
时间:2022-08-26 13:26:37 | 来源:语文通



When I remembered the first time I walked the glass bridge, my heart pounded, which was really scary.


On Saturday, the wind and the sun are beautiful, and our family went to experience the glass bridge.When we came to the mountain, we saw that the glass bridge spanned between the two mountains, crystal clear, and shining in the sun.


We boarded the steps, put on a special shoe cover, and stepped on the glass bridge. I looked down at a few hundred meters high from the river surface. There was a turbulent river below. The wave rolled away and brought the sea dragon king, then it was dead. "I grabbed the railing tightly with both hands and moved my footsteps carefully, like a rabbit jumping in my heart. Mom and dad are already walking ahead. Dad shouted, "Children, don't be afraid, do you see everyone walking on the bridge surface, is anyone falling?" Yeah! Everyone is really safe, I am scaring myself. So, I took a few steps to take a few steps, and suddenly the glass was broken. I was startled. My heart seemed to mention my throat and pounded. I didn't dare to leave. At this time, the uncle of the staff said kindly: "Children, don't be afraid, those glass cracks are actually small light bubbles in the glass, and the sound of footsteps is glowing, which makes people illuminate. The misunderstanding is broken." It was calm, and it turned out to be like this, which made me shocked. I continued to cross the bridge, the glass bridge across the river, and then across a piece of forest. I looked down, the leaves swayed below my feet, and I felt that the glass bridge was also swinging. At this time, I was shocked and didn't take a few steps. I hurriedly grabbed the glass railings. I set my spirit, alas! The bridge will not shake. The leaves below are swinging, which makes people hallucinate, nothing terrible. I want to walk across the bridge bravely, don't let my family laugh at my timid ghost, others will do it! At this time, only me left the end, and the family reached the end. I closed my eyes and moved forward step by step. My ear sounded, and my dad's voice: "Children, you have to hold on, there is only one step left before the end." When I opened my eyes, I found the end. I jumped three feet high and shouted loudly, "Yeah! I'm successful."


The experience of walking the glass bridge has made me unforgettable for life. It makes me understand that people have the courage to overcome difficulties and defeat themselves!



I had an unforgettable experience, although it was just a ordinary running.


That day, during the morning training, the teacher said to us, "Okay, classmates, today we challenge, run 5 laps, medium speed, we must persist!" God, I listened, almost didn't faint.I run 800 meters at most — four laps.Seeing that everyone is full of confidence, I think about it: Isn't it five laps?They can, I can!


I pressed my legs, stretched my arms, jumped a few times, everything was ready, I stood on the starting line.After the teacher ordered, everyone rushed out of the starting line. I caught up with the classmate in front of me, and had run a curve.I'm tired.Alas, I just raised the speed too fast, and I touched her scalp to go over her.Soon, my physical strength couldn't keep up, slowing down, but I thought I was in the sixth grade, and I ran so slowly, too shameful.So the step was getting faster again.After a circle, the entire brigade was a little tired and slowed down.When I ran the second lap, I really wanted to sit on the ground, but when I found that no classmate was listed, I gritted my teeth and continued to move forward.I think: others don't say anything, how can I give up lightly?At this time, I could only pant with a large mouth. Although my feet were poured in lead, I still resolutely took a firm step.My mind was blank, but my heart flashed a default program: persist to the end!


I rushed through the difficulties and finally ran to the last lap.At this time, I was no longer "electricity", and even the consciousness was not so clear and hazy.At this time, the teacher shouted, "The last lap, rush forward as much as possible. Hurry! Come on!" I saw that the students in front ran fast like injection of new energy.But I really had no strength. At this time, a word flashed in my mind, "Persistence is victory."I shook my head, sober, and did my best to rush through the finish line.


Although I did not run out a good ranking, I learned more valuable things -to do things persistently.I believe it will help me on the way to succeed in the future!



One morning, I found that I had a teeth, shaking, and it was about to fall.I'm so scared.Hurry up to my mother and ask, "Mom, is this teeth something wrong?" Mom asked the job in her hand, looked at my teeth, relieved, and said, "I thought your teethWhat happened? It turned out that we were about to lose their teeth. In the afternoon, we went to the hospital to extract teeth. "What, tooth extraction!Although I didn't pull my teeth, I imagined that the doctor came to me with a pliers. I was terrified, and said to my mother, "Mom ... Mom, can I ... no ... tooth extraction?" Mom firmly right?I said, "No, be sure to pull out, otherwise the teeth are crooked and it will not look good." There was no way, I had to extract teeth in the afternoon.


Finally arrived in the afternoon.I was retreating again.Ask his mother: "Is it possible to get teeth tomorrow? Today's pulling is the same as tomorrow, right?" "No, just finish it today, what are you waiting for tomorrow?" Helpless, I had to be pulled to the hospital by my mother.Outpatient, I was sitting in a chair and looked around uneasily. I suddenly found that the doctor had come to me with a pliers.Will it be uncomfortable ... "Oh!" I looked down and saw the bloody teeth in the doctor's hand. The doctor clamped a small cotton with a clip and stuffed it into that tooth.The teeth had a little pain. I now know that the tooth extraction is not so painful, but it is just a psychological effect.


Through this tooth extraction, I learned bravery.



On the road of life, wherever you fall, it is necessary.I always want to exercise my willpower and body.Today, I will go home from my aunt where I work, and my cousin also challenges me.


At that time, after we were full and drinking, my cousin wanted to go to my house, but the car could only take three people.I said, "Sister cousin, I'll go to my house with you." "Okay!"


Before the journey started, my cousin and I ate a little, and an umbrella was to cover the sun.My cousin and I planned to set off before my mother drove home. I wanted to get home soon.


At the beginning, we walked for a while and felt very easy, but when we walked, our body became hot.I thought: It was a narrow road to the end of the country, and this "fireball" couldn't live with me.Only when I walked to our school, I was tired. I just squatted down and pant, trying to rest for a while.At this moment, I saw my mother walking home quickly with her sister with her sister. The younger sister saw that we were embarrassed and laughed at us proudly.My enthusiasm lit the fire instantly, and I was very unconvinced."Go! Cousin!" "Yes, let your sister know that we are not vegetarian!" We said categorically, suddenly bloody, and one -third of the way, he was about to come in.However, the cloth shoes I wear have been grinding my heels. I have to walk my feet with my shoes and try not to let the heels touch the shoes.I lame to walk the remaining journey. Seeing that I finally came home, I felt a great sense of accomplishment, I defeated myself!


When I got home, I ate bread gobbled, drinking ice mung bean water, and kept blowing the fan, because I spent me too much physical strength.I just took off the "culprit" that made my foot pain, and found that the heel was grinded out of a wound.I said, "This pain is nothing at all for me. The important thing is that this time it benefits me a lot -as long as persistence, you can win."


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Everyone will have a trial of success or failure, and how much these attempts give you some kind of inspiration.Success is what we all dream of, but "failure is the mother of success", without failure, where success comes from.


It was a sunny day. I was reading a book with great interest. Suddenly there was a problem that broke into my eyes: how can I make the eggs smashed from the high -rise building but not broken?I thought: The eggs will be broken from two meters high, let alone a tall building?This question is really strange, but let me test it!


I usually do it.I took out an egg from the cabinet and threw it straight from the window. As soon as I let go, I thought: Why did I be so linked, the eggs were not wrapped, and of course it would break.When I glanced out of the window, it turned out that the eggs could not be broken anymore, and the egg white and egg yolk flowed to the ground.So for the second time I wrapped ten pieces of paper outside the eggs and looked at the "all -armed" eggs. I had a little better chance in my heart.After throwing the eggs again, I went downstairs and opened the paper to see, and the eggs were broken.


I went home unhappy and kept thinking: Why is the eggs broken? Is it not strict enough to wrap it?Then continue to work hard!So I found another egg. This time I wrapped a piece of sea cotton outside the egg shell and wrapped fifteen pieces of paper. I didn't believe it would break.When I threw the eggs down and went downstairs to check the results, "Great! I succeeded!" I screamed happily, the eggs were not broken, and even no sewing.


This is a successful attempt, and this success is based on two failures. Failure is the cornerstone of success. Failure is the ladder of success. This time, I tried me forever.



The past was like a cloud of smoke gradually dispersed in front of my eyes, and that experience made me see the differences between people, and it also made me see the human heart. That experience still made me unforgettable.


There was a double peak in the sky, blowing on my cheek.There is a wave of waves in my heart. In such a hot summer, it is rare to have such comfortable weather.My mood was suddenly cheerful."Go" to take a walk on the square and spread flowers.The square is also very lively and prosperous.This group of people looked at the book in front of the book stall, and the aunts danced at the square cheerfully.Suddenly, a few children ran freely from the side of him ... a song "Little Apple", which was currently popular, was transmitted into my ears.The hawkers over there shouted with a high -pitched voice: "Special offer -Special offer-" There was another "News Network" in the horn over there ... I didn't see anything or hear anything.What I observe is only these messy but some of these scenes.


Suddenly, there was another wind blowing from the southeast, and I wanted to calm down from the noise, but there was a harsh sound with the wind, the paper was like my eardrum. Immediately, a few people were surprised, looking at the sound, it seemed that very serious things happened, because the gust of the dried vegetables scraped off the bulbs on a small stall, fell to the ground, and suddenly the body broke the bones, and it was still connected. The Uesi on the wire was also slightly light. It seemed to be sobbing there. But the owner of the stall did not know where to go? Several small merchants around him suddenly had a talk, and he kept mocking his experience and boasted how strong his light bulb was. Suddenly, I felt that their hearts were stood by ink. The colleagues around me met the difficulties and didn't know how to help. Instead, they laughed at others. I blame them. A middle -aged man in his 40s went up and found the power of the electric lamp and turned off. A crisis was resolved. The man in a gray clothes instantly became tall in my heart. At this time, the owner came over and hurriedly thanked the man, who was directly and powerful ... Turning around, I thought about the smirk on the face of the hawkers, thinking that it was hard to be honest. The man he said was desperate.


That unforgettable experience, I seemed to see the difference between beauty and ugliness."As long as everyone gives a little love, this world will become a beautiful world."



The long -awaited study study was finally coming. I was excitedly restingly, and every cell on my body seemed to be applauding.


After having breakfast, I sat quietly in the classroom and waited for the school leaders to call us downstairs to gather.I also imagine the picture I went out.The assembly ringing sounded, and the students walked to the teaching building in an orderly manner.


Finally, I was going out of the school. The first leader was the eighth grade and seventh class. My soul had followed the banner out of the school gate.What makes people dismiss is that we are in the end, because the number of people is not over, so the team has also been ranked long. The leading class has reached the first intersection, and we just came out of the school's door.


Flowers and delicate grass that can be seen along the way are now early summer. The leaves grow very lush and the colors are deeper than spring. It gives people a relaxed feeling. We shouted the slogan carefully prepared by the class teacher, while we were carefully prepared by the class teacher, while we were carefully prepared by the class teacher, while we were carefully prepared by the class teacher, while we were carefully prepared by the class teacher, while we were carefully prepared by the class teacher, while we were carefully prepared by the class teacher, while we were carefully prepared by the head of the class teacher.Smell the fragrance.


Unconsciously, I have reached the entrance of Eyemond Temple, because there are many cars on the road. Several teachers teased the warning line to prevent the vehicles on both sides of the vehicles passing by, and several naughty classmates said with a smile: "Hey, you can wait for you, you can wait forLet's not look at the urgent team, wait slowly. "I don't know how long I have seen the canal, the water is still so clear, the road is still so clean.It should be putting water now, otherwise the water will not flow so fast, as if someone working in a foreign country is rushing home to go home for the New Year.


Attentive Teacher Liu learned more knowledge in order to let us write a good composition.After walking all the way, I wrote all the way, such as the details of the details, the perspective of the change, and the use of rhetoric. The moment of stretching, I have to say that Teacher Liu is really a good teacher.


Unconsciously, the team has reached the top of the eyes of the Eye Temple, and I can finally take a break. We sit on the stone to watch the scenery on the side of the money. Although I don’t know which village it is, I know where it is beautiful.Almost all the land is completed, the wheat field is distributed one by one, which looks very neat and beautiful.On the side of the wheat field is an ancient upper tile house. It usually does not feel like standing next to the old house to see it, and it is not "beautiful", but it is really beautiful to watch those old houses on the top of the mountain.


After a while, we have to do something good. The school organizes to pick up garbage. There is a bundle of each class. The garbage bag is distributed in our hands.There are a lot of garbage on this mountain. You have to lose a lot of us. If you pick up a few people, you have to pick up the year of the monkey. My classmates murmured, "Hurry up and pick it up for a while.There is no time to go back to school. "After a while, the trash bags of the students were filled with garbage, the eyes of the eyes were much cleaner, and our mood was much more comfortable.


I heard that a kind parent donated 50 pieces of mineral water for this event. Although I don't know him, I know he must be a kind person and a good parent. After drinking this kind parentLove water is no longer tired, full of vitality, and more strength to go down the mountain.


Now it is more than 11 o'clock at noon. We lined up a team like a dragon to prepare to go down the mountain. The flowers are still the same beautiful.Go to school.


This is really an unforgettable study experience!Until now, I was still recalling the scene of playing at Eyemond Temple. I couldn't help but say "It's really beautiful!"



People have grown up in the attempt, and many opportunities can only catch it in the attempt.Although some attempts failed, I would not lose confidence.Instead, I am grateful for these failed attempts because I can get a lot of perceptions from the failure in my usual life.They make me not lose my direction, but choose the right path.


Speaking of the most memorable attempt, that is -to buy eggs alone.


One day when the weather was fine, my mother found that there was no egg at home, so she wanted to buy eggs.And I think my mother is too hard, so I volunteered to say to my mother, "Mom asked me to buy eggs this time." The mother stunned and took me ten dollars from her pocket.Tell me to be careful of the car.After speaking, I set off.


Although I promised very firmly, I was holding the ten yuan tightly in my hands!Along the way, I looked up and suddenly found that the original blue sky became gray.At this time, my heart was like 15 buckets of water -seven up and eight.


After a while, I walked to the vegetable market.The hostels of people are full of noise!I finally started the journey to find egg shop.For me, a child is looking for a small shop in a big market, which is really like a needle to catch a needle!As I lost, suddenly there was a sip of eggs selling eggs!I turned my head immediately and saw the so -called egg shop.I squeezed into the round eggs from the crowd, which was really loved.I ran over and called aunt!I have a pound of eggs!Unexpectedly, it was the indifference of selling eggs.I closed my mouth tightly.Until we said that the eggs paid the money and left there.I opened my heart ...


Finally, I ran home in a panting and asked my mother, why did that beautiful big sister angry?My mother remembered the little woman who sold eggs. She squatted down and said to me where is the big sister -in -law. She should call her sister!It was probably the ignorance of others at the time.


This is really an unforgettable attempt!



There are many setbacks, success, movement, and excitement in life that make you shed tears.And I was the sad tears, which stirred the ripples that coordinated forever.


That day, I went home carrying a schoolbag.I thought it was a normal day, and my mother suddenly surprised me: "Coco, what do you go to the balcony?" I ran into the balcony with surprise, and saw that one yellow and green on the green on the balcony was on the balcony.The balcony flashed, it turned out to be two small parrots!One is covered with lemon yellow feathers, and the other has green wings, but the belly is yellow feathers.They beating up and down in the cage, as if you were fighting for me to fight, cute.I fell in love with them at first glance, so I finished my homework early and came to the balcony.This smart bird seemed to be human. When they saw me, they looked at me with small, black eyes, and seemed to be full of curiosity and fear.I stretched my fingers in and touched their feathers. This well -behaved bird obeyed and seemed to be willing to be friends with me.


Since then, we have become "friends".After I finished my homework, it sang for me; when I was happy, it was as happy as me, waving wings like dancing.When my test scores are not ideal, they look at me quietly, as if comforting me: this failure, there is still a chance next time; when I succeed, they fly for me, as if celebrating me.


However, on that day, all the good times were all shattered.That day, my mother and I returned home with excitement.As soon as I opened the door, I flew to the balcony.Suddenly, I found that the familiar cry didn't get into my ears.Is it ... I dare not think down.They must be resting, right?I think.Suddenly, it was an empty cage that fell into my eyes.My tears came out of my eyes, dripping on the ground, and empty.The beautiful time in the past was broken and teared, and only the fragments of zero landing were left, and it pierced into my heart like a glass.


At that time, I burst into tears, tears sprinkled into the heart field, and I only poured the painful memories ...



Once, my father was in a hurry to go to work, sent me to the school gate, and gave me 5 yuan for me to buy it. After speaking, I drove away.


I used 2 yuan to buy a bread. Although I didn't eat it, I went to buy a 3 yuan "different" that I was looking forward to. I entered the school.Even the homework forgot to pay. After a few minutes, I "found different" and "research". I found that I was right, so I looked at it carefully before I found that most of them were torn.It turns out that those who sell things to put a lot of "find differences" together look like one book, and it feels very cost -effective. It is practical to deceive elementary school students!They watched the money almost earned enough and went to other places. Because I was angry, so the teacher said in class, I didn't listen in one word.


After school, I went home and opened my homework, "Ah! It's so difficult." I had to ask my mother. When I was a question, I accidentally said that my mother would scold me, but the fact is not the case., Mom told me: "Don't do this next time, this time my mother forgives you."


At that time, I burst into tears because I felt sorry for my mother, because a toy that was deceived, which made myself not listening to class, I really regret it!I must correct it next time.



The night fell, and the black cloth was a little bit stars. The bright stars were very beautiful. They blinked the beautiful and touching eyes to me, which was very cute.


Unconsciously, I entered the dreamland, and my mood was excited and happy.I arrived at the spacecraft that I reached the spacecraft and looked at the flashed stars of the universe. My mood had an unparalleled pleasure.I was happy to learn swimming from the spacecraft to swim a swimming posture, and I was full of curious planets -the moon.


I think the moon is very bright, and the light is definitely very strong.I consciously covered my chest and patted it, and took a deep breath. At this time, I found that I was sinking.I swim in panic.Finally arrived at the moon.


I walked slowly on the moon and did not have a life on the moon, but there were many pit roads, and it was difficult to walk.Just when I was a little boring, I saw a swimming pool, and I jumped in excitedly. Who would have thought of being too excited and grabbed a sip, alas, how did this water fill in banana water?It ’s up, so I caught the three fish after catching it, and the fish looked at me with the poor eyes, as if begging me to say,“ Please do n’t eat me, let me go. ”I smiled twice, and pointed at the three fish with my fingers, "Don't blame me, you blame you, you are not lucky today, and you meet me." I opened a big mouth and bite?It turned out to be cantaloupe and I ate with me with great interest.


Suddenly there was a tiger over there, and I said timidly to the shore to say, "I can't be afraid", I learned from Wu Song, standing on the table with one foot, drinking three bowls of fruit juice wine, and facingTiger is a punch, alas!The strawberry fruit juice was written on the back of my tiger. A tiger was injured and ran away. I ate strawberry tiger meat, and my heart was beautiful.


Turning my head, I saw a bucket of fruits that looked delicious at the table and ran over. I ate it with a big mouth. Don't mention how happy it was.At this time, two soldiers came over. They awarded me a prize of excellent garbage cleaner and said, "Thank you, all the trash of our month this month, this is the award that the king rewarded you." I suddenly woke up.It turned out to be a dream.This is an unusual experience.


At about four or five o'clock, I looked at the starry sky outside the window. Looking at the bright moon and bright stars, I couldn't help but make me admire those astronauts. I admire their courage and spirit, and this time for meUnusual experience, secretly complacent.



Author: Zhang Qian

Copyright works, without written authorization of "Composition Network", are strictly forbidden to reprint, and offenders will be investigated for legal responsibilities.

Copyright works, without written authorization of "Composition Network", are strictly forbidden to reprint, and offenders will be investigated for legal responsibilities.



This morning, my "alarm clock" rang. In fact, this is not a real alarm clock. My mother yelled at my bed every day, like an alarm clock."Liu Ziyu, get up soon, get up, go to school late!" I sat up and saw that my alarm clock rang 15 minutes earlier than usual. I said, "Mom, let me sleep for a while, okay?" MomSay, "Well, you just go to bed for a while, I go to work." When I heard my mother said, I lay down with peace of mind and fell asleep.


When I got up again, I looked at the watch and it was eight o'clock. I immediately jumped out of bed, put on my clothes and carried a schoolbag, and accelerated my heartbeat, like a little rabbit.I rushed out of the house, running faster than rabbits.I thought to myself: "After finishing, this time I will be late. I am the team leader and I have to accept homework.



Yesterday, my dad took me to replenish my teeth.


It's finally my turn!I was lying on the bed and saw the doctor with something like a drill, preparing to drill around on my teeth.Drilling garbage on my teeth.After drilling for a while, I took another hook to pull it in the cavity and hurt me!After a while, I took another "sprayer" to spray medicine into my teeth, then dipped it in the potion with cotton, stuffed it into my teeth, and said, "Okay, come here once or two weeks again."


After returning home, I told my mother that my mother boasted that I was a brave child.



Trying is like a footprint, only one time and time, one by one, can you step on a road and attract you to success.And the attempt was the most memorable.


I remember a Sunday, and I saw my mother was holding the iron wire at the drainage of the facial washing pool.I asked my mother in doubt, and my mother said angrily, "Maybe your sister is shampooing his hair here, his hair blocked the sewer, and there was no tools at home." Looking at my mother's unprepared look, I also thought about it.Essence


Suddenly, my eyes said excitedly, "Mom, there is a way!" Mom said doubtful, "What good can you have? Or don't toss." I begged my mother to let me try.


I found a long straw, carefully cut the straw along the straight line with a scissors, and then divided the cut straws into two, and then took out a quarter of the straws on both sides.Cut out of small mouths, and then use your hands to make those little mouths into small sawtooths one by one.Then, I couldn't wait to extend the straw into the drainage port and gently turn around.When I pulled out the straw with expectations, I was surprised to find that many hair was adsorbed on the straw, and the water in the pond immediately accelerated the speed discharge.But I found that the small summoned tooth in the straw was disconnected. Which link is to improve?I observed the comparison carefully and found that the disconnected mouth was cut deeper than others.


So, I brought another straw to cut it again, and then put the straw into the sewer several times. A lot of garbage was out.EssenceI was so happy that I jumped three feet high and yelled loudly: "Success! Success!" My mother hurriedly came to see, so I gave my thumbs up to exaggerate me: "Yes! Yes! There is a way for your kid."


Through this attempt, I understand: Only when you try boldly can you succeed.



There will be many firsts in the growth process of everyone, such as: the first time for cooking, the first bicycle, the first drought ice ... and the attempt in my memory is so special.


After school on Friday, the teacher left us a homework. In fact, it is not difficult to say that it is not difficult, but it is not simple to say, but many people do not know how to complete this homework -saying "I love you" to my mother.After listening to the classmates, they all talked: "What kind of homework for the teacher! How can this be done?"


Along the way, I am thinking about how to complete this homework ...


When I came to my mother's room, my timid hand was just ready to knock on my mother's room. Suddenly, the brave flames were killed by nervousness and embarrassment.I thought: There are two days before going to school. I don't worry. It can be done on Sunday evening.Finally, under his persuasion, he returned to his room.


However, in those two days, I have been worried about this assignment and trying to find a way.I carefully hidden this emotion, for fear of being discovered by my mother.I have been tormenting, but I can hide the first day and can't hide fifteen.On Sunday evening, I haven't completed that homework yet. What should I do, but I will go to school tomorrow, and I can't hide it!


I was nervous, embarrassed, and embarrassed ... The complex psychology finally came to the door of my mother's room. First, I knocked it twice, maybe the mother did not hear it.I had to help myself, knocked it twice, and then heard my mother say, "What are you doing, come in quickly." "I ..." "What do you do, say, don't support me." I had to pushDon't eat too much, otherwise you will hurt your stomach. "" Oh, you know. "I couldn't speak, so I had to turn around and hurriedly and walked towards the kitchen.well!Failure again.


However, this is the work arranged by the teacher!I thought to myself: What are you afraid of, isn't it just "I love you"?At this point, I had to break the boat.So, I drumped my courage and turned to my mother's room immediately."What's wrong, what else?" "Mom, I love you!"


When I heard this sentence, my mother was surprised first, and then her face was a little shy, but she immediately showed a gratifying smile.Although she didn't say a word, I understood her satisfaction, surprise and love from my mother's expression.


Try this successful attempt, tell me: love is around, and love will say loudly again.



In the long journey of life, everyone has the first time, and for the first time to try to do something. However, the results of everyone trying are different. Even if they succeed, the successful method is different.Today, I will talk to you about my first attempt!


It was a day of summer vacation. My mother went to my grandmother's house. My father said that he wanted to take care of me, but the company had a temporary meeting and lost his contract. He only left me at home.


"Ding, Ding, Ding ..." As the clock sounded, the little bustling in my belly was awakened.No way, today's lunch had to be solved by itself, "Cool ribs, braised eggplants, fish -flavored shredded pork ..." Various foods drifted through my mind, but it was too difficult to make.As soon as I turned around, I saw a "good thing", and I thought of my mind instantly.


Next, I started to "big combat" with sweet potatoes. I think about it. How should sweet potatoes be roasted?In theory, it should be cut into small pieces so that it will be cooked faster!


Pick up the knife, this is the first time I have used the knife, and I feel that the knife is particularly sinking.Suddenly, it feels not so difficult, so constantly raises fast speed.


"Ah-" The blade cut my fingers. I held my fingers and shed tears, but there was no one at home, and I had to endure the bleeding.In the process, I had the idea of giving up, but the tapeworms in my stomach were not dependent, and the trouble was even more vigorous, so I started to "fight" again.


After barely cut the sweet potato, I opened it in the oven.After waiting 10 points, 20 points, and 30 points, I took it out several times, but I was not familiar with it.After an hour, I couldn't wait. I opened the oven and grabbed it.This hunger made me forget it, hey, my hand was scalded again.


Finally, the kung fu is not responsible for the person, the sweet potato becomes warm, eating sweet sweet potatoes, and then looking at the injuries in hand, it doesn't hurt that, and the small tapeworm in the stomach also rests.


Failure is the mother of success. We can only succeed through continuous attempts.



Deep in my brain, there are many unforgettable things, but for me, the most excited, happiest, and most memorable thing is to count the journey of Chengdu.


We went to Chengdu for 6 days, and there were 2 days of competition. The other 4 days had events or rest, but what made me unforgettable was the July 8 game.


That morning, the teacher took us to the restaurant for breakfast, and took us to participate in the competition. In the day of the special training, the teacher thought that I would play well and let me be a forward, but I only passed the ball, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Will shoot! I can only work hard. After entering the stadium, our team A first, I was from Team B, and I could be a substitute player. The Chongqing team played with us. They kicked the ball first. They kicked the ball with a lot of feet. Then they kicked the goal of Team A with a thunderbolt. When the reaction came, the ball had entered the goal. 5 minutes later, the opponent had scored ten goals! But we didn't score a ball. Seeing that the team members of Team A were exhausted, we let us go up to deal with it. The world was raining. Everyone no longer felt hot. I felt that I was glowing and the whistle sounded. Our team kicked off. The lesson of the team will not be recruited, but we do not have them united, and finally let them take advantage of 9 goals. When team A goes up, the defense goalkeeper is wounded by the defender and scored a ball. The game was over, and the result became 20: 0.


We lost miserably in this game, so it was so tragic that we deeply remembered this lesson. Although this failure, it made me understand: a chopstick is easy to fold, and a handful of chopsticks is difficult to break.Co -working, there is no hurdle.



The time passed quickly, and the summer vacation passed.The most meaningful thing to say in the summer vacation is, of course, to participate in the "Psalm Coming Concert in the Third Children's Heart".


At the beginning of July, I signed up for the performance of the show. Before the first rehearsal, I remember lyrics, chant the theme song, and recite the theme poems.I arrived at the song and dance group with expectations, and went to see more than 100 people in the door! The teacher gave us action and corrected our tone. It is not easy to rehearse more than 100 people;It almost met the teacher's request.Every time I rehearsed, I took the heat and came to the rehearsal place on time.Although the weather is hot, I never call it hard. When I think of going to the stage, I am a hundred times more spiritual. With the work of everyone, our show performance has improved rapidly. As a finale, we are overjoyed.


On July 27, the official performance arrived. Due to the rehearsal, I knew that the singer was Sister Lin Miaoke, and I was even more excited.We came to the Dinosaur Garden Grand Theater early, gorgeous and childlike. After a long waiting and makeup, we finally waited for us to enter the stage.I was excited, but a little nervous.I walked on the stage, and saw a dark crushed on the stage, and the audience looked at us intently.As the music sounded, I gradually calmed down, began to recite affectionately, and forgot to sing the theme song, singing and singing, I felt that my heartbeat no longer "banged", my mood slowly calmed down, and the corners of my mouth rose up.It's right.At the end of the performance, a warm applause sounded on the stage, and I felt beautiful when I stood on the stage.After the performance, all of our members also left an unforgettable photo with Sister Lin Miaoke.


The reason why this performance can perform so exciting is inseparable from our usual hardships and rehearsal.



There are many attempts in life.Sometimes a successful attempt, sometimes a failed attempt.At that time, it was a successful attempt to remember me in my heart.


It was during the summer vacation. I went to the square with my mother every day for dinner every day.There are a lot of people there every night, which is very lively.There are dancing, some piano, some who shoot Douyin, and the disabled people are engaged in righteous performances ... But I like to watch the square dance.There are many people who dance in the square, and the team is huge.There are middle -aged and elderly dance teams, young people dance teams, children's dance teams, and dance teams that are suitable for all ages -jumping ghosts.The dumping of ghosts is very large, and the movements are beautiful. Every time I go to watch, I stop watching and linger.Gradually I also participated in the ranks of jumping ghosts.


At first I followed an uncle to learn, he jumped slowly. No matter what I think of it, I couldn't learn it. I could see me dazzling or not.I was sweating.One of the aunts next to it saw and said, "Little girl, jumping ghosts is very easy to learn, let me teach you." I couldn't ask for it, thank you evenly.


The aunt was very experienced. She took out four bricks from the straa pile and put it on the ground, and the four bricks were placed on the ground. Then she asked me to step my left foot on the first brick, then let me lift my right foot on the second brick, cross the right leg and the left leg, and then lift my left foot on the third brick. On the top, the right leg is trapped. Finally, return your left foot to the first brick. The entire festival is completed. Do the same movement and do it ten times in one breath. I feel like I will, I ask my aunt, "Aunt, you can play music, I can try, see if I can jump." Aunt said, "Yes, try it, it doesn't matter if it fails. I will teach you again. So, my aunt opened the music, and I jumped up with the music, and felt that my movements were so skilled. Auntie showed a smile and said, "You are really clever, so you will learn quickly." So I joined the huge team and cooperated with their movements so well. With the beautiful melody, I jumped up as much as I did, and I was not in the same way with them. Since then, I have been integrated into the collective, and my body and mind are comfortable.


This is just a successful attempt.The feeling of success is so good.



One day, my mother took me to the Samimosa Restaurant in the Ear Street to eat pizza.Walking on the way home, I was surprised; "Mom, didn't our family buy a oven recently, maybe we can make a pizza at home!" Mom listened and laughed: "Okay, these days, I amLet's study how to make pizza! "


The next day, when my mother came home from get off work, she was holding a bag in her hand.I asked, "Mom, what is this?" Mom said, "This is the cheese of pizza, that is, the kind of thing that can be pulled very long." I called; "Great! Do we start doing now?"Of course." Mom said with a smile.


So we first made a cake with flour and water and put them aside.The mother took out the spoon, wiped a little oil on the cake, and found the cut meat, and put it evenly on it.Then, she put Bisa in the oven and said to me; "Look at you next!" I said with confidence, thinking: I must do my best to do my best!


Ten minutes later, I took out the pizza in the oven, and found a potato and a tomato, carefully pulled out the fruit knife, cut it, and kept reminding my mother; "Be careful, don't cut it.""You cut it like this, it's easy to cut, don't you know?" "You cut too thick, how do you eat it?" ...


After finally cutting the potatoes and tomatoes, put it on the cake skin, I ran to the refrigerator, took cheese and tomato sauce, and sprinkled it on it.A little less, there should be nothing.


Finally, I made great achievements. I put the pizza into the oven and baked it for ten minutes.After baking, I couldn't wait to pick up the fork and put a piece of potatoes into my mouth."It's so delicious!" I shouted in love.


"Well, it's really delicious." My mother said, "Let's do one more next time!"


I jumped three feet high: "Okay!"


Author: Li Yanshuang



Instructor: Xu Zhiqin

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