I like the sunset. Every evening, I always like to walk in front of the window. In the soft afterglow, I quietly look at the west sinking sun.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssence
Some people say that the sunset is sad.It means the end of everything, it is an end to the end.But I think that with the end, we can start again.It is a precursor to the next day, and it will use dazzling light to lead us through the darkness before dawn.It is not a period, but an endless and capable omittime number.
The sunset was very beautiful, converging the dazzling light during the day, fading the burning hot noon, and the sun showed a soft beauty in the evening quietness.On the west, a layer of golden gauze was covered on the mountains on the west, and everything was dyed into soft golden red.The evening breeze was gently, and the branches were shaking slowly, and the heaven and earth were shrouded in a quiet and warm atmosphere under the deep kiss of the setting sun.The setting sun was in this quiet and warm, like a shy girl, red with a small face, slowly walking towards the mountain.
The setting sun was going to be hidden, just when I sighed for it, the magnificent scene appeared.The extremely brilliant glow suddenly sprayed out of the sky.The stream of flowers in the sky was dyed into a gorgeous sunset, and a colorful brocade was spread out in the sky: dark red, golden red, red red, red, light red.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceAs if it was an overturned pigment tank, he tried his best to make it in the sky, making people secretly praise in his heart.At this time, the sunset was like a raging peony, spraying gorgeously, all energy erupted at this moment. For a while, everything was dyed and brilliant, as if everything between heaven and earth merged into the glory of the sunset.EssenceI was stunned by this scene, and I seemed to be incorporated into the heavens and the earth for a while.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceThe last ray of residual yang also disappeared in the sky.But this magnificent scenery is always printed in memory.
Indeed, the sun in the evening has lost its splendor and vitality in the morning, and the enthusiasm and impressions of noon, but it has its own subtle and dignified beauty.Gel.The sunset is like an old man, and his years have grinded its enthusiasm and impatience, and at the same time give it a holy and mature beauty.The setting sun gently gently removed everything, making my mood as calm as water as it was.
The sunset is infinitely good, quiet and drunk.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssence
1、夕阳:夕阳读音为xī yáng,是指1.指山的西面。 2.傍晚的太阳。 3.比喻晩年。 傍晚的太阳夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏。——李商隐《登乐游原》夕阳 xī yáng词语解释:1.指山的西面。 2.傍晚的太阳。 3.比喻晩年。[the setting sun] 傍晚的太阳夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏。——李商隐《登乐游原》分词解释:晩年:1.年老之时。 2.末年。太阳:太阳系的中心天体。银河系的一颗普通恒星。与地球平均距离14960万千米,直径139万千米,平均密度1.409克/立方厘米,质量1.989×10^33克,表面温度5770开,中心温度1500万开。由里向外分别为太阳核反应区、太阳对流层、太阳大气层。其中心区不停地进行热核反应,所产生的能量以辐射方式向宇宙空间发射。其中二十二亿分之一的能量辐射到地球,成为地球上光和热的主要来源。傍晚:(傍晚儿)临近晚上的时候。...夕阳怎么造句,用夕阳造句»
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