
时间:2022-11-17 12:49:12 | 来源:语文通



小学生暑假日记 篇1小学生暑假日记 篇2小学生暑假日记大全 篇3小学生暑假周记 篇4小学生暑假周记 篇5小学生暑假周记 篇6

小学生暑假日记 篇1


Just after the exam, it was the most relaxing two days. Because there was no homework, I wanted to have a good time!


That day, I went out to play with my good friend Jiang... All of a sudden, we saw a fashionable pretty girl with her hair dyed waxy yellow and then rolled in circles, with a small hair clip pinned to the right side of her head, sunglasses and a denim miniskirt... Wow! It's so beautiful! It's perfect!

我们看得眼都直了,两人对视了一下,不约而同的吐出两个字:“跟踪!”为了不引起她的注意,我们一下装吵架,一下装和好,引起了周围人群,我们怪不好 www..cn 意思的。走着走着,姜突发奇想:“会不会她拐我们去卖呢?”我怪声怪气的说;“这个地方有多大,你已经在这里生活五年了啊,你不拐她去卖她是拐不了你的,知道吗?”

We looked straight. They looked at each other for a while and said, "Follow!" In order not to attract her attention, we pretended to quarrel, pretended to be friendly, and attracted the surrounding people. We blame WWW.. CN. As he walked, Jiang suddenly wondered, "Will she kidnap us to sell?" I said in a strange voice; "How big is this place? You have lived here for five years. You can't abduct you without abducting her to sell her, you know?"


I saw a beautiful woman walk into a house, and we all want to know what she went in for, whether it was a date, or...... In this way, I followed her as if I was fascinated. Jiang pulled me back with all his strength, and I was still confused. She pointed to the door sign - decoration! Alas, I actually followed others into their work units. Ha, I'm really dizzy!


I also have to thank Jiang. If she hadn't pulled me back, I would have been told yes. Jiang said, "I think you are possessed. I took a lot of effort to pull you back. You should thank me..."

小学生暑假日记 篇2

20xx年X月X日 星期X 晴






小学生暑假日记大全 篇3


Today, the teacher asked us to do an experiment to make bean sprouts. After school, I returned home in the morning with great enthusiasm, prepared a box, and said to my mother: "Mom, the teacher asked us to make soybean sprouts, to see how soybean sprouts become bean sprouts, let's go and buy soybean." Mom said, "OK." We went to the supermarket and bought a bunch of soybeans. I put them in a box and added some water.


The next day, after drinking enough water, the soybeans became plump and cute. After a few days, soybean grinned. A thin bud grew. Look, the little soybean is fat, green and crooked, with a big white belly. It looks like big pearls. A few days later, Little Soybean took off his "clothes", and the green shoots grew. How lovely they are.

小学生暑假周记 篇4


In a twinkling of an eye, this beautiful semester is about to pass. It is the most gratifying thing for our children to enter the summer vacation. In the summer vacation, I have my own free time. I don't need to wake up early by the alarm clock, but leave my beloved bed drowsily and start preparing for school


This year's summer vacation life mother let me make my own arrangements. I hope I can make a summer vacation plan, make good use of the summer vacation time, and have a happy and meaningful summer vacation. Excellent! I jumped and jumped happily because I used to spend my summer vacation in all kinds of training classes my mother signed up for me. I seldom took me out to play. It was so boring. How can I arrange this summer vacation? I think the whole family can mobilize to travel together this summer vacation, to see the beautiful scenery of nature, to see a great country, to see the strange people and things around, and to understand the customs of different places; I would like to participate in several social collective activities such as small journalists to cultivate my independence, innovative thinking and team spirit to meet new friends; I want to read more good books and movies to broaden my vision and cultivate my sentiment; I want to go to Fangte Phase III and Phase IV Water Park to play, challenge my courage and courage, and cheer with speed and passion! I think I have time to study hard this summer vacation, review the past and learn new skills; I also want to


The pleasant bell startled me. It was almost school time. I happily picked up my schoolbag and told my mother that I had a plan for the summer vacation. In short, I had many dreams waiting for me to realize this summer vacation. My summer vacation was my decision!

小学生暑假周记 篇5


Summer vacation is coming. My father takes me to learn swimming.


On July 10, I came here to swim. First, I went to the changing room to change my clothes. Then, when the coach whistled, the big sisters came one by one to teach us how to swim. We swam one by one and learned to swim by ourselves. Time passed so quickly that the bell rang soon.


After class, we went to the dressing room one by one to change clothes, and then all of us went home. This was my time to learn swimming. I was so happy.

小学生暑假周记 篇6


The end of the final exam means the summer vacation is coming. My mother promised that she would take me to the amusement park after the exam, so we decided to go to Changzhou Dinosaur Park. On the afternoon of June 24, we took a popular bag on the train to Changzhou. After several hours, we finally arrived at our destination, Changzhou. So we had a night rest in the hotel in Changzhou, so that we could have enough spirit to go to the amusement park to play happily the next day.


The next day we got up early, had breakfast, and then we went to the China Dinosaur Park. This is really a very big amusement park. There are signs of dinosaurs everywhere. It seems that we have really come to the world of dinosaurs. The whole amusement park can see the figures of dinosaurs. I am most impressed by the passing of the Jurassic Period. We will sit in a small boat and slowly enter a very big cave with the flowing water. The figures of dinosaurs can be seen everywhere in the cave. They are very lifelike, as if they were real. Of course, where there is water, there will be aquatic dinosaurs, that is, Mamenxi dragon with long neck. Its neck is really long. There are many dinosaur eggs and baby dinosaurs in the cave, and they can make noises. Then our boat went up a hillside slowly until we reached the top. My mother and I grabbed the handle and rushed down from the top with a crash. At that moment, my mother and I seemed to jump out of our hearts, which was very exciting


China Dinosaur Park is really fun and meaningful. I can learn a lot about dinosaurs. I had a very happy day.