
时间:2022-10-22 12:53:20 | 来源:语文通



我的小学生活作文600字 篇1我的小学生活 篇2我的小学生活作文600字 篇3我的小学生活作文600字 篇4六年级的小学生活500字作文大全 篇5我的小学生活作文600字 篇6我的小学生活作文600字 篇7我的小学生活作文600字 篇8

我的小学生活作文600字 篇1


Hi! Hello, everyone. I'm a snail. It is normal for me to have a free trip, so I run around with a small house every day to explore new nature and the world. Although everyone says that I climb very slowly, slowly, isn't it a way to enjoy life?


In the morning, I poked my head out of the house to welcome the first ray of sunshine, took a deep breath of fresh air, and began a wonderful day's journey with the gentle breeze.


Shortly after I set out, I encountered many crystal clear dewdrops. In the warm sunshine, the small round dewdrops are very lovely! From time to time, she sings and dances among the leaves under the touch of the breeze, like a welcome ceremony for me! Looking at this lovely dewdrop, I really wanted to take it off and put it in my bag and hold it in my hand, but I couldn't bear to destroy her beauty, so I reluctantly left.


Climbing, I unknowingly entered a grass. While intoxicated with the beauty of nature, I suddenly found myself trapped in a green jungle, and I got lost! But where can we find a way out when the dense jungle blocks out the sky? Although I kept bumping left and right, I still couldn't find the exit. Just when I was discouraged, my old friends, the Ant Brothers, found me. When they saw that I was lost, they worked together to lift me out of the grass!


I wandered around for most of the day until the sunset kissed the West Mountain, and I climbed to a wide road. Suddenly, a huge car passed by before my eyes. It was very dangerous! I stared at the deserted car and wondered, "Why should human beings always be in such a hurry?" "Don't they need to stop and slowly enjoy the beautiful scenery on the way -- the crystal dew, the dense grass, the beautiful sunset..."


Hey! The human world is really incomprehensible. I sighed and turned to continue my next stop

我的小学生活 篇2


Four weeks ago, I was a pupil who didn't understand anything. Facing the door of the new world of junior high school, I deeply felt that I was going to fly in another heaven, but when I recalled the scene of primary school, I didn't look into my eyes and blushed


In primary school, there were many famous books in the book corner of the school. After class, most children would go to read. During the break, the class was very noisy, and each class was extremely noisy. But the book corner was different. Everyone was immersed in the sea of books. Every child reading in the book corner never made a noise. They put their heart into the book, like a hermit, and isolated themselves from the noisy world.


In addition to the book corner, the school also has many community activities, such as small markets. Everyone should bring their own pocket money, things they want to sell, and a large piece of cloth to buy and sell things on the playground. The huge playground became lively because of the small market. There are also many other clubs: computers, art, science and technology, which are very interesting.


Every morning, the sound of reading aloud comes from the school, which makes the quiet campus happy.


The top floor of the school is simply a small ecological garden, with lush grass and flowers. There are also goldfish, pigeons and rabbits in the small garden. If anyone comes to the top floor with something unhappy and sees the vibrant scene, who will be unhappy?


All the beautiful scenes and things will leave me one day, the students in primary school will leave me, the amiable teachers will leave me, the impressive activities in primary school will leave me, and all my school life will leave me and forget me, but I will not.


Because primary school is not only a school, it is also a atlas. It records my six years of life. If 30 years later, who will remember everything he did in primary school?

我的小学生活作文600字 篇3


I was a new student who came to Blackstar Primary School next year in the fourth grade. I had heard about the English level of the school, which made me afraid. Sure enough, the English test paper of the placement test was full of words and grammar knowledge I didn't know. After a few glances, I got confused and the result was predictable.


The same is true. I dare not look at the report card. I know that my English score is definitely in the top ten of the last grade. These two achievements hit me deeply and made me afraid to speak in English class. In my teacher's words, I am an idiot in English. This made me cringe in English class even though I knew the answer.


Until one English class, Tian Birong, who was sitting behind me, took my pen bag. When I grabbed the pen bag with my right hand, my left hand could not help raising it.


At this time, the teacher just put forward a question. Seeing my left hand held high, he immediately nodded at me and said, "Listen to Liu Sike's opinion on this question."


Hearing this, my left hand froze immediately. What should I do? I stood up trembling to buy time for myself.


The students around me looked at me curiously, as if they had found some new species. A few disobedient students applauded maliciously, presumably to see my joke.


Applause came into my ears: Hum! I have to show you something. I stared at the topic and then opened my mouth.


I try my best to use the words I have mastered, but I still encounter unknown words. I often cry "Hmm -", which makes my heart flurry. However, I still had a hard time answering the teacher's questions, but even I felt that my answers were too bad.


Suddenly, the teacher took the lead in applauding and said, "Well answered, praise." Then, some of my good friends applauded. The applause made me feel extremely excited and happy.


Since then, I have often spoken to elaborate my own views. And I still keep the habit of raising my hand with my left hand in the course of counting English, because I can't forget the applause of the fourth grade again

我的小学生活作文600字 篇4


Ah, how long before I graduate!


"Cousin, do you know? In the summer vacation after graduation, I played every day without tutoring, and I was going to junior high school soon. I heard that junior high school was very good..." I heard my cousin kept boasting on the other side of the phone. At this time, I, a fifth grade pupil, was preparing for the primary school entrance. The day is like a big turtle, crawling very slowly. I am looking forward to graduating as soon as possible, getting rid of the pain and trouble of primary school as soon as possible, and welcoming the new happy life of junior high school.


In the sixth grade, I became more and more excited and happy. The junior high school life is not far away. Today, it is only two or three months since I graduated from primary school, but instead of being more excited, I have a light sadness. There is a saying: "Primary school is like an animated cartoon. There are six episodes in total. After watching it, it's gone. I started watching the first episode and looked forward to the final big ending. Now I'm facing the big ending, but I can't help recalling the past. The people and things on the campus are unforgettable to me. Throughout the life of people, no one will accompany you, care about you for six years, junior high school three years, and high school three years. It seems like a long time, but there is no longer a long time for me to spend these six years with friends When my friend was talking, I heard him occasionally talk about something. He remembered it carefully for a long time, but he always couldn't remember it. Do you blame me for my bad memory? No, I can only blame too many things in the past. Looking at the students' records on the table, I was stunned.


In my heart, I often feel dissatisfied with the teacher, constantly remind you and criticize you, which makes you very old tempered, and even often "wrangle" with the teacher. But in a twinkling of an eye, there are several white hairs floating on the teacher's hair.


I can't forget every scene and thing in the campus. Walking in the campus, oh, that stone I used to sit on; Eh, the old tree is sprouting green again; Alas, why is there no ant nest here? It's strange that there were three chairs here before? Why are there only two now? The campus has been constantly renovated, and the memory of the past has been sealed, but my memory of the campus has not diminished.


I am about to leave this beautiful campus. I will never forget the six years of primary school life, and I will never forget it. My dear primary school, I salute you!


What, I have two months to graduate?

六年级的小学生活500字作文大全 篇5


Many memories come like a tidal current. In the past six years, I have learned what friendship is, what morality is, and what happiness is... These things are deeply reflected in my mind. However, what impressed me most was what happened in the Practice Center.


That was the third day of the practice center. The sun is shining brightly, and my mood becomes excited with the sun. When the caption in front of the flag raising platform: "Say" we are going to have a picnic, my mood is even better. This is my first time to cook! I'm really looking forward to it! I wonder if I can learn how to cook! Boys carry firewood and girls cook. The "rough work" of carrying and burning firewood is naturally done by boys; As for girls, they are dexterous and skillful. They can play zither, chess, calligraphy and painting in every way. First is cabbage. I am responsible for washing and tearing. At home, I often help my grandmother tear cabbage. The students heated the pot, poured oil into it, put the torn cabbage into the pot, stir it back and forth for a few times, quickly stir it, repeatedly stir it until it softened, poured sour vinegar, and then stir it for a while. There are many more dishes have been finished by the students' magic hands. However, what I admire most is that my classmates can turn the ordinary shredded mustard tuber into a soup with complete color, aroma and taste.


The last dish was completed by our teacher. First, we poured in a lot of soy sauce, and then we poured chicken wings into it. It seemed that it would take a long time to cook.


Looking at all kinds of food on the table, I can't wait to have a bite. Although the craftsmanship is not very mature, it is really made by our classmates who left their parents.


This meal may not taste good, or the color is not good, but it is the most delicious meal I think!


Memories poured out to me like a tide. I was happy, happy, sad and worried. I will never forget the six years of primary school life, let alone this matter!

我的小学生活作文600字 篇6


The years are like songs, breaking the twists and turns. Sometimes sweet and beautiful, sometimes sad, sometimes happy, sometimes exciting. Among them, the most unforgettable is the campus life, which is the most interesting life in the primary school life.


The autumn wind in September is so fresh, the stars in September are so dazzling, and the clouds in September have pushed my memory


It was a harvest September. I said goodbye to the nursery where I played all day and came to the primary school. Everything was so novel. The big playground, dark red plastic track, two football gates painted with white paint and blue basketball stands are all so novel. When I came to the class, there were more teachers at once. Through the introduction of my parents, I got to know the teachers in the class one by one. The head teacher was outstanding in each teacher's team. The head teacher is only 1.5 meters long. The math teacher is black and fat, and is not very popular. The art teacher wears a pair of brown eyeglass frames, which is very cultural. Unfortunately, the art teacher who liked to laugh was replaced by a young woman who liked to push her glasses. As for music teachers, they especially like to show us cartoons and play us some beautiful music. Of course, there is also our science teacher, who has long hair and likes to talk about some lively topics with us. Entering the new classroom, some students are reading, some are chatting, and some are fighting


When I was in the fifth grade, I had many things I liked to do: playing the piano, skipping rope, painting. However, my favorite thing was Taekwondo. After class that day, I stood in front of the window, stroking the yellow ribbon in my hand. I couldn't help remembering that one night, when I was walking home, an adult came out from the front with a beard. I had a left hook fist and a right mantis leg. I threw him down, put his schoolbag on his back, and left handsome. At this time, a book hit me on the head. It was a classmate. He said, "Lend me your eraser." Alas, it is an illusion after all!


Five years of time left in a hurry. I wish I could keep the beautiful time and the happy time. This is my beautiful campus life.

我的小学生活作文600字 篇7


Time flies like an arrow. The summer vacation ended in an instant and the annual school season began again. At this time, I was already a sixth grade student. Looking back, my summer vacation life is quite colorful.


During the summer vacation, we did a lot of meaningful things, such as going to the library, museums, and sightseeing. The most impressive thing for me was going to the library and museums. In the early morning of that day, our family got up early to prepare for the day's journey. On the way, we saw beautiful scenery. The first thing I saw was a piece of green. The birds were flying around in the sky, forming one word and another word... I sang happily.


When I was intoxicated with the beautiful scenery, my mother suddenly said, "Here we are." In an instant, I was pulled back from my imagination. When we got out of the car, we saw a very impressive library with a quiet reading environment and countless books: thin, thick, hard skinned... standing there row by row, I was dazzled by the colorful covers, and I didn't know how to start. And the classification is very clear: there are four masterpieces, historical stories, fables, world masterpieces, children's novels... I can't wait to enter the library, went to the youth area, and began to travel in the sea of knowledge. I took a book of Insects and read it with great interest: it talked about various insects and their living habits, which really fascinated me, and time seemed to stop.


Suddenly someone patted me on the shoulder. It was my mother, but now it is too late. We are going to the next destination - the museum. When we arrived at the museum and entered the main area, there was a dinosaur rack. It was so tall and historical. Then we visited various pottery, weapons, life relics, murals, etc. I really benefited a lot!


Summer life, let me not only gain knowledge, but also broaden my horizons. Look forward to the next summer vacation!

我的小学生活作文600字 篇8


In a blink of an eye, we are almost there. Looking back on the past, I felt as if I had just walked into a strange place yesterday, opened my curious eyes and observed around. Now we are about to part from those who have been together for six years. I really hate to part from the bottom of my heart. First grade, second grade As time flies, we study hard, and knowledge grows with us. Yes, we grow up and understand!


Graduation is coming, and we are about to be promoted to junior high school. Our homework is pressing us like a five finger mountain. Although the road to study is hard, it is also full of laughter. For example, in the last tug of war competition in grade, our class was defeated before. Before this competition, the whole class was discussing how to win. During the competition, our whole class was united as never before and won both tugs of war. Through this competition, we understand a truth that "people are united and move", which also makes the relationship between our classmates more harmonious.


For six years, under the hard education, we are growing and understanding. The colorful campus life stories accompany us through the six years of primary school students. I remember one time it was my turn to sweep the floor, but I was still bleeding. I covered my nose with one hand and swept the floor with the other. When I swept to the wall, because a female classmate was in the way, it was difficult to sweep. I was about to ask her to give way when she turned around and looked over. She grabbed the broom and said, "You are sick. Let me help you sweep!" In an instant, I was moved. Tears rolled in my eyes. What a friendly classmate, what a precious classmate! Yes, encouraging each other and helping each other is a sign of our growth. When we grow up, we learn to help others and unite and help each other. This also made me understand that even a little bit of love can make people feel like spring breeze. I have learned to care about others and to face difficulties. Happiness or worry will make me grow.


We still have a long way to go. The next destination is waiting for us. Let's take our colorful dreams to maturity and to the future!