will be happy."Art Course Standard" (2011 edition) The "design · application" learning field states: "The choice of teaching content should be close to the actual life of students, integrate discipline knowledge into the vivid curriculum content, closely contact social life, pay attentionEcology, highlighting applicationability, aesthetic and interesting, so that students always maintain a strong learning interest and creative desire. "In small art class teaching, we must carefully design according to the current status of the students, so that they can get the maximum in the classroom to get the maximum in the classroomIncome.Step by step, it is necessary to attract students 'interest, but also not to be separated from students' cognitive scope, from shallow to deep, from easy to difficult, helping students improve their design applications smoothly.


3. The learning method is modeled.


The "design and application" field advocates the design ideas of things to develop, and develop students to pay attention to things around them and be good at finding problems and solving problems. Regardless of how the teaching content changes, the goal of teaching is consistent. Teachers can guide students to gradually learn to start autonomous and cooperative learning in accordance with certain models. This model is "discovering problems -analyzing problems -solving problems". The teaching content in the field of "design and application" learning is closely integrated with the familiar things that are interested in and familiar in the daily life of students. Cup, toothbrushes, pen, schoolbags, and chairs are not often used by students, so they have a deep understanding. Finding the problem is to allow students to have a sense of design, from the perspective of human use, and find the existing places where these design is not perfect. Picking a problem is what students are best at and interested in. With such a good opportunity, the next study will not make students feel boring. Analysis of the problem is to understand the design intention of the designer, know the basic procedures of design and technology, explore the fundamental cause of the problem, and produce the desire to create. Solving the problem is to improve students' hands -on ability, implement the design ideas in action, use the knowledge and skills to solve the problems in actual life, and show the effectiveness of the learning results. According to this model, different requirements are proposed for different studies. After systematic training, students will master the learning methods and expand their application into actual life.


Three, pay attention to work in other respects.


Because art teaching is carried out in the exclusive classroom, the tasks of cleaning and arrangement have become part of my daily work.Every time I go to class, I have to clean it myself, even if I am unwell, I insist on doing it.I also organized the activities of sports, art "2+1" and the paper -cutting group of the youth palace.As an activity instructor twice a week, each hour of activity, coupled with daily teaching work, the hard work can be imagined, but whenever I see the student's growth and progress, my heart is in my heart againThere will be a trace of sweetness, and I feel that my efforts are worth it.


Fourth, find the direction in the reflection.


"Ten years of merit on the stage, one minute on the stage." The preparation work before class directly affected the effect of teaching.In particular, the art class is mainly practical. Teachers must fully expect that students may have problems and find solutions.I feel that I do n’t do well in this regard. If you do n’t have a professional background, you will inevitably appear one -sided interpretation of the textbooks. In addition, you ca n’t correctly estimate the skills of students. Demonstration and counseling are lacking targeted.So on the one hand, I have to work hard on my own quality and continue to learn professional knowledge and professional skills.On the other hand, I need to understand students through various channels and teach according to their aptitude.


At the moment of writing, everything has become the past.The past is the chain that connects the future.With the past, where can I go in the future?