1. 格雷丝变得异常严肃起来。
1. Grace became very serious.
2. 房间里的人表情都很严肃。
2. People in the room are very serious.
3. 这位上校和平常一样严肃。
3. The colonel was as serious as usual.
4. 男人朝他严肃地点着头。
4. The man nodded seriously at him.
5. 我的谢绝完全是严肃的。
5. My refusal is completely serious.
6. 喜剧是世界上最严肃的行业。
6. Comedy is the most serious industry in the world.
7. 她总是很严肃,很严格。
7. She is always serious and strict.
8. 评论的范围既广泛而又严肃。
8. The scope of the comments is broad and serious.
9. 他的表情转变为严肃的沉思。
9. His expression changed into serious meditation.
10. 现在他了解我是严肃认真的。
10. Now he understands that I am serious.
1.(令人敬畏) serious; solemn; earnest
Solemn, solemn, quiet, solemn, calm, quiet, dignified, solemn, dignified, solemn, strict, dignified, stable, severe, severe
(1).庄敬;庄重;使人感到敬畏。《吕氏春秋·尊师》:“和颜色,审辞令;疾趋翔,必严肃。”《晋书·苻坚载记下》:“ 窴 等观其宫宇壮丽,仪卫严肃,甚惧。” 宋 王谠 《唐语林·补遗三》:“初,夫人孀居,犹纔未中年,贞干严肃,姻族敬惮。” 明 王廷相 《慎言·潜心》:“整齐严肃,正衣冠,尊瞻视,以一其外。” 老舍 《二马》第三段三:“丈夫、女儿、儿子全鸦雀无声,屋子里比法庭还严肃一些。”
(1). Zhuang Jing; solemn It is awe inspiring. The Spring and Autumn Annals of the Lv Clan - Respect for Teachers: "Harmony with color is the way to judge words; speed to the sky is the way to be serious." The Book of Jin - Fu Jian Zai (Records of Fu Jian Zai): "When I saw the magnificent palace, I was very serious and scared." The Third Supplement to Tang Yulin by the Communist Party of the Song Dynasty: "At the beginning, the wife lived alone, still young, honest and serious, and the married people respected and feared." The Ming Dynasty's Wang Tingxiang's "Cautiousness": "Be neat and serious, dress well, and look with respect." The third paragraph of Lao She's Two Horses: "The husband, daughter and son are all silent, and the room is more serious than the court."
(2).谓严谨而有法度。《北史·宇文护传》:“ 文帝 诸子并幼,遂委以家务,内外无不严肃。” 宋 周煇 《清波别志》卷中:“常日备御严肃,虽天子至,亦执军礼见。”《儿女英雄传》第二三回:“﹝ 安公子 ﹞看了看家中风景依然,只一个 张进寳 管了个内外严肃。”
(2). It means strict and lawful. The Northern History · The Biography of Yuwen Protection: "Emperor Wen, all his sons were young, so he entrusted housework, both inside and outside, to be serious." In the volume of "Qingbo Farewell Annals" written by Song Zhouwei, "The emperor is always prepared and serious. Although the Son of Heaven arrives, he also conducts military ceremonies." The second and third chapters of Biography of Heroes of Children: "(Young Master An) still sees the scenery at home, and only one Zhang Jinbao takes care of both inside and outside seriously."
(3).谓作风、态度等严格;郑重;认真。 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·冷生》:“后值某学使规矩严肃,终日危坐堂上。” 魏巍 《壮行集·幸福的花为勇士而开》:“你既已踏上了人生的道路,你就要严肃地考虑你究竟是抱着什么样的生活目的。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第一部七:“他看她做事体那样严肃认真,那一双灵巧的手把草棚棚收拾得整整齐齐。”
(3). It means strict style and attitude; Solemnly; Seriously. Pu Songling of the Qing Dynasty, "Strange Stories from a Liaozhai · Lengsheng", said: "Later, I was on duty to make the rules serious, and I would sit in the hall all day long." Wei Wei's Collection of Heroes, Flowers of Happiness Bloom for Warriors: "Now that you have embarked on the road of life, you should seriously consider what kind of life purpose you are holding." Zhou Erfu, "Morning in Shanghai", Part I, Part VII: "He saw her doing things so seriously, and her dexterous hands kept the straw shed neat."
◎ 严肃 yánsù
(1) [strict;serious;solemn;earnest]∶令人敬畏
(2) [earnest;grave]∶认真
◎ 严肃 yánsù
[make strict] 使严格
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