
时间:2022-11-19 13:03:13 | 来源:语文通



又是一年清明节作文 篇1又是一年清明节作文 篇2又是一年清明节作文 篇3又是一年清明节作文 篇4

又是一年清明节作文 篇1


This year's Tomb Sweeping Day holiday is different from previous years. In previous years, the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday was always rainy, but today it is sunny and cloudless.


On the second day of the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday, my mother took my brother and me to Xiangjia for barbecue. We came to Xiangjiadang Barbecue Area after half an hour's journey. We took food and tools to the Barbecue Area, found a seat, and sat down. But we didn't have a stove. Mom asked. We had to rent a stove. We sat there and waited for Mom to come back. After a while, Mom brought a staff member to the Barbecue Area. He carried the stove, and we could finally barbecue. Mother took out the charcoal fire paper and put it on it. My brother and I were stringing bamboo hats. Mother was washing vegetables. Mom is still washing vegetables. She seems to have brought all our favorite dishes. My brother on the side went to help me melt the ice on my food, because some food just came out of the refrigerator and needs to be dissolved. We have done everything well, washed the vegetables and my work well. What is the difference? It turned out that there was still a gap between brushes and ingredients. First, we had to brush a layer of oil on the charcoal fire paper, then put the food on it and bake it over. My mother said it was delicious. I was responsible for scattering the ingredients. A moment later, the sound of food "squeaking" suddenly sounded, and the smell came to my nostrils, and my saliva ran out when I smelled the smell. Finally, it's ready to eat. I took a bite. Wow! It's really delicious!


In the process of eating, we were very happy. After eating, we came back. In the car, we talked about today's activities, and I fell asleep.

又是一年清明节作文 篇2


The day of Tomb Sweeping Day is really a beautiful day.


This is the first Tomb Sweeping Day since the implementation of the national legal holiday system. The unit has a three-day holiday (including Saturday and Sunday) according to the regulations, which is fresh; It is the first time for me to visit the graves of my old friends on Tomb Sweeping Day; Take the second son to visit the graves of the old people with the people of his hometown on this festival, and feel reunited.


On the way to the tomb sweeping, there are green wheat sprouts on both sides, such as felt, such as carpet; There are one or two rows of rape flowers in the distance. The bright yellow flowers look like gold thread rust on the floating green felt. The genial spring breeze brings the bouquet of fruit trees and fresh soil smell, so that you can truly experience and appreciate the beauty of the word "refreshing". What really excites me is that the new spring water from the ditches on both sides of the road is green and pleasant. It not only adds life to the spring scenery, but also evokes childhood memories. When I was young, there were not deep ditches beside each field, which played two roles: one was to drain waterlogging in summer, and the other was to send spring water to irrigate the field in spring. As soon as we arrived at the Qingming Festival, the canals and ditches were full of water. It was the spring water that brought unforgettable happiness to farmers, me and my partners. At this time, adults would be busy pouring spring water into the fields, looking at the green wheat seedlings "ha ha" and laughing; Our children often wet their hand made cloth shoes and the front of their little jackets with few buttons to compare their speed in the water, or pick up pieces of soil to float in the water, or go to the water to dig up soil to make clay figurines, or throw "clay bowls". They are often scolded by adults because of this. But the light figure of our partners and our laughter are still in front of us, as if they were in our ears. What's more interesting is that after the spring water in this ditch was poured into the field by adults with sweat, there must be some fish left in the ditch. Most of them are small fish such as silver carp and loach. If we are lucky, there are also red backed carp and large bellied crucian carp. At this time, catching fish is our activity. If we can catch a carp, we will be appreciated and praised by our peers, It is possible to win praise from adults. But I don't know when the water will not come. The ditches beside the fields are all plain, just like the wrinkles on the faces of old farmers. The spring water can't come. The farmers can only irrigate the wheat fields with motor well water. With waste diesel, they have to work hard and constantly complain: "Alas! Why can't we have water?" The children will have no such happy world.


"The central policy really works. The spring water that has not been used for many years has come this year. There are subsidies for farming..." My brother smiled when he saw me looking at the spring water, interrupting my thinking.


"The state pays the money for farming without paying taxes. The country is really rich! Tut tut!"


"I heard that the farmers have less interest on loans! Tut tut!"


"Farmers will have a better life in the future..."


"How much energy can be saved from the incoming water? It's so delightful..."


Talking to some elders at the water's edge, the words were full of joy.


When I returned from the tomb sweeping, the road I knew when I was a child became strange: a two-story building in the village stood out of a smoking willow branch room, and four or five new "Beijing style" roads seemed to emerge from the ground. The small asphalt road in the village seemed to have just been paved, flat and straight.


Yeah! Premier Wen said: "Farmers are rich and the country is secure.". In recent years, the central government has issued a series of policies to support and benefit farmers, and farmers have really benefited. Can the common people not praise? Can the countryside not develop? Can the country be unstable?


What a beautiful Tomb Sweeping Day!

又是一年清明节作文 篇3


Today, my parents and I went to Cheluo with paper money, offerings and flowers to visit my great grandfather and grandmother's grave.


When I came to the cemetery, I saw many tombstones. The white tombstones were engraved with black characters, which was very eye-catching. There are pine trees all around. They are very luxuriant. I can only hear birds singing in the distance. There is no noise. It looks very solemn. People came to visit relatives and friends in twos and threes behind, and people who came home after the visit were greeted. Everyone was very serious and solemn. It makes people feel the special sad atmosphere of Tomb Sweeping Day.


When I came to the tomb of my great grandfather and grandmother, my mother placed the sacrifice, lit the candles, and put them in front of the tomb. My father put the paper money on the ground. The three of us drew the paper money. My father took out a lighter and lit the paper money. He said, "Grandpa and Grandma, you have been very thrifty all your life. Now you can not save this money, just spend it if you want!"


The fire flickered and jumped in the wind. In the light of the fire, I seemed to see the kind faces of my great grandfather and grandmother. It occurred to me that they had called me to the front, gave me candy and stationery, and took me to the park to play. During the Spring Festival, each of them gave me a red envelope and said, "I wish you progress in your studies and a good college entrance exam!" When they were seriously ill, they did not forget to tell me: "Child, you should study hard!"


The paper ash hovers in the wind, flying like a black butterfly, flying all over the sky. Finally, the three of us knelt on the ground, knocked three heads solemnly and left the cemetery reluctantly.


"During the Tomb Sweeping Day, it rains in succession, and pedestrians on the road want to die.". On the way back, it began to rain. Looking at the misty drizzle, my heart was filled with emotion. I don't know whether the sky was moved by the true feelings of the world.

又是一年清明节作文 篇4


"During the Tomb Sweeping Day, it rained in succession, and passers-by wanted to die." It is also Tomb Sweeping Day and fire prevention time.


Tomb sweepers are everywhere on Tomb Sweeping Day. People rush to graves with paper money, wreaths and incense sticks. We also came to the cemetery of Grandma Village. The graveyard of Grandma Village is full of people. Colorful wreaths are scattered all over the mountain, which is particularly dazzling. At this moment, my eyes crossed the wreath and fell on a special figure.


He is the village sheriff. He was wearing a dark blue security uniform, with a whistle hanging around his neck, and his eyes under his hat were bright. He swept every area of the mountain like a radar, and his eyes seemed to be able to pass even a spark.


I looked away and walked up the mountain.


On the way, I faintly smelled a smell of burning paper. Then I heard the whistle of "Du", and all the grave sweepers raised their heads. It turned out that someone at the foot of the mountain lit the paper money with a lighter. When he learned that he had been found, he was hurriedly stamping out the fire on the paper with his foot. "Didi! Didi --" Another three whistles went out, and the policeman at the foot of the mountain had already arrived, and the burning of paper was stopped.


We walked to Grandpa's graveyard, and I was going to throw yellow paper on the graveyard. Here, I saw another policeman staring at me. I trembled and quickly finished scattering the paper in my hands. Finally, his eyes moved away from me. I turned my head and looked at him. His eagle like eyes were staring down the mountain at everyone, ready to blow the whistle at any time.