
时间:2022-08-30 13:25:50 | 来源:语文通



The taste of failure is bitter, the taste of success is sweet, and the taste of stubbornness is helpless and regretful ... and the taste of sharing has always been happy.


One day, I brought a pack of snacks to the school. I just wanted to swallow it myself, but who knew that as soon as I torn the packaging, a scent of fragrance came to many people's noses.I don't know which classmate said: "The taste of good incense, who brought it to eat?" After that, he began to point to the source of the taste with a lot of people.


I was finally found.A lot of large and small hands reached in front of me, and the hippie said with a smile: "Let me eat it! I will take you next time." I had no choice but to give it a little.In a blink of an eye, only half of the snacks full of bags were left.I hugged the snack and didn't want to give it to others anymore.However, those who got my snacks, when they met, said, "She has something to eat, the taste is great!" Then, the surroundings of the time were full of people, and they stretched out their hands one by one., Hippie smiled and asked me what I wanted to eat.I spread their hands and gave them the snack bag, and said helplessly, "I have only such a little." A lot of people left disappointed.Looking at their back, I couldn't bear it, and asked them to come back again, and gave them a little.Those people finally finished, and then looked at their pockets, leaving only some food residues, swallowing, and gone.I'm so pitiful!


However, after this incident, I made a lot of new friends. These new friends are very enthusiastic. Every time I take it, I will always give me a lot. Even if it is almost gone, I will rememberLeave me one.When I couldn't do a question, they taught patiently; when I was crying, they tried to comfort me.At this time, my heart is always pounding, a happy feeling splits, just like countless happy villains dancing in my heart. I think the choice at that time was not wrong.


The taste of sharing is happy. Although it makes me almost everything, it has made me gain a lot of innocence.



no pain no gain.As long as you are working, you will naturally gain something.For me, the one that can make me the best is the little bit of the piano practice.


I have officially practiced the piano since I was nine years old. I felt very tired at first, and then I was used to it.Since I was a child, I have liked to practice all kinds of music, and I don't like basic skills, so I have hardly practiced basic skills.However, although I have not practiced basic skills, my piano may not be worse than the basic skills.


In the process, I learned a lot and learned about the writing style of a lot of musicians.Of course, a lot of tunes also played.


From Beethoven's "Dedicated to Alice" to Liszt's "Mad Six", to Beethoven's "Sadness", to Liszt's "Bell", and Chopin's "F small tune practice".From beautiful to lyrical, from slow to dazzling skills, I involve one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, and one by one.


After the practice, I planned to take the exam once, so I applied for the tenth level.


On the day of the exam, I endured my nervousness, walked into the piano room, and played the "October Practice" in front of the two judges.Because I was too nervous, I paused in the middle. Then I was not nervous, and easily and smoothly played "Homorrhea" and Stakati "D Great Mochon", and I walked out of the piano room with a relieved face.


Then, there is a long waiting ...


Finally, one day, I saw the publication list from the Internet and found that I had passed, and my heart was slowly happy!


So, playing the piano brought me one after another, so that I not only gained skills, but also gained happiness!