In the past, I rarely drank tea, and it made me sleep for a long time.The night was low, and the night was silent, making people lonely.Lying on the sofa, a strong tea fragrance hugged the silence of the night, relieved his breath, squeezed his love, and cleaned the soul.A pot of hot tea reminds me of the distant childhood. Because of the depths of the distant mountains, the sweet potato porridge cooked by my grandmother is warm and fragrant, and the color is light and purple.Sprinkle the salt, and the mother kept adding firewood under the stove.The shadow of the orange fire beating on the mother's face made people feel that it was a sunny cheek.
Grandma kept stirring the sweet potatoes just poured into the porridge. At this time, I looked at my grandmother.The hair that is extremely neatly combed backwards, mixed with a little silver hair, whether it is during the day, under the light, beside the fire, in short, there is no hair rolling.Grandma's Wu Fa is the Wuzhen of the south of the river. The color of the hair is its ancient ink rhyme; a few green silk adds rainy tenderness; softness is a little charming.
The thoughts were far away, and the tea cup in his hand was gently shook, and the book in his arms fell to the ground, and the leaves outside slowly swinged with the cold wind.In winter, it came silently.I wonder if the grandmother's grandmother over the moon is good?
Thinking of the lonely me before, I never knew what the tea was. Occasionally, I drank it, and I felt dry. I was bitter when I was thick, and it was a bit like a lotus seed.
Since the god of destiny buried me thick snow, I have never had any taste.Snow, no doubt, beautiful, is a goddess of condensed fat.She is light and elegant, pure and indifferent, quiet and simple, and beautiful.However, in my eyes, when she was too cold, when she was ruthless, you could frozen your body and buried your soul deeply.
A heavy snow, a cold.The wind was raging, and the snow was floating.Time to penetrate youth, from the sunny childhood, from a teenager like a summer flower, from looking forward to making a girl like a girl like a lilac in the south of the river, to the sad rainy season, life, is it destined to go through the experienceMisery and wind and rain; do you staged the parting sorrow on everyone's stage; do you sprinkle the tears towards the sun and hide the sad past when you are youth;The sad poem of "only frowned, and getting up again", after some vigorous emotional entanglement, a painful to the extreme transformation, the soul sublimation of the hardships and difficulties can be found after the winter.Flowers bloom all over the flowers, green grass, spring rain, and vibrant scenes?
I don't know, Grandma, have you ever suffered such similar sorrows?I wonder if my mother has experienced such a hot and cold youth?
This winter, somehow, I drank three kinds of tea.
Tieguanyin rolled violently like a fish in the hot hot water.After a drink, the taste is strong, and the color is pale green, exuding a unique fragrance.In the past, I never drank Tieguanyin with this fragrance.The fragrance, such as the fragrance of jasmine, exudes the aroma of the pouring top, which makes people want to get drunk.The fragrance of flowers is so strong in such a heavy taste from the inside out. After listening to my mother's story, I think my grandmother is like Tieguanyin. She should be a woman who is suffering but still beautiful and kind.
Black tea, strip, longer, it fully integrates into the embrace of hot water, slowly expands its tight body, shakes gently, tea is like a woman wearing red and green clothes.Dance.Those "women" are naturally beautiful and beautiful, like seventeen -year -old girls who are more than eighteen or eight years old, in the self -description of my mother's lightly described, I think my mother is like black tea. Her youth is not just her youth.Is such gorgeous, colorful, vivid and passionate, young and energetic?
Chenpipu Pu'er tea is a rare tea species in the market, and the manufacturing process is relatively unique.It is shaped like orange, but the appearance is wrapped in strict and strict. When it smells softly, the aroma of Chenpi will make you feel refreshing and unforgettable for life.Don't look at the color of its color, slightly red with a little red, uneven body, like a puppet, but because of its protection, the longer the Pu'er tea in it can be stored.Tear a piece of tangerine, pour a small amount of Pu'er, and put it in a teapot at the same time, but you can taste it in ten minutes.Youyou Chenpi fragrance, faint Pu'er feelings.Never before, so familiar with the warmth.I am this Chenpi Pu'er. After a long time of self -closing, when the true feelings of the film crushed a high wall, I realized that youth is a lonely practice. It is impossible to have no pain and sadness. When I understandThe cost of youth is just a loneliness and pain of self -binding cocoons, just waiting for the road to spring flowers.The mountains and rivers are doubtful, and there is another village of Liu Dark.
Be brave, come on, for yourself, for all the people I love and the person who loves me.
1、世情:世情读音为shì qíng,是指1.时代风气。 2.世俗之情。 3.世态人情。 4.势利。 5.犹言世人,时人。 世上的种种情形;世态人情不懂世情世情 shì qíng词典解释:1.时代风气。 2.世俗之情。 3.世态人情。 4.势利。 5.犹言世人,时人。[the ways of the world] 世上的种种情形;世态人情不懂世情分词解释:世人:1.世间的人;一般的人。 2.指未出家的世俗之人,与“僧侣”相对。世俗:①尘世;非宗教的:世俗的享乐。②社会上流行的;平庸的:灵秀之气被世俗的偏见扼杀了|以世俗的眼光来看,银行当然是银饭碗,而做学问终究是十分清苦的。世态人情:指社会风尚和为人处世之道。势利:①权势和钱财:惑于势利。②指对有财有势的人趋奉,对无财无势的人歧视的恶劣作风:势利眼|势利小人。...
2、日记:日记读音为rì jì,是指汉刘向《新序.杂事一》:“司君之过而书之,日有记也”。后称每天记事的本子或每天所遇到的和所做的事情的记录为“日记”。日记 rì jì词语意思:汉刘向《新序.杂事一》:“司君之过而书之,日有记也”。后称每天记事的本子或每天所遇到的和所做的事情的记录为“日记”。分词解释:刘向:(约前77—前6) 本名更生,字子政,西汉沛(现在江苏省沛县)人,经学家、目录学家、文学家,著有《新序》、《说苑》等。事情:1.事物的真相;实情。 2.事理人情。 3.人类生活中的一切活动和所遇到的一切社会现象。 4.犹工作,职业。记事:①把事情记录下来:记事册。②记述历史经过。杂事:1.名类事情。 2.琐碎事务。 3.知杂事之省称。...日记怎么造句,用日记造句»
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