
时间:2022-10-22 12:53:19 | 来源:语文通


难忘的六一节作文300字 篇1难忘的六一节作文400字 篇2难忘的六一节作文400字 篇3难忘的六一节作文400字 篇4难忘的六一节作文300字 篇5难忘的六一节作文300字 篇6难忘的六一节作文400字 篇7难忘的六一节作文400字 篇8最难忘六一儿童节作文300字 篇9

难忘的六一节作文300字 篇1


The annual international "International Children's Day" is coming again. It is a national children's festival and a festival worthy of our joy.


In the morning, it was drizzling in the sky, which seemed to be coming for us to celebrate International Children's Day. The students came to the school to celebrate International Children's Day in the morning wearing clean school uniforms. The students who performed the show all wore beautiful makeup and beautiful performance clothes. The school garden was really happy and lively.


The teacher of each class took the students to the playground to watch the program organized by the school to celebrate the "International Children's Day". The students of each class had clapping hands, sunflowers, fans... to cheer for the actors.


The first program was performed by Class 1, Grade 2. The poem recited "Clapping Song for Traffic Safety", which was also performed by our class. The girls wore red checked dresses, the boys wore shorts and short sleeves, and the eye addiction was purple. In addition, we recited their poems together, and we also recited them together, as well as the dance organized by the school, "Run Forward Together". The students danced very well, making us dizzy, The applause from the following students is continuous, and there are many good programs


It's really a happy and unforgettable "International Children's Day". We have grown up one year. I wish my classmates a happy holiday!

难忘的六一节作文400字 篇2


The past events of life are like colorful shells on the beach of memory, among which the one on Children's Day is the most brilliant!


On the afternoon of May 29, I came to the school like a happy bird. When I walked into the classroom, my classmates were all in high spirits and ready to celebrate this festival that really belongs to us.


We got ready early and waited for the start of the performance. "Dear teachers, dear students, good afternoon..." With the opening host greetings from Ye Yiying and me, our June 1 get-together started! I saw many wonderful programs, one after another, but my favorite was the song "Teenager" sung by Lin Anrui, Ye Jiaxin and Zhang Wenxuan. They have a clear division of labor, and no one grabs the lyrics. In this way, they sing the whole song with emotion! Suddenly, there was thunderous applause in the class. I couldn't help standing up and breaking down for them, because they sang so well!


After all the performances, Miss Zhang came into the classroom with a big white bag with embroidery. She took out a bunch of candy from the bag, gave us candy and said, "This is my engagement candy." I think if Mr. Zhang gets married, will he not give us lessons?


Happy time is always so short, and it's time to say goodbye again in the twinkling of an eye. We reluctantly left the campus!

难忘的六一节作文400字 篇3


Children's Day is our favorite holiday.


On this day, we held a get-together to celebrate the "June 1" in the ladder classroom. The programs included interactive programs, ancient poems, riddles, lottery, and many other prizes: cotton candy, rubber candy, and so on. Among them, I like interactive programs best, because there is another story that excites me: I remember that when the "June 1" party was held in the second semester of the third grade, first it was riddle guessing activity, and then it was a lottery. A teacher holds a box with a student number written on it, and the "owner" of the student number will go up to receive the prize. 1、 The second and third prizes have been announced. Without my student ID, there will be no hope for me to win the prize. I am extremely depressed, but God has given me a chance to win the grand prize! I was so excited that I went to the podium to receive the award.


It is impossible for the pie to fall out of the sky. Since then, I have never won a prize, and people should not be greedy. If I ever win a prize, I will be satisfied.


In addition to the interactive programs, what I like is the ancient Chinese recitation of our Class 4 (1), entitled "Mushroom in the Forest", which is rich in content and vivid and specific.


Lucky draw depends on luck, which requires no effort. If you win a prize, don't spread it. But ancient prose recitation is not for everyone to come to the stage. It must go through hard study and practice. Just like Liu Xiang's running, he must work hard every day to win the championship.


I love our holidays.

难忘的六一节作文400字 篇4


Today is International Children's Day. My mother wants to take me to the Sun Island. I am so excited that I jump three feet high.


Today, I finally saw the Sun Island. When I walked into the Sun Island, I saw colorful flowers on the edge, red, yellow, white and green... We continued to move forward, and when we got to the place where we bought tickets, my mother asked me to go first. After paying, she began to walk across the Huangqiao Bridge. When I jumped, the bridge shook, as if playing with me. After crossing the Huangqiao Bridge, many toys were placed in front of me. I ran to the swing at once. My mother pushed me high as if I were floating on the clouds. How wonderful! After I sat on the swing, I started walking again. There are more and more flowers and trees ahead. I went to walk on the dangerous and scary bridge again. At first, I walked slowly and became more and more scared. Later, after time and time again, I was finally not afraid. My mother and I walked forward again. There was a riding ground in front of us. An uncle asked me to sit on it. I was very scared. Mother said: "Be brave, you can do it!" This sentence gave me confidence. So I got on the horse, and my heart began to jump. Remembering what my mother said about me, I'm so happy! I walked forward again and saw the swivel chair. I sat on it. My mother turned on her mobile phone and looked. Alas! It's twelve o'clock.


I have been enjoying myself all morning! Goodbye to Sun Island. What an unforgettable thrilling "swing", what an unforgettable thrilling "horse riding"!

难忘的六一节作文300字 篇5


"The fragrance of flowers in June, the sunshine in June, International Children's Day, singing everywhere..." The annual International Children's Day arrived. I entered the campus with a happy mood. The campus was dressed in a unique way, with tall balloon arches, colorful ribbons floating on trees, and many balloons fluttering in the wind


Entering the classroom, the classroom was dressed up completely, like walking into the colorful fairy tale world. The June 1 activity begins! The students were all equipped with unique skills. As soon as the handsome deskmate came on the stage, the beautiful singing soon attracted everyone. The beautiful female students danced beautifully, and the funny jokes made the whole audience laugh... The program was really colorful. Here comes the most exciting part! There is a big box on the platform, and only a small hole is left beside the box. The teacher said it was full of mysterious gifts. The students were so curious that they all wanted to know what it was. The teacher asked us to line up. Everyone reached into the box for only three seconds and felt his own gift. The students who chose their own gifts were very happy. Those who had not yet chosen gifts were ready to move. The atmosphere was very lively. The activity lasted more than four hours. The whole classroom and the whole school are full of laughter.


What a happy 61!

难忘的六一节作文300字 篇6


Today is the annual International Children's Day. My parents bought me a gift and gave me a surprise. I'm very happy.


We had a buffet at noon. The buffet was very delicious, and there were many lovely cakes, including "cars", "planes", "sponge babies" and "little yellow people". Not only is it good-looking, but it tastes very good.


The air conditioner is turned on in the restaurant. Because it is the June 1st Festival, many people in baby clothes are taking pictures with children. Looking at the smiling faces of the children, I recalled my childhood.


After dinner, my mother and I went to the cinema to see a movie. There are also people wearing baby clothes in the cinema. Because there is a movie called "Pig Man's Invasion into Giant Island", the baby clothes are the appearance of Pig Man.


What we saw was "X-Men Reversing the Future". The film mainly talks about Wolverine going back to the past to prevent humans from inventing sentinel robots. Because this robot is very powerful, it killed all mutants. For the sake of mutants not to sacrifice, Wolverine went back to the past to reverse the future.


This movie is very beautiful. I enjoyed it with great interest and was soul stirring.


When I got home in the evening, I watched the movie Chuang Zhan Ji, which was broadcast on the film channel, and it was very sci-fi. It told the story that the hero went to the online world to find his father to save the world.


International Children's Day is really happy!

难忘的六一节作文400字 篇7


Today is my holiday, children's holiday. Some adults also want to go back to childhood! This important festival is the annual Children's Day.


In the morning, the teacher said to us, "There are only two classes in the morning. After class, we can eat the snacks we brought. In the afternoon, we began our garden activities." Teacher, you are wrong. I brought "breakfast" instead of snacks. Rui Yuhan, who was sitting in front of me, told many people that I had brought breakfast. I brought yogurt, bread and bananas, so he would say I brought breakfast.


After two classes, I asked for snacks while eating "breakfast". After a while, the teacher asked several people to play two games beside the blackboard.


Finally, in the afternoon, we grabbed the tickets from each class. In fact, the "park ticket" is a piece of paper, on which a line of words and a form are printed. The form has two lines. The first line of the form is filled with game items, and the second line of the form has no words. It is used by the teacher for typing or stamping. If you lose the garden game, you will make a difference under the corresponding project. If you win, you will be stamped.


Each class is a place for playing games. Teachers in each class have prepared materials for the game and are waiting for us to play.


I played all the games in each class of the second grade, stamped all of them and exchanged prizes. I had a happy day!

难忘的六一节作文400字 篇8


Early in the morning, it was sunny and sunny. My mood is also like a bird flying into the clouds, full of joy. Why? Because today is our own festival, International Children's Day. Because I also have programs, my mother put on makeup for me in the morning, and I flew to school.


Once entering the school gate, the campus is permeated with a happy festival atmosphere. On both sides of the road, colorful flags were displayed, and we went to the class to get our own celebration props. We were very happy. At half past seven, the students of all classes began to march in neat lines. During the parade, we sang and danced. It was very happy! When we arrived at the Grand Theater, the principal announced that the first campus culture and art festival of Chengguan No. 3 Primary School had officially started. The first performance was thousand words. I was shocked by the beautiful dance and beautiful singing. The Fashion Show made us feel the charm of the trend of the times. The program became more and more wonderful one by one. At last, it was our turn to play. We performed the chorus of "The Country" and "The Sparkling Red Star". We showed our best talents to everyone. The melodious singing echoed in the sky of the big theater. When we finished singing, there was a lot of applause from the audience, and our hearts were full of happiness and pride.


Today is our festival, we sing, we dance, let's cheer our June Day heartily!

最难忘六一儿童节作文300字 篇9


Early in the morning, it was sunny and sunny. My mood is also like a bird flying into the clouds, full of joy. Why? Because today is our own festival, Children's Day. Because I also have programs, my mother put on makeup for me in the morning, and I flew to school.


Once entering the school gate, the campus is permeated with a happy festival atmosphere. On both sides of the road, colorful flags were displayed, and we went to the class to get our own celebration props. We were very happy. At half past seven, the students of all classes began to line up in a neat line* In the process, we both sang and danced. We were very happy! When we arrived at the Grand Theater, the headmaster announced that the "First Campus Culture and Art Festival of Chengguan Third Primary School" had officially started. The first performance was thousand words. I was shocked by the beautiful dance and beautiful singing. The Fashion Show made us feel the charm of the trend of the times. The programs became more and more wonderful one by one. At last, it was our turn to play. We performed the chorus of "The Country" and "The Sparkling Red Star". We showed our best talents to everyone. The melodious singing echoed in the sky of the theater. When we finished singing, there was a lot of applause from the audience, and our hearts were filled with joy and pride.