
时间:2022-07-25 13:22:31 | 来源:语文通



"Please vote for Cao Zhangqi's classmates to raise your hands!" Mr. Zhang's order, the classmates tightened the nerves-I did not expect that the students who raised their hands like salt-alkali land were like salt-alkali landThe seedlings -thin.I set up a lot of God, less than ten votes."Hehe" I laughed in my heart, thinking that I would win.


Sure enough, I didn't expect it. The classmates who voted for my vote were really a monk knocking the wooden fish — Dok, Dauru, and (many)! Then look at the next Li Jiarun. When he saw the situation, he must have greeted the wind and quickly abstained.


Election, Wang Zhenzhen!



After I went to the brigade department to ask, I learned that the application required a physical exercise manual.During the long -distance running in the morning, Mr. Zhang called me out of the team, with a little mystery, and quietly led me to the sports office.


"Ah! There are so many!" I looked at the exercise manual full of two large boxes, and couldn't help screaming."More than two thousand books, what should I do?" There was no way. For the sake of three good students, I would be a "book and mouse"!


I moved the handbook stack and stack it out. In a blink of an eye, 15 minutes passed.Not to mention my own manual, even the manuals of other classmates in our class are not a little shadow.


"Teacher Zhang told me to help you!" The voice was like the savior. I gently raised my head -it was the monitor Yang Kailiang! With the helper, my morale also increased a lot.I have found a few manuals of my own class."Boom!" Many classmates came to help, and the sports office was suddenly noisy -but it was only temporary. As soon as the class bell rang, we completed the task.



1、风波:风波读音为fēng bō,是指比喻纠纷或乱子:一场风波ㄧ平地风波ㄧ政治风波。风波 fēng bō词语意思:比喻纠纷或乱子:一场风波ㄧ平地风波ㄧ政治风波。分词解释:政治:阶级、政党、民族、国家内部及其相互之间的关系。是经济的集中表现。建立在经济基础之上,又为经济基础服务。当社会上存在着阶级的时候,突出表现为敌对阶级之间的斗争。其核心问题是政权问题,包括夺取政权和巩固政权两个方面。平地风波:平地上起风浪。比喻突然发生意料不到的纠纷或事故。...风波怎么造句,用风波造句»