亲爱的小杨同学 :
Dear Xiaoyang classmate:
你好 !
Hello !
收到我的信,你应该会很开心吧!因为我们也有很久没见了,你还记得我们二年级时,我被一位同学弄哭了,你赶紧跑过来安慰我说:“昊瀚,你别哭了,我给你一杯牛奶,好不好,别哭了 。”我感动不已,那一次,让我终身都不会忘记 。
You should be very happy to receive my letter! Because we have n’t seen it for a long time, you still remember that when we were in the second grade, I was crying by a classmate.Don't cry, I'll give you a glass of milk, okay, don't cry. "I was moved, and that time, I would never forget it for life.
还记得有一次,我不舒服,你赶紧扶着我来到医务室,医生检查后说:“同学,一早上没吃饭吧!”我点点头,要不是你,我还不知道我犯了 低血糖,之后你还带我去找李老师 ,给我买来了早餐,帮我补充能量,我也慢慢好了起来,我内心真的特别感激您。
I still remember that I was uncomfortable. You hurriedly helped me to the medical room. After the doctor's examination, the doctor said, "Classmate, don't eat in the morning!" I nodded, if it wasn't for you, I don’t know if I have committed low.Blood sugar, then you took me to Teacher Li, bought me breakfast, and helped me supplement energy. I also slowly got better. I really appreciate you.
之后你就转走了,我很难过。你现在在别的学校过的还好吗?你的老师和蔼吗?你的新同学对你好吗?我希望你的老师很和蔼,新同学对你也非常好,我真的很想你 。我再跟你分享一下我的老师教作文的方法,开头要点题,概括二三四段的内容,再点评,二三四段必须要有中心句,其他的都和我们以前的差不多,还有结尾结尾要总结扣题、拔高。你的语文老师是这样教的吗?有好的方法和经验可以分享给我吗?
After you turned away, I was sad.Are you doing well in other schools now? Is your teacher kind? Can your new classmate treat you well? I hope your teacher is very kind, and the new classmates are very good to you. I really miss you.I will share with you the method of teaching composition with you. At the beginning, point questions, summarize the contents of the second and third and fourth paragraphs, and review again.At the end of the end, summarize the deduction questions and high.Does your Chinese teacher teach this way? Can you share it with good methods and experience?
天天开心,好好学习 !
Happy every day, study hard!
Your classmate: Xie Haohan
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