
时间:2022-07-05 13:15:45 | 来源:语文通



I am a small soybean, the owner puts me in the water, hey! I want to ask, why not put me in the soil? But in the waterIt's also good, because you can swim, there are my good friends in the water! I'm so happy!


I have milky white hair on my head, so beautiful! Everyone, look at me, I look at you, happy.We want to take off the thick coat again. The owner comes to help us. It doesn't matter if you don't help. A group of really life! I suddenly became two petals, and my friends, oh! Sad!


One day, a little girl came at home, and she knew it was a friend of the little owner at a glance, because she was inseparable from the little owner.The little owner discussed with *** mother to turn me into fried bean sprouts.Woohoo, it's a kidding! The little girl runs: "No, no. It's not delicious, let's cool it!" Woohoo! Finally, my friends and I still did not escape the owner's claws, all changed, all of them changed, all of them changed, all of them changed, all of them changed, and they all changed.It became cold bean sprouts.



1、黄豆:黄豆读音为huáng dòu,是指表皮黄色的大豆。 表皮黄色的大豆黄豆 huáng dòu词语意思:表皮黄色的大豆。[soybean] 表皮黄色的大豆分词解释:● 豆 dòu ㄉㄡˋ◎ 双子叶植物的一科,木本、草本植物都有,如“紫檀”、“槐树”、“黄豆”、“绿豆”、“红豆”、“豌豆”、“落花生”等,日常统称豆类植物,亦指这些植物的种子:豆科。豆子。豆荚(豆角儿)。豆浆。豆绿。煮豆燃萁。目光如豆。◎ 形状像豆粒的东西:土豆儿。◎ 古代盛肉或其他食品的器皿,形状像高脚盘:俎豆。◎ 姓。● 黄 huáng ㄏㄨㄤˊ◎ 像金子或向日葵花的颜色:黄色。黄昏。牛黄。黄澄澄。信口雌黄。◎ 特指中国黄河:黄灾。治黄。黄泛区。◎ 指“黄帝”(即“轩辕氏”,传说中原始社会部落联盟首领):黄老(黄帝和老子)。炎黄子孙。◎ 事情失败或计划不能实现:事情黄了。◎ 姓。...黄豆怎么造句,用黄豆造句»