
时间:2022-09-23 13:19:48 | 来源:语文通



难忘的六一儿童节作文 篇1难忘的六一儿童节作文 篇2难忘的六一儿童节作文 篇3难忘六一儿童节作文 篇4难忘的六一儿童节作文 篇5难忘六一儿童节作文 篇6难忘的六一儿童节作文400字 篇7难忘的六一儿童节作文 篇8难忘的六一儿童节作文 篇9难忘的六一儿童节作文 篇10

难忘的六一儿童节作文 篇1


This is the "June 1" festival of our children, and we have to spend it happily.


On the day of the "June 1st" festival, my father took me to Xiaomisha.The vast sea is beautiful!


There are many people, as if there are more children.


Dad swims in the sea.I picked up the shell on the beach. If I was lucky, I expected to pick up a beautiful shell.There are many children playing on the beach, some use a small shovel to shovel sand, dig crabs hiding in sand, and several boys are piled the castle.Others buried themselves in the sand.More people bask on the beach.Those who can't swim, playing water on the beach, splashing water on each other.It's so fun!


One of the wishes of the "June 1st" section, I want my dad to take me to eat pizza. There are sausages, green peppers, beef ... many ingredients in the pizza, and the layer outside is a flat bread, but it is different from other bread., Crispy and fragrant.I also want Dad to take me to eat KFC, there are chicken wings, fries, ice cream, and so on.


"June 1st" festival, Dad gave me a gift.I hope it is a book I like, because I like to read the book the most. Reading makes me smarter and knowledgeable.


I like the "June 1st" very much, because this festival brings me a lot of different happiness!

难忘的六一儿童节作文 篇2


Today is Children's Day, which belongs to our own festival. Today we do n’t need to go to school, we can enjoy our own festival.


In the morning, my mother said to me, "Take me to eat a buffet at noon today." I was very happy to hear. If I was not at home at this time, but downstairs, I would like to jump downstairs toupstairs.Because I was so excited, I couldn't wait to manage the time and let the clocks rotate quickly. In this way, it will be noon immediately.


However, the time passed slowly. I waited for a long time before ten o'clock. There was no way. I could only read a while.After watching it for a while, it was 11 o'clock, and my mother and I set off.Here, I glanced at its appearance, which is very gorgeous. Above the door, a few very large words are written: Han Lixuan Barbecue Supermarket. Under the sun, these words are shining and glowing.It is a bit unclear.


After entering, I really do n’t know. When I look at the next jump, there are people who are full of people.After waiting for a long time, I came to us. When I entered, I saw that there were a lot of things in it, there were barbecue, burgers, fish, fries ...


When my mother is here, I go to get some meat and drinks, as well as pastries.This grilled meat is so delicious. We have all eaten so much and we are not full.Later, I went to get a little Si Si, and it was not delicious after trying it.


I was almost eaten. I went to pick up two cups of coffee. It happened that we had a cup of one. We were full, but I saw the two people on the opposite side. They were still eating earlier than us.eating.We are really ashamed!


This buffet is really delicious, and it is also unforgettable!

难忘的六一儿童节作文 篇3


Tomorrow is the "June 1st" festival!The little monkey said to his father: "Dad, the children will have a holiday tomorrow, and our animals will have a happy holiday." The monkey father said, "This idea is very good, I will notify everyone when I see it.Preparation. "After that, the monkey dad told everyone to have a meeting. To everyone," friends, tomorrow is the festival of children, we all have a happy holiday! "Very in favor.The father of Yang said, "Let's hold a sports meeting to celebrate the" June 1 "festival, and go to the middle of the forest!" Everyone said, "OK".


One day passed, and the "June 1st" festival came. The animals arrived there. The father of the sheep picked a few players, including little turtles, bunny, little squirrels, etc. They all liked to run.Daddy sheep produced: "Who ran to the big pine tree in front, even if he won. Just hearing a" bang "sounded, they started running. The audience shouted:" Come on, come on ... ", the little rabbitRunning, I saw the little squirrel running very slowly. So, it said to himself, "Anyway, they all run very slowly. I simply sleep for a while."He fell asleep. The animals behind caught up, but the little rabbit hadn't woke up yet. The little squirrel ran to the first, and the audience shouted hard:" Come on, the little squirrels, the little squirrels, come on ... "ThisEncouraging the sound to wake up the little rabbit. It woke up and saw, "Ah, the little squirrel is about to run to the end."The little rabbit ran away, but the little squirrel had run over the end. The little rabbit regretted his head regretted. It thought:" I must change the past, and I will never do that anymore in the future."The little friends spent the" June 1 "happily.

难忘六一儿童节作文 篇4


"June 1st" is a child's festival, of course, it is my happiest day.


On Friday (June 1st), we will hold the June 1st Party at our class, where the location is at Hongfeng Hotel.Entering at 3:30.


I thought I could spend the morning very happy, and I spent a boring morning and it was easy to get in the afternoon. It's time to attend the party.


At the venue, Ye Ziru rushed over to me and yelled, "Chen Yifan, we are all forced to make up! For fairness, you can go to Yang Le Miao's mother to line up, I am waiting for you to make up!"


"Hey ..." I didn't wait for me to speak Ye Ziru like the wind!"Damn, I have to make up!" I secretly complained.


Suddenly, the host's voice rang from the stage, and the conference began.


"The first show, through history, performers: Chen Ru, Zhou Yuting ..." The host reported.With the applause, they went to the stage.


Many programs in the middle I have omitted ...


Chinese Mathematics Teacher Li sang a song because of love. Although it is a child's festival, Mr. Li Li also celebrated the Chinese Mathematics. The singing voice is so nice. The original Chinese mathematics Teacher Li is a "underground singer"!


There are a few musical instruments, which is very pleasant ...


You can eat it!Everyone scrambled to push me squeezed. Fortunately, everyone is very fast, and soon everyone "returns".


After dinner, K song began. Teacher Li sang the popular chrysanthemum platform: "Chrysanthemum platform, full of ground injuries, your smile is yellow ..." Lishelly, we also beat with palms.


Parents who are "hidden" danced with impromptu dance: stepping up, causing applause!


There are many children's shoes enthusiastically registered, and the singing is full of the entire venue!


This time, June 1st is not only happy, but also very powerful.

难忘的六一儿童节作文 篇5


Today, the school will hold the "June 1" Children's Day celebration.Early in the morning, we came to school with a clean school uniform with excitement.


After the teacher shot his hands and hats, our neat team came to the large playground to prepare to watch the show.


The performance began, and the classmates took out the programs that were usually prepared carefully to show their artistic dreams, technology dreams, and talents.The dancing class classmates flies in the flowers like a beautiful butterfly.


In the end, when we put the rocket, we covered our ears, and the rocket flew into the sky for several seconds. After the explosion, the colorful parachutes of the colorful and sixteen were slowly drifted down, beautiful.


Today, I am very happy.What an unforgettable, Liuyi Children's Day in 20xx!

难忘六一儿童节作文 篇6


One day, I was in school, and I heard my classmates said, "Today is Children's Day. I am very happy. In the afternoon, our school held a program of Children's Day. Below, Director Yang said: "Basketball courts, living areas, and playgrounds all have programs. The gymnasium is grade 4, five, and six programs. I looked at the watch. There were twelve programs. Suddenly many students ran to the living area and basketball court. It turned out that the students went to the circle. Drinks, there are guessing riddles in the basketball court. Later, I guessed one and told her the number of guessing the riddles. As soon as I went there, I said, "It's a cock, I guessed it, it turned out that it was really a rooster. I still know that number is the 99th. I waited for a while. The old man wearing a red hat came out. He came out on the door of the second floor and took it down. Many candy, he lost the candy, the classmates immediately ran over, and I ran to the circle. I set a bottle of winter melon to come out of tea. sweet.

然后我到生活区那里,有的把木筷子举高丢进玻璃瓶里面,我就试了试,一次过就丢进玻璃瓶里面了,同学们都说:”你很厉害呀!一次过就能丢进瓶子里,丢了一会儿,我又去了贴鼻子,我戴着看不到的潜水眼镜来走,忽然我们班的同学来到我后面,就说给我听往哪边走,一贴,就把鼻子贴到了黑板的鼻子里,然后我去了走脚硬那里,排-作文迷§www..cn 了一会,我就戴了放大镜,走了两个脚硬我就输了,这就是我最难忘的六一儿童节。

Then I went to the life area, and some of them threw the wooden chopsticks into the glass bottle, and I tried it, and I threw it into the glass bottle in once. The classmates said, "You are very good!I could throw it into the bottle and lost it for a while. I went to stick my nose again. I wore the diving glasses I could not see. Suddenly, my classmates in our class came to me and said where to go to me.Post, I put my nose in the nose of the blackboard, and then I went to the feet to hard, and the composition fans §www..cn for a while. I wore a magnifying glass.This is my most memorable Liuyi Children's Day.

难忘的六一儿童节作文400字 篇7


In the morning, the girls in our dormitory began to discuss.Discuss what to play today, what movies to watch at night, what sketch ... yes, today is the festival of children all over the world -Liuyi Children's Day.


After the sculpting washed, we lined up into the classroom.Look, there is only one topic for everyone to discuss -various activities of June 1.At this time, Teacher Zhang came in and said, "Today, Teacher Feng has something to go home, I'll bring class!" We disappointed with each other. Without Teacher Feng, it seemed that it was missing something.However, this mood was quickly infected by today's atmosphere and gradually diluted.After that, we had breakfast, and the principal announced the beginning of the June 1st tour, and we started to "spread" on campus early.I observed that the game in our class is Ling Bo micro -step, the rules are to follow the drawing footprints, and they have to pick up sand bags in the middle. Whoever arrives first can win a lot of vouchers.After that, I observed the game in Class 10, and the game in their class was to grab a stool, which was also very interesting.Unconsciously, at time, each of us turned to many "babies", the large line lined up, and the "full load" walked towards the classroom.


After three classes in the afternoon, we lined up for dinner.After dinner, we watched the teachers and students that everyone brought to us, and then watched the Disney movie- "Crazy Animal City".


It's really unforgettable today!

难忘的六一儿童节作文 篇8


Today is "Six. One" International Children's Day, the common festival of children around the world.


In the morning, we came to the school with the festival's costumes, and when we arrived happily, when we arrived at the school gate, I heard the drum team playing the young pioneer team song.When I walked into the school gate, I saw that the playground was full of classmates. They said and laughed. They were talking about today's show.Some say that they will be wonderful, some say that they look better than last year, and some say that this year may be more interesting and meaningful.


I moved my stool to the playground and waited for the beginning of the conference. At the moment of waiting, I suddenly remembered those children in the South League. Are they able to sit in the classroom like us?How about Children's Day?Of course, because NATO, headed by the United States, has carried out the crazy bombardment of their motherland for nearly two months, making them homeless, becoming refugees, and countless innocent children were killed.Therefore, I hope that NATO will stop the bombing of the South League as soon as possible, and return to the people of Yugoslavia a peaceful holiday, and the Yugoslavs children have a happy holiday, so that those young and small friends in the artillery can spend this wonderful time like us.Century needs peace, and our children need peace more.


Thinking about it, I remembered the children in the remote mountains and poor mountainous areas. Because of poverty, they couldn't even read books, and they couldn't go to the class. There was no need to say a happy life.Compared with them, I feel very lucky and very happy.I have a warm home, a beautiful school, a teacher worthy of respect, a friend and neighbor children who are friendly. What are the reasons for not studying well?


Seeing the high -pioneer team flags that fluttered on the stage, it reminded me that today's happy life is hard to come, and countless revolutionary martyrs are exchanged for life and blood.Therefore, I must cherish today's good life, study hard, master more consists, and work hard to serve the motherland in the future, and build the motherland to be stronger and beautiful.

难忘的六一儿童节作文 篇9


Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like shuttle.In a blink of an eye, it was almost Children's Day.Today, in order to celebrate the celebration of the festivals for students, the school specially held a performance party for the "Celebration Six · One Literature and Art Performance" for us, allowing us to spend a happy and unforgettable Children's Day.


First of all, the leaders of our school wishes the students a happy holiday. Then, when the principal announced the official start of the "Celebration Six One Literature and Art Show", some students in the golden performance suit went to the stage.After looking at the drum on the stage, I understood.It turned out that they performed drums on stage.I disagreed, I wanted to talk to the classmates next to me.However, my eyes turned involuntarily to the stage and looked at them in surprise.Their drum sound is too loud and neat!It really feels like a strong mountain and rivers!


After a few more shows, I went to our class dance.I looked seriously.When the music sounded, the female classmates smiled and looked at the music with a smile.So serious, so meticulous.


Looking at them, I couldn't help thinking of their usual hard training.When we are sitting in the classroom and watching movies, they are practicing; when we are sitting at home and watching TV, they are practicing; when we are playing on the playground, they are still practicingWell, it is definitely not accidental, but an inevitable result. They are usually working hard and persistently!My heart couldn't help but respect them.


When all the shows were about to perform, there were four drums on the stage.After a while, the familiar melody sounded, it was against the battle!Those classmates knocked on the drums, and the audience was boiling.Everyone followed the rhythm and sang against the battle loudly. I felt that the ground under my feet was shaking!


This is the last June and One Children's Day for me, I am no longer a child.One inch of time and one inch of gold, the inch gold is difficult to buy inch.So, from now on, I want to cherish time, study hard, and go up every day!

难忘的六一儿童节作文 篇10


It is the annual "June 1" festival.In the morning, I came to school cheerfully.


I just walked into the classroom, and there was a cheered laughter.I saw my classmates wearing beautiful clothes.Then we held the award conference at the playground. After the award was issued, we went to the park tour.I go to the "sticking nose" first, and there are so many people participating in "sticking nose", we are crowded.I watched with a laugh at the back.Some put their noses on their ears, and some put my nose on my eyes ... It was time to go to me. I was very excited.


Teacher Chen covered my eyes with a red scarf. I picked up my nose and posted it. I opened my eyes and saw, "Ha! Post it!" I jumped happily.Then I participated in games, pearls and other games.After participating, I also got a lot of prizes, and I returned.I reluctantly left the school.I think this is really an unforgettable "June 1" festival.