
时间:2022-08-27 13:18:20 | 来源:语文通



One day, Panda Junjun woke up from his dream and found that the whole world lost his color, and there were garbage everywhere on the road.Junjun thinks that this world is not good at all, so he summoned all the animals in the forest to discuss what to do?


Many animals agree that they must clean up the garbage, so the panda Junjun and the animals clean up the garbage on the road.Next is to restore the color.Many animals are not willing to find colors.There are two reasons: one is that the road is too dangerous and the road is far away.The second is a lot of colors, and it is impossible to find at all.Panda Junjun thought for a while and said, "We don't have to find too much color, just find three colors of red, yellow, and blue, because these three colors can be brought out of many colors." After listening, after listening, after listeningFinally, two animals came out, which were pony and eagles.When they are ready, they will set off.


They rolled over the mountains one after another and came to the mountains. The mountain was extremely dangerous and there was no place where they could fall.As soon as the Eagle sent the pony to the mountain, it felt that his strength had been exhausted, so the Eagle ate a lot of food and his strength recovered.It flew back and sent Junjun to the other side of the mountain.As soon as he sent Junjun to the side of the mountain, the eagle fell down and fell on the back of the pony.After thirty -three days, they finally saw the sun father -in -law on the top of the mountain. They said to the Sun's father -in -law, "Sun Grandpa, please give us some red!"I'm tired, I'm going home, you will come again tomorrow! "


In the evening, the Moon Sister on duty came out. They gathered the courage to say to the Moon Sister: "Sister Moon, please give us some yellow!" Sister Moon agreed quickly, it smiled and sent a crystal bottle equipped with yellow pigments.Give Junjun.Jun Jun carefully held this difficult color.The dawn was dawn, and the sun father -in -law came out. Jun Jun said to the Sun's father -in -law again, "Grandpa Sun, please give us some red!" The sun father -in -law took out the piglet bottle he had already installed from his pocket and gave it to Junjun.Then they came to the beach again and begged to blue to the sea.Brother Dahai was very refreshing to give the glass bottle with blue pigments to Junjun.


They finally found three colors.They returned to their hometown and used three primary colors to bring up a lot of colors, so that the grass was green, the flowers were gorgeous, the river was clear, and the earth immediately recovered the vitality.


Children, we can only care about the environment and protect the earth will our homes get better and better!



One day, Panda Junjun woke up from his sleep and found that the world was shrouded in haze and lost all colors.


Junjun felt that there was a problem with the environment, and it decided to start with the beautification environment.Junjun thought that flowers and trees were not only a beautiful environment, but also purified the air. It decided to plant grass, plant trees, and plant flowers.Just do it, and Junjun moved the bucket at home, filled with water, and carefully watered flowers, grass, and trees.However, because the environmental pollution was too serious, the germination of flowers and plants withered within a few days.However, Junjun did not give up, and insisted on planting various flowers and plants every day, and watering them for fertilization.After a while, these flowers and trees began to grow slowly under the careful care of Junjun.On the hillside, the green tree seedlings grow taller every day, and the clusters behind the house are swaying in the wind. In the garden, all kinds of flowers and plants are also working hard to grow.


One day, Junjun went to the river to take a walk, and found that the water of the river was dark, and there was a strong odor. Several small fish was dying in the river water, and from time to time, he pointed his head out of the water.EssenceJunjun was very heartbroken. It walked towards the upper reaches of the river. I saw the water pipes of wastewater flowing from the factory constantly flowing out of waste water. The black and smelly waste water contaminated the clear river.Jun Jun immediately went to the owner of the factory to talk, hoping that the factory would no longer drain waste water into the river, pollute the environment, and affect everyone's life.After listening to Junjun's words, the owner of the factory realized his mistakes, and immediately instructed the workers to close the water pipe and no longer discharged water in the river.The water on the mountains flows down from the mountains, and the water in the river becomes clear and transparent. The fish in the small river swims happily, as if dancing a cheerful dance, thanks to Junjun for bringing them to them.beautiful life.


On this day, Junjun was going to play in the forest, but thousands of plastic pockets, waste paper groups, and garbage were piled into high "garbage mountains", blocking the beauty and greenness of the facts to the forest.One by one.Everyone's vision is full of stinky garbage, which seriously affects people's lives. Junjun thinks: This is not possible, you have to deal with those garbage.It quickly called on its good partners to get up early every day, go to forests, hillside, roadside, and houses to clean up the garbage, send these garbage to the garbage factory, and ask the uncle of the workers to help them.The environment has also improved.The roads have recovered the color of the past: the roadside, blooming colorful flowers competes for opening, the grass is green, and there are dewdrops hanging on the tip of the grass.


Jun Jun was very happy, thinking that the color was back.But when Junjun came to the garden and saw the flowers in the garden, there was only a gray color. It thought, how can they have only one color?It is to pour these flowers with clear water in the small river, and they must bloom beautifully.When the sun did not come out, it brought all the lights in the home to the flowers to make the flowers full of vitality.


The earth finally restored the original color, and the small animals were very happy.King of Tiger decided to hold a celebration meeting.At the meeting, the King of Tigers awarded the title of "Environmental Protection Guard" by Junjun, calling on the little animals to learn from Junjun, protect the environment, and beautify life.



In the early morning, the haze dyed the "Happy Town" into three colors: gray, white, and black.There is no green and vitality in the town, and no joyful laughter.


Who can find the color back? Yes, it is Panda Jun.That day, Panda Junjun woke up and was dark in front of him.Junjun was very strange. Suddenly, the small water fairy leaves on the side shook a little, and there was a voice in his ears: "Junjun, 'Happy Town' was stained in the three colors of gray, white, and black.The life is messy, just go back and find the color back! "


Junjun hurriedly went out to find the color.As she walked: How to find the color? Where to find it? Well ... Ah! I have a way! Junjun ran to the stationery store in Xiangxiang Kai, Junjun wanted to use watercolor pens to put the "happy town"When the color "painting" is back, you can open the lid and see it. The watercolor pen is made of magic, and it is all black! Junjun thinks: How can it be black? By the way! As long as I find the three primitive colors, I have a way to "Happy town "to find the color!


Junjun is going to find the red in the three primary colors.In the garden, Jun Jun saw a gray butterfly lying on a gray flower unparalleled.The gray butterfly said, "Junjun, go to the red flower, I really want to eat the saffron honey!" Jun Jun agreed.Junjun ran wow, found a flower shop by the side of the town. Junjun asked the owner of the store to ask a little flower seed, and then ran back to the gray butterfly "I am back," I'm back,Bring a little seed, "Junjun said.Junjun clean up the garbage and miscellaneous objects of the garden, then broadcast the seeds, and regularly water the seeds, fertilize, and catch the insects every day ... Day after day, the seeds finally germinated. After a period of time, it was opened.The red flowers, the wings of the gray butterfly touched the bright red petals, and the wings turned back to the original colorful."Thank you!" The butterfly said."You're welcome," Junjun said, "Okay, I'm going to find blue!"


Junjun came to the field beside the town again. He saw that the monkey uncle burned the straw in order to grab the planting and the seedlings, and the rolling smoke formed by the straw rushed into the sky, dyed the sky into thick dark gray.Cough straight, Jun Jun quickly stopped the monkey uncle from continuing to burn straw, saying, "Happy town has become a gray town. Animals and plants are uncomfortable, and they are about to kill. Don't burn straw."In Junjun's persuasion, the monkey uncle stopped burning straw, and the sky finally turned blue slowly. "Blue I found it." Jun Jun was very happy.


When Junjun is sorrowful, where should you go to find? In the blue sky, the father -in -law of the sun pointed out, the golden yellow sun shines on Junjun, and it also shines on each house, every plant, and the plant, and the "Happy Town".Each animal.The yellow was found, and the three primary colors finally got together.Green trees, blue sky, red flowers ... "Happy Town" finally restored the colorful color of the past, restored the previous vitality and happiness, "Happy Town" finally returned! At this time, "Happy Little LittleThe animals of the town understand that nature needs everyone to maintain them together in order to have red leaves and green leaves, blue sky and white clouds, and fresh air.


Yeah! Love the environment, everyone is responsible! Under the leadership of Panda Junjun, everyone has actively acted, and the "happy town" is more and more beautiful!



One day, Panda Junjun woke up from his sleep. It pushed the window as usual, and a pungent smell came. Junjun was shocked and found that the entire animal city was gray and lost all colors.Jun Jun thought: What happened? It went out and decided to do something.


Junjun came to the street and found that the animals were riding a motorcycle, and many black smoke emerged from behind the car, dyed the sky as gray.At this time, Junjun's good friend, puppy, was riding a motorcycle to play with Junjun.Junjun said, "Xiaobai, why are you riding a motorcycle?" Xiaobai said indifferently, "It's convenient to ride a motorcycle!" Said, Xiaobai coughed.Junjun said, "You see, the air is full of motorcycles everywhere in the air. Not only does the sky lose color, the animals breathe such air, and their bodies will get sick." Xiao Bai felt that Junjun was right, so he said that he was right, so he said that he was right, so he said that he was right.They advise everyone not to ride motorcycles on the street and change bicycles, so that they can exercise both and protect the environment.Slowly, there were fewer and fewer motorcycles on the street, and the sky gradually recovered the previous blue.


Junjun came to the small river and found that the residents by the river poured sewage into the river, and the original clear river became dark.Junjun's good friend Xiaoyu Tu said: "Residents have polluted our family, our family is sick, please help us!" Junjun said to the residents, "You pour sewage into the river, youThe family is almost dead! "The residents were very guilty and asked Jun:" How can we help the Tu family? "Junjun thought long ago, and said," Let's build a sewage treatment station together! "Everyone agrees.Soon, the sewage treatment station was completed. The treatment station turned the sewage into clear water, and the river returned to the usual clearness.


Junjun came to the forest again and found that there were garbage everywhere. Trees, grass, and wild flowers were about to die, and the forest became a gray piece! At this time, Junjun's good friend Xiaolu Huahua enthusiastically greeted Junjun, Throw the garbage to the withered grass. Junjun saw the question: "Why do you throw garbage?" Huahua said inadvertently: "Everyone does this!" Junjun said, "If everyone is like this, there will be fewer and fewer food here, you and you, you, you, you Just ... "Before Junjun finished speaking, the little deer flower left. There are more and more garbage in the forest, and the fewer and fewer foods, and the animals in the forest are hungry. At this time, Panda Junjun said to everyone, "Because we all throw garbage and pollute the forests, everyone's food is getting less and less." Everyone thinks that Junjun said very reasonable, and Junjun said again. : "Let's build a garbage recycling station!" Everyone said in unison: "Okay!" In a few days, the recycling station was built. Everyone put the garbage into the recycling station. The garbage in the forest was getting less and less and less and less. , Trees, grass, wild flowers have changed back green, yellow, red ...


In this way, Junjun started to be greedy and black every day, traveled through every corner of the earth, and used its hard -working hands and wise minds to work together to find all the losing colors.And vitality.