
时间:2022-08-30 13:25:49 | 来源:语文通

1銆?a href='/tag/2064/' target='_blank' class='showtag'>鎰忓涓殑鎰忓-鍏充簬鎰忓浣滄枃500瀛?/a>


Today is Friday. The school's class was just finished. After returning home, my mobile phone received a message: Brother, Brother Zhou Tian asked you to "describe his heartbroken".Your cutest brother!I was very happy after reading it, but I don't know the wonderful story behind this news ...


I can see my brother on Sunday!It has been a month after seeing him last time, my brother!Because the relationship was very iron, he asked me to go out to meet and give up the weekend and I would definitely go to the appointment.


Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like shuttle.On Sunday, I went to my destination to surprise my brother early in the morning, but my brother came earlier than me.When he saw me, he said excitedly, "Brother! Do you know what I have experienced recently? I actually helped the police to let a scammer change the evil!" Looking at his excited expression, dancing his body, almost shocked.My chin.My second monk couldn't touch my mind, which aroused great interest.


Listening to my brother slowly, my brother recently received a fraud phone call, saying that as long as you pay 100 yuan, you can get a iPhone phone.My brother hung up without saying much.


But the phone came over again, or the same number, my brother was finally impatient and asked him why he wanted to cheat money?The man said, "His mother is sick, and he can pay medical expenses at 400 yuan." My brother transferred 600 yuan for him and asked him to surrender.The next day, the news was reported to the matter, and it was said that because it was a first offenders and the amount was not large, the attitude of admitting the mistake was very good to be detained for 30 days.My brother couldn't get curious to go to the hospital and found that what the fraud phone said was true. The mother of the scammer was really in the hospital.My brother was completely shocked!My brother squinted and silent after telling me.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssence



Today, the sun is bright, and my friend and I go to the mountain park to climb the mountain.There are thin and long vines on both sides of the mountain road, like snakes wrapped around the branches.I chopped some with an ax and planned to make a basket.Some vines have grown big bags. I want to cut off the "bag", chopped it, and suddenly, a piece of bug fell out of the "bag", which scared me.


The small bug is pale yellow, similar to the same as the edamame, and there is a row of small yellow dots on both sides of the body.The head of the little bug is black, like a black sesame, and six short and thin legs under the body.I think it should live in the "bag".Sure enough, I found his shell in the "bag".I found some vines with "bags" again, and there were olive -shaped worm shells. The bugs were curled up in the shell and motionless, sleeping right!


I caught five small bugs and took it home in the box, hoping that they would become beautiful butterflies in spring.


I was surprised by this unexpected discovery.


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Copyright works, without written authorization of "Composition Network", are strictly forbidden to reprint, and offenders will be investigated for legal responsibilities.



It's early.The sky was a little gray, the gray was a little annoyed, a bit blue, and the blue was surprising.In this morning, I went out and went to school.

It's early.The sky was a little gray, the gray was a little annoyed, a bit blue, and the blue was surprising.In this morning, I went out and went to school.


Dragging on the pace of sleeping, walking in the flat street view, as usual, the pace was plainly, and the plain equation was calculated blandly.A car rushing to live, one by one waiting for the bus, noodles without blood, so that the city was filled with suffocating air everywhere.The breath that couldn't get rid of the breath stunned me heavy, making my footsteps heavier.

Dragging on the pace of sleeping, walking in the flat street view, as usual, the pace was plainly, and the plain equation was calculated blandly.A car rushing to live, one by one waiting for the bus, noodles without blood, so that the city was filled with suffocating air everywhere.The breath that couldn't get rid of the breath stunned me heavy, making my footsteps heavier.


Step into the campus, pass through the corridor, and put down the schoolbag as usual, and go to my outer scan area with a cleaning tool.Just when I lowered my head and crossed the classroom, Bailou Weng's clear and pleasant bird could not help but let me look up to find its trace -seeing it stopped on a cherry tree inlaid with pink petals.There were small and exquisite cherry blossoms on the trees. Bai Taung stood on the branches and crooked his head. He looked around for a while, as if to remind me of the existence of this beautiful scenery.It's right.

Step into the campus, pass through the corridor, and put down the schoolbag as usual, and go to my outer scan area with a cleaning tool.Just when I lowered my head and crossed the classroom, Bailou Weng's clear and pleasant bird could not help but let me look up to find its trace -seeing it stopped on a cherry tree inlaid with pink petals.There were small and exquisite cherry blossoms on the trees. Bai Taung stood on the branches and crooked his head. He looked around for a while, as if to remind me of the existence of this beautiful scenery.It's right.


I was convinced of the scenery in front of me, and suddenly I forgot the formula that I just calculated, forgot the test papers that I had to complete, forgot the rushing street in the morning, focusing on the sweet air between the cherry trees, and focused onFeel the jumping and surprise blooming in your heart.It turns out that there is such a beautiful tree in front of the Academic Affairs Office!I found out that the spring was hovering beside us between our hasty exams.This cherry tree is the messenger of the newspaper. He is embellished with the hearts of all candidates on the campus with surprise, waiting for a heart to look forward to life to notice its beautiful existence.I stood quietly under the pink sky, quiet, delicate, and tasted unexpected surprises in this life.

I was convinced of the scenery in front of me, and suddenly I forgot the formula that I just calculated, forgot the test papers that I had to complete, forgot the rushing street in the morning, focusing on the sweet air between the cherry trees, and focused onFeel the jumping and surprise blooming in your heart.It turns out that there is such a beautiful tree in front of the Academic Affairs Office!I found out that the spring was hovering beside us between our hasty exams.This cherry tree is the messenger of the newspaper. He is embellished with the hearts of all candidates on the campus with surprise, waiting for a heart to look forward to life to notice its beautiful existence.I stood quietly under the pink sky, quiet, delicate, and tasted unexpected surprises in this life.


After finishing the cleaning work, I stepped briskly and took a cherry blossom picked up on the ground, and returned to the classroom to open the lecture.The same thing is that we still have to live a busy and busy life. The difference is that we have the right to meet with an anticipated heart to meet the surprise of ambush in life.

After finishing the cleaning work, I stepped briskly and took a cherry blossom picked up on the ground, and returned to the classroom to open the lecture.The same thing is that we still have to live a busy and busy life. The difference is that we have the right to meet with an anticipated heart to meet the surprise of ambush in life.



The sun is about to go down the mountain. I looked at the beautiful sunset and groaned: "A disabled sun is paved with the water, and the half of the river is red."


At this time, a sound sounded from me and broke this tranquility. It turned out that my belly was complaining! My mother also told me to eat. I said, "Don't worry about your belly, Yuhao must eat you."I walked towards the table.


The first time: accidental plot -shattered bowl


I just walked towards the dining table, made some dishes, and eaten, so delicious! My eyes looked at Coca -Cola in the corner, and said to my mother, "I want to drink, mother."When I was fierce, I was afraid that I would break the rice bowl, but I would come to what I came. The rice bowl was really broken. My mother criticized me and was really not lucky.


Second time: accidental plot -spray rice


My bowl was broken.The bowl was broken, and the heart was broken. Later, my mother promised to give me a bowl of rice, but the premise was that I couldn't break it. I promised it quickly! It's great, but I guess I am too happy, causing the rice to spray the rice.Go out and spray it into my father's mouth. I am really unfortunate, and my dad stares at me fiercely. It is really sad!


The third time: unexpected scene -Dad falls into the well


Eat meals, and my dad and I went to the park to take a walk, but I couldn't move to half of it. I said to my mother, "I go to the park to take a walk.I jumped over, are I very witty? "Mom said," You are so amazing, this is too dangerous to follow me, but it is still a bit dangerous. "I said," Yes, I heard it, I heard it, I heard it.A voice is shouting to help. I think someone must fall in, because his mobile phone is outside but there is no figure outside. "Mom said," This person is really stupid, not as good as a child, no, your dad is not going with you.Is it? "As soon as I was anxious, my dad may fall, and I ran away.


Life is like this. You never know what will happen the next second, and the accident is unpredictable.

5銆佹湡鐩间腑鐨勬剰澶?璁板彊鏂?a href='/zishu/800zi/' target='_blank' class='showclass'>800瀛?/a>


"Today's moon is really round!" Tie egg said.


Grandpa also sighed: "Yeah--"


Grandpa looked up and looked at the big and round moon -today is Mid -Autumn Festival, the moon is particularly bright, like a white jade plate.The moonlight sprinkled on the open space in front of the house, and the entire yard was bright.


Look at Grandpa's head to look at the moon.After watching it for a long time, for a long time.


Tiean knew that Grandpa was thinking about his parents again. In fact, he also missed his parents, but they worked outside the year and could not see it once a year.


At home, iron eggs and grandpa depend on each other.Grandpa is older and his body is getting worse.Every morning, the iron egg gets up early. He has to make two meals while cooking for Grandpa -stay for Grandpa at noon. He has to wait for Grandpa to eat and take medicine before he can go to school;To make dinner, after two people eat dinner, iron eggs have to wash dishes, wash clothes, sweep the floor ... After doing these, iron eggs will do their homework.Even so, his grades are among the best in the class.


By the weekend, the iron egg will take the grandfather to the hospital in the town to check.Once and one time passed, there was still a lot of housework and waiting for him to do it, as well as homework ... But every time I talked to my parents, I told my parents that he and grandpa were everything.Don't worry.


The day before the Mid -Autumn Festival, Iron Egg took the pocket money he saved every month and went to the town to buy a few moon cakes back.He handed the moon cake to Grandpa and said, "Grandpa, you tasted this moon cake, this is the stuffing of brown candy bean paste, it's delicious!"


Grandpa took the moon cake and took a bite: "Well, this is what your father loves to eat when he was a kid. How good would it be if your father and mother can come back to spend the Mid -Autumn Festival with us!"


The iron egg was silent.


A few days before the Mid -Autumn Festival, he had already passed the phone with his parents, and they agreed to return to the Mid -Autumn Festival.For this reason, Iron Egg also bought a few more moon cakes.But the night before, they suddenly called again, saying that they had to deal with it temporarily, and they might not come back. Wait for the next holiday to come back to see them.The original sun's heart of the iron egg fell the bottom of the valley, not only dark, but also desolate.


The moon has risen and brighter.The bright moonlight was on the iron egg and Grandpa. The iron egg seemed to feel a familiar breath. It was approaching from a distance, getting closer and closer ...


Suddenly, their dogs jumped, and their mouths screamed quickly, and they were turning around.Shaking, I couldn't stop.


"It's my parents back." The iron egg jumped.


The iron egg rushed to the door and opened the door.


"Dad! Mom!" He hugged his parents excitedly.



It's early.The sky was a little gray, the gray was a little annoyed, a bit blue, and the blue was surprising.In this morning, I went out and went to school.

It's early.The sky was a little gray, the gray was a little annoyed, a bit blue, and the blue was surprising.In this morning, I went out and went to school.


Dragging on the pace of sleeping, walking in the flat street view, as usual, the pace was plainly, and the plain equation was calculated blandly.A car rushing to live, one by one waiting for the bus, noodles without blood, so that the city was filled with suffocating air everywhere.The breath that couldn't get rid of the breath stunned me heavy, making my footsteps heavier.

Dragging on the pace of sleeping, walking in the flat street view, as usual, the pace was plainly, and the plain equation was calculated blandly.A car rushing to live, one by one waiting for the bus, noodles without blood, so that the city was filled with suffocating air everywhere.The breath that couldn't get rid of the breath stunned me heavy, making my footsteps heavier.


Step into the campus, pass through the corridor, and put down the schoolbag as usual, and go to my outer scan area with a cleaning tool.Just when I lowered my head and crossed the classroom, Bailou Weng's clear and pleasant bird could not help but let me look up to find its trace -seeing it stopped on a cherry tree inlaid with pink petals.There were small and exquisite cherry blossoms on the trees. Bai Taung stood on the branches and crooked his head. He looked around for a while, as if to remind me of the existence of this beautiful scenery.It's right.

Step into the campus, pass through the corridor, and put down the schoolbag as usual, and go to my outer scan area with a cleaning tool.Just when I lowered my head and crossed the classroom, Bailou Weng's clear and pleasant bird could not help but let me look up to find its trace -seeing it stopped on a cherry tree inlaid with pink petals.There were small and exquisite cherry blossoms on the trees. Bai Taung stood on the branches and crooked his head. He looked around for a while, as if to remind me of the existence of this beautiful scenery.It's right.


I was convinced of the scenery in front of me, and suddenly I forgot the formula that I just calculated, forgot the test papers that I had to complete, forgot the rushing street in the morning, focusing on the sweet air between the cherry trees, and focused onFeel the jumping and surprise blooming in your heart.It turns out that there is such a beautiful tree in front of the Academic Affairs Office!I found out that the spring was hovering beside us between our hasty exams.This cherry tree is the messenger of the newspaper. He is embellished with the hearts of all candidates on the campus with surprise, waiting for a heart to look forward to life to notice its beautiful existence.I stood quietly under the pink sky, quiet, delicate, and tasted unexpected surprises in this life.

I was convinced of the scenery in front of me, and suddenly I forgot the formula that I just calculated, forgot the test papers that I had to complete, forgot the rushing street in the morning, focusing on the sweet air between the cherry trees, and focused onFeel the jumping and surprise blooming in your heart.It turns out that there is such a beautiful tree in front of the Academic Affairs Office!I found out that the spring was hovering beside us between our hasty exams.This cherry tree is the messenger of the newspaper. He is embellished with the hearts of all candidates on the campus with surprise, waiting for a heart to look forward to life to notice its beautiful existence.I stood quietly under the pink sky, quiet, delicate, and tasted unexpected surprises in this life.


After finishing the cleaning work, I stepped briskly and took a cherry blossom picked up on the ground, and returned to the classroom to open the lecture.The same thing is that we still have to live a busy and busy life. The difference is that we have the right to meet with an anticipated heart to meet the surprise of ambush in life.

After finishing the cleaning work, I stepped briskly and took a cherry blossom picked up on the ground, and returned to the classroom to open the lecture.The same thing is that we still have to live a busy and busy life. The difference is that we have the right to meet with an anticipated heart to meet the surprise of ambush in life.



We will encounter a lot of accidents in life. It is this accident that makes you dilemma. However, after the accident, what you have gained is lucky companionship.This also needs to be "Sai Weng lost his horse, knowing not to be blessed."

鎴戜竴寮€濮嬪苟涓嶇浉淇′汉浼氭湁鎰忓鐨勬敹鑾凤紝鍥犱负鎴戣寰楅偅浠藉垢杩愭€绘槸绂绘垜寰堣繙寰堣繙锛屾垜鏍规湰鏃犳硶瑙︽墜鍙強锛屼絾鏄偅涓€娆℃敼鍙樹簡鎴戝鎰忓鐨勭湅娉曘€傚湪鎴?宀佺殑鏃跺€欙紝鎴戜笉灏忓績鎵嬭噦楠ㄦ姌锛屽洜涓烘墜鑷傞鎶樻垜鏃犳硶鍙傝鍚勭娲诲姩锛屽彧鑳藉緟鍦ㄥ閲岋紝杩欐椂姝eソ鏈変竴涓嫳璇紨璁叉瘮璧涳紝濡堝榧撳姳鎴戞姤鍚嶅弬鍔狅紝鎴戞棤娉?a href='/ticai/xiangxiang/' target='_blank' class='showclass'>鎯宠薄鎵嬭噦涓婃墦鐫€鐭宠啅鐨勫嚭鐜板湪婕旇鍙颁笂鐨勭獦鐩搞€傚濡堝拰鑰佸笀涓€鍐嶉紦鍔辨垜绉瀬鍙傚姞锛屾垜鐐瑰ご鍚屾剰锛屾垜鏆椾笅鍐冲績鍦ㄧ涓€鍏冲垵璇曟椂鍏堣娣樻卑銆傚綋鎴戞嬁鍒扮瀛愭椂锛岃€佸笀璇达細鈥滃洜涓鸿€冭檻鍒颁綘鎵嬭噦鍙椾激锛屾垜鍜屼綘濡堝鍟嗛噺鍚庯紝鍐冲畾涓轰綘閫変竴鐗囩煭灏忕簿鐐肩殑婕旇绋?/a>锛屼綘鑳岃捣鏉ヤ竴瀹氬緢杞绘澗锛屼笉瑕佹湁澶ぇ鐨勫帇鍔涖€傛瘡娆′笂璇炬椂鏉ョ粰鑰佸笀鑳屼竴涓嬪氨鍙互浜嗐€傗€濇垜寮€濮嬩簡鎴戠殑璁¤皨锛屾垜宸蹭涪绋垮瓙涓哄€熷彛锛屾暦琛嶅濡堬紝鍙槸鍒颁簡绗簩澶╂垜鐨勬瀛愪笂鍙堟湁浜嗕竴浠芥柊鐨勭瀛愩€傚師鏉ュ濡堟棭宸叉妸鑰佸笀鐨勭瀛愬瓨鍦ㄤ簡鐢佃剳閲屻€傚濡堟瘡澶╄鎴戣涓€閬嶇瀛愶紝骞剁敤澶嶈鏈哄綍闊筹紝鍦ㄥ濡堢殑鐩戠潱涓嬫垜鍙兘涔栦箹灏辫寖銆傛垜涓€閬嶉亶鐨勮锛屽ス涓€閬嶉亶鐨勫綍锛屼笉鐭ヤ綍鏃剁瀛愯鎴戣鐨勮秺鏉ヨ秺娴佸埄椤虹晠銆傚綋鏅氫笂鐫¤鏃讹紝濡堝杩樹細鎶婃垜鐨勫綍闊虫斁鍑犻亶銆?/p>

I didn't believe that people would have unexpected gains at first, because I felt that luck was always far away from me, and I couldn't reach it at all, but that time changed my view of unexpectedly. When I was 7 years old, I accidentally fractured my arms, because I couldn't see various activities because I fractured my arm. I could only stay at home. At this time, there was an English speech contest. My mother encouraged me to sign up. The embarrassment of gypsum appears on the podium. My mother and teacher repeatedly encouraged me to actively participate. I nodded and agreed. I secretly determined that it was eliminated first during the first test. When I got the manuscript, the teacher said, "Because of considering that your arm was injured, after discussing your mother, I decided to choose a short and refined speech. You must be very easy to carry and don't have too much pressure. I can memorize my teacher every time I class. "I started my strategy. I had lost the manuscript as an excuse to perfunctory my mother, but the next day, there was another new manuscript on my table. It turned out that the mother had already existed in the teacher's manuscript. My mother asked me to read the manuscript every day and recorded it with a repeat machine. Under the supervision of my mother, I could only obediently. I read it over and over again, and she recorded it over and over again. I don't know when the manuscript was more fluent and smooth. When I was sleeping that night, my mother put my recording several times.


The days of the game are getting closer and closer. The daily repetitive exercises have made me familiar with the manuscript. I thought in my heart that as long as the game was in some situation, the teacher and mother would not blame me.On the day of the game, I appeared in front of everyone on my arms. When I came to power, I kept warning that I had to be unfamiliar.When I opened my mouth, I couldn't stop the words jumping in my mind and blurting out of my mouth.The feeling on the stage is so wonderful!My strategy was frustrated again.As a result, it was surprising and surprised. I actually achieved good results and entered the rematch smoothly.Mom and teacher's face showed a hearty smile.


There are always many accidents in life, but who knows whether it is lucky behind it?


鍒濅腑鍐欎簨鐨勪綔鏂?a href='/zishu/900zi/' target='_blank' class='showclass'>900瀛?/a>锛氱編涓界殑鎰忓

Composition 900 words in junior high school: Beautiful accident


Memories are longer than memory, which one is long?


After a long summer, the wheat secretly pulled the sun.The vows of the ink in the corner, quietly, precipitated.


After leaving, turn around and take away the rain in a city, secretly green in a foreign country.


forward, backward.But never see him again.


I still remember the colorful red, blooming quietly in the middle of the road, like a vivid ink painting.The world was quiet, and the dust was falling. In her eyes, the gray roads, the fate of shuttle, her world, distorted fixation.In his scattered lifeline, memories, discrete; memory, stranding.


The camphor of a whole city began to fluttering in the shaking sun again. The alley in Jiangnan was lazily asleep and refracted to the air, mixed with a hint of desperate blank.If the eye -catching eyes are caught in the air, nothing can be caught.


It feels that he is still there, never left.It's just that his breath is no longer in the air.With the shallow breathing, it has already faded.Is he laughing?The corner of the mouth evokes the arc that is difficult to detect, and the light of the eyes overflows a touch of beauty.Faintly, like his person.Which world, which world, and what kind of satisfaction he has, look at her quietly?


The camphor shakes out of the fragmented youth and the disabled vows, and the shuttles of loneliness in the gap between memories are like a striped notes.


When met, which blue sky was it?The image that was forcibly injected in the eyes, the finely rope jumping gently in his hair, the shallow arc of the mouth of the mouth tickled a unknown youth.The humid rainy season was secretly grown, and she was completely integrated into her hair.


The small aperture of her long hair in the sun reflects an incredible anxiety.She stepped forward and escaped his chase cruelly.Tears kept flowing, and she covered her desperately to prevent sadness from making a sound.


The sharp brake sound, the sound of the body was hit, rushed into her eardrum through countless slight or heavy dust and sunlight.Looking back, gray roads, long brake marks, a tired body in front of the car.He looked at her, and the corner of his mouth was still a shallow smile, quiet, detailed.A large red snow lotus blooms quietly.


Her eyes were in the empty air, and the glory was lost.Memories are more real than memory?


Escape from the world full of disinfection water, the alley was still lively.She slowly looked at something, as if all the activities of the body gathered on a pair of unprecedented eyes.


Green light, standing on the side of the sidewalk, watching the lively soul back and forth quietly.For a long time, I finally stopped.For a while, the squeezed wind was blowing, mixed with the dust of the sky, and the hustle and bustle.


She laughed, seemed to be very ethereal, if there was nothing.Close your eyes and step forward firmly.


On the road, a large and beautiful red snow lotus opened on the road, like a vivid ink painting.She smiled lightly.The satisfaction in the eyes clearly emerged.


A warm rising sun slowly rose.


Meeting you is the happiest beauty. It is the most beautiful accident to meet you again.


Essay of Junior High School 700 words: Beautiful accident


People really don't like the word accident. The word seems to be a nightmare, but there is a beautiful accident that makes me change this idea.


My table was a one -meter six -seven boy. From the day I hit me sitting next to him, I never tranked.He was so moved and broke the seventeen pair of glasses within two years.He loves football, and the school is not allowed to play on the playground. For this reason, he wrote a few more than ten inspections, and he also held the flag of "Do not play" and "marched" on the playground. He heard that heThere are more than a dozen inspections at home, leaving for later.He once "shot" at the door of the classroom, so he "stood" for two months at the head teacher.He eats gum in class and watches "Football Club" in his homework, but all of this requires me to "cover".When you meet such a almost "ten evils" at the same table, you say it is not surprising?


I rarely talk to him, and I almost looked at him almost; I had no time to take care of the teacher, I just hope that one day I know how to know, let me leave this seat that makes me "deeply troubled".


Suddenly one day, he took out an agreement for me to sign, and of course I dismissed this.But at his repeated request, I browsed the content above.He made a promise to "change the evil" and asked me to help him.


This is too unexpected!I think that most of them are the "political class" of the class teacher and the "physical education class" of the parents play a temporary role in him, forcing him to make such a choice!Who knows what transactions are after this agreement?I signed it on it perfunctory and wrote such a paragraph: "If you do the above requirements, then the sun will come out from the west, and the ram will have a lamb. In short, if you do it, I will take the name to the nameWrite down. "


His behavior did converge, but I always thought it was just his restraint.I still speak coldly to him, let alone help, and he just smiled for this.


Time flies, he still loves football, but he is hard to see his healthy figure on the playground, and I have also retreated to the post of "cover".But I don't believe his changes or the facts. What I believe is my forever judgment.


Suddenly one day, I had to admit his change.I thought of my indifferent attitude, my disdainful look, and my cold heart.I accidentally discovered: I lack trust and tolerance for people to do things ...


The result of this beautiful accident is that I started to practice my name ...



I am very happy today, why? Because we are going to sweep the library today! Maybe someone will ask, "What's happy to sweep the ground?" That's because you don't understand.


Library, I dare to be 100 % dirty, because there is a sacred place, the temple of knowledge, and there are many people we go to.You can read a book next time!


We followed Teacher Mao -our classmates joked that he was the descendant of Mao Zedong and came to the library."Wow!" We all shouted, many books! A row of dense bookshelves, neatly arranged, like a series of parallel trains.Each bookshelf is higher than two or three people!


How can we have a mood to scan the floor with such a lingering bookshelf and so many dazzling books? So, I threw the broom on the ground and ran deep into the bookshelf.Teacher Mao didn't say anything and walked into Lin Li's bookshelf.I walked in front of a bookshelf and looked at the book, "Wow!" I yelled, I thought the library had only books about knowledge. I did not expect that there was my favorite "Pipiru Mobilization", "Pipiru"Biography.

杩欐椂锛岃灏旈珮濞冩嬁鐫€涓€鏈功璧板悜姣涜€佸笀锛岄棶锛氣€滄瘺鑰佸笀锛屼负浠€涔堝鏍$殑鍥句功棣嗕細鏈夊叧浜庘€樼埍鈥欑殑涔﹀憿?鈥濊€佸笀鎽囨憞澶达紝璇达細鈥滀綘杩欓兘涓嶆噦锛屸€樼埍鈥欐槸浜虹被鏈€缇庡ソ鐨勬儏鎰熴€傗€濇帴鐫€锛屾瘺鑰佸笀鎸囦簡鎸囪灏旈珮濞冩墜閲屾嬁鐫€鐨勪竴鏈功锛屽憡璇夊ス锛屸€滀綘鎵嬮噷鎷跨殑涔﹀彨銆婄埍鐨勬暀鑲层€嬫槸鎰忓ぇ鍒╀綔瀹跺焹寰楄挋鎵樎峰痉路浜氱背濂戞柉鏍规嵁灏忓鐢熺殑鏃ヨ鏀圭紪鑰屾垚鐨?a href='/ticai/xiaoshuo/' target='_blank' class='showclass'>灏忚锛屼互涓€涓剰澶у埄灏忓鍥涘勾绾х敺瀛╂仼閲岀鐨勭溂鍏夛紝璁茶堪浜嗕粠鍥涘勾绾?0鏈堜唤寮€瀛︾殑绗竴澶╁埌绗簩骞?0鏈堜唤鍦ㄦ牎鍐呭鐨勬墍瑙併€佹墍闂诲拰鎵€鎰燂紝浣滆€呮妸甯堢敓涔嬬埍銆佺埗瀛愪箣鐖便€佸悓瀛︿箣鐖便€佸绁栧浗鐨勭埍鍐欏緱鎰熶汉鑷虫繁锛屽彲浠ヨ鏄竴閮ㄤ紵澶х殑鐖辩殑缁忓吀銆傗€濇瘺鑰佸笀鐨勪竴甯瘽锛岃寰楁垜鏄績椹扮寰€鍟?

At this time, Yuan Er Gaowa took a book towards Teacher Mao and asked, "Teacher Mao, why does the school library have a book about 'love'?" The teacher shook his head and said, "You don't understand this, 'Love' is the most beautiful emotion of human beings. "Then, Mr. Mao pointed out a book held by Yuan Er Gaowa and told her," The book you took in your hand is called "Education of Love".The novel made by the writer Edmonto Demacus based on the diary of the elementary school student, with the eyes of Eriko, the fourth -year boy in Italy elementary school, tells the first day from the fourth grade to the second day to the second to the second to the second.In October, what I saw, heard, and felt inside and outside the school, the author wrote the love of teachers and students, the love of father and son, the love of classmates, and the love of the motherland. It can be said that it is a great classic love classic. "Teacher Mao's words, I said that I was full of heart!


At this time, I don't know who shouted, "Is we here to sweep the floor or read a book?" So, everyone quickly and reluctantly lowered the books in our hands, picked up the crooked sweepstick on the ground, and started to sweep the ground.I immediately showed the courage of the labor committee and gave everyone a good job.Everyone immediately did their own things.


Although we sweep the ground very seriously, we are still absent -minded. I always look at the bookshelf. I really hope that Teacher Mao and others will be compassionate to let us read a book here.Finally, I couldn't bear my temper, ran over, walked in front of Teacher Mao, and asked, "Teacher Mao, can we read the book here after we clean up?" The other students saw me asking Maogo along.


Teacher Mao thought about it, and said, "See your performance, if you perform well, show you a lesson. If the performance is not good, you will quickly flash back to the classroom to do your homework!" Everyone listened, and swept it up again.Earth.After a while, the library became brighter!


Teacher Mao was like an old man, with both hands behind him and patrolling every corner of the library.We also stopped the movements in our hands and observed the expression of Teacher Mao, hoping to see Teacher Mao's bright smile.Finally, Teacher Mao finished checking every corner of the library, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "Well, good, good, look at your serious portrayal, you stay here and read the book here.! Anyway, the next lesson is my class. I want to say hello to your class teacher, you read a book quietly here! "


"Yeah!" We rushed to the bookshelf with a high rush, Yuan Er Gaowa reached out and took the back of the "Education of Love". I picked up the comic called "A Bao" and found a stool.When my legs bent, I sat down ...



Table tennis is my country's national ball and is already one of the favorite sports of Chinese people.Whenever I see Chinese athletes in the world -class table tennis competition, I am very envious.There are also a few table tennis tables in our school. Every time I go to school, students go there to play table tennis.I also think it 鈥檚 interesting to playing table tennis. I want to play table tennis with my classmates, but I鈥?m afraid that they will not play with them.So I asked my father to report to the table tennis training class for me, and asked a professional table tennis teacher to teach me.


When I first came to the gymnasium, my father found the coach for me, and then went to work.The coach asked me: "Do you like to play table tennis?" I nodded with certainty."Then you have to listen carefully and practice carefully! Okay?" I replied very confidently: "No problem!"


So the coach asked me to start with the simplest holding to cultivate my sense of ball. Although I performed well in the practice of receiving the ball at first, I did not send a few decent balls, and I couldn't hold the ball sent by the coach, but my excitement did not decrease at all. After every training, I was already full of sweat, but I am very happy because I have a new gain every time I training. During each practice, there are indeed a lot of failures, but I have also learned a lot from failure. It is also through the attempts after repeated failures that I play table tennis. Satisfaction, I think this is not replaced by any cartoons, toys, and video games. From then on, I learned the momentum of table tennis. I went to the stadium early every time I went to practice. The most impressive was that there was a winter. It was snowing and the weather was very cold. In the morning, I came to the stadium to practice. The coach praised me and said that I was so valuable. That day, he gave me his unique movement to me, which also gave me great motivation. I work harder to practice. My ball skills have improved a little bit after my efforts. Until now, I have been able to take the ball skillfully.


Learning to play table tennis, I not only exercised my body, got fun from it, but I also really understand that failure is the meaning of the mother of success.As long as we have the courage to face failure, learn lessons from failure again and again, and with our hard work, we will be able to succeed!


Copyright works, without written authorization of "Composition Network", are strictly forbidden to reprint, and offenders will be investigated for legal responsibilities.

Copyright works, without written authorization of "Composition Network", are strictly forbidden to reprint, and offenders will be investigated for legal responsibilities.

11銆佺敓娲讳腑鐨勬儕鍠淿鍏充簬鎯婂枩鐨勫垵涓?a href='/ticai/sanwen/' target='_blank' class='showclass'>鏁f枃500瀛?/h2>


We are all small existences.The starry sky without margins is our place.But we are all trying to light.Now I don't want to be dazzling, just don't go out.


I was lying on the chair, holding my head that made me blur.I will take the monthly test tomorrow, and I really have a lucky fever, oh!Is this teasing or punishing me?Thinking about it, there was a sudden darkness in front of me, no!My body has been powered off again!When I woke up again, the blurred sight was shocked by the hot orange tea and doll in front of me.Watching the card under the doll read: "Sister, don't sleep anymore, Zhou Gong has pushed you to Confucius! Come on!" A shallow rainbow raised in the corner of the mouth.


Drinking hot orange tea, the hot smoke was for the nose, and returned to the bacteria you wanted to run out. A wonderful smoothness flowed.Drinking the first bite, that made me feel more severe, and miraculously ran a glory.I sipped one after another, waves of the power and light of life.I turned to look at my brother, he shrugged and spit out his tongue, as if something happened.


I turned back silently, and the springs in my heart shouted the gratitude and movement of invisible end.This is the first time I have felt a surprise. This love has not been packaged or carved. This is now light, and I ran to me in front of me, bang!A sound of bombing myself into a small piece, a small piece of pieces, surrounded me, and gave me support silently.


This tiny gift is a vast love. Although it is small in my starry sky, it will continue to exude unique light and never die.



Many people often think that playing is a waste of time. In fact, many play in life not only can exercise the body, but also allow people to learn to face failure and benefit the body and mind.

鎴戝枩娆㈡粦鍐帮紝濡堝灏卞甫鎴戝幓澶╀綉鍩庢粦鍐般€傛垜绌跨潃婊戝啺闉嬶紝绔欏湪婊戜笉婧滄墜銆佸瘨姘旈€间汉鐨勫啺闈笂銆傚弻鑴氫竴鎶栦竴鎶栫殑锛屾墜鎵剁潃鏍忔潌锛岃壈闅剧殑鍚戝墠绉诲姩锛岃韩浣撲笉鍋滃湴宸﹀彸鍓嶅悗鎽囨憜鐫€銆傜獊鐒讹紝鑴氫笅涓€婊戯紝鎶婃寔涓嶄綇锛岃韩浣撳線鍚庝竴浠帮紝鎽斾簡涓洓鑴氭湞澶╋紝鎴戜笉鏈嶆皵锛岃繛蹇欑埇浜嗚捣鏉ワ紝鍙蛋涓嶄簡涓ゆ鍙堟憯鍊掍簡锛屾垜鍙堣捣鏉ワ紝缁撴灉杩樻槸鎽斿€掍簡锛岃剼涔熸憯寰楅潚涓€鍧椼€佺传涓€鍧楃殑銆傛垜鏈夌偣姘旈锛屽紑濮嬫兂鎵撻€€鍫傞紦銆傝繖鏃讹紝濡堝鍦ㄦ梺杈规彁閱掓垜锛氣€滆娉ㄦ剰鏂规硶锛岄噸鐐瑰钩琛″ソ韬綋銆傗€濇垜鎰d簡涓€涓嬶紝缁堜簬鏄庣櫧浜嗭紝瑕佹壘鍒拌韩浣撶殑骞宠 鐐癸紝鎵嶈兘鎺у埗濂藉弻鑴氥€備竴娆°€佷簩娆°€佷笁娆♀€︹€︽垜鎽斿€掍簡鍙堣捣鏉ワ紝涓嶅仠鐨勫潥鎸佺潃锛岃櫧鐒惰韩浣撹繕鏄憞鎽囨憜鎽嗭紝浣嗗€掍笅鐨勬鏁拌秺鏉ヨ秺灏戜簡銆?/p>

I like skating, my mother took me to Tianyou City skating.I wore skating shoes and stood on the ice that was sliding and cold.His feet trembled, holding the railings in his hands, moved forward difficultly, and his body kept shaking around.Suddenly, a slide was slippery, I couldn't hold it, my body leaned back, and I fell around the sky. I was unconvinced and quickly got up. I couldn't walk in two steps.It was also a green and purple.I was a little discouraged and started to retreat.At this time, my mother reminded me: "Pay attention to the method, focus on balanced body." I stunned and finally understood that I had to find the balancing point of the body to control my feet.Once, twice, three times ... I fell down and kept insisting. Although my body was still swinging, the number of falls was getting less and less.


Later, of course, I learned skating and rarely fell.This incident tells us that the kung fu is not responsible for the people. Failure is the mother of success. We must learn to find a way to succeed from failure. I hope that our learning must not only master the method of learning, but also understand how to persist.



Take a hot bath for the soul_He high school student narrative 900 words


"Shu Shan has Lu Qin as a trail, and learn the sea without cliffs." This sentence is my motto in life. From this sentence you will guess, I am a little girl who likes to read books very much.


I like to read a book, so I have been on a business trip every time I get a business trip or I have a good grade. My gifts and prizes are a clear "book".Nonetheless, my personal collection of books cannot meet my reading needs. Looking at it repeatedly, some books can almost go back.


"Cracking, crackling ..." When he was out of school, a series of firecrackers came from not far away.Who is definitely marrying again! "Go, see the bride!" I pulled the same table Ji Yun and trot all the way.Alas, why don't you see the welcome team? Curiosity drives us to see what happens.We followed the voice and came to the village committee building.Isn't the village committee building a ceremony long ago? What's new? We crowded the dense crowd and came to the front. I saw the village director holding the microphone and said with a high saying: "......Followers, in order to improve the knowledge and culture of our farmers and enrich everyone's amateur life, with the care and support of governments at all levels, our "Farmhouse Bookstore" was officially established today ... "


Without waiting for the village director to finish talking, we couldn't wait to squeeze into the farmhouse.Wow! The farm bookstore is really not small! There are tables and chairs for people to read by the wall, and the bookshelves in the middle of the three rows of bookshelves are arranged in an orderly manner. Various books are neatly placed.Those who are knowledgeable, there are medical care, and there are world famous books ... and children's primary school students like children's reading, cartoon reading, comic books, etc.After a while, everyone crowded in.You see! Some students carrying schoolbags, old people who are more than old, and uncle and aunts in fashionable uncle ... Some of them are selecting them carefully, some are already reading in Jinjin, someIn the whispering talk ... There are different expressions, everything is available.I picked a copy of "insects" and joined the reading crowd and looked at it with interest.


"It's really an endless road!" Now the farm bookstore is popular every day, and there is endless stream.Uncle Farmers encountered the problem of agricultural problems and immediately went to the farmer's book house to find information; grandpa and grandma would come to check the information if you encountered any discomfort in the body; fashioned brothers and sisters often came to see world fashion magazines and choose new clothes for themselves.Reference.They praised each other, thanking the government for their initiative for private affairs.With the farmhouse, my hobbies -reading is also guaranteed.After school every day, I will appoint a few students who love to read books to report to the farmhouse on time.The books I have read now are countless.There are "World Celebrity Biography", "1,000 articles of primary school student demonstration composition", "Sending Little Readers", "Take a bath for the soul" ... In the farmhouse bookstore, I also became the young grandparents, uncle and aunts.Military divisions, they will ask me if they don't understand!


I like the farmhouse, it has benefited me a lot.


Unexpected experience


I got up in the morning and pushed the window and found that there was a drizzle outside.The gloomy weather is always disturbing, as if it indicates what happened.


Due to the lack of some supplies in writing homework, I was forced to squeeze the bus driving to the mall. Fortunately, there was a seat. Maybe everyone's mood is not good! The sound of raindrops dropped on the wet umbrella on the ground hit the ground, and it was a quiet stand. The door was open, and two middle -aged men in black jackets came up. Their addition made the original quiet carriage noisy. , His pace was behind a father with a child with the child, one of them helped the back of the chair beside me. When the two were two people, they couldn't help but be stunned. The other person clamped a thin blade with the middle finger and index finger, and skillfully cut the father's handbags, quickly pulled out the wallet from the inside, and put it up. It is a thief! Under the day of light, in front of so many people, I dare to steal things. I just wanted to shout and think about it: No, he is so close to me, what if I give me a knife? I dare not go again I thought, I didn't dare to speak out, but just looked at it quietly.


When the car arrived at a stop, the person who got off the car showed the ticket to the ticket seller. Strangely, the ticket salesperson did not ask the two to get the ticket, so they got the two to get out of the car.At a glance, squeezed to the uncle's side, and told him in time: "Uncle, are your wallet lost? The two people go down in the head, you can chase it!"Cut a few centimeters long, and the wallet had long been "flying". He looked at the direction of my hand, and the two stopped a taxi and ran away.I looked at their back and thought: Is that case it?

14銆佹剰澶朹鍏充簬浜虹敓涓殑鎰忓鐨勪綔鏂?a href='/zishu/1000zi/' target='_blank' class='showclass'>1000瀛?/a>


I don't have gorgeous words, and I can't describe this grand scene in vivid language.We all have a passionate heart facing all the accidents in the process of walking, and we have seen everything that does not belong to our light and shadow.This is our time. In an era when we are not afraid of falling and never words, there is light everywhere. With a passionate heart, we move forward. This is also our color.Strive to defeat the accidents faced in life, stretch out your hand and extend my hand, and learn to help others encounter those unpleasant accidents when you move forward.


After falling, he wiped his tears and got up.Fresh clothes are angry, sailing.It is the colorful color of youth, and you will be the soldiers in the end of the end.


The rain was not heavy that day, but the floor was sloppy, the floor was slippery, and it was a bit unbearable.The crowd on the playground was boiling with the basketball again and again.The crowd on the runway passed back and forth again and again with the baton.There are many people who are still raining. Even if they are risked by a cold, the athletes still practice so desperately.


Perhaps Tian Gong did not make beauty. In the back and forth competition again and again, a girl fell.Surprisingly, there were a lot of people, but the sound of rain drowned a lot of warmth.She cried loudly, but she was not distressed by everyone.There was only one girl who was busy and busy, and she stepped forward without saying anything.She was silent, and she was taking care of the girl who was taking care of the fall.Xiaoyu hit her one drop, her move and others stood aside to see things in sharp contrast.


"Why did he cry as soon as he fell, how would he be so serious?", "What's so crying when you fall, just get up."In the heart of the dumped girl, these cool words are also unexpected accidents.


The training of relay is in full swing, and the girl cried while wept.And those who speak those words, do not know what happened after speaking, but ran over to comfort her.She cried again, and she moved them to the arrival, even though they said something that made her not particularly comfortable.And when the busy girl took the medicine to apply the wound to her, those talents knew how serious she fell.The mottled wounds seemed to be burned on her, and the girl carefully applied her medicine for her.


At that moment, all her badness became beautiful, and I unexpectedly saw that her eyes were bright, like stars fell into her eyes.The flashing tears are like diamonds as precious.


There will be a lot of things that make you unexpected in your life. Those things are unexpected.I was surprised that a girl with a bad temper was so careful and gentle.It is also very surprising that people who usually fight for great spirits are spoken in the back of others.


There will be many accidents in life, and there are surprises and fear.We can't help everyone, but everyone can help some people and let them rush out of the unexpected prison, perhaps an unexpected practice in our hearts.Your goodwill will be seen by people, you are the accident in their lives.



"Oh!" "" 鈥斺€?鈥?鈥?Hush-- "I endured the deafening shouting of the eight birds, and it was estimated that it would collapse immediately.


In a word, it is "self -do evil, not alive."Who told me to buy so many parrots at first? Think about it now, this is all self -founding, regret!


The tiger parrot is okay. Although the sound is noisy, the tone is very low, as if whispering to you.The sound of the Xuanfeng parrot is like a whistle, sometimes pleasant, sometimes melodious, sometimes crisp, and sometimes gentle.The most unbearable is the peony parrot.


The sound of peony is really dare not compliment.When you are happy, the call is like a villain scolding the street, scolding high, but almost deafening my ears.


I think the birds are so happy that they are so angry that they are so angry.As soon as I patted the table, I raised the sound by eight degrees: "Give me to me -quiet!" Several parrots looked at me stunned, and the family suddenly became quiet to hear my breathing sound.I breathed a sigh of relief, and I felt a lot of relaxation: it seemed that speaking loudly to be deterrent to them!


Who knows, three seconds later, the home was boiling like a vegetable market.


I stared at these birds hate, and helplessly, it seemed that I could only choose to go to bed early.I turned off the lights in the living room and said in my heart: OK! You go to make trouble, I hope you can make trouble until tomorrow morning!


Unexpectedly, these nonsense birds were quiet.I am puzzled: Impossible, right? I have made all the martial arts of eighteen.


It turns out that birds have night blindness, and they can't see anything at night, because they are afraid of attracting enemies, so they generally don't call at night.


Life is learning everywhere. As long as we pay attention to observation and be good at discovering, we will have unexpected gains.


16. Primary and secondary school Chinese: Thinking brought by "accidents" together

鈼嗘偍鐜板湪姝e湪闃呰鐨勪竴璧封€滄剰澶栤€濆甫鏉ョ殑鎬濊€冩枃绔犲唴瀹圭敱<浣滄枃杩风綉>鏀堕泦, 鏈珯鍦板潃锛歸ww.,鐗堟潈褰掑師浣滆€呮墍鏈?!



鈼?The content of the thinking article brought by the "accident" that you are reading now is collected by , the address of this site: 我要作文网, the copyright belongs to the original author.!

"unexpected" together Thinking

"Lotus" is a literary and beautiful text of the sixth volume of the Soviet edition (the edition of the human education is also selected). There is such a sentence in the article, "If the lotus lotus in front of you see it as a large living painting, the painter's ability is really amazing." I preset these questions when guiding students to understand: Why is this one? Live painting? Who is the painter? Why is it really amazing? By reviewing the content of the previous article and discussing and exchanges, students not only realized the exquisite imagination of the author, but also realized the author's sincere praise and love for the lotus and nature.

1. "Accident" seems to be doubtful.
According to the preset teaching process, I am preparing to guide students to learn below. Xiaoming suddenly raised his hand to speak: "Teacher, the author is beautiful by beauty. The lotus thinks of painting. I also have my own thoughts ... "" Say, what did you think of? "" I thought of the poem, and thought of "the lotus leaves are infinitely clear, the lotus lotus is red '." "Think about it. Yes! "I praised it, ready to transfer to the following studies. At this time Will it be difficult to complete the teaching task of this lesson? If you are in a public class, this "teaching accident" will not only take up a lot of time, but sometimes it will even make the teacher unable to deal with it, which is very embarrassing.

2. Accepting "accidents" is actually very happy.
However, I also thought that "new curriculum standards" proposed that Chinese teaching should "actively advocate autonomous, cooperative, and inquiry learning methods" , "Efforts to build open and dynamic Chinese courses." How can students turn a blind eye to such a strong sense of participation and autonomy? Give time to let them say freely. So the children rushed to speak, and Xiaoli said, "Teacher, I thought of 'out of the mud and not dyed'." Xiao Gang said: "I thought of" Xiaohecai to expose the sharp corners, and the dragonfly stood up '. "Xiaoping said," I thought of the "Jiangnan can pick lotus, the lotus leaves He Tiantian, the fish and the lotus leaves. Some students say that they should collect poems to write lotus after class, some say that they want to draw lotus with colored pens, and others say that they want to find the beauty of other writers to write lotus ... It is really a stone stirring thousands of waves. How good to say! It's really gratifying.

Three, the reflection of "accidents" to get a few inspirations
After the class, I reflect on the teaching of this lesson and get a few inspirations.
One, if the author feels "painting", and students realize both "painting" and "poetic". Isn't this literary and beautiful text that passed to us? Students' association seems to deviate from the teacher's presets. It became a free speech. In fact, this freedom speech is exactly the unique feeling of students; it is a manifestation of students' self -learning; it is a curriculum resource from the "childlike world" ... if this is a "teaching accident" It is a "overjoyed", because this is a direct manifestation of students' "concentrated text". #p##E#
Second, the "preset" of Chinese teaching is necessary, but it must be elastic and blank; "generating" is more important. It is the vitality of Chinese courses. Teachers should accept and cherish the "accidents" in teaching, and choose from the students' interests and personalized choices to deepen and expand the connotation and extension of Chinese courses. In this way, teaching will not be limited to "cognitive dimensions". In classroom teaching, the construction of "teaching accidents" into a "high -efficiency teaching link", Chinese teaching will appear an exciting artistic conception of "mountains and rivers and no way, Liu Dahua Huiming Village".



I was very tired when I came home from school and studied for a day!I couldn't wait to turn on the computer to play games, but the most unfortunate voice appeared "click", the door opened, it turned out that the mother came back ...


But my mother put on a very unhappy expression. I shouted to my mother, "Ah, okay, I have closed it?", And my mother didn't turn around, I was very unhappy "coaxing"After falling the door, Grandma said, "Oh, come back early, I will cook well ..." I ignored it, riding a bicycle to "scatter my heart."


After I came back, my mother said to me, "Go and get the courier, and press the finger school with me for a while" I was very reluctant to say, "Can you not care about my life!" I don't knowWhat's wrong, she seems to have been stimulated to pull me to her room and say, "What are you going crazy! It's not easy for you to do one thing, right? Say! What are you doing!" "I ... I ...I'm just ... "" Okay, you don't need to learn anything, I talked to you and told you to drop out of school. "


I'm very scared, tears can't stop flowing down "I ... I do wrong ... I shouldn't listen to your words in the future." My face was full of grievances, and then she grabbed me to throw my single reservoir to loseI entered the trash bin (the one also wanted 2 | 30,000) I immediately picked up the clarinet and rushed into the room. Later, she came to my room to kick the door. I was very scared!I don't know where the strength came from, and pushed the desk and cabinet to the door hard. Later, she said to me before leaving, "I will not care about your life.You do n鈥檛 need to learn anymore, just play at home ... I completely give up to you. "If the world regrets the medicine again!I fired my palms hard "Ah! Why is this!"


In this way, I was sitting on the stool in the room, looking at the sunset outside the window, waiting for my mother to come back, and said on my mouth, "Mom, come back ... Come back ... I was wrong ..." I knew why others said:what!It will always cherish anything when you lose ...



I remember that one summer, the weather was too hot. My mother specially bought a large bag of mung beans home and said that it was to cook the mung bean soup for me and drank the heat.


For the first time to cook mung bean soup, my mother just took a rest at home.I am doing homework.A small pot of mung bean soup was cooked in the pot for more than an hour.As a result, I only drank a little clear mung bean water that day.After dinner, I cooked it for a long time and drank the fragrant mung bean soup the next morning.Then I knew that it was so difficult to cook mung bean soup!


When I cook the mung bean soup for the second time, my mother washed the mung beans into the pot, opened the induction cooker, and then said that it was something to go out. Let me look at the pot, and I was afraid that the water was boiled and overflowed.I had to watch next to it.


After a while, the pot was hot.I thought to myself, hey, what will be so fast today? This is fine, maybe it can be cooked in a while, then I can save trouble.I turned happily and grabbed the hawthorn ball in the glass fruit plate on the dining table stood by the stove.


At this time, the phone in the room rang, and it was made by my classmates. I asked me to go out to play.As soon as I heard it, I was happy.Hurriedly opened the pot lid, picked up the rice spoon to pick up the mung beans, put it in the bowl and blow the heat: Oh, why is it still hard? Why is it not bad? I started to rush in my heart.Without burning the mung bean soup, I couldn't go out to play with my classmates. I was annoyed! I thought about the remaining hawthorn balls in my hand and threw it into the mung bean soup pot.Sitting up and sulking with pouting.


At this time, the classmate's phone came again.I walked towards the furnace, and the related closed power was not cooked.I can go out and play! I used a small spoon to drink a little bit, ah! It's so good, and the mung beans are very soft.


I hurriedly turned off the power and locked the door to see my classmates go.


After my mother came back at night, I asked my mother what was going on. My mother said: Hodoons and mung beans are cooked together, and mung beans are easy to cook.Because hawthorn is acidic, and cooking with mung beans can help mung beans break down.And mung bean soup tastes better than before hawthorn.


Olympic, it turned out to be like this.


I was happy in my heart.I helped my mother to do housework. I accidentally had a new discovery: boiled mung bean soup and hawthorn, hawthorn rotten, and soup was better.